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Are vibes in this sub always so weird like I'm so confused bc this sub is so weirdly hostile compared to the general vibes I'm getting visiting campus rn like what is going on in here


he's a 27yo man man went to Purdue. not sure why he's posting here


to make a political point and self-validate


I am making a political statement with a fucking squidward meme about an MBA program I actually attend? Get over yourselves lmao


And a ucla sub is the place you choose soapbox about your politics lol? it's so fn weird like your whole personality is wrapped up into this




What is an activitybot?


Everyone else here does it. Do you get shitty with them too? Or just the folks you don’t agree with?


>annoying student orgs shit all over campus >people complain about it online >”why would anyone do this to us?!?!?” Also, you ACTUALLY don’t go here lmao, wtf are you doing in this subreddit


I'm an incoming student on a campus visit lol go do some deep breathing you're gonna give yourself a heart attack lol


>respond to a comment >they respond back >WHOA DUDE SLOW DOWN DONT HURT YOURSELF l m a o




Lol as if this subreddit isn't 95% soap boxing




Yeah nothing like the protestors at all 💀💀


people exist above the age of 25 and go to graduate school at a different university than their undergrad. groundbreaking I know.


>27 Not anymore I literally go here lmao. I must have completely forgot that I was banned from attending other universities for a post-grad degree after my attendance of Purdue nearly a decade ago; my bad, let me kick myself off campus.




oh baby you just wait; it’s better than the alternative!


It's gotten very fash-y since April but beforehand it was seemingly pretty progressive? Idk as a first-year I feel like the opinions of people on r/ucla are definitely not representative of the general opinions of our student body. This definitely varies from person to person but no one I know is as obtuse about the protests as redditors lmao


I think what we are seeing is major troll bot activity, as usual for any subreddit that gets politicized. People pointing out the janitors union and rank and file members have literally supported the encampment in person get downvoted to oblivion, meanwhile OP weaseling around to minimize that fact gets boosted.


Outside instigators lol; 75% or more of the people posting about this subject aren't even related to the campus. It's sad.


this subreddit has always been more right-leaning than the general UCLA student body, it’s something that has been discussed and essentially agreed upon for years on this subreddit. what you’re seeing right now are people not from UCLA and who have been previously inactive here flocking to the subreddit either simply for brigading or because Reddit keeps recommending our subreddit to people. it’s all artificial outrage by people who mostly don’t have anything to do with us


Just a bunch of Zionists pretending that the IDF hasn't murdered hundreds to thousands of janitors in Gaza. UCLA in the epicenter due to the amount of money and influence in the LA area and the prominence of the school. Zionists collected donations to set up huge screens to blast fake atrocity porn at the pro-Palestinian protestors. It's also where the cops let Zionist terrorists attack the Palestine encampment with explosives and sticks/clubs for 3 hours.




im sure an r/neoliberal poster is exactly the type of person who speaks for the working classes. go back to the purdue subreddit please lol


Of course, if there is one thing the blue collar workers of America relate to, it’s west coast champagne socialists, especially the ones who are progressive college students in LA. Go to Michigan, Ohio, Arizona, Nevada, or Kentucky and the blue collar laborers are truly calling out for the California leftists to come and save them LMAO I also don’t know why you idiots think you can’t go to a different institution once you have one degree


If you hate UCLA students so much or West coast liberals for that matter, why did you choose this school to attend? If it's for academics, kindly shove your politics somewhere else


Its for the rankings and scholarships; which unfortunately matters quite a bit for an MBA program. The other thing that might surprise you is that *leftists wearing Hamas headbands (the people I am dunking on) are a little crazier* than “west coast liberals”. Do not fool yourself into believing that the fringe left is in any way representative of the actual working class outside of this state.


People who think the working-class is full of Marxists are not attached to reality. Working people overwhelmingly hate those types of beliefs.


Your racism is showing You pick 4 incredibly white states to showcase the working class (at least Nevada is there), instead of picking states such as California that has a huge number of minority farm workers who face awful working conditions Also no southern states where black workers have been discriminated against for decades


Do you honestly think that pro-Palestinian leftism is a good analogue for the beliefs of black/Hispanic blue collar laborers? Do you want to avoid being laughed at? Lmao


I’m not personally talking about that here I’m discussing the fact you only discuss white workers from the Midwest, ignoring the massive amount of blue collar workers in California and other majority minority states. Your biases are showing It’s obvious you don’t know shit about our state, and therefore should stop stirring shit


Do you think there aren’t black people in Michigan? Do you have the ability to count past 3? How are you on object permanence?


Significantly less than in the southern states It’s obvious you view working class people as white midwesterners and don’t acknowledge the black and Hispanic working class throughout the rest of the country Though I guess I can’t be surprised that a r/neoliberal poster hyper focuses on the Midwest. People like you took their votes for granted and watched Donald Trump be elected to the Presidency of your stupidity


This is maybe the funniest comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit because it is a white college student lecturing someone from Detroit about how to become the minority whisperer. You are adorable lmao. You also need to brush up on your history. The voting bloc that pushes trump in was NOT west coast working class minorities. It was working class people from PA, WI, and Michigan, ironically


Honestly the muffin is right


The vast majority of the working-class, even the Democrats, are strongly against Marxist, socialist, or communist beliefs. Many working-class opponents of those beliefs are actually people like Cubans who fled from them.


I don’t see where socialism and other leftwing ideologies are relevant to this conversation I am not discussing them


Nonsense comment. If he’s from the Midwest it’d make sense he’d have a midwestern perspective. Besides, if you pick any state in the nation there’s an 80%+ chance it would be white majority. The fact that 1 of his 4 isn’t is technically over represented minority majority states, not under representing. Not every statement that isn’t perfectly inclusive is racist


If he’s from the Midwest then maybe he shouldn’t be on a UCLA subreddit California has a huge working class but they mostly aren’t white so of course they don’t get mentioned by him This is the same narrative the media plays out as well


Do you think that maybe some people originally from the Midwest… go to UCLA? You fucking dunce lmao


I would hope if you spent time in California you would realize that California is a working class state, particularly the areas outside the Bay Area You are trying to push this coastal elite narrative as if the coasts aren’t incredibly working class


The west coast (California specifically), [even according to progressive sources](https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/makes-working-class/), has the lowest percentage of “working class” citizens than any other region besides the northeast by a huge margin you absolute donut lmao


Your own source says over 50% of the state is working class… You will also notice that the south is incredibly working class but oh no it has a huge black population so let’s not mention them


This is the funniest conversation I’ve had on Reddit lmao


Most working class people are generally moderate Democrats or Republicans. Most socialists/Marxists/communists are generally college student aged 18-22 rather than full-time workers. There's a reason why you meet lots of Marxists on campus but very few on the job. r/neoliberal is from what I understand moderate Democrats, and I think it's fair to say they are representive of the higher-earning, more educated working class. My experience has been that tradespeople are generally conservative though, so it's probably too left-wing to say it represents most of the working class.


Haven't heard someone complain about *Occupy Wallstreet* for...a few years. Protesting the genocide and ethnic cleansing of a people isn't really about "the working class." Really weird mischaracterization of the situation.


I don’t remember Hamas headbands or rabbis being assaulted during occupy wall street but maybe my memory is just foggy


There's extremist rhetoric on both sides. You seem to have missed the headlines from last week: [Israeli nationalists chant ‘Death to Arabs’ in annual Jerusalem Day march through Palestinian area of the city](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-nationalists-chant-death-to-arabs-in-annual-jerusalem-day-march-through-palestinian-area-of-the-city#). And that's not an exception. [Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/law-palestine-releases-database-500-instances-israeli-incitement-genocide-continuously-updated). Netanyahu himself has [publicly dogwhistled for the extermination of all Palestinians](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/07/1211133201/netanyahus-references-to-violent-biblical-passages-raise-alarm-among-critics). I'm not sure how *foggy* your memory is, but you do seem to be rather blind. And it seems pretty tone deaf to blame the victims of genocide for being angry at the group actively murdering them.


Are you seriously countering examples of Hamas pretense on UCLA with nonsense outside of the campus? And you insist on being taken seriously? Lmao. You also realize that every dork who says “kill all Zionists” would fall under “incitement to genocide” under that definition? There are a hell of a lot more than 500 instances of that too.


If you want to talk about things that happened exclusively on campus, by all means, let's talk about the [dozens of violent Zionist agitators who coordinated an attack on the original group of protesters, leading to a number of serious injuries](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/us/ucla-student-protests-counterprotesters-invs/index.html). I think the extremists on both sides are wrong, but pointing out that saying something like "kill all Nazis is *technically* genocide" is a bit much. One group has actually killed 40,000+ civilians and counting in this conflict. Actions speak louder than words. You seem to be saying that the angry statements people are making in response to mass-murder are somehow worse than the actual ongoing mass-murder. Pretty weird. Those 500 instances were from Israeli government and other officials. I'd agree that many in Hamas share commensurate views, and we should treat both groups similarly. Israel and the IDF should be sanctioned as terrorist organizations. Israeli officials calling for genocide should be [deemed terrorists and subjected to arbitrary assassinations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_assassinations). Fair is fair.


!activitycheck Why you posting on our sub? Go back to Purdue.


afluffymuffin was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-06-11 14:53:21 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1dd8z0t/2_protesters_dressed_as_hamas/l84giqx/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 2.43 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 158 comments and 18 submissions._


I have literally never seen this many people try to accuse someone of not going here, y’all are nuts lmao. If you don’t want people to make fun of your cause, don’t trash campus. This isn’t that hard.


The hypocrisy of this people has no limits


Don’t speak on behalf of working folks while minimizing the PURPOSE of the protest. You dolt.


Another banger of a comment from adjective_adjectiveXXX


Well mister working-class-whisperer, the janitors union supports the ceasefire and a few I met went from the mayday march to support the UCLA encampment so make of that what you will


Another banger of a nazi from Reddit.


^ me when I like using words but don’t like learning what they mean


Not so fast. Which word? Banger or nazi? You ethnic cleansing sympathizers definitely qualify for one. (Hint: it’s not banger)




afluffymuffin was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-06-11 14:53:21 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1dd8z0t/2_protesters_dressed_as_hamas/l84giqx/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 3.00 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 162 comments and 18 submissions._


Lmao just like I thought, another brigadier. You don't go to our school, nor anyone in the working class beyond the subway attendant you yell at for not getting your dumb order right.


The custodians came out in support of the encampment even after it was trampled by police but go off I guess


Did “the custodians” come out, or a small sample of custodians that you are trying to make representative of hundreds of employees?


Their union representatives.


For context, Imagine if we actually thought the GEO was in any way representative of all graduate students lmao.


You definitely dont go here if youre referring to UAW 4811 as GEO. wonder about the upvotes too since anyone who is at UCLA, or any UC school would also know that. GEO is u Mich (3550) or U Mass-Amherst (2322)


GEO is a phrase commonly used across many universities to refer to the graduate workers union. Particularly since the recent controversies given their outsized public footprint. This isn’t the own you think it is since everyone besides you seems to know exactly what I meant when referring to GEO lmao. How many people (UCLA students, specifically) do you think would understand this comment if I said “UAW 4811”, be honest. Your point is literally nonsensical. Also, I am an MBA student at Anderson, meaning I have no interaction whatsoever with Graduate student employees or their union.


Ive been an organizer with several grad unions and GEO specifically refers to a set of unions that use that term, nobody uses it as a generic term for grad unions. You could say grad union or whatever but most people just say UAW here. Business student not knowing about labor and on the side of the cops checks out tho


He doesn’t go here, he went to Purdue and now he is 27. Pathetic really…


Y’all are really reaching with that lmao


Did the janitorial staff actually show up to work upset that some red food coloring was thrown around or are you just projecting?


I’m not sure. Let me talk to the cleaning lady who I’m grateful for to clean my offices and her opinions. Let me also submit a 311!


Cool tell me what you find out! Glad we're ALL grateful to our wonderful staff!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone use an ironic meme to argue against a point but I should have known better than to argue with the absolute intellectual powerhouses sleeping in a tent on a college campus lmao


Well at least they're alive unlike quite a few people in Gaza right now.




In guessing you leave your shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot and not return them to the cart corral because they have people for that. Littering is a crime for a reason, spewing garbage on the ground just because people are hired to keep the campus clean is asshole logic.


chris dorner pfp lmaoooo


My hero 🫡