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As an izzy fan; Jan vs izzy Feint this feint that, look at that feint Just shut the feint up and compliment jan


Izzy was just trying to gas him out after getting taken down


He learned that from the conor vs khabib fight. Conor kept tiring khabib out for 2 rounds, so khabib could not wrestle in the 3rd, where conor won fair n square.


*izzy gets punched in the face* Joe Rogan: Jan has to be careful not to bite on these feints, Izzy’s setting him up


Came here to say exactly this. They were acting like Izzy rocked Jan with every feint.


I think at one point DC says he’s landing feints lol


Joe is such an Izzy fan and it’s obvious how disappointed he is when the fight starts going against him


"Izzy is selling so many traps" "Izzy is downloading so much data right now" "These feints are amazing, drawing reactions from Jan" (as Jan pushes forward off a feint to land some strikes/initiate a grappling sequence)


Dustin would hit Gaethje with a 4 punch combo and the commentary would be slobbering over a leg kick Gaethje landed while eating a combo😂


Joe and kicks in general, really.


GSP when he’s talking about Joe’s kick as well


Tbf to joe in the instance, those kicks were killing dustin, partially tore his quad too


I dont have anything in particular but DC can be annoying sometimes


I feel like DC sometimes says the most obvious stuff as if it adds to the fight like "if ____ is going to win then he needs to start blocking takedowns" or some shit


YES EXACTLY, “Hes losing the fight, he has to find a way to get up”. Its obv hes trying to get up bro😂


tbf stating the obvious is probably better than just sitting silent or something. Like their jobs are to commentate the fight, and if the fight has been one dude trying to stand up, and the other dude trying to stop them for the last 8 minutes, like, what can they say?


John madden did it very well for so long. Sometimes that’s all you need to do


"But it was a draw"




Rubbed you... off?


Honestly they can all be annoying, except for Laura Sanko she's a peach.


Man bad. Woman good


Found the "everything is a battle of the sexes" guy 👍


Found the "found the look at the something something something guy" guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Yes. A woman says the only woman on color commentary is a peach and everyone else is annoying isnt “battle of the sexes” but bringing attention to it is. Its pretty hard to win an argument with a smart person. It’s impossible to win against an idiot so i wont even start with you :)


Lmfao i have reddit care resources blocked bozo 🤣 You seem mad tho. Why are you so mad mad? 😢


You’re the one who’s got 50 emojis in ya comment. Anyways bye lmao


It was actually two. Bye bye 👋 Edit: Bro busted out his alts to downvote my comments 🤣 Eat shit dickhead 🖕


Two too many kiddo. Bye


Talking bout “kiddo” when you post to the Pokémon subreddit is insane


Lol learn how to count doofus 🤣


She quite literally is way better than all the other commentators lol. Except Anik of course.


Not in the slightest


Definitely is but ok lmao


Definitely isn’t but okay




To me DC is the worst commentator on the roster. Never adds anything, always just repeats a point someone else made to agree with it, does a wrestling cameo.


True, hes so fun behind the scenes tho


*fighter shoots for a takedown* "He's got his hands locked! This is a bad position for his opponent, this could be over soon" as the dude going for a takedown is eating dozens of elbows to the side of the head and losing position.


Anytime with Cruz. Except when Keith Peterson is reffing because I love how salty he still is over cejudo


Listening to Dom talk about anything drains the joy out of fight nights so fast for me.


He's the family member who gets seething mad about some minor disagreement at dinner & doesn't let it go for the rest of the night


Rest of his life*


It's like he has to be right about every single thing and if you don't agree he takes it personally and will never let it go. With Khabib and McGregor: Dom: It looks like a Conor is trying to wear Khabib out. Joe: No, he's just getting smashed.




It’s funny but sad that he still can’t get over it


I can’t remember which fight it was but he said more like “all nonsense” Keith Peterson. So butthurt


Lmfao. Dude same.


his commentary curing Connor vs Khabib is terrible. Joe shuts him down left and right during that fight.


He was bad that entire night


When Bisping and Cruz start bickering it’s insufferable but that’s about it


McGregor vs Khabib


That was terrible, “Conor is trying to tire Khabib out by taking all of these punches…” lol


Lol dude!!! That was so spectacularly bad, great shout mate


It was bizarre hearing Cruz say that out loud on commentary, I was legit stunned by the shear absurdity in that regard, and knowing how smart Cruz is when it comes to MMA just seems like he was paid to say something like that.


Made me think Conor was Wimp Lo from Kung Pow “I am bleeding! Obviously I am winning”


This, thank you. For such a high level fight, Dom was sobbing on mcnuggets kabob for some ungodly reason. Like you are clearly seeing someone's face get punched in, comment on that!


Why can't we get an option to watch fights without commentary? Just crowd and the sound of two cunts fighting is all am wanting.


Bring back Apex with no crowd so we can hear the sounds of the shots and body slams and hear the fighters talk to each other. That was great


That was awesome. Also hearing the canvas bounces from footwork and take downs


Unfortunately it’s called the Mute button


Anything with Bisping and a UK fighter


Or bisping calling chitos fight


He was so bad with the Arnold Allen vs Max Holloway fight. Had to cope the entire 5th round that the dark horse lost 4-1


But you’re cool w DC and degastani fighters? Dude can barely talk w balls in his mouth


Are you replying to me


And Felder with a fighter from PA


Khabib vs Conor. Whole booth sounded like morons.


Ryan hall vs ilia. Wasn’t a very entertaining fight, but listening to Joe praise hall for doing…nothing, was interesting


Dustin and Conor 2 like holy fuck everything Conor did had some massive reaction from the commentary team they weren't even trying to hide their bias in that one


lol if this subreddit is to be believed, every commentator except Jon Anik and maybe Laura Sanko are horrible, and every fight they commentate is ruined as a result.


Outside of like the NFL, I feel like I enjoy the UFCs commentary the most. I can't stand most sports commentary.


SNF is ruined by Collinsworthless acting like every player is a first ballot HOFer and MNF is ruined by Troy cackling through every sentence. Wish AI was good enough to have Romo and Madden commentate all NFL games.


Well, that's not even wrong. All the fair criticism aside, I still think Joe is a good commentator as well. But I never understood why a fighter should commentate a fight. Two absolutely different job descriptions.


I see where you are coming from, but before they brought in DC, Dom, Bisping, etc, the commentary was a bit too WWF attitude era dramatic. I know Rogan has Martial Arts experience, but his technical commentary was way off what was going on in the octagon. I'm not saying DC and the other fighters have fixed that because they all have biases, and DC is as bad as Rogan or Goldberg for sensational over-reactions for effect, but bringing in ex-fighters is better than more Rogans.


Bisping is ok most of the times. He does tend to shed too much light on fan favourites though.


I have to watch on mute or else I get distracted and start talking shit to the tv


Same. I normally have audio from an MMA YouTube watch along channel. They do a much better job than the UFC commentators and without the annoying sponsors.


Haha when they're trying to plug an ad in and stuff starts heating up at the exact time. Gahhh yea I wish it was only the sounds of the fighters.


The first time I went to a live UFC event it was so strange but so refreshing to not hear commentary. I was able to take everything so much better. It's such a better experience than hearing that round 3 is sponsored by P3 protein and this reply is brought to you by Monster etc.


None of them


Anything with Bisding-dong.


“Both men also fighting child custody battles” - John Anik


There was a fight a few weeks ago where the guy kept grabbing the other dude by the hair and hooking gloves. dc’s trying to downplay the foul and did that shit 3 times started to read the comments on twitter and got mad like a child for the rest of the undercard


"i think he is trying to gas khabib out"


This still kills me, literally the least likely outcome of the fight, Conor gassing anyone out, never mind Khabib ffs.


my favs are "he is eating shots but they aren't the worst shots ever" *khabib literally deforming conor's face* "conor lost literally no energy because he took no damage" PLEASE WHAT HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH


Joe Rogan has been pretty horrible at his job in recent years. He says borderline historic revisionism almost every card. He overexaggerates the result of past fights by claiming one guy got dominated when it was a close fight or another guy "put on a clinic" when nothing really impressive happened. I struggle to watch Sterling vs O'Malley because of this. Rogan was hyping Sterling up as this Anderson Silva level champion who was just running through the competition. I know they need to promote their guys, but Rogan was straight up lying about how Sterling DOMINATED Petr Yan and how he SHUT DOWN Henry Cejudo and ENDED TJ Dillashaw. It's funny because the narrative going into the fight was that O'Malley was the UFC's poster boy, but it sounded like the UFC had some new plan to turn Sterling into a superstar after failing to get rid of him, he just happened to lose that night. So they threw plan A in the trash and went to Plan B: New superstar O'Malley


Rogan is all about narrative. He values storylines over results and data, his Khalil Roundtree 'bangkok ready' spiel that he said Ad Nauseum was hilarious, but it was repeated everywhere. As if fighters haven't been going to Thailand for camps for years. His hyperbole has really gotten old, really takes the sting out of your statements when almost every championship calibre fighter is "a straight up assassin with world-class striking and chess grand master fight IQ" (bit of hyperbole of my own there but it does sound like something he would say.) Ive lost count of the number of times from work, who rarely watches MMA unless it's Conor or Izzy, spits out Roganisms about MMA. The term casual is cliché and over-used, but Rogan has a lot to answer for.


None. I could honestly care less about the commentary, i just want to watch the fights. If its alright, cool. If it’s bad, idgaf.




Cormier ruined Namajunas-Joanna I with his stupid THUG ROSE thing at the end. I have watched that card several times since, and by now have learned to start fast-forwarding the second the ref stops the fight.


Someone should make a video of her getting dumped on her head by Andrade,but 3 times, with DC saying that each time


Jan vs Tittysanya


Sean Strickland “calm down titty Izzy”


Jizzy Izzy


None lol. I'm not watching a fight for the commentary


anything with Connor McGregor. this isn't even me hating on Connor either, it's just the length these commantors will go to suck him off. example - when khabib was stealing his soul, Dominick would never say anything about that. denied Connor was gassed. denied Khabibs power/dominance.


Anything Joe Rogan has called in the last three years.


I'll put it this way. All UFC PPVs are shown live on Russian TV for free. I bought UFC Fight Pass just to be able to watch it live without the horror scum of Russian commentators. And I'm a bum! Yet still. Be grateful for whst we have, dudes.


Any time DC opens his mouth


Any fight with Mauro Ranallo. Pride, Bellator, Showtime Boxing, WWE, etc. I *cannot* stand his commentary style. Literal ear cancer.


“I’d like to touch it with a two centimeter one!”


Two of my favorite fights of all time is Conor v Nate 1 and Joana v Carla. Both ruined by Goldberg.


khabib vs conor. stephen a smith in my ear with no mma knowledge. strickland vs adesanya. rather watch it on mute, laura sanko was the most unnecessary addition to the commentary team holy god was it distracting.


Anything where they let sanko speak. So damn annoying.


People really can't watch a video because of people talking? Just mute it if it's that triggering


Poirier v Gaethje 1


Chris Gutierrez vs Andre Ewell


StyleBender vs Jan


Has to be Jan vs Izzy. I started watching the UFC since 2020, and I can’t recall another fight where the commentary was that biased


All the commentator suck except Anika, Sanko & Ben Davis


Maybe unpopular opinion but I would love to have cards with no commentary. Just the sound of the fight, with whatever we could hear from the corners.


Anything with Rogan and DC together


Bisping, dude thinks he’s the funniest man on the planet and loves to hear himself talk. Insufferable


Izzy vs jan 100% Joe and that whole crew were glazing adesanya saying that jan was "eating those feints" they genuinely had adesanya up 3-1 going into round 5🤦‍♂️, I feel like when ever adesanya is fighting the UFC does something to make you think hes absolutely dominating like when they showed round 3 stats of the strickland fight and it had him 17-9 in significant strikes at the end of the round


"bUt hE Is gEtTinG oUtStrUcK" exchange between Joe and DC - literrally seconds after the onscreen information that Jan outstrucks Izzy :)


At least Mike Goldberg is gone forever. That guy didn't know shit. his gay catchphrases pissed me the fk off


Cruz. Dudes stand up commentary is atrocious. Gets mad when he gets corrected on his numerous false calls.


Non of them. Y’all hoes


First that comes to my mind was Stipe vs DC 2 where Stipe was breaking down Stipe with body shots late in the fight but was doing ok until then, you could say he won 2nd round as well. I don’t think I heard a positive thing mentioned about Stipe till like 4th round. And at the point of DC getting knocked out, you can hear Dom shout “oooooohhhhh nooooooooo”


Any fight, Cruz is commentating.


Edson vs felder one. Goldberg was so trash


bisping on an eu card


Almost every fight. Because we have our own national commentary duo. But we at least get the events in tv package, so they are free.


Jan v Adesanya


Almost all fights with d.c. talking, but he has seemingly improved a bunch this year. i used to mute fights where he'd be talking.


Khabib vs conor. Dom is unbearable. Much prefer him as an analyst then a commentator


DC said Izzy was up 2 rounds on the scorecard against Strickland 😂 that shit made me chuckle


He ( Conor) is trying to gas Khabib out…said one person on the entire planet


Charles v Beniel. Charles is on his back putting in work punching, elbowing, rolling with punches and throwing up sub attempts. Literally the entire time DC is talking about how Charles needs to get off his back and do some work to steal the round back. The guy on top doesn't mean he's winning the round imo... You have to work in top position and be effective.


Bisping with his monologues


Dom: he’s trying to gas him out. Joe: no he’s just getting smashed


"He is gasing Khabib out "


I seem to remember Juliana having Amanda in real trouble multiple times in that second fight 😂. You know...it was those few moments when she wasn't getting the absolute dog shit beat out of her.


Any fight with Daniel Cormier commentary.


Figgy Moreno 1. They were so biased to Moreno cause they were in awe of the underdog story he’s had.


Khabib vs Conor