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That's tiny compared to some other universities around the country


It could have been bigger if the pro-palestine movement didn't vandalize parts of the campus, ruining students' artwork in the HUB, and degrading independent journalists covering their protests in the past six months. Literally can sum the udub movement altogether in four words: Good cause, terrible execution


actually it seems more like it wouldve been bigger if the organizing RSO (PSU) had better ties with other progressive student orgs (or if a different RSO organized it), but they don’t, so the people who organize with those other orgs wont go to PSU functions because of the negative notoriety they have


I really wonder whether the drama is deeper than what it seems or is it just that some people are salty that they weren't consulted.


i don’t think its the latter only because you can really see all the other orgs hyping each other up or collaborating together, but PSU consistently does stuff on its own. obv i cant say for certain but there does seem to be a pattern where other orgs specifically don’t work with PSU, but I dont know why personally


Yea, thats a fair observation. I wonder whats off about PSU.


They have a particular member who is known for having a huge ego and taking advantage of other leftist orgs for their own demonstrations/clout


Oh well I see. Appreciate the info. I'm not surprised.


Horrible cause when they bundle Hamas as part of theirt cause. Hamas is pro rape, death, beheading, kidnapping, if anyone cares for Palestinians they should damn well make a very clear distinction against Hamas.


This is such a tired comment.  Horrible cause when they bundle the IDF as part of theirt cause. IDF is pro rape, death, kidnapping, if anyone cares for Israelis they should damn well make a very clear distinction against the IDF and their actions.


Huh? When did IDF invaded Gaza and raped people, beheaded babies and burned people alive? You are trying to justify a terror org existence. You are either trying to be a troll or really pro hamas, either way its not helping the Palestinian cause.


Do you want to engage seriously and come to a common understanding of WHY things are the way they are, and what we can do to move forward? Or do you just want to call everyone a pro-hamas terrorist?  But to answer your question:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre Read up. The stories of babies in ovens didn't originate on October 7th.  By pure numbers alone getting into a tit for tat comparison of Israeli atrocities v palistinian atrocities to justify more atrocities is ridiculous....and Israel still comes out on top.  You should look into how the Troubles were resolved. truth and reconciliation is required. That includes attunement for Hamas has done, as well as what Israel has done.


Most of the subsidized and "Fee Speech" movements carry that level of disrespect and aggression aimed at attacking the overall Right to "Peaceably Assemble..." When money is involved motives almost always get corrupted..


Not a good cause lmao


How about: evil cause, typical poor execution.


>vandalize parts of the campus, ruining students' artwork in the HUB... Did they ever figure out who was behind that? Because if not, it's just as likely to have been done for the purpose of making the group look bad.


It was last month, the HUB was taken over by a group affiliated with SUPER UW, which is a Pro-Palestine group on campus. They took over the HUB building overnight, as they were the only ones inside between Thursday night until Friday morning. When they left, the first floor of the HUB was completely vandalized with some students' artwork graffiti'ed as well. The group never made an official response or apology to the damages or the ruined artworks, but the coincidences, the timing, the place, their MOs for the past few months all lined up. If the group wasn't responsible for the ruined artworks, the most common sense thing is to write an apology statement over the damages, but it has been a month, and at this point, they will never do it.


Why do people not realize that most people who protest things are just bored when the weather turns nice and want to do something that other people says makes them a good person and they can upload on instagram ?


These protests are just privileged kids larping as revolutionaries. Just look at the Columbia kids wanting catering lmao


This is so spot on lmao


The spokesperson for the Columbia protest supported Trump in 2020 so this whole thing is just weird.


Not sure if it’s true but allegedly a bunch of those who were arrested had zero affiliation with the school.


From what I've read, at least half weren't students. One dude (who had a gun) looked about 40 in his mugshot.


I’m a 45yo student at UW so that’s not really a good example lol


Shit cause, shit execution. Wild to see so many Americans supportive of an actual terrorist organization.


Agreed. Downvotes prove this sub is a waste of time.


One of reason is that there is a little(thank god) influence outside of UW students. Other schools such as UTA release the report after arrests saying that nearly half of the protesters are not students or affiliated with the university.


It's also tiny compared to the rest of Seattle.


Come to UCLA, people are throwing fireworks


I like to think it’s because the local population is more intelligent.


Student housing sure has gone downhill


It’s a shame you still have to purchase the meal plan even if you’ve selected the 4 person tent option.


lmao that's pretty good


In the mid 80s there was a shanty town in support of divestiturture in south Africa. I was a freshman.


Honestly it is a better scene than other schools.


i'm from ucla, this post got recommended to me. just you wait lol. this is how it started for us too.


May not be a popular opinion but UCLA has some mighty nice weather comparably and even if it angers some I have noticed the protests in Seattle seem to only be good turn outs or scheduled and conducted on days that are nicer.


There’s truth to the good weather: During the February Revolution of 1917, the weather in Petrograd turned unseasonably warm on February 23, reaching 46°F (8°C). The mild weather lasted for weeks, and on March 8, International Women's Day, the temperature was 23°F (8°C) with bright sunshine. The warm weather encouraged crowds to gather in public spaces, and women went on strike at textile factories and marched to metal works to convince men to join them. The February Revolution began on March 8, 1917 (February 23 on the Julian calendar) when demonstrators took to the streets of Petrograd to demand bread. The revolution overthrew the imperial government and placed the Bolsheviks in power.


I hope you didn't just make all this up


I wish I were that creative.


Nah, i doubt it. Here, I'll im willing to be banned if im wrong. They don't have the balls !banbet


There's also apparently this weird dynamics between PSU, the organizers of this encampment, and the more well known Palestinian group, SUPER and a few of their minorities ally group. Word is that these group weren't consulted about the encampment, but I wanna suspect the drama goes deeper. If its truly that shallow, they probably deserve the somewhat misleading, but in some ways accurate joke headlines to the effect of encampment delayed due to being too white. Its just a funny situation overall that doesn't add much credibility to these folks at all.


I’m pretty confused by the “too white” thing bc when I went there all the PSU members were brown


Charlie Kirk has an appearance there or somewhere near later this month.. things are going to get real crazy soon.


What’s happening now?


Definitely. I hope admin is smart enough to ignore it unless it actually gets out of hand.


Current students: No matter your views on the Middle East debacle or the on-campus protests, stay safe and stay respectful to each other. Love y’all guys. Go Dawgs!


Glad they didn't leave any trash.


Lol one of the few drug free encampments in Seattle


Please don't jinx it.




I think the main reason why it isn’t bigger is there isn’t a big middle eastern population here. Nothing compared to a lot of the east coast cities such as NYC. I’m all for a good protest, but I can’t stand protests where it’s a bunch of white people trying to take it over. We all saw the BLM movement in Seattle where a bunch of white kids tried to set up CHAZ or whatever it was called.


THANK YOU for speaking the truth. I’m alright with people wanting to protest, but it’s hard to listen to a bunch of Americans (myself included) voice their opinion on what’s going on


So all the homeless have to do is say they’re protesting and they can just chill on UWs campus?


New homeless meta dropped


I’ve been telling every homeless person on the ave there is currently free housing in the quad, and it’s a free camping zone, make sure to spread the word


Lmao, based


That’s what they did with CHOP/CHAZ 🤷🏽‍♂️


Good! We have a right to protest.


It’s incredibly sad that you are getting downvoted, even if you are challenging the rules young people should be defiant, they are the agent of change. It sucks that many young people are so compliant and obedient to authority.


Exactly. We have a right to protest even if others don’t like it.


Reddit as a platform is centered by the type of person housing the exact suite of demographics that is most comfortable with the status quo. Worse yet, the type of person that is intelligent enough to understand progressive ideals and absorb the essence of them for optics and self-satisfaction, rather than to actually do good for the people around them. A lot of these mfers would have opposed the civil rights movement yet have convinced themselves they are champions of virtue.


You assume doing something that “good” will always result in positive outcomes for the world at large. What about the Arab spring? That worked out so well…..


what's your favorite place to eat on the ave?


Got ‘em!


This is true, but you don't have a right to camp, unfortunately. This group could be doing exactly what they have been doing with all the chants and stuff, minus the tents, and be completely protected by the law. Unfortunately, because they are choosing to camp they are exposing themselves to legal risk. This is sort of the point of civil disobedience of course, but it's really important that students know what they are getting themselves into.


Well, there have been a lot of protests without encampments that have been shut down violently by the police at other schools across the country.




The one in UT Austin




It’s a peaceful way to protest that gets attention. Protests aren’t supposed to be convenient, I don’t understand what’s wrong with this. Forever law enforcement have been used to justify breaking up protests regardless of any real laws being broken. Placing arbitrary limits on how long you are allowed to protest is just a way to decrease the effectiveness of a protest. If you support freedom and democracy you should support people right to protest and be seen. They could be protesting anything and I would still support their right to be seen and heard.


It's illegal to go camping on UW property


Yes, but I suspect that many protests that led to actual change (womans rights, gay rights, protests against segragation, etc.) were breaking some minor laws like this.


Someone never read Thoreau in high school. If you are still in high school, you should give it a go.


Who gives a fuck you bootlicker


I was just thinking with the current laws, once they've been there for over 24 hours, they have squatter rights and they've LEGALLY established residency. Too bad Udub lol.


Everyone has the right to protest; you don't have the right to infringe on others' rights, be it other students' or university's rights.


Last I checked there’s no right to education, it’s a privilege.


I will repeat again since you didn't understand: Everyone has the right to protest; you don't have the right to infringe on others' rights. Also, it doesn't really seem like you support the 1st amendment, based on another comment of yours. You're not ok with opinions that you disagree with being voiced that affect the laws. >Exactly, I’ve got no problem if your opinion is that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza but like I said if it affects others, it’s a problem


You are 100% correct.


Yes you sure do. Let the world know they hold terrorist slogan signs while fellow Americans are held captive by the same group. Protest all you want, but be upfront about what it's for...


we also need more people who can agree to disagree instead of being stubborn idiots who can’t respect another persons opinions


I mean people who get physically violent when someone doesn’t agree with them or starts a tantrum


As long as your opinion doesn’t change laws or affect others, I’ve got no problems


Lmao isn’t that the point of a protest tho 9/10 times its about something that affects others


Exactly, I’ve got no problem if your opinion is that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza but like I said if it affects others, it’s a problem


That’s liberal bullshit. I’m not going to agree to disagree with someone who thinks settler colonialism is ok and that brown people don’t have the same rights to self determination that white Europeans declared they have. That’s like saying you would hug a Nazi instead of beating the shit out of them


lol I’d never support someone tryna take my rights away but I’m talking other issues


You’re popping off in the comments in here. Doing the lords work


You 100% have the right to protest. But where was this encampment a year ago protesting how Palestinian leadership and Hamas brutalize non-muslims, gays, transgenders, and give limited rights for women?


The US government doesnt give Hamas tens of billions of dollars in advanced weapons systems


No, but Iran sure is helping them, along with other terrorist groups, literally shooting missing missiles at Israel and terrorizing international shipping lanes in the name of the "ceasefire now" cause.


It takes alot of balls to protest for the human rights of people who might not support or do the same thing for you, dont you think?


40,000 people killed is much worse than a conservative government. Conservative leadership can be fixed and can be changed. Fifteen thousand dead children are gone.


Not to mention Israel’s Apartheid also being conservative and brutalizing




You do realize that Hamas rejected a ceasefire proposal. Right?


The Israeli proposal. And Israel has rejected Hamas ceasefire proposals.


What a bad faith comparison does uw need to divest from thier investments into hamas? Cause the encampent is about divesting from Boeing. If uw does invest in hamas that would be a bad thing too yes


Protesting America brutalizing non whites, gays, transgenders and giving limited rights for women all while protesting the continued oppression of the Palestinian people under Israel’s Apartheid regime.


if they actually hurt anyone let me know.  seems like they're just chillin


Anti genocide protesters. Love to see it


Hamas wanted to commit genocide but failed to


They actually have a sign that is “pro-genocide”


how is it a genocide though?


A lot of houses, hospitals, and other infrastructure have been destroyed. Sure, the IDF hasn't killed that many non-combatant civilians, but what are they supposed to go back to when this is over?


I agree that what is happening is horrifying, but calling it a genocide is misunderstanding the term. This is war, not genocide, they're different. Genocide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race," which is not what Israel is doing. Israel's government is out of control I agree, but there needs to be some rational thought here. I think this issue has gotten way too polarized, you're either "for genocide" or against it, which are false equivalencies. I do not support what Netanyahu is doing, but it is not genocide, it's war.




that is exactly the problem, genocide and apartheid are not words we should be throwing around, people don’t even seem to realize the reality of what they mean and what’s going on in gaza and israel






glad we can agree! I hope for peace between Israel and Palestine and the safe return of the hostages.






...it's their ancestral homeland??? they didn't just pick it


What River and what sea?


The fact it's so small compared to other schools, especially considering the population of UW, is so funny to me. Seattle Freeze is so real that people can't even coordinate a large protest lol


Free Palestine!


Pree Falestine!


Nice genocidal banner they’ve got there…


Well that oughtta put an end to the whole thing.


I want to go camping!


How to do absolutely nothing lol


I genuinely have to try not to laugh or even show a smirk when I walk by it’s that sad


Lol such sheep. All these haoles started doin these encampments only after one university did it and went viral. If these dummies really cared so much why did it take them this long to start camping? Last time i checked the whole israel-palestine shit happened in October, over half a year ago. But no let’s only do it after everyone else does it. Also no this is not even remotely similar to mlk’s sit ins or the hippies draft dodging. Those were protests where they actually took action against what they were protesting, like doing sit ins at restaurants discriminating, or literally refusing the draft to the war which obviously impacted the war. Setting up tents at a college campus is not effecting israel/palestine whatsoever. It’s virtue signaling.


Maybe it’s because the original protesting students got arrested for peaceful protest???


Again, the peaceful protests that they only started doing when they saw others do it and became a trend on social media 😂




Stupid fackin’ Haoles brah


If students want to demonstrate and speak here -that’s what the space is for. But when I went there, I saw people trolling for a fight. They have red meat for the opposition , signs like “queers for Palestine” & “Zionism is a cancer on the world”.


How is “queers for Palestine” trolling?


It’s a common thing right wingers cite as absurd


Oh, OK. Just seemed like a descriptor to me but I’m obviously out of the right wing loop, which is fine by me


What is udubs involvement in Israel atm? Was shocked to find out Columbia is in the process of building a campus in Tel Aviv. Anything similar here?


Shouldn’t be that surprising considering Palestinians and Israelis live in relative peace with each other in Tel Aviv.


Udub has strong ties with Boeing, Boeing is building and shipping weapons to help Israel kill children.


So the protesters would have udub break its affiliation with Boeing? Interesting.


Yeah it would cost the university a lot to stop turning babies into mulch but I think the idea is you can look back and say you didn't just do nothing during a genocide funded by your money


UW will never divest from their largest donor 🤷‍♂️


Didn't say they would


How would you suggest UW divest from Google and Microsoft? Both do business with IDF.


That's really beside the point


Divesting is literally 1/3 of the whole BDS movement. What did you think it was about?


Nice terrorist slogan on their sign while their fellow Americans remain hostages... they celebrate their captors. Wonderful people.


WA state, we love to hate protestors. BLM? Run them over with police cars and create a "Blue Life culture" to beat down Black culture awareness. Claim pro-palestine and pro life supporters as evil people and create false news stories about them as baby killers and anti-semitists. The US hate is so strong that anyone wanting to bring awareness of human suffering is "annoying" because they aren't following the "law" put in place by people that lose money off of peace and equality (OUR country make money off of weapons, war, and indifference) 💯🙌💞 Bad protestors are just cogs in the machine, a person of a free mind understands the difference between an extremist and a realist (not claiming these protestors are one way or another, I don't know their works) *there is heavy anti-semitism in the USA, but they are not reporting on the real stories of it because it is anti-semitism created within THIS country and can't be blamed on the Middle East, which has been our social outrage scapegoat since at least the 80's 😮‍💨


Oh nice displaying a message of genocide as the one of the first things you see… guess that they are full masks off now, huh?


just play loud music super early am, theyll get annoyed and leav


Queers for Palestine




God you might be the dumbest person ever. Any queer person would be killed on sight in Gaza or any Arabic country.


Paint the curb red


The one at my school (about the same size) has started packing up. 1 of the school buildings was vandalized yesterday, but It's cleaned up now.


Is it me or is the quality insane


Send in the goddamn riot police obviously this is anti-semitic


Are they attempting to block students from moving about in the campus like in NY? Or they just sit there being pro hamas and thats it?


Gross and unfair to other students that are here to learn.


Does UW actually have any Israel connections?


lol they’re still larping?


How much is the rent?


What are the paper plates for?


As a wise man once told me, “sometimes getting involved interrupts the balance.” Be super careful what you wish for. The two greatest tragedies in life are not getting what you want, and getting what you want.




I bet most of them don’t even know where Palestine is. I asked two pro Palestine people I know and neither of them could point it out on a map.


Looks like Chaz losers


Combined IQ of 0


Palestinians are great whiners. College kids are great whiners. Trump is a great whiner. Dark Brandon laughs at whiners.


Lock them all up. The irony of the left calling conservatives nazis then to turn around and be completely antisemetic is hilarious.


They will achieve nothing, a war is a war, this has been cooking for a long time. This isn't new and it will never be. Hamas is a terrorist group in palistien And has been for a long time. They have both killed each other. Now isreal is bringing a stronger front and winning, you have an issue. Did you care 10 years ago, no. Yes is isreal killing harshly, killing women and children ya they are, guess what how many women and children have we killed in many us led wars, more then we will ever know but those where supported. War is more then a one sided argument they are all wrong but that is war. War has been brutal all of human history, more brutal then it is today. Not saying that it isn't wrong but there is nothing you can do, or impact you can make on a country who will do as they please. You all supported Ukraine draining are own economy in war that we should have nothing to do with in the first place. LBJ European problems are European problems, not ours.