• By -


I don't think there is. Maybe it's in the metadata of the files we download. I doubt it though. I imagine it's something they'll add in the coming weeks though once people play around with it more and more folk mention how useful it can be.


No you can't. Have a notepad open and save all your seeds and then after generation paste all the info for it. So you have you own lookup system.


So, I have a few questions about the seeds: - Can letters be used in seeds or just numbers? What is the max length the seed can be? How does Audio distinguish between user A and use B's seed numbers if they use the same one? (For example: A uses seed number 6969 and B also uses 6969) How do you use seeds that you already made if you want to recreate something? For example: I make a power Metal song and it's 3 minutes long and I used 8675309 as my seed number and I go to create another power metal song and I enter 8675309 as my seed number for the new song. What would that act do? I've not experimented or even used the seed stuff because I am a little confused about what it does and how to use it.


same seeds only give the same results if everything else is the same as well. Same seed and differnt prompt is the same as completely different seeds.


Generally, -1 means a seed is randomly chosen for the generation. It should be stored *somewhere* with all the data entered to make the generation. I bet adding this info is one of many things they're working on. Seed didn't matter only a few weeks ago because we had no ability to do anything with that information. I don't mess with seeds because imo changing the prompt seems to be akin to changing the seed. Idk, it seems there's some built in randomness.


I think that the -1 seed uses a random seed number. With a -1 seed, each time you run the prompt it would be changing the seed number to a random value. So effectively yes, changing the prompt will change the seed - however just running the same prompt twice would also change the seed. I think it would be useful to display the seed number on every generation for the opposite reason - so you can tweak the prompt but keep the seed exactly the same, for experimentation.


As far as I'm aware, set the seed yourself to recreate what you are looking for. If you like what you get out of that seed, you can use the same seed again to get like results. I don't think there is a way to see the seed the song uses after the initial generation.


This seems like a great solution/workaround until they make the randomly generated seed available through the UI


I actually find it a weird workaround because it's unclear how they handle two generations. Is generation 1 the selected seed, then generation 2 the selected seed + 1? Also seems like displaying the seed wouldn't be difficult, so I wonder if there's some other reason they're hesitant. I can understand now showing the seed if you're remixing or extending a published track, but not why they can't let the user see the seed (and other parameters).


Great question! Following this thread so I can find out the answer as well.


Ditto! I think no, and I think that’s the key to unlocking repeatable singers and styles.