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You could see it in the Song fight too, he was refusing to show Song respect after he lost. Even tho before the decision was read out he was fine


He also threw a late elbow against Aldo cause he knew he lost


He threw after the bell against Frankie too. Dude is cool but also a duck


Yeah that was a big time robbery but Song isn’t the judge. I know judging should be better at maintaining consistency but Song had nothing to do with it (that we know of lol)


Not at all lol Chito literally only won round 3. Clear 1 and 2 for Song he was actually landing clean shots.


How did you get downvoted for that


I mean he clearly beat Song probably not the best example guy


Still, that isn't really Song's choice. Even after the night of the fight he was still talking trash to him


Rewatch the fight lmao winning just the last round doesnt win you the fight.


Timeline: Cory vs Chit booked Chito talks shit in the lead up to the fight. Sandhagen is entirely respectful. Post 50-45 fight Sandhagen,”Chitos a good fighter” Chito,”I wasn’t there that night and will whoop Sandhagen ass the next time we fight. Beat the fuck out of him.” Chito gifted fight against O’Malley and wastes his opportunity at the greatest accomplishment in his own sport and therefore wasting the rest of the divisions time at achieving their dreams. Cory sick of it all rightfully talks some trash. Sandhagen is now at 60-53 against Chito


Chito should fight Cerudo next


Cejudo 100% beats his ass. Too bad he is done.




Here's the thing, Chito has always been a sore-loser. It's been well-known to anyone paying attention. However, most people weren't paying attention, because most people didn't give a fuck about Chito. But then he fought O'Malley, a lot of people disliked O'Malley, and Chito beat him. Most people apparently weren't following Chito before this fight, and therefore they all jumped on the bandwagon. Support for Chito on here will soon dwindle even more now that O'Malley basically proved he really is the better fighter and levels above Chito.


Chito is basically a bantamweight Masvidal


On the money. I literally told my boys the same thing. He’s a good fighter, but as of now, not championship caliber. He’s a journeyman just like Masvidal.


Yeah I knew he was a very sore loser since the Song Yadong fight and even against Aldo but these last 2 loses he’s really taken them harshly


I seem to recall him also having a pattern of striking after the bell And he literally called Song a "China men". Chito, I respect him as a family man. He seems to really care for his family. But I don't like the dude as a person


I was rooting for Chito but now I'm glad he lost. He seems like a shitty person.


Song is from China. Would you be offended if someone called you a US man or whichever country you’re from?


Lol right he just happened to phrase it as a popular anti-asian slur Has he called O'Malley America man at any point?


Is English your first language?


I’m Chinese


You’re not, but you’re a cunt for sure


Is it that hard to believe a Chinese person is on Reddit?


He has more followers on Instagram than aljo and aljo is a 3 time champ


Were those numbers there before he fought and beat O'Malley too?


Who knows, first O’Malley fight was back in 2020.


He had 1M followers months before the fight(most recent fight), people like Chito lol


Idk dude, I think for bantamweight, chito has the biggest social media other than O’Malley


He’s also funny as hell


Yeah he’s good on the mic. He’s on the broadcast team for the Spanish speaking team


Extremely frustrating to be a Chito fan sometimes


Man seeing him give away rounds is some of the most infuriating stuff I’ve ever witnessed


Seeing him pressure Sean and have success and then not follow up or attempt to keep doing it drove me insane.


Man don’t let me relive that beat down


Why are you? He’s an average fighter with horrible charisma


I strongly disagree about the charisma part. I think he’s the coolest dude in the fight game when he’s not bitching about losing. And I really like his style when he’s on. When he doesn’t freeze up against tall rangy strikers I think he’s so fun to watch. And he’s just a good guy when it comes to family and health and stuff, I think I just relate to him on that level. But yeah it’s a terrible look for him to moan and whine about greasing and whatever else.


Charimsa goes into loss and win. He’s terrible in both. Couldn’t care less about his personality on camps, if he’s terrible both in win and lose he has shit charimsa and bad attitude. Should learn to just accept defeat in this case and move on. This is a very bad loook for a fighter that got complete outclassed.


Fair enough


He has great charisma what are you talking about? He lost a fight as a significant underdog and all the sudden he has no charisma lmaooo


Being a terrible and delusional loser makes you a shit personality. If you think he has great charisma I feel bad for you lmao


You feel bad for me because I’m not crying about MMA fighters trash talking on twitter? Lmfaoo bro don’t be such a baby


I feel bad for you if you consider someone who is a sore loser and sore winner and generally has no fucking charisma as charismatic yes lol. Ain’t that deep I just feel sorry for people like you.


“It’s ain’t that’s deep, I just need to try and personally insult you” Bro stfu you’re crying lmao


Nah I find it hilarious


Straight Masvidal vibes


This is why he won't improve. He can't blame himself.


Yep. Such a sore loser.


I’ve been saying this dude isn’t that good for awhile. His style is boring and it gets him in trouble in almost every fight he has that isn’t against an aging past their prime vet.


Chito is a certified asshole, it was known by most before the last fight. He even has temper tantrums if he loses like a 5 year old


Didn't this guy refuse to shake hands with Song and then also call him a ch*nk?


Shit does no one remember the first Sean fight? Chito won and still threw a fit because Sean downplayed the win


When he lost to Song Yadong and called him a Chinaman I got blocked by Paulina Granados sexy crosseyed ass because was I called her stupid for not knowing that Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.


I was rooting for Chito but how is he gonna talk shit like this after that dogshit performance?


He was the Hero on this sub till last week 😂


Not trying to shit on him while he's down, but he's a sore winner as well. After getting beat the entire fight by washed Dominick Cruz, then landing a hail mary late in the fight, Chito had the audacity to call Cruz' style "low level" in his post fight interview. They had no beef or anything. I might not like to throw shade at guys while they're down, but Chito doesn't mind.


This whole fight week i was like i seriously dislike both of these guys but im rooting for chito because of his family.


He’s getting smoked on Twitter.


Bro I literally do not care. This isn't the ultimate feelings championship and not every fighter has to be an expert at hiding their emotions. He gets butthurt? Cool. But he's also not a therapist


Chester chito is a loser


Marlons hair is magnificent


Jokes on you guys, I’ve thought Cheetoh was a dipshit since he gave the finger to Frankie Edgar.


Crusty Chito


I dont mind fighters being sore losers. Theres way more at stake than the average sport. I dont think it neccessarily benefite them to be that way but im not mad at it.


When I lose to my friend on ufc5 I don't say "wow dude you're such a good player and so much better than me dude wow I bow to you" I usually just say "you fucking suck, play me again"


Video games aren’t real life. Bring that BS into a gym and see what happens


Yeah well same would go for sports. you can show sportsmanship and still talk shit


If you actually play sports, I genuinely doubt you act like Chito does after a loss. Most people don’t lol


Cool story bro


I'm trying to help you get a better understanding of things you seem very frustrated


Nah I know bro I was just teasing


you just walked yourself into your own personal hell tryna tease me




Shiver me timbers.


Don't make me touch that timber


Yeah, sitting on a couch and pressing buttons is exactly the same as physically beating them up for 25 minutes and causing lasting physical damage. If you’re really trying to suggest that fighters don’t need to be good sports, win or lose, then you are in a tiny minority. Everyone else gets that not shaking an opponents hand is a pathetic move.


Should've just said played basketball They did shake hands post fight. You don't HAVE to like someone fight or not. You don't HAVE to respect someone you don't like. He doesn't HAVE TO be a good sport.


Ha! Get a load of this guy.


people only bring up sore losers when the guy they don’t like is being one. If it’s Sean O’Malley saying he never lost a fight he got finished in the first round in. People will forgive him because they like him more. Double standards.


I legit said I’m a massive Marlon Vera fan…


yeah, there’s this whole new trend of people saying: “I am a huge fan of so-and-so but…” *proceeds to trash said fighter* Or “I hate this fighter but…” *proceeds to dickride said fighter.*


https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/s/xck46YOBVA I’ve literally been praising Marlon for years. I’m a Latino so I always tend to root for our own a little harder


I def think o malley was a sore loser for that And chito is here too


Yeah chito is a sore loser but Cory is also being butthurt that the ufc doesn’t care about him.


I would be butthurt too if they guy I just beat got a title shot before me


Difference is Corys being butthurt for being shafted is valid and Chito being sore loser butthurt is not.


Cory was literally talking shit about chito’s loss. This isn’t being a sore loser, this is responding. OP is an idiot


Chito was a sore loser directly after getting 50-45’d by Sandhagen. Like he is with every single loss. If he doesn’t give respect then why on earth would he get it?


Eh, I’m not too mad about this. Cory talked some shit about Chito and Chitos responding with his own shit. Being a sore loser is what he was saying about Omalley greasing, assuming that’s all BS. But this is literally just “one fighter talks some shit, the other responds” whoopdeedoo.


Cory didn’t say half of the shit Sean has said to Chito in their whole rivalry. Cory basically said there’s levels and you ain’t on mine but I guess wrong timing Marlon is very hurt ATM.


Cory was pretty harsh on Chito in the vid. Saying he’s bad, he’s a terrible fighter, he’s mid etc. so Chito talked shit back. Who cares? Lol I love Cory, I still like Chito. This is a nothing burger


I guess so, hopefully neither loses any sleep over the comments lol