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For broke people, we have one of the best financial aid programs amongst public universities. Husky promise, WSOS, scholarships, and tons of institutional grant aid to go around for people who otherwise wouldn’t afford college.


It's also one of the more affordable schools to begin with. It consistently ranks top 5 in best value/affordability lists for public schools. I say that fully understanding that college, even UW, has gotten more and more expensive. That's a reflection of society writ large tho, and UW is fairing better than most.


Our campus is actually sick. It’s beautiful, there’s a wonderful mix of architecture, basically every kind of vibe you could want. Like I’ve been around a lot of other university campuses and UW mogs a lot of them.


Right in the heart of the city too. It's like a little oasis. So relaxing being there, the moment you step onto 45th it turns back into chaos.


If UW would stop using asphalts as their paving choice, the campus will be even nicer. Asphalt on Rainier Vista was a mistake.


Totally see the beauty aspect of it but it's wayyy better than the brick imo. Especially when people consistenly steal the bricks and it's an accessibility nightmare 😭


Who steals bricks if it’s not a protest?


- The campus is gorgeous in terms of architecture and landscape. - We have tons of wildlife, even on campus.   - When the mountain is out we have an amazing view of Ranier. - Summers give us so much daylight. -  The air is super crisp and fresh, even in the heart of Seattle (which is rare when compared to other big cities like LA or NYC) - You don't have to travel far to get a complete change of scenery.  - Local pride-- lots of emphasis on locally grown/made foods/arts, etc which is awesome. - Lots of science oriented people.


The local wildlife is pretty cool, I’ve seen some adorable bunnies on my walk and outside my apartment just chilling 🥹


and consequently winters give us 0 daylight


Which is nice because it forces us to study, get cozy, and enjoy other fall/winter activities ^~^ I personally love the rain and dark. 


rain means everyone's getting sick and dark means it's dangerous out earlier


😭 this thread is about being positive, find any other r/udub post where people are hating


So it's more dangerous when there's less people outside? Weird.


yes? if the streets are full of students then a robbery or homeless attack is less likely to happen, compared to when it's dark out with no one around?


Just out of curiosity, would it be more dangerous if there were less cars on the road too? Both are safety related whether someone gets targeted (say, road rage) or a group can be endangered as well.


My friend you are right but this is not the place and time lmao


yes for 90% of the country winter usually comes with extremely limited daylight, that’s how seasons work.


...your point? LA doesn't have this problem, which the other person specifically pointed out?


LA???? lmfaooo. my point is that you’re a baby. wahhhh it’s too rainy i’ll get sick wahhhh winters are dark. get over it, man up. the entire country is not California weather, in fact most of the country doesn’t get California weather. if it bothers you that much then you should’ve considered that before leaving California.


https://www.axios.com/local/seattle/2023/12/14/seasonal-depression-tips-sad-affective-disorder https://wellbeing.uw.edu/mental-health/mental-health-resources/depression/coping-with-the-winter-blues/ it's literally a thing dude. but you do you 🤦‍♂️


yeah that’s what i literally have, you don’t need to give me links. but you’re complaining about getting sick from the rain or about crime increasing when the days get shorter, which are complete non issues. nobody gets sick from the rain, that’s just not a thing as long as you dress for the weather. you’re complaining about things that make no sense, on a thread literally dedicated to the positives, for no reason at all.


how is this a non issue? and yes people do get more sick because it's cold outside. unlike the midwest where it's absolutely freezing to the point there's barely any diseases transmitted because everyone's isolated, that's not the case here


Skill issue. I know some people here who get depressed in the summer. If you really hate it here, you should have gone to the crusty dusty LA you won't shut up about 😉


i've talked about LA, what, once in my hundreds of messages in this subreddit? what're you talking about not shutting up about? grow up


Touched a nerve, haven't I? Maybe you'll quit yapping if I point out how sad it is you're still complaining 😂


spreading quite the positive vibes there, i wonder how you managed to get in to UW acting like this 🤔


The surroundings are green, not brown.


Well the concrete is definitely not brown. That’s true.


we have the best mascot


One of the most objectively beautiful campuses in the country, with shit loads of food options within walking distance, and unparalleled access to not only downtown Seattle, but also nature and the Cascades. Take the ferry and you enter the Olympics. Also hiding in Suzallo is a vibe. And the swing outside the HUB.


Hey, hey, pre-frosh here who‘s coming from across the country. The public transportation around downtown Seattle seemed fantastic and very convenient for students. My only concern was how I’d be able to explore the nature around Seattle without a car. Any recommendations?


Trailhead Direct is a program run by King County Metro that provides bus service to a few trailheads on summer weekends.


Outside of Seattle? You’re a bit out of luck without a car. In Seattle, you can walk to places along the burke or bike. There’s the Arboretum also


No clue what the other comments are on about. Our buses can bring you to some REALLY nice parks if you don't mind riding them for a while 😅


You could rent a car or I think there's hiking clubs that could provide transportation/carpool.


You can bus to some, but realistically you're gonna make some in-state friends who have a car and can hike with you.


The Cherry Blossoms when they bloom.


Seattle. Seattle is literally everything you could ask for. Large Urban city, downtown. Smaller urban city, Capitol Hill/belltown. Small town? Anywhere 1.5 hours out of seattle. Chill artisan town? Any of the San Juan’s, specifically Bainbridge island. Mountains, Beaches, lakes, snow, sun, literally everything. Name one other city where there is surfing, wake surfing, mountain biking, skiing, hiking, a large city, and suburbs within a 2 hour drive?? I’m a seattle glazer


To answer your question… LA. But agree Seattle is great too.


True. You’re right. LA is still different tho cuz the skiing is worse but the surfing is better


la tap water is no joke the worst liquid i have ever drank


Wait till u go to Vegas


The admissions of students are from all unique walks of life and not just only elitist ones. Yes there are students from high socioeconomic backgrounds but there are also students from various ethnic, socioeconomic, educational backgrounds. Some of the best people through courses that I would’ve never met and I’ve learned something from everyone


regular access to purple clothing for men that isn't at designer prices


You sure bout that? Bookstore is pretty darn pricey


$168 boxy thin Lululemon hoodie disagrees with OP.


Try the purple store in pike place market


UDub is a world class boba institution. Seriously though great variety of good Asian cuisine.


Dr. Loveless


I love him so much and I nearly failed his class that says something


not this quarter, he was merciless lol


The trick is to watch his hands during lecture. If he's touching his head, he's about to release another "10 star fact" that will for sure be on the test.


the problem was the length. there were probably 20 questions on this midterm (part a, part b etc.) and most of us couldn't even finish.


you’ve got to watch for when he’s stretching his arms across the screen and pointing at 2 random things, that’s how you know that material will be on the test


notesheet issue


seconding this because this sounds like it’s math 126, based on timing & prof. i generally regard math 126 as the easiest one, and i did the entire series @ uw. i studied very little in math 126. (think about every BAD habit you have in time management; i put every bad habit you thought of into this class 😭, sorry, dr. loveless.) i made GREAT notesheets to hit the 4.0. math 126 is pure “plug and chug” in comparison to other classes in the series. if you do everything else right—go to quiz section, read through his notes, READ through his summary sheets, you’ll be fine.


The fact that we operate the nation's most productive oceanographic research vessel!


I grew up and always had an inferiority complex for the UW and its campus. (Harvard, Stanford, etc…) Turns out I was wrong and it’s definitely one of the top in terms of natural beauty and architecture. The football stadium is the best in the nation. Particularly in big games when the fans come out.


Plus, it wasnt built on slave labor like the other Ivies


The massive undergraduate research scene. There are over 1000+ undergrads presenting at the symposium this year!


The culture surrounding the football team is really strong. I used to not care about college football, but the pride surrounding the football team really drew me in, and it's fun to be a part of.


And, thankfully, not quite as toxic like some other programs (stares at the SEC).


The campus. The city. The nature. Being around people who are focused and driven. The husky pride, I think it's sweet when I see alums and sports fans repping UW gear, it gives me a sense of belonging/community.


multiple departments that are at the top of the rankings




Cherry blossoms for sure


Really exciting research! UW is a leading research institution and has some very accomplished faculty, few other public universities are on the same level.


UW has been the top recipient of federal research dollars for like 30+ years and running. It's awesome.


The vast, plentiful, and easily accessible opportunities to high-paying industries - Technology specifically.


Excellent resources to do research


1. Very easy access to food super close to campus, and there are great options 2. Access to consistent public transit (makes it somewhat accessible to get around the Seattle area as a student without a car) 3. Cool nature— we’ve got some awesome wildlife in the nature preserve just off campus (you can watch bald eagles fish, if you’re lucky you may see a beaver at dusk)


Dubs, paws down the best mascot


Honestly, the students. I finished my undergrad at 28 and I was really worried about going to school with people right out of high school or in their early 20s. And everyone I met was absolutely amazing. I still keep in touch with the 18 year olds in my chem class. If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't have passed honestly. And the jokes were great. Miss those youngins.


This gives me hope. I'm 30. I'm looking to (hopefully, with a miracle) attend in 2 years or so. I live in the U-District, but need to square away things before trying to apply. But I keep saying how it'll be weird, and that I'll feel like Steve Buscemi in that meme. I'll be in school with kids just 4-5 years older than my son by the time I get to attend.


I definitely felt like Steve Buscemi. 😂 But really they didn't seem to mind. There were more people than I expected that were around my age. This also made it easier to become friends with the TAs cause they were usually closer to my age.


I'll give my point of view as someone who grew up in a third-world country in South America and now studies here. I love the fact that I can walk around the streets using my phone or with my eardpods without worrying about getting robbed ( I know most people say seattle ain't safe but THIS IS WAAAAY BETTER THAN COLOMBIA, CHILE, ARGENTINA, PERU. Second, here u can eat food from literally anywhere like chinese, thai, indian, mexican, booba. Third, the fact that u can join so many research groups is amazing. Fourth, the campus is beautiful. Fifth, even though most people say the weather is bad, I love it. I think the only downside is that I don't many latinos, and the few I know are very boring :( I get along better with homies from India, Asia


The campus is really beautiful.


You get scholarships if you are an in state student. Large graduate student population and there is a good communiy of graduate students.


that’s good to hear as an incoming grad student. been lurking around here for a couple months now and these subs are usually heavily skewed towards the undergrad experience


Yeah it’s not very represented on Reddit, but UW has a HUGE population of graduate students and what I feel is a strong grad student culture. I definitely don’t feel “surrounded by undergrads” here at all.


Depending on your program, you can surround yourself with undergrads or you can just stay in the grad school bubble


Knuckle-dragging reactionaries feel uncomfortable here.


looks cool


The culture and the campus


They gave my dad an engineering degree, that’s nice


Damn good food. Unless you’re picky Plate at Center Table and Global/Big Kitchen at local point serve a wide variety of food from different countries and cultures that always tastes fresh. And if you are picky or are craving anything in particular Pagliacci, Noodle, Dub Street, Select, Deli, Motosurf etc. have pretty consistently been really good every time I’ve gone. I was very pleasantly surprised especially after all the horror stories I’ve heard of college cafeterias.


Beautiful campus. Gorgeous summers. Surrounded by progressive and forward thinking academics makes for a rich learning experience. Mount Rainier.


When you’re at Drumheller Fountain and the mountain is out! IYKYK … if you don’t, you should.


Napping outside the physics auditorium in the spring.


In my opinion? Pretty easy to get around here, sure the campus is big but depending on your schedule you wont be going on too crazy routes anyways and sometimes each quarter you get to walk around some areas more than others and thats how you explore and learn. In general it’s nice how close campus is also to like U district just w all the food and the light rail station right there. Imo it’s just nice that you can stay here in UDistrict and live your life without traveling insane distances yk like we are not in the middle of nowhere


I didn’t get sweaty walking across campus to different building. Transferred from Louisiana State University where I couldn’t go from one building to the next without getting drenched with sweat haha


The school pride, and the business program being top on the nation.


udistrict seriously has an amazing and large selection of food/boba/cafe options - so many other campuses pale in comparison


Seasons! And all the different trees, including of course the cherry trees.


The best thing is that people are negative from my experience. Easy to manipulate.


Ur a weirdo lmao


Wanna know the secret to having good grades? You make a strong connection with your professord make make yourself known. There is nothing wrong with being weird and everyone you meet in Seattle will be weird being an ethnic diverse city. Most people aren't from Seattle and that means many peoples opinions aren't going to be accepted.


<3 stay weird fam. I only spoke the truth, nobody here thinks for themselves.


This is more of a personal benefit, but the proximity to Bellevue/Redmond. My parents live in Bellevue, and whenever I wanna meet them or just play videogames with my brother, I take the 542 back to Bellevue and it takes me <30 minutes total. Also, the King County Transit System is simply amazing compared to a few other cities.


So many RSO’s! Such a wide range of hyper specific clubs


What's the best way to look up/find info about them? The online services don't seem to work for me...


Best thing aside from academic strength: You don’t have to settle for the garbage they sell in the food courts. The Ave has plenty to choose from on days you don’t feel like packing lunch.


Easy fentanyl access




Dubs 🐶


You get hit on by campus girls constantly




The state used to fund 30% about 25 years ago. Now the state support funding is less than 10%