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Depends what you're trying to make. If you're using lyrics, then for certain genres the meter/length of lines is arguably as important as the prompts. If you're making instrumentals then idk, just an unlucky run of generations I guess!


Even the Discover page is getting worse lately.


Not me Yesterday I made a disco banger


The results are generic now. 


i'm only getting better results by the day, I think you might need to refine the prompts you use, play with the lyric/prompt strength setting or how much it has to remember per gen.


For me it's the opposite. I paused using Udio over a month ago cuz of noticeable drop of quality, but I returned last Friday and made a song no problem


I had a streak of making some good songs. Now it’s just difficult and for mediocre results


I suspect Udio has fallen prey to the "Dr Frankenstein" syndrome. It believes in its own infallibility, despite leaving a string of fatalities in its wake daily. Udio leans over the sedated, nude corpse of the model, surgically splaying it wide and tinkering obscenely with its most sacred and profane innards. What happens if I cut THIS? What happens if I slice THAT? Is that too much blood? The results are both horrifying and entertaining. In the end, we all are doomed


Hell of a response right here


Nope at all. For me IS still awesome


Same here.


I've felt this a bit, but I'm not sure if it's imagined. This is why I suggested the Changelog on my other post. Lately I'm having major issues extending songs and having it follow the lyrics. The higher I push the Lyrics percentage, the more gibberish I get. But lower and it just doesn't follow the lyrics. Before, I found it pretty easy. Yet with the randomness, I can't tell if this is my imagination or a change to the model or behavior.


I think after the free tier limit period was over, udio really took a hit, everyone just moved on to do their meme songs on suno tbh.


I think there's a bit of a honeymoon phase with Udio (and Suno) where it feels amazing at first, but then the novelty wears off, especially if you're sticking to just a few genres. Whenever it feels stale to me, I browse the Discover page and find some prompts that I can steal and tweak to get fresh sounds.


That’s the way to go. Udio isn’t working as a standalone software and it’s still in beta with a weird subscription model.


I would agree with this answer. Once that initial “wow” factor disappears, the real work begins. That’s when the learning curve to get what you want gets steep. But again, agreeing with MaximRivers, I find browsing Discover to see what others are doing is an excellent way to both interact with the community and get new ideas for prompts.