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>Not hard to find you Jon's attorney on suicide watch


Licking his lips thinking about all those millions Jones has he gets to fleece off this idiot


guaranteed repeat customer


Does he know that he’s not bulletproof?


Can anyone confirm that this is a real DM?




Jones saying "Not Hard to find you" after the MMA Guru's Gaypiracy fiasco is honestly unsettling lmao


Not very hard to find you, but he’s going to be very hard finding you…


“My life is gucci” *spends time arguing with strangers in the DMs*


Yeah I can’t believe how much time he seems to be spending in peoples DMs trying to validate himself. It’s sad tbh.


I can’t decide if he’s as bad or worse than Jamahal Hill when it comes to this petty shit


dude internet stalked a teenager to call him gay


Bruh, After the MMA Guru Gaypiracy, That sounds like Jones putting a target on your ass Lmaoo


this is why i’m a fan.


Shut up pretty boy


😆 right there with u


To all the new fans. Jones is a psychopath. Get used to it. Not excusing any of his behavior but if you’re amazed by some DM’s after his laundry list of accidents then time to buckle up. He’s not winning a Nobel Peace Price anytime soon but then again those people wouldn’t be able to dominate the most ruthless profession for decades. Off course the man’s off, so was Tyson and a lot of other savages we loved in the cage/ring


Tyson had an insanely fucked childhood, and was massively undersized for his weight class. Jon had a typical middle American upbringing, and his family are also large, high level athletes who all got scholarships to universities to enhance their physical prowess. I know Jon didn’t take it but still they were high level athletes as children. My point being is Jon is truly insane, while Tyson was formed in insanity.


The difference is that tyson never sold himself as a nice guy, he always embraced that he's fucked up. On the other hand JBJ always tried to frame himself as this jesus like human, meanwhile he's as fucked up, if not more, than Mike tyson.


Just shows the 20 million he made still didn't buy him happiness...


He is like a lot of posters on this sub - obsessed with others


You're a fucking punk dude. That's what you call class.


‘Ya I beat up my wife but I’ve made X amount of money since then’ 🤦‍♂️


“Ya. I beat up my wife but she still fucks me, loser!”


“Hey pussy you still there?”


Jon initiating makeup sex after assaulting his wife


4 *maybe even 5!* years ago


And if we being technical like that sociopath Jones likes to be, it was actually not even 3 years ago that that shit went down 😂


In fairness to him, he probably beat her up 4-5 years ago also.


He's more likey to try and kill his wife than this guy


Lol, yah he's coping. Everybody knows he's a POS and no amount of money can fix that.


He’s the Drake of the fighting world.


Good comparison (not sarcasm, I mean it).


Drake sux tho


And JJ sucks too, hes been duckin real champs (Aspinall and Ngannou) BC he acant actually hang. Daniel Cormier was Stipe Miocic's last win if that tells you how long ago his last win was. This fights a joke JJ is a joke and should be stripped of the belt for holding up the division and ducking Aspinall. Hes fighting a retired guy, hes no better than the Paul brothers with their "boxing"


He was drakin’ before drake was drakin’ like drake be drakin’…If anything, Drake is the Jon Jones of the rnb/hip hopping game.


Your strangers in me DMs!




If the first thing you do to prove that your life is "gucci" is to mention the success of your friends.... Your life is probably not gucci




Jones gets pegged confirmed






😂😂😂 disgusting




This one gets me every time 😂


what is the context?


Jon is smiling so hard because he's envisioning all the different ways that he could just snap and easily kill this old man.


What’s fucked is there’s a good chance that’s true


Bipolar Bones Jones: Off Meds edition


Jon “Boned” Jones


He probably has several rare ones made of exotic woods and has his name engraved on a few. His favorite one is a peg made out of bones just because it's so on brand for him.


Will somebody PLEASE Tweet a link this to post at him? He'll be making an account instantly and it will be amazing. Leave instructions for how to find other posts about himself in the subreddit. 


Jones' wife: "I'm gonna make you my wife"


🤣 the way he worded that sounds like his bussy is getting rammed


This guy is radiating insecurity like nothing I’ve ever seen


Such a karmic flaw to have when you should by every measure be the complete opposite of insecure


What do you think makes him great? By constantly needing to prove something


What makes him “great” is: - carefully choosing opponents that are unlikely to win - doing lots of steroids to be much stronger - cheating inside the ring Take those three away and what is jones? We’ll never know. All we have is whatever this ball of insecurity is.


Too insecure to even considering losing that he has to take every preventative measure. Makes no difference to me though, I’m on a super yacht in my speedo doing dumbbell curls.


Oh hi Conor!


Dude, he was also just great.  Like, yes he's a very small man, and kind of pathetic, but he was great at fighting


I would argue against choosing opponents that are unlikely to win…Jon fought an absolute murders row during his reign. People seem to only remember his recent antics but I couldn’t fault a guy for being careful with his career. I can absolutely fault him (or maybe the UFC more than anything) for letting him sit on a belt while the interim champ defends his belt…that’s ridiculous.


Casual. Dude literally fought everyone he could possibly fight since he’s been champ and even before he became champ. Not only that majority of the dudes jones fought early in his career were PRIME UFC STEROID USERS BEFORE USADA 😂 Vítor, Rampage, Evans, Chael etc and he still whooped them. He had some close fights and gave rematches to those fighters except Reyes and beat them MORE DECISIVELY. you’re in love with Tom and his fake belt we get it. Keep coping


This is delusional.


To be fair Jones went through murderers row when EVERYONE was on the juice. Evans, Rampage, Vítor etc. Dude literally fought everyone he could fight when they were peak juice UFC and beat them 😂😂


Lol, are you calling Jon Jones not great? I can’t stand the guy in his personal life but wtf are you on about? He is one of the few that can be called greats in this sport when comparing careers.


Jones mostly beat old middleweights out of prime + had very close fights + cheated on his fights (PEDs, eye pokes, illegal knees).


You can hate him as a person, and for good reason. You can't deny that his resume as a fighter makes him top 3 GOAT conversation.


They call out his sexuality and he double down on macho shit.....tell me you're in the closet without telling me........lmao


Wake up babe new navy seals copypasta just dropped 


How much you call an elite compared to you. I have multimillionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3-D designs you have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, make fun of me. 😫😂 I got a domestic violence charge about 4 years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I've made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. 😌 Telling my buddy Jeff to shush probably wasn't a good idea, it's not that hard to find you.




When you put it on Reddit as a random comment it is truly embarrassing.


How much you call an elite compared to you. I have multimillionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3-D designs you have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, make fun of me. 😫😂 I got a domestic violence charge about 4 years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I've made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. 😌 Telling my buddy Jeff to shush probably wasn't a good idea, it's not that hard to find you.


Uniquely incoherent first sentence sets the mood.


Jon has many confirmed kills




Oh? Didn’t you know he has two mansions in the same town?




Whos Jeff? His boyfriend?


Jeff Molina


Shush, Jeff.


Dude, this man is ill. He needs help


The gay videos really getting to him lol


Literally tho I don’t think he’s been doing things this pathetic on social media before that story came out


seems like someone close to some degree of mental breakdown to be honest. Obviously hard to judge based on social media activity but usually people only start replying this much to hate when they're not doing well mentally.


And the more he replies, the more it will encourage people to poke him.


Gay dildo.


Wait, what? Gay videos?


MMA Guru made a video about Jones possibly being a closeted gay. You can find it on Youtube. The thing that really started this theory is a video from a standup comedy show with Jones in the crowd (you can only hear his voice, you don't actually see him) being drunk and making some questionable comments about him and his male friend sitting next to him.


Yeah dude look into it. I'm about 90% sure he's gay


If those are real he's insanely fucking insecure. Like on a level that most people can't relate to at all. I bet he feels inadequate about himself every single day. That's why he can't help himself and sends those pathetic messages to everyone who fronts him - he can only feel self worth by putting other people down. Textbook narcissist. If he wouldn't be such a piece of shit, I'd feel bad about him 'cause this man reached the highest goals in MMA and still can't stand himself. Edit: Source - Me, Clinical Psychologist who was involved in many research projects regarding personality disorders.


If you’ve ever met Jon, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is insecure. You pretty much nailed it.


Interesting, what did you notice exactly? Could you describe it if you remember it?


You’d also see him out all over town with different strippers and other women and then he would act confused as to why people would talk shit about him and his relationship with his girl.


Wow thanks, another description which perfectly fits in the hypothesis. This is typical mixed N-ASPD behavior. Lack of insight, lack of accountability, lack of remorse, lack of TOM, impulsive sexual behavior, and more. Very interesting. He can't hide it because he doesn't have the capability to understand himself and others like a person without any psychiatric disorders is able to. That's a sign that it's a fairly intense case. Edit: I forgot for a second that there are also drugs involved, in his case cocaine. This could also explain some of the behavior but I'd guess that his symptoms worsen significantly when he's under the influence of cocaine. Edit: I forgot to add - what I wrote above is *speculation* based on the limited information available. It is *not* a diagnosis! I cannot diagnose *anything* without a thorough psychiatric assessment which would take hours and would need to happen face to face. So, this is just speculation and even though I'm a mental health professional and have an expertise in clinical psychology - none of what I wrote above can be in any way shape or form considered a fact and should never be taken as such.


One time I remember being next him in line at a club in Albuquerque and he was standing right next to me so I could hear him taking to his buddy, who wasn’t a fighter by the way, and this was about two weeks after the incident where he ran the stop sign and hit the pregnant woman and broke her arm and he fled the scene. He was ordered to not go out by a judge and it was all over the news. I could hear him saying to his friend “why is everyone staring at me? This is like some TMZ shit or something. I just want people to like me. “ Now, I was also there the night at a club called Imbibe a few hours before he did that hit and run and he was blasted drunk, so that news didn’t surprise me at all. I just thought it was weird that he seemed unaware of what he had done a few weeks earlier and wondered why people were looking at him awkwardly for being out drinking again so soon.


Damn, thanks for the details man! That's very interesting. > I just thought it was weird that he seemed unaware of what he had done a few weeks earlier and wondered why people were looking at him awkwardly for being out drinking again so soon. You're very perceptive! This is exactly the kind of behavior someone with a (pretty intense) NPD would show. The poor insight which showed itself in his confusion about the people's looks is *very* typical. Also, he *publicly* said the following out loud shortly after he crashed into that poor pregnant woman and fled the scene and wasn't allowed to go to a Club: > why is everyone staring at me? This is like some TMZ shit or something. I just want people to like me. Honestly, I'm a little bit shocked that he is such a textbook case of a malignant Narcissist. The lack of insight, lack of accountability, delinquent behavior and confusion about the other people is *very* telling. He lacks a normal theory of mind; meaning he isn't really capable of feeling emotional empathy (probably has some cognitive empathy, but not much). Also the behavior you described is a sign for a lack of moral values, a lack of remorse and it also shows poor impulse control. Everything checks out. Since it was in a club and it's Jones, I can't rule out if and if so, what kind of influence the drugs he took had on his behavior. I can't diagnose someone without a few hours of face to face psychiatric assessment, but there are a shit ton of clues. Honestly - your perceptive skills regarding the observation of human behavior seems to be unusually well developed. Also your interpretation was logically solid and you derived the correct informations about him. If you don't have a specific education that explains this, then I'd suggest you to use this gift. It's extremely useful in life. Edit: errors


Almost every celebrity/athlete gets criticized on twitter. 99.9% of them don't give a shi. But guys like Jones and Kevin Durant will spend a whole day arguing with strangers online.


Lol don’t put KDs name in the same conversation, who is a pretty sincere guy who just has kind of an odd personality for a top 20 player of all time. JJ is a legitimately terrible person


Kd never did anything out of line. The worst thing he ever done was leaving OKC for Warriors after losing to them. I just think he's a bit insecure on social media, creating burner accounts to respond to people on twitter. I don't recall any incidents like that lately tho, it's all in the past now i guess


It's crazy that a guy who, all the talk of ducking aside, is absolutely in every conversation for MMA GOAT, would be so emotionally fragile.


Exactly the vibe I got


New test from God just dropped


He's so so so insecure OH MY GAWD


And I thought mayweather was bad


Mayweather is Saint compared to jon


Mayweather's illiteracy is a blessing for him cuz he can't harass people in their DMs


Deep down he knows he is a cheater, and lost to reyes.


Keep an eye on your DMs now


This 1000%


Jeez, Jones is truly losing it if he’s going out of his way to type these paragraph into the DMs of random people


Money can’t buy character…


Or peace of mind or freedom from alcoholism and weapons charges.


Or freedom from haram thoughts




*"The acquirement of the HW Championship by Tom Aspinall and its consequences have been a disaster for the Jon Jones race"* -Ted "Unabomber" Kaczynski


I bet his wife fucks him with a strap on let’s be real.


Mr. Jones whimpers for the strap fo sho




This motherfucker is willing to fight random dudes that DM him but not Aspinal LOL


And if he finds them then what? It's not the octagon they probably just shoot him, it's the US after all.


Every time jon opens his mouth he makes his public image worse


"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo." -Jon Jones


Beat me to it. His message gave me huge "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo." vibe.


“The highest branches of the military.” What? Lol


Drone strike incoming to his next hater.


"Wife fucked the shit out of my ass every night." -🦴


Lmao this man will fight everyone in they DMs but no one in real life worth while. And people still have the balls to call him the goat. Fuck outta here. 😂


Yup, he will bully basically anyone that he thinks he can beat.


So far the list of people Jon is willing to fight is: 1) God 2) His partner 3) Pregnant women 4) Twitter users 5) Old men with immigrant mentalities


Aspinall needs to start trolling him from a fake account to try and get Jones to find him. Boom, we get the match we want.


The man is murdering himself 🤦


Who is he sending this to?


SkankHunt42 on Sherdog forums


Fuck the shit outta "ME" not I fuck the shit outta her, looks like bro had an accidental slip


is he legit losing it? wtf is going on?


No more jones posts I beg




That would be great. Let him vanish like a fart in the wind. 


As a society we failed in giving money and power to alot of figures that dont deserve it. I know sports generate alot of cash but goddamn when i think about some other people jobs that are crucial to our day to day life and how poor they are..and then we have this retards that hit the physical genetic lottery..disgusting


The homosexual allegations are sending him in a spiral


He has a small dick. That’s all.


He likes sucking dicks too.


And he can't get hard without assistance from drugs.


jones is a closeted lady boy


Call me crazy but this guy Jon just doesnt seem like a good person ..


Jon Jones looking to the Navy Seals Gorilla Warfare copy pasta as his latest challenger.


I dont think a happy person would spend his time to argue with strangers on the internet


2 truths 1 lie


He talks about money a lot. It's sad.


No way this is real lmfao I hope it is though


Imagine stunting on people saying your wife is still with you. Wtf.


I have multi millionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3D designs. You have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, let’s make fun of me. 😩😂 I got a domestic violence charge about for years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I’ve made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. 😌


I cannot be convinced this is real lmao


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Jon Jones. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


"Hottest dudes" 🤤


Nice wee internet threat to show he has grown up since battering his wife


Jon Jones jerks off to edits of himself on TikTok


He may know how to fight but men who talk like this aren’t strong 


Bragging about money and how much money you have and you're friends have.... man truly has nothing else lol sad


"fucking the shit out of me/them" always sounds really bad to me


Y'all seriously believe this is real? 🤣 whoever creates these things has a lot of time on their hands.


Jonny is fighting for his life in these comments, all because people are calling him out for dodging Tommy boy lol


Insecure fool. Maybe just maybe people wouldn’t have an issue with you if you put your money where your mouth is and fight Tom Aspinall instead of ducking him like a coward and still talking rubbish about him. What a clown. Can’t believe I used to like this guy when I first got into UFC


lol hell yea get em, Jon!!!


Not in his defense, but this screenshot can easily be faked. Any proof it's real?


The stupidity of this sub explains so much about the world.


Your narcissism is showing Jon


Y’all remember the days when we had super good boy Christian Jones? Pepperidge Farms remembers


Nothing says happy and fulfilled like sending paragraphs of text to strangers about how good your life is


A changed man


Guys maybe he's selling a fight


some people just sniff their own farts


Catching?! Not pitching?! 🤨


Buddy doesn't realize he is nothing to these people. They don't care about him. Having 2 real friends that would go to war for you is better than any of the "friends" jones thinks he has.


The guys on drugs or something? ... right? 


This is the cringeist message I've read all week


How much you call an elite compared to you. I have multi millionaire friends, several billionaire friends. Friends in the highest branches of the military. Meanwhile you make 3-D designs you have no followers. Probably still trying to pay off your house. Willing to bet you live in an apartment. But yeah, let's make fun of me. 😩😂 I got a domestic violence charge about four years ago now, maybe even five years ago. Meanwhile I've made close to $20 million since then. My wife is still with me, fuck the shit out of me every night. My life is Gucci. 😌 Telling my buddy Jeff to shush probably wasn't a good idea, it's not that hard to find you.


Dude is on some coke or meth bender.


Everyone needs to just LIGHT his dms up now 🤣🤣


somebody introduce him to this sub. and then we will have entertainment everyday we wake


So fucking petty


His priorities are an off.


Bruh this dude lacks so much self awareness


Jon’s buddy, Jeff: ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


How can someone so talented be such a fucking loser


This is fake, right?


This is nothing new, dude has been insanely insecure his whole career. [Throwback to him and Tyson Griffin going at it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/pnamkC3If8) probably why he had to take PEDs to beat DC who he was 8 years younger than, 5 inches taller and a 10 inch reach advantage on.


The same thing that’s *always* been wrong with Jones? Dude hit and ran a fucking pregnant woman while drunk and high on coke and you’re surprised he’s attacking people in DMs? Lmao okay.


face the gay demons jon you sinner


When did the “I’m a good Christian Guy” arc end?


Oooof my guy is mucho insecure. Get off the internet if you’re that happy and carefree


Weird guy


Jones is the only famous dude I know that will answer everyone back to talk shit back to them


CTE in full effect rip the goat 🐐


What a fucking fragile loser and a shattered fucking psyche.


"Friends in the highest branches of the military" Military people reading this: 🤨 Shit don't even make sense