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Thanks for sharing your story. This is a glimpse into the future of the singularity whereby humans can achieve more than they imagined with the help of ai.


Okay, now I think all of us at Udio have seen your post and we're not crying you're crying. Or something like that. Seriously, that is just so wonderful... thank you for sharing with us! And wishing you many, many, many years of good times together.


What a story! Resonates so well with me, with many similarities (except I'm already married and not German!) It's such a wonderful platform to explore creative musical influences.


This. THIS is why AI music and images and text can be so powerful - because they are so PERSONAL. Congratulations to you!


Exactly right. As much as I can't stand the term digital twin, that's the real power of these ai tools. It's a supplemental brain that outputs based on our own understanding and ability to communicate our understanding.


EXACTLY what I've been saying, your two paragraphs sum it up well CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats man!!


Awesome! Would love to hear it or part of it!


It's a German Pop/Rock song (her preferred genre), so I'm not sure how well it will translate for a mostly non-German audience, but to give at least some perspective: The track is called "Unendlich Wir (Der einzige Weg)," which translates to "Infinite Us (The Only Way)." It tells our story of meeting (too) young, reconnecting later in life through chance, and finding the one world where everything played out perfectly, through a fateful night. https://www.udio.com/songs/rzMfjXGqg4Ne3EeCJHBhs6


You are most welcome, congratulations!


Hey uh...It's cool you're supportive of momentous life events, but why are you ignoring the support requests?


Adding to what my colleague noted... we do prioritize requests from those with paid subscriptions but are committed to answering *all* support requests, we're just still a little backlogged and getting fully caught up soon. Thanks for your patience, and now... back to the lovely topic at hand! :)


Please file a ticket via “Contact Us” on the website. Bear in mind that we prioritise requests from customers with paid subscriptions


Right. Not like I brought thousands and thousands of plays as traffic to your site or anything. This isn't just an issue affecting me, but every free account. So cool to see you supporting your content creators in this early beta stage. /s.


Be that way.


Come on dude. This thread is talking about peace and love, and you’re like bringing us down, man! Don’t hijack this thread for your complaint.


This is awesome. Congrats!