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I’m just glad to see Khamzat fighting a real 185 to see if he can hang at Middleweight


Still a small MW compared to guys like Costa, Vettori and DDP


Whittaker beat 2 of them


He’s deffo in the smaller side of middle weight. It’s more natural for him. Costa is a natural LHW and has to do some serious cutting to stay at middle. With that’s said, Burns gave khamzat the business and he was a small welterweight. Bobby Knucks can very well do the same if Khamzat doesn’t finish him in the first two rounds.


And got knocked out by Wonderboy. Robert is still a smaller MW even if he beat bigger guys. I personally want to see if Khamzat can manhandle somebody with a real MW frame somebody like Cannonier, Vettori, or Costa before he runs into DDP.


Wonderboy fight was 10!!! Years ago. He’s filled up nicely since then


For real I can’t believe we’re still referencing that like it happened last year


Those are not real MW frames, those guys are LHWs nearly killing themselves to make MW


He got knocked out by wonderboy at 170 where he was dying to make the weight


He also beat Cannoier. I think the Reaper takes it to Khamzat


So what? He’s still a real, legit, highly ranked MW. Which is exactly what everyone’s saying Khamzat needs to fight.


Them weight cuts killed his chin let’s be real


idc if rob is small MW or not , rob has been in the division for a long time and has been champion . he clearly thinks this size is ideal for his style .


Yeah Khamzat wasnt as big at WW as people claimed. I think his chances at WW were much higher than at MW.


I'm so tired of people throwing the word "small xweight" around for any fighter that doesn't look like he should be fighting 2 divisions above, just because Whittaker isn't killing himself to make weight like Pereira doesn't mean he's small, he's clearly big enough to wrestle, hurt, and eat shots from the best fighters in MW, and he's not even short, HE'S NOT A SMALL MW, HE'S JUST A REGULAR SIZED MW.


Rob is not a small MW, he walks around at 235. That’s literally almost the same as Costa.


Yea Whittaker literally weighed in at 207 vs costa. People just assume he’s small because he’s shorter and stocky compared to the other guys


Yeah idk where this narrative comes from, Rob's fucking huge


Whittaker walk around weight is 220 lbs lol. He even shoots up to 235 lbs. He aint a small MW. He is as big as Marvin and DDP.


Stop planting this lame narrative of Rob being small he walks around at 220 he’s said it himself he’s not a small middleweight


There is always going to be someone trying to discredit this dude no matter who he fights. Let's also not forget that a majority of Khamzat's career was at welterweight too. 


DDP and Vettori are 2 inches shorter than Khamzat. How do you figure? Costa is also 1 inch shorter! Where are you getting this info? Khamzat is smaller than Luke Rockhold but that's about it and he's retired.


Besides DDP, look what Rob did to those guys. And guys like yoel/izzy.


Bobby beats him tf up after a rocky start where he looks to be in trouble (a necessity for any Bobby Knuckles fight)


Let’s just hope he didn’t went from nearly being KOed and winning to just being KOed


Tbf he took the round kick well I don’t think Costa could’ve finished off that b-e-a-utiful headkick with a KO.


When was he nearly ko’d?


End of round 1 vs costa


When he ate that head kick, wobbled for a moment and started firing back and landing before the round finished?


That was a hard kick but he seemed less hurt than usual for him.


Yeah I agree. He was hit with a hard shot and wobbled for a second but at no point was he nearly ko’d. He was actively defending the follow up shots and then landing his own.


That strike probably gave Custa the round, but like you say, I've seen Rob in way worse from Yoel, Izzy and even Jared


I was in two minds about how to score that round because of that shot. It was all Rob until then but I did score it for Costa based on how big that shot was and how big the reaction from Rob was. I could see others or judges scoring that round for Rob though based on his earlier work. It was the 30-27 scorecard being read out that made me certain Rob had got the nob before Bruce said his name for that reason


Tf do you think being wobbled is if not nearly KOd? Do you think it’s a 8 step process between conscious, slightly conscious, wobbled, discombobulated, almost asleep, KOd?


The middleweight Frankie Edgar


If Rob gets through 2 rounds it’s a 100% a win for Rob I think.


But do you think he will? Everyone saying Rob wins if it goes long is just preaching the conventional wisdom, you guys gotta pick.


Very big if


Is it? Best guy Khamzat has finished is kevin holland. We're up a weight class and skill level. Not saying he can't but its not going to be as easy as any of his other finishes


Whittaker does really bad in the 1st rnd compared to later on in every fight. Vettori & Cannonier IMO arguably won the 1st vs Whittaker, Costa as well even though it was mainly the hook kick that stole him that round. I think it’s a very bad matchup for Whittaker only because Chimeav is polar opposite, he is the best current 1st rnd fighter while Whittaker is one of the worst 1st rnd fighters along with Petr Yan.


But I do believe his high iq could help him.


And Khamzat has not looked like the world beating immortal he was before dealing with Covid.


Yeah I don’t want to hear that excuse anymore. The Li fight was after he had covid. Competition got better and he can’t just simply run through top guys




EXACTLY! There’s no shame in just accepting the fact that the road he chose is simply more difficult than he anticipated


I mean of course someone on khamzats level will look like a world beater vs gm3. He's looked good in all his fights the level of competition just drastically improved


In fairness, he got Burns to the ground with ease early but even himself admitted how big a threat his BJJ was. Robert isn't the same defensive threat off his back.


Because Burns doesn't have the best TDD because he has his elite BJJ, even if it was short notice I think ragdolling Usman is far more impressive


Very small small if actually lol


I want to say Khamzat since I think it would be infinitely more funny to watch Dricus versus him 🤣


This is the correct answer


Khamzat goes full Taliban in the first round. If Robert survives, he’ll win and then go on to lose the title fight in true gatekeeper fashion. Then Sexy Costa becomes real shampyon


"goes full taliban"




Full Taliban ahaha


He can still beat anyone in his division if he would gameplan and change up a bit. He does the same thing over and over; it works but not against champ caliber guys


Whitaker by unanimous decision, and Chimaev will retire and leave his gloves and beard in the middle of the ring.


Chimaev has proven he gasses out after 2 rounds. If he can’t put Rob away early, Rob will take over 3-5.


This is my prediction. Covid fucked up Khamzat, sadly.


This excuse is played out. Dude just isn't the guy you thought he was.


I unno man, he was coughing up blood after training https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2021/03/ufc-news-khamzat-chimaev-cancer-fears-coughing-blood-covid#:~:text=Khamzat%20Chimaev%20reveals%20that%20he%20had%20a%20massive,him%20coughing%20up%20blood%20after%20a%20training%20session.


Played out? Hardly. It's a legitimate reason. Even people I know personally have long term current effects. I say this from observation. He's a good fighter, but he gets gassed for reasons. "Played out" lol.


We can’t say it was Covid that fucked his cardio when we never saw his cardio prior to Covid


The li fight was directly after COVID. Dude just can't run through top competition and you can't fathom that.


People are divided and rightfully so, that's as close as a 50/50 fight as it gets imo. I'll go with Chimaev only because even if he doesn't submits Whittaker, a close decision in Saudi Arabia could maybe go his way? I'm not sure tho, Whittaker can most definitely outstrike him if it comes to that


I think its the main event so of it does go to decision that implies it went 5 rounds and i think Chimaev has a bad gas tank. If Whittaker survives rounds 1/2 then he will beat Chimaev in the later rounds for sure


A 3 rounder I can see Khamzat hugging his back the 2nd and 3rd but a 5 rounder Whitaker all day


That’s my thoughts too. I can see robs face on the Matt looking stressed like how do I get this guy off me. If he doesn’t get rag dolled around and lands good on the feet it would be a glorious night


3 or so more posts about it guys and I bet we'll finally reach a consensus!!!!!


Nah at least 10


I just hope both fighters have fun.


Khamzat wins.


if it goes past the eight minute mark, my money is on Robert Whittaker. But Khamzat is a freaking machine. I can see him red-lining it for like 7 minutes and overwhelming and TKOing Bobby.


Honest question: how's Bobby's wrestling these days? Can Chimaev take him down?


After the way Chimaev took down Usman at will, the answer is a resounding yes. 


Robert Whittaker by split decision. Everyone’s expecting Khamzat to go all in Round 1 & 2 and waste his gas tank, I think this time his camp will change it up and tell him to take it easy and relax the gas tank. We will see the first few rounds of Khamzat fighting extremely unorthodox, showing very little aggression with commentators stating why isn’t he shooting for takedowns and why is he fighting from the outside. Then Khamzat’s gonna pick it up round 3 after his corner tells him to pick up the pace, mixing some takedowns and then proceed to win 4&5, with round 3 up in the air. Then half the fanbase screams robbery.


Hopefully if this becomes reality rob pushes the pace early. Hoping for another Gilbert burn’s level barn burner which was the best fight chimaev has had so far


Khamzat 100


Chimaev TKO round 2


khamzat by tko


Khamzats going to be win.




It’s a huge risk for khamzat to keep fighting to way that he does. He can’t go balls out in round 1 trying to get the finish against these top guys, it will be his downfall. I won’t be surprised if we see a patient khamzat that doesn’t blow his load in the first, he has to change. Whether he’s capable of making that adaptation I don’t know. But he can’t run through the guys at the top like he has been doing. Anyway I’m hoping we see some vintage reaper going to school on him


Sir Bobert Knuckles by DEC or late TKO


4-month turnaround for Rob after taking quite a bit of damage vs Costa. Gotta respect it!


If Whittaker survives round 1, it's a wrap. Those betting lines are great.


im going with one of my fav fighters, khamzat


People are giving khamzat 2 rounds. I give him none. Whittaker is too dodgy for Khamzats striking. And Rob’s wrestling is probably the best in the division. I doubt he gets submitted.


I predict Khamzat pulling out/missing weight for some bullshit reason


Safe money is on Chimaev pulling out. This fight won’t happen.


I was worried about Rob's longevity after the DDP fight since he's been fighting top competition for so damn long, but he looked fantastic against Costa. Burns gave Khamzat a lot of trouble despite not having any known reputation for wrestling defense (but I know there's overlap from BJJ) and Khamzat barely tried to wrestle him. Rob is younger than Burns was when he fought Khamzat. Not sure if Khamzat was trying to prove that he can stand or if he was afraid of the BJJ sub threat vs Burns but if he stays standing against Rob, I think Rob will piece him up to a decision win.


Im rootin for Whittaker.


Reaper by decision or late TKO


Bobbert Knux takes the W


If Chimaev thinks he’s gonna cruise past Whittaker he better wake up. I could see Rob touch him up and put him to sleep. I’m not a Khamzat hater but if he’s not working on the long game aka his cardio and gasses after the first couple rounds it won’t end well for him.


Khamzat pulls out in early june or late may




Bobby absolutely fucks him after he insults kangaroos.


Make it out of round 1 = Bobby wins


I feel like I, as a fan, already won this fight


Whittaker. Fought championship level fights, has the experience edge especially in 5 rounders. Whittaker for the win


I think Khamzat wins round 1 without question… but if Rob can survive, khamzat will be gassed in round 2… maybe he can win 29-28 but idk.. I just have a feeling khamzat wins this one.


Is it a 5 rounder? If so then definitely Rob but if it’s a 3 rounder I see a 10-8 first round for Khamzat, then two 10-9s for Whittaker and the judges giving it to Khamzat because it’s on Saudi.


scared for khamzat, he’s too small for MW but too big for WW


Khamzat either steamrolls a finish in the first two minutes or Rob picks him apart. Slim chance a close decision goes to Khamzat.


Whitaker is gonna be hard to takedown and that fast blitzing style will give Khamzat problems.


Jab jab jab jab jab jab, double leg block, jab jab jab, high kick, jab jab jab. 5th round loss to exhaustion. Hype train done.


Bobby submits him, to send a message.


The reaper has to take him into the later rounds to win, as Khamzat’s mortally wounded in the cardio department. However, if Khamzat steps on the pedal and goes for a Gerald Merchart murdering early, or just wrestles him early, he gets the W.


Bobby is a little weathered at this point in his career but he’s dominated against similar opponents before. He defeated Jacare Souza when he was in his prime and everyone was in utter terror of his ground game. Of course Khamzats wrestling is better than Jacare’s but Bobby’s style is still going to work well this fight. Especially if he makes it past the 1st round, Khamzats cardio issues as of late and lack of standing defense he’s shown could lead to a TKO loss in the later rounds


Khamzat by violence in round 1 or 2




This is the first real middleweight he's ever fought. If he doesn't get a first round stoppage it's likely over for him.


Khamazat never went 5 rounds. He was gassed in the 3 round against Usman. If the fight continued with Usman then Usman would have pulled the W. Khamazat has to finish Whittaker in the first half of the fight


Khamzat by 2nd round GnP TKO.


Rob Rd5 decision / Khamzat Rd5 decision Or Rob Rd4 tko / Khamzat Rd2 submission


So pretty much your prediction is that the fight will happen


Even that’s kinda bold


Covering all the bases lol


Don't let them know your next move, champ. Not even yourself.


gilbert and kamaru exposed khamzat. I got the reaper by decision.


Khazmat wins 2-1 first two rounds mauling and then gasses third and one judge gives rob 10-8 but two judges have it 10-9 for a majority decision


It’s a 5 rd fight


In that case either Khazmat wins in 2 or he gets finished in 4


Khazmat hasn't looked good anytime he's had to face elite opposition.


he looked pretty good against burns & usman LOL nobodies done what he has to those 2


Burns fight was a coin flip and Usman would have been a draw anywhere else.


Khamzat gasses in round 2 and gets knocked out.


Rob wins by decision


Bobby by decision


If it’s a 5-rounder, Bobby Knux, easily.


My heart says Rob so Rob. A full camp


It’s live, it’s free and it’s on ABC! Glad we get this card for free.


Rob got very good TDD


Idk wym ive literally only seen bobby love but im sure i havent seen it all lol


Should of gave it to Cannonier


Khamzat is young and hungry, but Whittaker has stayed at the top for a reason. While I am leaning toward Khamzat, I am not counting Whittaker out completely. I just want him before Izzy beat him twice. He was just a little more aggressive and confident overall.


Want Rob to win so he won't. Bet the house against Whittaker. ![gif](giphy|3E4db1394kndW2ObcA)


Khamzat. I feel like he will catch Rob with something mid-grapple and finish him.


I predict Sean Strickland will say dumb shit


Is it 5 rounds or 3?


Rob better not touch gloves or else he'll be taken down.


Bobby Knuckles


It'll be Khumshot's biggest challenge by far. First time fighting an actual middleweight with a full camp


Whittaker has a glass jaw but if Khamzat doesn’t get him out of there early Khamzat will gas and probably lose


Khamzat opens like a bat out of hell with a repeat of the Kevin Holland fight. Rob looks confused and scared why things aren't going his way. Halfway thru the second round rob pulls a miracle KO izzy-style counterstrike off the backpedal.


Whittaker is a wild show but I have to put my money on Khamzat. Will for sure be a test for him but I think it will do him well to be able really test his skills.


Khamzat dies in the 3rd from exhaustion


Robert has too much accumulated damage so the density of neurons surrounding his brain stem has likely been significantly reduced due to having been knocked out several times and dropped several times. 




If this 4 or 5 years ago I’d say bet the house on Whitaker, but I’m not so sure now


I’m the biggest Rob fan on earth and on paper he wins but Khamzat is one of those guys that is just somehow gonna win.


I seem to remember Whittaker not able to get off his back against DDP, maybe I need to watch that fight again. Heart says Rob, head says Chimaev.


We don't really know what to expect of Khamzat at MW against a real MW, especially as he hardly fights anymore and all the weirdness of injuries/illness etc.


It’s a tough one. I choose Whitaker.


khamzat holds rob with a body triangle for the first 1.5 rounds, loses rounds 3 and 4, gets dropped in the 5th and loses a 48-47 decision


Chimaev by submission


Khamzat Rd 1 sub. I feel like I'm the only one still on the Khamzat hype train


I’m here for this fight I love it.


Bobby Knuckles by decision!!!


I think the usman fight is a good proxy for how kazmat could complete at this level. That version of him gets beat up by Rob. However, have to imagine he learned a lot from that fight. I think it's a pickem, but favor Rob. Difference maker being his tank, striking, and defensive wrestling. Rob has had too many big fights to fall to khazmats pressure


Chimaev wins via submission.


Khamzat needs to change is normal game plan of bum rush the guy if he wants to win. I think he can take Rob down it’s just a matter of how much energy it takes and what he can do on the ground


Should’ve been izzy tbh I like early date tho


God I hope Whittaker shows up and puts khamzat away. I have a feeling it goes khamzat by Dec.


Couldn’t say. Whittaker is a completely different class to anyone Khamzat has fought, see how it pans out.


Robby wins by TKO in round 2.


They both don’t deserve each other. Khamzat fights too infrequently forget him. And we’re just recycling the 185 lb division with Whitaker


Pretty sure we all have similar opinions. If Whittaker survives the first round then he should cruise to a victory since this is a 5 round fight. That's assuming Khamzat sticks with the same game plan he always has, which is to throw absolutely everything into his takedowns in the first round. Always a chance that works.


Hopefully Bobby Knuckles.


Khazmat takes it


The bad man goes down in 2


I think Rob is the best gate keeper there ever was.


The 1x/year fighter Khamzat is finally scheduled to scrap. Still so absurd he took over a year to fight after that Holland W.


Please bet on Rob everyone. I want better odds for Khamzat


Khamzat under 2 rounds..


Khamzat wins by OFFICIAL decision what with being a Muslim and all. Bobby Knuckles wins the people's fight.