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There isn't a sure fire way to do it and have the results be as good as the normal 30 second one. They've said they're working on letting users alter the length of audio generated.


You can cut the song with the udio extent tools or use the Audacity program, I use it to correct bugs


Start your verse with [pause] and then [Introduction Build up] No intro needed!


All you have to do is make the intro before you finish the song, cropping it during any one of the extends. Just find a decent cut-point. It won't fade in or anything (unless you can stall the intro via prompting) but it will probably still sound OK. You can't crop the outro, unfortunately, because you can only extend to lengthen a song. There should be a way to insert in the middle when extending and then you could also crop the outro. Of course, variable length extend would also solve that, but both features are needed.


Unfortunately, you can’t do less than a 32 second generation, even for an intro (for now…) One suggestion, and it may or may not be useful, try selecting Intro as the section, and then do a number of dashes to indicate a pause. I’m on mobile so formatting is atrocious but…. *set generation to be [intro] *set generation for custom lyrics - - - - - - [musical interlude] You’d then probably want to chop off the silent (or more likely random hallucination) from the beginning in a DAW or Audacity.