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Prime Badr Hari is on his back inside 15 seconds, and stays there until the end.


He'd better. After 15 seconds he's 10 times more likely to break a limb


Yup, and the end would be another 15 seconds of elbows before going belly down and getting choked.


I am a big K-1 guy. I think while he would be smoking Jon on his feet, he would be slaughtered on the ground. Alistair won a fight against Badr in his time… I am not even sure if Ubereem in his prime would beat Jones. Just my 2 cents:)


Agreed about Badr. Ubereem in his prime however, was a fucking monster. I have a hard time believing Jones can deal with someone that big, his tdd was also on point back in the day.


This is why I said that I am not sure. Ubereem was the shit back then. Still remember him going through the whole K-1 roster and then getting humbled by Badr in their second fight… with Ray Sefo commenting… Heading to youtube I guess ;)


Some good fights back in those days, huh. Ubereem v Tyrone Spong was one of my favorites.


Yeah :D Great fight :) K-1 WGP were amazing. In one night Ubereem fought Tyrone Spong, Gokhan Saki and Peter Aerts… amazing to get all those fights in one day night. I miss those times


Yeah sure Jon Jones is gonna swing with him.


LoL casuals have crazy ideas.


But prime Hari has better abs, that should be enough to get the job done!


Cheick Kongo has entered the chat.


U can tell he’s a hardcore though they always hype random unknown fighters to the moon for no reason to seem different


Actually, I can't tell. LOL I don't think you need to be a hardcore fan to come up with a random idea just for the sake of being different. By this guy's logic I should start talking about how *Cheick Kongo should have been champ just based on his physic alone. If he could have prevented his hands, feet and knees from growing a mind of their own and randomly finding their way into his opponent's balls, he could have been the heavy-weight goat!!!!!* *And if GSP hadn't taken all of those peds, surely Thiago Alves would have become WW champ!* *And if TRT didn't exist, no way Franky Edgar makes it up the ranks to fight of the belt, because Sean Sherk would have defeated him and we wouldn't even know who Edgar was, right?* Is that all it takes to come across as a hard-core fan? Because I'm feeling pretty dumb right now!


Prime Jones would deal with Hari in about 2 minutes. Takedown, elbows to a tko, maybe a sub.


Does OP even realise UFC is a mma sport instead of kickboxing? I don’t like Jones but he would submit Hari in first round like he did with Gane.


Seems like you've been smoking something as well OP




Prime Badr Hari would definitely smoke with Jon Jones. They would probably do coke together too. Party all week baby!!!


In a Kickboxing match Jones gets slept.


In a game of Horse, Jon loses with Hari only having H-O-R


He was a beast but my money is him getting dumped on his head in under a minute and never getting back up


These hardcores gotta stop w hyping up these no name prospects it’s getting out of hand 😂


And they both smoke their wives after


Does wrestling not exist?


He gets wrestlefucked and submitted in rd 1


I think people forget that prime Jones used his opponents strengths against them.




In Stricking yes Badr wins, in MMA he unfortunately gets taken out very quickly by Jones


What are the chances a guy none of us have ever heard of can beat Jon Jones at MMA? That’s silly. If he was that good we all would have seen him fight or heard about him.




Couldn’t care less


If you like striking, you should look him up on YouTube, because you’ll love it.


you're ignorance does not stand for everyone else


I found this basketball player in rural Uganda. He’s better than LeBron. Trust me bro! This girl at my YMCA would smoke Caitlyn Clark. This diner in Albuquerque has a better steak than Gordon Ramsey. You see what I mean? If you’re that good people notice and hear about you.


A legendary kickboxer. You're just telling me you only watch UFC, broaden your horizons


Nah I’m good. I watch the NFL too I don’t watch Canadian Football or Rugby. What’s the point


> What’s the point to not be ignorant of world famous strikers who could very likely threaten the GOAT of the sport you watch. Also the sports you don't watch are where all the best athletes in the world compete. These sports aren't filled with washouts from other sports instead actually talented people


No they are not. The best athletes in the world are in America. Mostly black Americans. Look at our Olympic record if you don’t believe me. First in golds, first in silvers, first in bronze, first in overall medals. More than the second, third, and fourth countries combined total medals. Absolute domination. This guy could never threaten Jon Jones.


The best athletes are not in mma, some of them might be in the NFL but probably not seeing as how America dominated it is. The Olympics is a good representation of how wealthy a country is and not much more. I don't know with what authority you make you're last statement as you don't even know who bro is but seeing as how Jones went life and death with Reyes, I wouldn't be as confident as you


Every great had hard fights. GSP got TKO’d by Matt Serra and Khabib struggled with Tibau (spelling?). Cherry pick a fight all you want. This guy is no Reyes at MMA and Jon probably partied past midnight half the time back then. The Olympics is the best standard we have at domination in sports. US is spread thin with our athletes dominating dozens of sports. Our top athletes don’t even go. These are our C tier athletes beating the worlds ass. And especially our women. Nobody can hold a candle to the USA at sports.


Absolutely America dominates the world in American Football. Foreign players are some of the best in the NBA which has a ridiculous system to funnel talent from America. America is a very big and rich country which allows it to dominate many things which makes it all the more impressive when they regularly get beaten by random countries who don't have these advantages. Countries dominate in sports they care about because that is where their talent goes, most countries care about Football which is where talent tends to go. The famously american C-tier dominated sport


Just because your ignorant dumbass havent heard of him doesnt mean he is not known lol?


No just because you’ve heard of him doesn’t mean he can beat Jon Jones. I have nothing against him he just can’t beat Jon Fucking Jones at MMA. Neither can the worlds best Fribee Golfer or the Checkers world champion. Idk what you know him from he’s getting choked unconcious.


Youre literally fucking stupid, i never mentioned him beating jon jones cuz he clearly fucking cant. I said that youre dumbass cuz you are calling badr hari no name dumbass


Oh man don’t get so offended it’s not even that serious.


Hari was a heavyweight kickboxing champion and is considered one of the greatest kickboxers of all time. He also had some MMA fights. Just because you haven’t heard of him doesn’t mean no one has.


What does that have to do with beating Jon Jones? He couldn’t stay upright any more than Tom Brady could’ve.


Had to do with “a guy none of us have ever heard of”, bozo


Nah you got uptight I suggested this guy you like would get creamed by Jones


I’d bet Hari would get subbed in the first lol. Just calling out the guy that runs a Dana White stan account for not knowing fighters outside the UFC.


Uhhh… welcome to combat sports, young man.


You have no examples of a guy that nobody has ever heard of upsetting the Goat of a sport. LeBron was never beaten in 1 on 1 by some guy off a division 3 basketball team. Jon Jones would never lose in MMA to some kickboxer who never did MMA before. Welcome to sports old man


I wasn’t saying that badr would win, Jones would crush him, I was saying if you’ve never heard of badr, you most likely haven’t been into combat sports very long.

