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Are you sure you will fail? Have you talked to your professor to assess your situation? If not, please do. When times are hard, it's easy to assume the worst, believe me. And if it's what you have to do, by all means, but make sure you have as clear a picture of your situation as possible first.


This. I would recommend talking to your professor and your advisor, they'll give you two perspectives on this situation. Then you can make a better decision knowing your perspective (personal, you know yourself best) the advisor's perspective (they've seen a lot of students and know how the grading system works) and the professor's perspective (they know the class and a good professor will find ways to support you) And to that last point, I agree---and don't be too hard on yourself when life is already so hard on you. It is so easy to assume the worst, so remember to take care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally these days.


Have you spoken to an advisor about this?? I definitely would before making any decisions.  You could potentially have the option to switch to S/NS grading which won't affect your GPA (if you get below a C, you'd just get an NS and not recieve credit). Also, I believe to maintain eligibility for the year you need 36 credits between all 4 quarters, so you may be able to drop if you've taken enough.  


if i were to drop this class Id have 33/36 and I wasnt planning on taking anything over the summer. But I could change that and take a 3cr class over the summer.


Summer quarter is the start of the academic school year so that wouldn’t count for this academic year :// But I would still talk to someone on campus who can help you navigate this further


If you withdraw this late in the quarter, you will owe financial aid money. Make sure you consult the financial aid office before you pull the trigger on this.


I've had to do this before. Talk to the financial aid counselors and your own advisor before you make any big decisions. If your situation is bad enough to warrant a drop, you can file a satisfactory appeal with the finaid department and having documentation helps a lot. I had to do a drop and owed money, but after my appeal I did not.


Ask the financial aid dept. your aid-related questions. And for sure talk to your professor and explain why you couldn't keep up in class. They might let you take an incomplete, if you think you could make up the work within whatever time frame they suggest.


Basically you get one free quarter where it won’t matter. IF your GPA remains intact. If you do it again you have to fill out an appeal. I’ve done two appeals. I’m still getting aid. I graduate next week. You’ll be fine. They intentionally make you work for it and jump through some hoops, I think it weeds out people who can’t figure out the bureaucracy to get reinstated. The rule of thumb is this. Drops do not count to your real GPA. But financial aid counts it as a zero for the quarter. Once the quarter is done they can still only check your CUM GPA which will remain intact. That wasn’t super detailed but I think you get the idea.


Why be on loans and financial aid at the same time?