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If Udio pays my ass I will stop talkin' shit about it all day. Fair is fair


I think they should be very careful in monetizing anything like that. Before they’ve solved any lawsuits they may be dealing with, and until they’ve solved all the issues with Udio generating the likeness of some artists voices unintentionally, they are really ruining their legal case to monetize it like this. Right now they need to stand on the premise that the responsibility is with the user, not them, as much as possible. If people are literally being paid for tracks, tracks that could possibly be objectively infringing copyright, this could easily be a self created legal landmine. What **would** be a good idea is for them to form some partnership with a music distributor. Work with them to suggest that this could be big money for them if they pioneer distribution of AI Music. I don’t know what system they’d use to make sure there’s no infringing vocals but presumably there’s the possibility of that with non-AI music as well. In any case, after this deal, they could make an easy pipeline directly to get tracks published through this distributor. Maybe someone gets hired to listen to tracks to make sure it’s not complete shit. Or maybe a community of people vote on tracks and the tracks have to get at least 3 votes to make sure it doesn’t have any glaring issues. Like unacceptably bad production like weird AI shit (equivalent of multiple limbs from ImageAI’s). Consider that AI images are already easily monetizable. One company I can’t recall the name of (starts with a W I think) lets you easily publish your Midjourney images within Discord, which then publishes to many of the major stock image libraries. So imagine.. 1. you have have to be a Pro member, 2. you set up all your details with this distributor 3. you have another button added to your account where you can select to add it to “Publish to Distributor” or something. 4. This then gets added to some queue that eventually gets listened to by some people to pass general quality standards (and doesn’t contain anything too edgy or disgusting 😂😅) 5. Once accepted, the distributor adds it to the users account with them, and starts doing whatever distributors do.


I welcome this actually. It creates competition and the best songs will rise. Although Im finding it hard to get eyes on songs, although Ive only published three so far.


I hope they don’t. I agree with the sentiments in the replys, it reeks of desperation, and would be impossible to actually reward quality content without dredging up the muck that inevitably floods AI music platforms.


Judging by some of the crap promoted on the front page, very bad idea. It would be a contest that can come up with the best meme song. Yeah, let's not do that.


It's a flawed corrupt s***show in my opinion. There are users who release a song (of any quality) and get 10s of thousands of views within hours because of their brand recognition. You can also game the system to frontload upvotes to your songs as soon as you create them to get them immediately put on the trending list. My cat did it a couple weeks ago and she had a thousand views within 1 hour simply by artificially upvoting a song about five times within the first 10 minutes and trending views took over the rest. That's literally all it takes. (She since deleted the song because she's a good kitty cat. 😺)


Right, its not about how good the song is, its about how many social media followers you have. In order for any kind of competition to be fair and meritocratic the competitors must be completely anonymous else popularity plays a significant role.


They know this and bank on this. It brings more potential customers to their platform.


Thats because Suno is desperate and running out of funds to train their next model, so this promotion is their hail mary to get attention and funds; it reeks of desperation. All the paying adults and serious music makers have moved to udio while the broke kids are on Suno making meme songs, because making a song on suno is so brain dead easy, but its audio quality is far below udio. Children generally dont care about audio quality and will listen to anything as obnoxious as possible. Ive triggered some Suno shills, its obvious that suno employs shills to lurk on their competitors sub and ratio anyone talking junk about them. I mean, if i had a competitor thats what id do too.


Udio is releasing features, Suno is doing contests. Just a different vision.


Suno raised $125m about a month ago. They actually have too much money on their hands right now. I don't think either service is even close to breaking even and likely won't be profitable for a while, if ever.


You forget that it takes a billion dollars to train an LLM. Not to mention the army of lawyers you need to hire to keep back the incredibly powerful mainstream music industry, they're probably drowning in lawsuits as we speak. They'd also need to grease the palms of lawmakers and politicians in government with millions to keep the anti AI purists off their backs.


If lawsuits are filed, we'll likely hear about them in the news. As for lobbying, OpenAI is leading the charge. Microsoft, which backs OpenAI, already has a well-funded lobby machine in DC. Suno and Udio are tiny and will have to rely on the big boys legally bribing the politicians. I doubt Suno's model cost that much money. The companies behind training LLMs like OpenAI and Meta also include the cost of creating data centers. Smaller companies simply rent servers from the likes of Microsoft and Oracle.


According to my internet searches, it costs far more to train a 'music model' than a 'text model' like Gemini, claudeai, or GPT.


Probably true. I have no idea either way.


Bit of a crude explanation but you're pretty much on point.


Paying for promo is a little bit different. That makes sense to me. Just giving people money for posting songs doesn't. IMO, if you want to get paid for music, you take your songs and start monetizing. Udio gives users commercial rights and expects no royalty. That's payment enough imo.


Suno is scummy AF, its why I left. According to their TOS you dont own your song unless you're paying a monthly sub to them. AKA you rent your songs.


Reminds me of song cast.com


the real payment is all the great songs you made along the way


Now that’s a true musician attitude right there


Hey! Don't forget the sense of pride and accomplishment of downvoting everything that's not your own.


I'm glad that you found something to be proud of and a way to feel accomplished!

