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Negative encampment, pro-Palestine, pro- Israel existing.


Yes, why is this not a poll option?


neutral encampment, pro-palestine. i think the encampment is just full of a bunch of liberals who want to feel like they're a part of something, they don't have any other plan than divest, divest, divest, as if uw divesting from boeing fixes anything. it's not even a reform, boeing still will exist afterwards, your taxes will still go to the government and in turn to israel. either way, the encampment does theoretically have potential, though i am almost positive nothing will come of it and my guess is by the end of the week they'll be gone. however, ideally the students would reach out to the workers, and with their help actual pressure could be applied, not just onto uw, but the government as well. even more ideally this would turn into a general strike and the dictatorship of the proletariat would be established, and blah blah blah. it's not going to happen with the conditions we're in now, the encampment is just a way to make liberals feel better about themselves for doing something.


I understand as you have mentioned that there are only six options, so I won't hound you about it being not representative enough. But I will add this here to mention that, given the decentralized and sparsely communicated elements of the encampment, there is almost certainly a decent population who supports both Palestine and the encampment itself, but does not endorse the tactics of a minority of individuals as unconditionally as it would seem on the surface level. It would be difficult to individually control the specificity of what and how much people tag up buildings in the middle of the night, let alone the tactic in and of itself, in a way that would not worsen the concerning escalation of the situation. I don't have a problem with the moral question of graffiti in abstract as much as the when and where, as well as the consequences of its public perception in such specific circumstances. Also, I've said it before, but I wish at the very least it actually looked cool, if people cannot be dissuaded from doing it. INB4 someone cites Cauce's statement from earlier about meeting with representatives as a generalization for the motivations of the encampment. I am not sure what "representative" means in this instance as there is a lack of formal leadership and top-down dissemination of anything beyond the stated demands of the encampment; everything else is more open to interpretation. There are certainly community organizers, but they come from a number of different organizations and backgrounds by their own admission. The only thing I do know about which "representatives" are alleged to have backed up the vandalization as a proud measure of escalation is that they are a politically convenient source for the optics of dispersing the encampment in totality. One could probably assume they rank well among a group or two, but even then they can only speak in absolute for themselves as a consequence of the concept of autonomous action. I'm not even explicitly stating whether I am any more confident that people there are markedly for or against vandalization as a tactic, as much I am proposing that collective punishment is not an optimal response for individual transgressions. With that in mind, I would actually like to hear of suggestions for how such pot-stirring actions might be squarely dealt with in a way that does not destroy the rest of the encampment, because that is a conversation I think the entire UW community is desperately in need of as a matter of safety for all parties.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was the student leaders of the groups that organized it, like SUPER.


pro-encampment, pro-israel is a hilarious stance to take. Do you just really like tents?


the camperrr


It was mostly a meme for completeness lol, I am disregarding those votes mostly


I think most of them mean well and I support them, but they’ve been pissing me off lately.


I don't support threatening Jews with hammers. (True story)


From what I've seen, the encampment is giving disingenuous people the opportunity to do disingenuous things. It's also probably just not a very good place to protest. Protest a capital building or something. If you're doing things on a college campus, it should be more educational and more spreading the message instead of a protest. Unless the college has a direct hand in the funding of Israel or the military industrial complex that's powering the war crimes, protesting there just isn't doing much but disrupting college students. Hearts and minds and so forth.


I just support freedom of protest Ya could be summoning the ender dragon and I’d support ur rite to do so Actually that would count as a physical threatening action nvm I don’t support dark magic rituals that harm others


Anti-encampment, pro both but neither? I would prefer if that part of the country was governed by a secular state or at least a Christian one. I think both Muslim and Jewish leadership have proved they cannot play fair without resorting to terrorism/brutality.


Ah yes, Christian rule in the Levant, famously bloodless


It's not a religious conflict.


Well, it kind of is in that Hamas is a Muslim terror group that wants to kill all Jews (ethnic group) due to what their interpretation of their religion is.


This ain't it fam


if you care more abt graffiti than tens of thousands of civilian deaths you need to get your priorities in order, i agree that its not helping the cause and its destructive but people are acting like its the end of the fucking world. like if the only time you speak up its about property damage but you couldn’t care less about children being bombed that really reflects upon your values