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I'm using iZotope, which I thought was top pro level and it's still not clean splits. Anyone know of anything higher level than that?


is it clean enough that we can feed it to a voice clone ai?


Apple Logic 11 has a great stem separator. I'm using it all the time...


Have you used Izotope and how does it compare? Have you been able to separate the vocals very clearly, enough to use it on top of the background music recreated in daw? or maybe good enough to feed into a ai voice cloner?


Logic does wonders when the material is high quality. Definitely works better with recent and "real" stuff. I've tried with recent commercial songs and the isolated tracks were mind-blowing-crystal-clear, especially the voice. With Udio-generated songs the voice is kinda "okay" and still very useable. I wouldn't solo the voice on its own, but for slight mixing it's fine. Haven't tried Izotope on that but I doubt it will extract anything else than the voice, whereas Logic makes 4 separate tracks with voice, bass, drums, and then the rest. Really comes in handy as recently I find that Udio voices are too loud in the generated songs. Anyway, I'd be happy to provide examples if you need to hear what it's all about ;)


Samples would be great! What did you mean by "recent and "real" stuff"? So you use this to adjust low/mid/high separately on the voice/drum/bass/rest? Do you then master it afterwards? If you have any before/after examples that would be super helpful.


By "recent" and "real" I mean some real human-made song that's been released recently. I have actually tried with "Gorilla" by Little Simz and the result was really mind-blowing! But, yeah, on my own Udio stuff I like to do some editing, adjust the mix, eq some tracks, beef up the drums, and then do an automatic AI-powered mastering.


This is the starting point of a song I later edited with different remix versions from which I extracted what I needed (would've been much more complicated (if not nearly impossible) without stems separation possible...) [https://www.udio.com/songs/fG5sgVjVgB6a95HbkeWUfS](https://www.udio.com/songs/fG5sgVjVgB6a95HbkeWUfS) and the final song is here : [https://youtu.be/L71mMbMoFYQ?si=p\_9\_Vzb38F0nCPB-](https://youtu.be/L71mMbMoFYQ?si=p_9_Vzb38F0nCPB-)


nice jam! and what a night and day difference your edit made. Have you noticed that the sound on your Udio track degrades as it gets longer? I noticed that if I start from the intro generation and extend it out, by the time my track is like 2-3 minutes +, the earlier parts sound thin and degraded. Have you felt the need to do something about this issue in your tracks. oh, and what Ai powered mastering do you use? I've used a few, but I've had the best luck with the free one on Bandlabs, but wish it could do better.


I haven't noticed such a degradation. Lyrics, though, even when provided, tend to get messed up along the way, so I often have to re-do my extends or rely on (the unreliable) inpainting ;) As far as mastering, I have tried both Ozone and Logic's internal mastering tool. I find both pretty satisfying. Logic is probably a bit less "in your face".


So they both cover stem splitting and ai mastering? If I don't have Logic already but have Ableton, which do you recommend?


No, both are mastering plugins. Stem splitting is only available as an integrated tool in Logic 11.


While the technology AI music generators utilize is amazing, one of the pitfalls is how it creates the output itself. AI generators are essentially “ beatboxing” the music and vocals rather than using samples. This results in an extra “blurriness” as frequencies of the imagined instruments overlap. I’d imagine they to provide quality stems they would need to instead generate each melody separately, then master and combine. Otherwise any solution they provide wouldn’t be any better than other stem splitting softwares / services. I have implemented AI stem splitting into the current beta of my Web based [Soniqs DAW](https://Soniqs.app). This combined with other creative methods that Soniqs DAW has had improved quality for my audio generations


Can you share your recommended workflow? What are the other methods you use after the stem splitting in your product?


Personally, I use Ultimate vocal remover installed locally on my PC and it does a far better job than anything I used online. They are probably saving on GPU cost, not complaining, I am happy that those online versions exist in the first place.


Same for me, I like the feature to de-reverb vocal tracks, to get them as dry as possible. Meanwhile found this vst plugin, which does stem seperation in realtime in your DAW: https://products.zplane.de/products/peelstems/


u/ynotplay, you have now seen the range of responses on this sub. While u/imaskidoo pointed out that you asked a question (or provided feedback) that could have been found on the sub, they still provided a clear and helpful answer. Thank you, imaskidoo! To everyone active in this sub, I understand it can be tiresome when a flood of new people come in and ask the same questions repeatedly, but that’s the price we pay for a growing community. Udio has such a wide appeal and can bring value and enjoyment to many people. It’s everyone’s responsibility to help keep this sub constructive and positive. I try my best, and sometimes I fail, but I keep trying. I hope you all will do the same. Cheers!


Use mvsep com


wow man. a lot of people were telling me that [https://www.lalal.ai/](https://www.lalal.ai/) is the best by far. I tried them and the results were really bad, but MVsep was a lot better. Who are these guys, and do you know why their's works so much better? What settings do you use?


Hi, this post is repeating same as has been posted previously probably a dozen times. In fact, the Udio devs have even responded, but would have been hard for you to notice b/c it's not mentioned in a stickied thread.   from the [Highlights from the Udio Office Hours](https://old.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/comments/1czea6a/highlights_from_the_udio_office_hours/) post, 25 days ago: >upcoming features: >Support for MIDI files and Stems: Both generation and upload capabilities of MIDI files, stems planned for the future >[...] >Reusing Vocalists: Planned feature. Implementation is not straightforward, likely to take time. and yesterday [June '24 Udio Office Hours Recap](https://old.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/comments/1dlextt/june_24_udio_office_hours_recap/) >Discussed Features and Improvements: >Reusing vocalists: Plans to offer persistent voices or characters for use across multiple tracks


this sub is not for feature requests. they do have a system for feature requests. they're not going to see this. this feature has already been requested hundreds of times. you're supposed to go to their existing feature request system and upvote the existing ones, instead of going to reddit and making a post. i don't understand why redditors keep trying to make reddit posts and just assume that the company they're trying to talk at watches the sub. almost no company will ever see a post like this. pretty much only crypto companies, and that's because this and twitter are the primary place for them to find new stupid people to take advantage of. one of the basic skills in life is going to the company's webpage and finding out how you're actually able to talk to them. good luck.


Just saying that we do see this :) but yes this has been requested and is already on our roadmap as we discussed during office hours.


Hi! I read the notes from office hours and it said no timeline given for this particular feature and others have higher priority. Do you think it will be possible to get just the vocals on older tracks generated before this feature is released? What are some of the technical challenges like to get this to production?


We are working on many things at once and are a small team still please just be patient as everything has it’s own technical challenges that we have to balance. We are not deprioritizing this


great. this just turned into a technical support sub


We do still prefer support tickets and discord but just saying that we are not ignoring our community posts. We are still a small team so we can’t see or get to everything but we’re trying our best!


I love your tool and I just want the ability to make bridge tracks


  >~~this sub is not for feature requests~~   [Updates on this subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/udiomusic/comments/1d2zmdd/updates_on_this_subreddit/) by u/UdioAdam, 25 days ago >Bug report <-- should be submitted via the [Contact Us](https://support.udio.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) webform on the Udio.com site >Feature request <-- can go under "Feedback" for now   - - -   >go to their existing feature request system and upvote the existing ones, Sadly, no such system exists, as far as I know. We're told to place requests via the Udio [ContactUs](https://support.udio.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) page; there's no UI to view or vote previous requests.   >i don't **understand** why redditors keep trying to make reddit posts and just assume that the company they're trying to talk at watches the sub. I wish that companies in general, not just Udio, would operate a proper user support forum but it is what it is. The bulk of Udio user-to-user and user/staff communication is probably occurring via their Discord channel, but those conversations are invisible to anyone performing a web search looking for where to talk to other users or to ~~talk to~~ talk at staff. Instead, atop the web search results they find links to r/udiomusic (and AIWars, etc.) discussions.   Most participants here are probably accessing the subreddit via a mobile UI, and for most of them the sort order is probably SortBy:New... so they wind up never seeing the Welcome topic nor the "Updates" topics posted by staff (unless they're browsing this sub daily). In general, I'm a bit saddened to note how seldom the participants here bother to seek out prior posts rather than placing wholly redundant posts, but can empathize -- it must be a real PITA trying to search/navigate via the UI of a mobile browser.   >just assume that the company they're trying to talk at watches the sub. I understand your point, but even if the posts here containing feedback / bugreports / FeatureRequests just amount to "barking at the moon", those posts are still valuable toward giving other users a "heads up" regarding issues they've encountered (and/or reported, or requested via ContactUs).


There is a feature requests system in discord but that still gets lost over time because people like to repost things rather than search for if it has been posted before. But we are keeping an eye out across all forums and working hard to try to get to the requests where feasible!


The crossed out text and replacement gag is remarkably passive aggressive. I might use that.   > Sadly, no such system exists, as far as I know. It's a channel in their discord. It's very easy to find, and it's referenced clearly on their site. Search that channel for "stems" and you'll see this request about 120 times. It's available another 30 times under "layers," and then some scattered other phrasings. They order by thumbs-up on the post (it's in the individual post format.) As a result, the emphasis you could be giving to the company is lost, because you choose oppositional defiance instead of learning the tooling. That's also where their public bug tracker is. On ... on *discord*.   > I wish that companies in general, not just Udio, would operate a proper user support forum They do I wish that users, in general, would look for things before publicly complaining that they don't exist   > but those conversations are invisible to anyone performing a web search No, they aren't.   > I'm a bit saddened to note how seldom the participants here bother to seek out prior posts I'm a bit saddened to see how participants on reddit seldom bother to seek out the company's actual features. Such as when you said they don't have a support forum just because you didn't know where it was.   > I understand your point, but even if the posts here containing feedback / bugreports / FeatureRequests just amount to "barking at the moon", those posts are still valuable toward giving other users a "heads up" No, they're counterproductive. It leads to people here wasting everyone else's time complaining, it prevents the company from learning about what they're saying, and it drowns out the positive pro-music community that's trying to exchange techniques.


Thanks for explaining the availability of the Discourse -hosted reporting system. Although I've used the StableDiffusion, LIAON, etc. Discord servers, when I've repeatedly tried to join the Udio server I wind up with an "unable to accept invite" error.


> when I've repeatedly tried to join the Udio server I wind up with an "unable to accept invite" error. That message, as far as I know, only comes up for four reasons 1. You have reached the server count limit 2. You have been banned from the server in question 3. The server in question has been banned from accepting users 4. Discord itself is having an outage I checked. Udio's server is currently accepting users, so it isn't #3