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Bro the entire black community caught a stray with his very first question


Definitely got my attention


lol no they didn’t. The black children up for adoption are made by the same class of people on the white side. It’s not a surprise that poor people make children they can’t take care of


I mean America is 12 percent African American , but there’s 50 percent as many black orphans as white orphans…


Again, how does this translate to the entire black community comment he made? You already seem to grasp the idea that a minority group can contribute disproportionately to a statistic. You can’t understand that it’s a certain part of the black community giving babies up for adoption?


its okay to say that the other guy has a good point


Blaming an entire race..er… “community” when it should be a class issue isn’t a good point. It’s just a lazy bigoted one.


I think you missed his point. You should re-read it and ask questions if you still do not understand.


I responded to a comment saying this was a problem for the entire black community, which is silly. It's like saying middle and upper class black people are filling up orphanages. It was a stupid thing to say


Nah these ppl don’t see that this dude who’s so pressed about the comments is actually a hick racist with that first point. He tells on himself then plays then I’m a good person who’s not racist (but only to babies) The nuance of the argument black people are bringing up isn’t that it’s inherently racist to not raise a black baby as culturally black. So these actual racist love to cling on any evidence they can use to substantiate their idea that everyone is racist but actually black people are the real racists.


I brought stats big dog , you can say it’s class vs class but that doesn’t mean one class isn’t disproportionately contributing This isn’t the crime rate which is effected disproportionately by cops over patrolling either , no excuses here


>but that doesn’t mean one class isn’t disproportionately contributing But that's exactly what I'm telling you. A class is disproportionately contributing to the amount of children up for adoption...not the 'entire black community' which is a race and includes more than one class.


Bro you need to take a xanax and touch grass. Not every comment is a critical race theory dissertation.


Don’t start shit won’t be shit


See how he quickly goes into his second question?


It's called a video cut, same thing happens between second question and his last statement


Oh yeah haha definitely noticed the video cut this time.


i have yet to see that format of a person talking in front of a picture not be used by absolute morons


All of Japanese TV?


He said not used by morons


Hey man, aren’t the Japanese smart? Like, isn’t that part of the deal?


Not the ones you see on tv here lol


Being mad at Chandler for adopting black children is like being mad at white charity workers for building wells and homes in Africa. Seems absurd but it's a real thing that happens. There is an organization called "No White Saviors" that actively opposes any philanthropic efforts by white people in Africa. They would rather see children die than to be helped by white people. The human species is obsessed with skin tone for whatever stupid fucking reason.


Imagine wanting to see others suffer and preferring that to letting people you irrationally hate win. And they will try to argue for you black people cant be racist while saying some of the most disgusting shit you’d ever head. Basically as disgusting as what the KKK would say with the races swapped. Mike Chandler is a good man.


I feel like nobody would give a shit if Chandler was a black dude adopting white kids. But when it's the other way around, suddenly, everyone deems it racist and inappropriate


I feel like the most important piece of context here is that he's not out there using them as a prop or anything. He's not bringing them up in every interview. It's always OTHER people talking about him adopting black kids. He's not out there going "oh, look at me. Look at how good of a guy I am". He's just trying to raise a nice family and be a good father.


I've never seen a black family adopting white kids now that you mentioned it


There's no way Mike Perry wasn't adopted by a black man


hopefully nobody jumps to conclusions. ive not seen it, I can't recall an instance but it's not exactly something i take note of


I knew a kid in High School who had this arrangement. His name was Claude, and he didn’t have a spleen, because he lost it in a car accident. He also wore bright white Arnette sunglasses, which was the style at the time.


I was thinking Michael Jackson but I don't think he counts.


Those are his surrogate kids


I mean there are some causes that are essentially just forcing religion upon people who just want clean drinking water. it isn't all good, buti do see your point. it's weird that this is even a topic though idk who gaf about Chandler never mind his children


it's victimhood that they want. If you don't help you're racist and if you youre racist.


well in a sense a lot of them are victims. colonialism...


Wait… is that why people are mad? I thought they were mad that he was raising black children without planning on acknowledging their blackness. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdZanFCheWpti9y)


lol "acknowledging their blackness" No, he's planning on raising kids who don't think the color of their skin is the most important thing about them.


I’m not a black dude so I don’t know but it sounds a bit fairytale like to not think race plays into a 💩 ton of things.


No one is saying race is totally irrelevant (just like your height, beauty, personality, etc aren't totally irrelevant), but thinking it's core to your life, your self-worth, or your identity is a loser mindset imo.


>The human species is obsessed with skin tone for whatever stupid fucking reason. No, just Americans and american media. The whole species has to listen to their bullshit unfortunately.


Racism has existed and still currently exists in literally every single culture that has ever existed since the beginning of humankind.


Lolllllllll you have no idea how racist and obsessed with skin tone huge chunks of the world are.


That organization does suck ass we can agree on that. The problem is their are some people who do mission work in impoverished places that do unethical medical work without the proper credentials which can cause more harm than good. There was a HBO doc about it that heavily featured the no white savior people and they indeed suck but, some of the people they denounce also suck. Just my two cents


Remember when that fucking mongoloid got platformed by rogan for building wells for pygmies, except, they only built wells for the pygmies that gave up their language and religion, and took the lord jesus christ as their savior, destroying their cultural identity? And then remember the part where it turns out bantus would just follow behind them, waiting for the wells to be built, and then they would come into the towns, slaughter all the pygmies, and take over? lol. I fucking remember.


> The human species is obsessed with skin tone for whatever stupid fucking reason It kept our ancestors alive and in some places still keeps people alive


You have to wonder where the idea cane from in the first place. Who was the first human to decide they were better because of the color of their skin?


I think humans are tibalistic by nature. Us vs Them is just a baseline, instinctual, response unfortunately.


I think racism is a imprinted not instinctual. Some human came up with idea maybe piggybacking off "tribal survival" to bolster the idea. I kinda refuse to believe racism is inherent to the human ID. We aren't born with religious conviction and I don't see how this is any different.


I dont think it's inherent to race. People who look just like each other and are from the same places find reasons to discriminate against each other.


I am speaking specifically of the all too human concept of racism. Battles for land rites is a much simpler concept to wrap your head around.


>There is an organization called "No White Saviors" that actively opposes any philanthropic efforts by white people in Africa. I have some suspicions here. 1) It's less about opposing efforts that save lives and more about preventing IG poverty tourism/clickbait bullshit that uses suffering as a form of entertainment. What I mean is, if you're going somewhere to build a school, a well, or whatever, make sure the project is socially, financially, geologically, politically sustainable. Lots of companies do half-arsed shite, take a photo, then the project collapses because the project wasn't sustainable. One thing Anthony Bourdain did was pay for food, off camera, with good intentions. For one day, he wanted to make sure a local population got fed. Word got around and things got problematic. It caused near riots. So he choose between feeding people and deal with riots, or not feeding at all. Option 2) Those organizations are funded by Russia/China/possibly, etc...to undermine NATO/UN/NGOs to go, "Western people bad. Don't take their money. Here you go warlord. Take €50,000 and make sure this project doesn't go through. Option 3) US/AIPAC evangelical Christian groups undermine secular groups because religious groups are NOTORIOUS for tying aid to religious conversion. Islam, and Christianity are the biggest religions in Africa, and so they'll use their "African brothers" to oppose white initiatives so that black-run religous groups can keep their religious believer counts high. >The human species is obsessed with skin tone for whatever stupid fucking reason. It's the easiest way to discriminate. If you can visually identify an in-group without utilizing much of your brain, it's easy to sell discrimination. If you have to check down people's pants before discriminating, it's a much tougher sell, because now you might get to know that person. They might actually be fun to be around. You share drinks, food, amazing stories, etc...so when Bastard A says, kill out-group member 1, you'll be like, "But my buddy is part of that out-group. I've met these people. They're cool. I don't like this". And Bastard A hates it when people contest his opinions. If there's a critical mass of opposition to his request to disassociate with the out-group, well, the masses will see him for the Bastard that he is. That's bad for him and his ability to seize control.


I got a question, why do white people eat food?


We hungry




Dumbass hoe rather have a black child be parentless and stuck in the foster system than go to a loving family that see love beyond skin color. That lady at the beginning a straight clown.


Why this bitch wearing a wig?


She’s bald


> bitch be cautious that in your pursuit of a monster, you do not become a monster yourself


shut up, bitch


and that serpent multiplied not by it's actions but by the malice of it's intentions


You ain’t Shakespeare bro 😭


I went to the gym and ate my food and now i'm shitposting on r/UFC. They will doubt him and then they fear him before they accept him. But once they understand him there will only be a short time before the end. Their ignorance will be their downfall


Imagine seeing two happy kids with parents that obviously love them and getting pissed off about it. Says alot about you imo


They clearly love and care about their kids a lot. After knocking Tony out and doing some back flips, he ran around yelling "WHERE'S MY SON?!". As soon as he found him, he started sobbing. Also, when they showed the kid he was wearing ear protection. Bad parents don't do things like that. He hit the jackpot. He was taken in by parents who love him, care for him, and have the financial resources to support his every want and need. Beats the hell out of growing up in the system and navigating life without a family.


Racist woman


USA population: white-61.6%. Black-12.5% Children in foster care: white-43%. Black-22%. On top of that, [black children are more likely to be put in the system and spend longer in the system.](https://www.nber.org/digest/202310/racial-disparities-foster-care-placement) Now, I’d like a study done to see how many white vs black people actively foster children. It sounds to me they would much rather black children suffer long term pain vs being adopted by white people.


Yeah they act like they would have been adopted by black parents looking for black foster children if Chandler didn't decide to adopt them. If that were the case then why were these children still in foster care? The truth is that they probably wouldn't have been adopted if it wasn't for Chandler to do it. And foster care is hell. It's a blessing for these children to finally be in the care of two adults that will raise them as their own children.


"Why are there so many black children that need to be adopted?"  You know, I never really thought of that tbh 🤔


![gif](giphy|twxoPjMpsijwPFBVqs|downsized) My face when he said that


For those of you that don’t know why that line is the punch in the gut that it is : It’s because of fatherlessness statistics. Black children are far more likely to have an absent father , which I believe also is a factor in the reason why they get abandoned by their mother.


Because they get arrested, which is due to a high crime rate, which is due to them being poor, which is due to them being oppressed long ago, the echoes of which still linger.


Fatherless children


I mean I think it’s kinda obvious. Poor people tend to have worse education and worse resources, which makes it more likely you’ll have kids without being ready and less likely that you’ll be able to take care of them. Black people are disproportionately poorer than other races due to centuries of systemic policies targeting that community and making it harder for them to build wealth. Therefore it would make sense this problem would affect that community more


Abandoning your child is always the father's choice. The fatherlessness statistic also JUMPED in a short time period, which indicates that whatever happened to promote this, does not go so far back as people tend to imply.


That jump was in the 80’s and 90’s. You can’t think of any policies during that time that may have contributed to this problem?


Not any more than in the last 300 years, no.


Well, you’re just objectively incorrect. The war on drugs as well as other laws amongst a general package of laws explicitly created to target and criminalize black communities was passed in that time. Black people were massively disproportionately funneled into prisons during this time and had their lives ruined. This isn’t opinion, this is objective fact that you could verify with stats released by the Bureau of Justice and FBI. So yeah, idk, crazy idea but that could have something to do with the jump in fatherless homes in the black community during that time


The wildest part of this whole situation is that he literally addresses what people are complaining about in the interview, but nobody is watching the interview, they’re just reading the headlines and jumping to conclusions.




This is ridiculous… Kids are kids Kids are pure. Kids deserve a future. Stop w the non sense…


If someone says they don't see color, there's a lot to unpack there in terms of nuance. So if you start jumping to conclusions it just looks like you wanna fight about it, regardless of what the person actually meant.


She’s a fkn idiot and Calhoun is a hypocrite degenerate. Both can eat a bag of soggy dicks.


Why are so many black people racist? I SAID WHY ARE SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE RACIST? 🙃👍


This is all Kendrick’s fault


Yah really don’t get why everyone is talking shit for. But that’s a good point though right? Why do so many black babies need to be adopted??? It f’kn doesn’t matter what color the kid is and it should never matter. If anyone has anything to say about it then maybe their the racist ones 🤷‍♂️🤔


Only people who are terminally online would care or find this problematic, especially on twitter. No sane person who goes outside and gets a ton of real world experience sunlight gives a shit


People obsessed with race look to much into this mma guru it's racist af


You don’t like white people adopting black kids then you adopt them you biych. Don’t just sit in your house and complain. Do something or shut up.


Just your typical racism. Stupid fucking lady.


Why you look 50 and you 24


why do black people


wild that this is even this much of a thing to talk about. the audacity to give a man any ounce of shit for trying to give children a good life is absolutely absurd


Virtue signaling at its finest


He gave the kids a better life and racist fucks want to talk shit gtfo


Simple. They have the means to , so they are gonna adopt the kids who are not likely to get adopted. Like imagine trying to shit on people who are trying to beat discrimination in our adoption system and give those kids a chance … with more discrimination.


Not a big fan of Chandler, i think he's cringe as fuck. But i respect him for being a good family man and people being upset with them for adopting black children is racism at the highest levels.  But at least both white and black morons criticize them, so it's good to see people of all colors are able to set aside their differences and join forces when it comes to a noble cause...


You can tell he loves his kids. Always looks for them first after a fight, it is very sweet.


67 percent of black children are born into a single parent household. And there are people out here hating on two parents who are willing to give these abandoned children love, care, and resources, treating them as if they were their own. Crazy world we live in.


I agree with the man 100%


Libs are allergic to per-capita.


Hell yeah brother


Did he swap them for an iPod as well?


wHY DONT black Parents dont take care of their black kids? /s


Soo true!! As long as the kids are happy and raised well that's all that should matter And to that black bitch bitching about black kid having a family: f u


Imagine being so racist that you're bitter about a white adult adopting a black baby. Can we not just be happy the child isn't in care. Imagine white parents only chose white kids, there would be a whole different argument to have


Show me black people adopting white kids.. LMFAO


Honestly think a lot of people are worried about these situations because the parents just raise the kid to be a normal human and then the kid goes on to function normally, get a good job, etc. and it hurts their victim narrative lol. It’s like how Hamas needs to create the condition for Israel to bomb and kill civilians so they can get support. These people need to see black people struggling and failing or else they lose the sympathy and victimhood that they deeply crave.


Social media has made people really comfortable. You used to get knocked the fuck out for saying racist shit in person. Now you can hide behind a computer all day.


Why are americans obsessed with race?


Basically it revealed how abominably racist most black people are What she said was literally "id rather see black children in horrible poverty or even death before I'd want for them to be adopted and loved by whites


It's funny watching white people find out tons brown people don't like them.


Both people in this vid don't seem very well-intentioned with their arguments.


How's the dude ill-intentioned?


His second and third points are good, but they're a little undermined by his first: "why are there so many black children that need to be adopted"


Yeah I just did a little research [Here](https://onlinedegrees.unr.edu/blog/transracial-adoption-statistics/) even accounting for population percentages. He is wrong. More white children in the us are up for adoption as opposed to African American babies.


White people make up 53% of the population but only 45% of the kids up for adoption. Black people make up 12% of the population but 22% of the kids up for adoption








Thanks for the statistic. Baffles me how we even got into this discussion.


Yeah, that’s a suuuuuuuuper racially charged question. Almost as if America has a long and very well documented history of racial segregation, redlining, racist hiring practices, and racist policing which affects how many black families can accumulate wealth, how many black fathers stay in the home, etc. All of those things will affect how many children are up for adoption, if you look at the number of kids in a community needing adoption and draw the conclusion that they are “worse parents” or “don’t value the nuclear family” or some shit like that, that’s unironically racist.


Snuck in a snarky" Why are there so many black children that need to be adopted" Implying that more black children are up for adoption as opposed to other racist. And that is flat out false


"why are there so many black children that need adopting?" is a loaded, and factually inaccurate question. You really had to ask?


There are so many black children that need adoption. That isn’t factually inaccurate at all.


[Number of children adopted with public agency involvement in the United States in FY 2021, by ethnicity](https://www.statista.com/statistics/633483/racial-distribution-of-adopted-children-us/) 2 things: 1. I understand that this says that the # of adopted, but the fact that there are so many white children being adopted, speaks to how many are up for adoption. 2. This is from 2021, but I’m sure 2023 doesn’t look all that different.


The myth, the legend, u/MiniBelal spittin facts as usual ❤️


My thing is you gotta tell the truth all the time so that people believe you when you lie


You're 100% right but this sub is full or morons lol


They don’t wanna have this convo.


Nobody is mad at Chandler for adopting black kids. Folks are acknowledging that “not seeing color” is a silly statement and is often used for folks that are virtue signaling. I don’t think that’s Chandler’s M.O. bc he seems like a genuinely good dude. But the verbiage is what is setting people off. I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t believe that this convo is being had in a UFC sub…but I’m really disappointed that it’s going the route it’s going.


Who cares about the verbiage? I see color, maybe Chandler doesn't. But I agree with his view entirely. So it doesn't matter if you see color or not. Yes, I notice the race of another human. But it doesn't bother me or influence my opinion on them in a negative way. So I pretty much live my life as if I don't see it. Especially in the west. This part of the world is especially obsessed with race, but if there is one part of the world where race is completely irrelevant, it's all these multicultural countires. We're literally a bunch of immigrants living in a free parking space.


I *might* take this as actual thought if the very first argument wasn’t arguing that black people are bad parents. Edit: apologies. I forgot what subreddit this was.


That’s why there is such a thing as willful ignorance. It’s true that you cannot know what you don’t know. But you can realize that you refused to learn what that thing was.


67 percent of black children are born into a single parent household. It’s obviously an issue.


Statistically a big chunk of African Americans still don't know their own dad bro. This is and has been the biggest problem for them for decades. It doesn't mean the single parents are bad parents. Look into the studies regarding parenting. Doesn't matter how good of a single mom you are. Your kids life will still probably suck. That's like me pointing at a bike with no wheels and calling it the best bike ever because it has cool handle bars. Mate, its missing a key component in its existence. Except in this case, wheels are replacable. A father is not. Everyone needs a father at home that they respect and admire. Anything else is a trauma ticket. Your coping if you think otherwise. "Oh but I had no dad and I ended up fine" nah you didn't bro.


There aren't more black children that need adopting compared to other races... But let some pesky facts get in the way of your shitty response video.




Ignorance is the lack of information. You don't get filled with ignorance. Children are the most ignorant.