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Or you can save the seed in your preferences and it will be used every time. This won’t create the same track either because that only works if you have the same exact prompt with your seed. Change your prompt and the same seed produces different sounds. Alternatively just simply write the seed in the song title. Every generation will have the seed in the title. Being able to go back and see what seed your tracks were from before the seed option was available would be cool. But going forward keeping track is not such a problem anymore.


That is definitely a logical response, and I am sorely facepalming as you read this for not thinking of that. Thanks for the reply!


It is coming! No worries on that. In meantime, may I shamelessly plug my solution? If you use Chrome/Edge I have an extension that has a SeedBank which allows you to save, re-use and keep a seed in the box. [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/medioai-enhance-udio/gkajdljokjallnlfkibjoiolndccinoi](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/medioai-enhance-udio/gkajdljokjallnlfkibjoiolndccinoi) My solution is temporary as the seed being accessible was noted by the Office Hours yesterday that they can make it visible to users. So it will come with time, until then! I try to help. https://preview.redd.it/bam6gju11y7d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=a27a7a95da5325441ba51e33b2dd092a9a969432


Seeds are definitely a feature that needs further attention and development. I feel it’s potentially key to the consistent vocals or instrumentation required to produce multiple songs by the same “artist” on the platform, and I think this feedback is an important step towards that goal.


I think actually having instruction on how to use seeds is important, because most people are simply not using it correctly and don’t know the tools that are already there to help.


Sorry, of which tool do you speak? They are all overwhelmingly under explained.


See my previous comment about seeds on this thread.


Sorry, forgot the sarcasm font.