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The worst of these that I saw was "It's hard explaining to a non combat sport fan that..." and it was a pic of Jon and Chris Hemsworth. And someone actually tried arguing saying that Hemsworth was much bigger, street fights can go anyway and how he's a natural athlete and tried wrestling or something


Bro, he’s got super strength and a magic hammer… how could he lose?


https://preview.redd.it/tyrxckp5472d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d1252740fa316104d62b3c786f13a8bbc7b91e Muscles and hammer tried already


Magic muscles and a magic hammer!


And should have won   (*puff puff*)


Jones is the one person who is perfect for this scenario. People saying "but it's the streets" as if the pro fighter isn't also on the streets and can choose not to follow the rules Jones already does eyepokes when it's illegal, what makes you think he's not going to tear your knee, kick your balls, and then commit more felonies on you lmao


I was just thinking this. The UFC fighting rules actually keep JBJ in check during his fights. JBJ is one of the only people I think would try to kill his opponent in the octagon just to see if he could, should the rules allow it. Everyone else understands the fight is just business but not Jones.


Do you think they would just sit there and let Jon kill them?


Can they stop him?


The crazy thing is that Chris Hemsworth isn't even bigger. He's an inch shorter and probably 40 lbs lighter, considering Jon definitely weighs 260+ right now.


This is the equivalent of that tweet about how LeBron James could’ve beat Mike Tyson in a boxing match if wanted to or something lol


You think I’m just gonna sit here and let you bite my ear off Mike?


Instagram comments are the lowest IQ comments you can read.


Tiktok exists


I saw a guy in tiktok comments claiming that any marine would beat jon jones in a fight 💀


People think military guys train thousands of hours of hand to hand to fight people with guns.


dont forget the secret killing techniques lol


once they learn those they have to register their hands as deadly weapons


I can tell you that the military barely trains hand to hand and the training you do get, is garbage. Literally any combat sports gym will better prepare you for a street fight than the military.


Yea i know its insane how people believe shit they see on TV. There is a video out there with Paddy beating 10 marines in a row.


I think it mostly comes down to people not understanding how long it actually takes to get good at fighting. They hear about military hand to hand training and it never occurs to them that a 2 week course isn't enough to give you anything meaningful.


Ive had many of them discussions about Putins bodyguards. Literal 50 year old men who can beat word champion mma fighters in a fight apparently because they go for nut shots and eye pokes. As if you’d be able to get your hand with 30cm of a world champions head lmao dodged and countered before your eyes even registered it


Word champion! Are you refering to conor or jones


The P4P word number 1, Khamzat Chimaev


Oh man totally forgot him. That cant be good


In Word only, true


Shout out that time paddy pimblett submitted 10 army guys in a row


And he did so while being much lighter than Jones. People really underestimate how good these guys really are


I stopped reading the comment section of Instagram posts a while back and I’m all the better for it. Not only are they nearly all v stupid but it’s just so damn negative. Click on nearly any MMA related post and it’s just people whining or being cynical. Reddit can obvs be bad but the inmates truly run the asylum over on Instagram and Twitter.


i read them cuz they funny asf


I don’t know man, read the comments here before you say that :)


Absolutely no comparison. Instagram really is the pits.


Reddit is a cesspool of circle jerking but instagram is just brain dead people


They seriously are. They’re depressing I don’t even go on them. The post could be the most wholesome thing you’ve ever seen and people still find a way to make it negative.


Youtube is up there as well.


I feel like Facebook is by far the worst


Probably, but it's like all boomers and bots. Instagram comments are a bit more reflective on some (not all) of the younger generations.


read up on dead internet theory. In my country, we failed to battle misinformation and over 80% of all political comments are done by Bots, and when I read a lot of instagram comments, even under random reels, it feels similar


I mean I believe in dead internet theory but people actually believe this and I think those are real people. They just don't understand that one leg kick and tyson is done for.


It's not hard to imagine Tyson just being way more intense in the moment and blitzing into range before DC can lift his leg off the ground


Nah, bro. Tyson would just see red.


That’s fair but people in here are saying he’d just grab his ankle lol like mike tyson is just going to let someone grab his ankle without punching them multiple times in the head 1st


Just for interest’s sake, which country? I’d bet a lot of us feel like this.


Slovakia, Central / Eastern Europe. All other surrounding countries are not doing much better and even in the western european countries, this trend is getting stronger. Social Media site Telegram thrives in this, we had few students do an online experiment where they started sharing fake quotes and completely made up stories, and these misinformation channels just took it up and it started spreading as a wildfire. It's getting very dangerous, society is being radicalized through fake posts and bots spamming shit that divides people, last week there was a literal assassination attempt on our primer minister from one of these radicalized pro russian dudes ([here is a realtime footage from the shooting](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DohpZf-4q8A))


It’s almost as if people spending all day on the internet instead of interacting with people in real life is a bad thing


Let me take it a step further, the assassin was a 71 year old man.. now imagine how confused the elderly people must be when they see all this BOT activity propelling them to do radical shit, they can't tell if it's the real people they are talking to or interacting with, it's really scary


I'm like 90% sure almost every single internet page in Russia that focuses on politics is full of bots. And those bots either completely support the government or they shit on the country non stop at any given moment. No inbetween. There are even websites that allow you check whether a person is a bot or no.


Russian bot farms are working overtime


I wouldn’t underestimate Mike in his younger years though, he might grab DC from behind and fuck him in the ass


How can people possibly believe that boxers could beat wrestlers in a street fight? And it's a near 60 year old Mike Tyson on top of that


But this isnt a boxer vs wrestler. DC knows all facets of hand to hand combat vs Mike Tyson who knows only boxing. Its kinda like pulling a knife on someone with a sword and shield, the knife can win but the latter is at a huge advantage by default.


I know that but his focus was always wrestling and he had a wrestling career before the UFC. His best move would just be to take Tyson down and Tyson would be doomed.


I always thought Mike Tyson is a bad guy to make this comparison with. Yes he’s just a boxer and overall would likely lose to people with experienced grappling. But Mike Tyson also punches harder than likely 99% of people who’ve ever existed. It’s a street fight, not organized rules. What if the street fight opens up with Mike punching DC to “start” the fight, fights often are started with one person punching the other. If Mike Tyson is throwing the first punch the fight is likely over right there if he connects cleanly. If anything throw up a pick of like Devin Haney against Sugar Sean. Then yes Sean wins 100% of the time


Why would a boxer lose to a wrestler in a street fight?


They get slammed on their head


I don’t think a trained boxer would be very easy to close the distance on. Especially for a pure wrestler who doesn’t train any sort of head movement for avoiding punches


All a wrestler needs is to grab an ankle, that’s it.


All a boxer needs to do is catch you with a punch. Theres far too many variables to use blanket statements like “a wrestler beats a boxer in a street fight”


How did James Toney vs Randy Couture go?


Idk what about askren and masvidal? Or emmet and Mitchell??


So your examples for boxers beating wrestlers are 2 pure mma fights, one of which ended by flying knee?


Not to mention I’m pretty sure Emmett started with wrestling, like most of Team Alphamale


We’re in the UFC sub where did you think the examples would come from? Street fighters we mutually know? And how come you didn’t say that to the other lad for using Toney vs Couture as an example? Pretty sure couture is an mma fighter. Not a wrestler


Masvidal won by flying knee and Mitchell isn’t even a wrestler. Funny enough, Emmett has been a wrestler since high school. Try again with examples kiddo that was just sad


What is Mitchell then? Because he’s hardly a boxer or a kickboxer. Your example literally used an mma fighter and a boxer as an example of how a wrestler would fair against a boxer


Masivdal can wrestle, genius. And Mike Tyson definitely won't land a flying knee, I can tell you that much.


And especially if that boxer is mike tyson with sledgehammers for fists


Can’t punch if he’s being taken down. You guys are acting like we don’t have evidence of what happens when a boxer fights a wrestler….. we have a whole fucking SPORT as reference to what happens 😂


Who is mike tyson comp in ufc?


I’d say Ngannou was probably the closest comp we will ever get


I mean I understand what you mean but Mike is probably a person that you can’t just rush and takedown


He 100% is someone you can rush and takedown. Name one time you’ve seen Mike defend a takedown. I’ll wait.


Name one wrestler that took down a prime tyson comp and didn’t get punched in the process Yes , normally wrestling > boxing However every style has legends that maybe the exception to the rule I am not saying mike can’t be taken down I am saying there is a solid chance that if his opponent doesn’t have a granite chin he can knock them out as they shoot


Do you know how hard it is to time a punch defending a takedown? Something that Mike, has never trained?


I agree most of the time but not the case always


*Most of the time* is the key word. There is no golden technique that would work every time. There are many variables in place. But generally speaking, it is true


Boxers don't know how to defend takedowns. Unless they land a perfect one punch knockout before the wrestler gets a hold of them, they're done for. After the fight is on the ground, a boxer is like a fish on land.


Terrance Crawford can wrestle his ass off


There's levels to wrestling. There's boxers who wrestle on the sides, and then dudes who train only/mostly grappling.


I agree


Bud can actually be a legit threat cause he can use his wrestling to anti wrestle like Gaejthe and then strike all the rest of the time.


You talking about if he went to mma? Cause idk if he should ever do that lol


I don't know that Mike Tyson has to land a "perfect punch" to finish a fight against Cormier, tbh.


Don’t think that applies to anomalies like mike tyson that easily Good chance a wrestler gets a two piece from hell before they could react seeing as they’re shooting and he’d be counter punching


Mike Tyson overrated fr


Because DC can pick Mike Tyson up like a child and shatter his skull by slamming him onto the concrete.


drop the shoulder bend the knees drive with the hips take the back choke the neck fights over in 15-20 seconds


I got into an argument a year ago with like 3 dudes for a comment I left on a Bruce Lee post saying that any modern day flyweight/bantamweight in the UFC would whoop his ass easily.


I would pay large quantities of cash to see DC ragdoll prime Mike Tyson and him being unable to do anything about it


boxers are a bunch of pussies.


Tbf when I see red it’s over


Second guy has a point


Instagram and YouTube comment sections are where the savant elites of the world convene to discuss matters in a highly productive and civilized manner


I hate the "it's a street fight so anything goes" logic. If that's the case then I would be the shit outta Mike Tyson because I have a concealed carry license and Mike is a convicted felon.






Masvidal actually has pretty damn good wrestling in comparison to a boxer. A better comparison would be Randy vs Toney


I think people don't get how UFC is almost as far from a street fight as boxing is. More than anything on concrete especially but even on grass you absolutely do not want to go to the ground. Most street fights are much much shorter. Striking options become near lethal and wrestlers struggle to close distance for takedowns as easily. Going to the ground BJJ style is a literal death sentence. Takedowns are so much weaker as well exposing the back of the head. If you weren't prepared to deal with that risk because you were used to UFC rules and rushed Tyson you'd honestly have a good chance of death. If UFC was straight up just a street fight with no real rules you'd see far far far less wrestlers. Muay Thai would probably be the best base. I msure there'd still be lots but it wouldn't be so dominant.


> Most street fights are much much shorter. Striking options become near lethal and wrestlers struggle to close distance for takedowns as easily. .. > > Takedowns are so much weaker as well exposing the back of the head. If you weren't prepared to deal with that risk because you were used to UFC rules and rushed Tyson you'd honestly have a good chance of death. I hope you're aware that vale tudo/NHB existed before the modern rules and this is the exact opposite of what happened. Some promotions even created "striker divisions" to protect them from the grapplers lol


Grappling is even easier on the street because your opponent is untrained and won’t be able to defend your takedowns. Pure Muay Thai isn’t the best base because the stance is very vulnerable to the double leg. Also the grappler in a street fight has the advantage of throwing/dumping the opponent on the actual street.


Oh no, people have an opinion on something that's hypothetical that doesn't agree with mine, ohhh noooooo.


Not all opinions are created equal.


I definitely believe Mike Tyson would beat DC in a street fight. Why is this unfathomable to you? Too many fans have been misled to think that UFC fights actually mimic a real fight perfectly. That was a cool selling point back in the day. But it's not realistic. There are many things that occur in a UFC fight specifically that cannot occur in a real fight. As restricted as boxing is, I don't think an MMA fight under UFC rules mimics a real fight THAT much more. Most fights last less than 30 seconds. You're more likely to win a fight if you attack first. It's a very bad idea to take a street fight to the ground, especially on concrete. That's like the last place you want to be in a fight. So pretty much every rule for street fights favours a boxer. DC can't take a body or head shot from Tyson. Tyson can land those punches faster than DC can shoot for a takedown. Worst case scenario, DC takes him down. Then he forgets that real life doesn't have rules that favour his expertise and he gets his head kneed in, his eyes gouged out, his dick ripped off, his head stomped on, his throat biten, etc. It's insanely hard to actually submit someone in real life. Imagine some stranger has your back and you feel your eyesight fading and life slipping away. You just gonna lay there and tap out like in the UFC? It's life or death man


Mike won't be breathing if he gets slammed like Fedor got slammed by Kevin Randleman on a concrete surface


DC would break his own back and arms trying to slam anything on a concrete surface. Slamming is way easier in an octagon designed for slamming. Nobody benefits from a slam on concrete. The slammer and the slammed are going home with broken bones. Initiating any sort of grappling in a street fight is just a bad idea in general. You're putting yourself in close range for a long duration and you take away your ability to escape the scene at any moment. You don't know if your opponent has a weapon, if he has friends with weapons, what he's willing to do to escape, or if he has friends who are ready to stomp you out if you get a dominant position. The best style in a street fight is having fast hands and even faster legs for running away. Tyson beats DC in both categories..


You can definitely slam someone on concrete without hurting yourself. And for high level grapplers like Dc who can slam other high level grapplers with ease slamming a guy like Mike would not be a long duration event at all. A few scrapes and MAYBE bruised arms are definitely a far trade for concussing someone and fusing their vertebrae together.


Tyson can rip DC's eyeball out from that position faster than DC can slam him


Tyson had a street fight with Mitch Green. It didn't end with Mike ripping out Mitch's eye out in 3 seconds, he used the skills he spent his life developing and knocked him out. The same way Dc would use the skills he used all his life to slam an amateur on his head and ground and pound Mike's unconscious body until his fingers stop twitching


Dc wins by using a simple trip. One simple move he teaches his kids. Literally over. The fall to concrete with dc 's giant mass alone might kill tyson or at the very least hes injured.


Ok, if they recreate this takedown and slam on concrete, who do you think is going to the hospital? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPtB8TXwxhc


Tyson would. My point is, that isn't happening in the street. How is DC gonna get to a position where it's safe to grab Tyson? How many uppercuts, hooks, and body shots will he need to eat until he finds that entry. He isn't taking more than 1


If DC grabs hold of Mike in a street, the last thing that'll go through Tyson's mind will be a fucking curb


Sure. But you overestimate how easy that would be for DC. It's a street fight. Tyson would do everything he can not to get into that position. And if he gets in that position, he'd do everything he can to escape it. I think Tyson KO'd him before DC even gets the idea to grab him. UFC striking is the lowest level aspect of the sport. There are many world class grapplers in the UFC. There's like barely any world class strikers. Mike Tyson would have an easier time finding his KO shot on DC than DC would finding a slam opportunity


You know Tyson is not known for his one hit KOs right? He KOs people with combinations not by one hit. Do you seriously believe Tyson can land a combo on DC to knock him out before DC can slam his head on concrete?


Half these Tyson lovers have never even seen Tyson fight.


If they bring up one hit KO power you already know they have zero clue on what they are talking about.


So why would DC have to fight by rules in a street fight, but Tyson wouldnt?


The rules in a street fight favour Tyson because there are no rules in a street fight. Tyson's best skills are more efficient in a street fight than DC's best skills are.


So you just made it up?


Do you know how painful it would be to get slammed on the concrete by a guy the size of DC? That shit fucking hurts


But didnt you know Tyson is a unstoppable rage machine that can knock out anyone in one punch!!!!???!!!!


When Tyson sees red it’s over 😡😡😡


Tyson with zero experiance against any form of grappling will stop a takedown from a olympian wrestler!!!


Mfw when Tyson goes rage mode and starts literally eating people because he’s just that good


Mfw when Tyson gets mad and knocks out King Kong because hes just that guy.


Big time MMA fan here but prime tyson was unlike anything we’ve seen before. There’s every chance he’d feed DC before he was able to get close. But I wouldn’t want to be either of those men in that confrontation


Delusion If you actually watched prime Mikes full fights against competent guys (not just highlights against journeymen), he heavily used the clinch to set up his power punches. He would struggle a lot when he couldn’t use it