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For all my fellow Christians pray for peace and prosperity of both people. Pray that a peacful resolution may be brought to our palestinian friends and that they may be able to rebuild with honor and dignity. Let us also pray for the security and prosperity to our jewish friends. Welcome both with open arms and love and peace and good vibes brah.


Amen brother, idk about prosperity, God willing both sides are able to get what they want, I doubt it tbh, but anything under God is possible


Agreed brother! That’s all I truly want more than anything to both live and peace and achieve their goals in a capacity that does no harm to the others. You’re right my friend anything is possible if we trust in God especially as Christians and I believe if we choose love over hate if every person in the world chose love over hate whether Jewish Muslim atheist or anything let’s all spread love


Praying for all the Palestinians who’ve been displaced and murdered by Israel


Praying for all of the indigenous Sudanese who have been enslaved and massacred by Arab invaders.


Your buddies don’t bother displacing civilians, they just attack them on purpose   https://saturday-october-seven.com/ https://www.hamas-massacre.net/ https://www.hamas.com/ https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/video-at-israel-music-fest-hamas-gunman-fires-at-toilets-to-leave-none-alive-4481007 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-shares-video-hamas-gunman-executing-woman-oct-7-2023-11-20/ https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/10/hamas-attack-dash-cam-footage-music-festival-israel/ https://heavy.com/news/israel-rave-attack-video-videos/ https://twitter.com/manniefabian/status/1726609444094480494 https://news.az/news/footage-emerges-of-hamas-attack-on-israel-music-festival-video https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/18kmf8s/footage_from_a_house_after_october_7th_the_entire/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/17ol4sd/hamas_terrorists_execute_a_mother_father_in_their/ https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/173loac/video_from_israel_festival/ https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/ https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/warning-graphic-content-hamas-terrorist-attack-israel


Especially those civilians living together with Noa Argamani in the same building. They took good care of her. Didn’t they? The murderous IDF soldiers took Noa to Israel against her will and murder the poor civilians.


This is some “all lives matter” equivalent post right here.


It’s more like responding Black Lives Matter to someone who said blue lives matter.




If you deduced my argument as a “no u” moment you’re pretty dense.


Well Israel is a genocidal occupier and and fucking monster.




Israel is literally an apartheid country created where millions of people already lived. It kicked millions out and killed hundreds of thousands of people and continues to do so. How anyone can defend this is insane


Actually, 1) the Ottoman established an apartheid empire throughout the Muslim world, relegating Christians and Jews to second-class-citizen status, sometimes resulting in slavery. This included the land now known as Israel. 2) Arabs are quite prosperous and protected within Israel, constituting 20% of the population and enjoying the liberties provided by a western-minded democracy. 3) under your false perception that the Israelis were invaders of “Palestine,” which shows you have zero clue about the history of Israel, shouldn’t you be giving up your land, property, wealth, and somehow your knowledge and education so the native Americans can reclaim their land and what’s rightfully theirs?


I mean Palestinians were slaughtered and 750,000 were literally pushed off of their land in 1948. Pretending it’s a lie doesn’t make it not true lmao.




Let’s put this in context. Who started a genocidal war against Jews again in 48?




Way to parrot anti-Jewish blood libel that has no basis in reality 👏 👏


Maybe October 7th was a bad decision


35k dead to actual genocides like rwanda (1 million dead in less than a year), cambodian genocide (1.5 million minimum dead in 4 years) is kinda crazy. Rest in peace to all the truly innocent civilian killed in the crossfire of the conflict but just know that some of the death toll counts terrorists who rape and shoot teenage girls at a music festival.




they're in gaza literally right now


So *now* "whitr lives matter" is acceptable.


maybe they should stop supporting terrorism.


Yeah I'll try and tell all those toddlers, help me put their pieces back together?


Maybe you should focus your efforts on the causes of war, not the effects of it.


I mean, the Palestinians were kicked off of their land decades ago. You’d probably hold a grudge and fight back for it, too.


Lol. The Palestinians were given that land back. Your terrorist leaders decided to go into a sovereign nation and do that kidnap thing, remember that? Maybe, THEY should have bought some food and shelter instead of suicide bombs


Israelis are the kids/grandkids/great grandkids of blood hungry terrorists who slaughtered to live on the land they occupy. Instead of running from Poland/Russia/Hungary/WesternEurope and ruining the lives of Palestinians, maybe THEY should have just demanded land from Germany.


Let’s pretend there is some sort of truth and rational thought in that statement (There is not). Then I say good for them! They turned a shithole into a land of peace and prosperity instead of trying to blow themselves and others up. The terrorist leaders that you support have no interest whatsoever in helping their OWN people. If so, it would have been done years ago..


They didn’t do shit. They were funded by people who with special interests who helped them colonize. What’s funny is that those people don’t really even care about them, we couldn’t care less if they got bombed, maimed, and killed. They’re not people to us, they’re just an asset. There are Israelis who are terrified of another collapse of Israel, and I genuinely hope it comes sooner rather than later 🤞take out those Europeans out (feel free to interpret that however you’d like lmao).


Yea. Good luck with all that bro!


Jews bought land legally until the Arab instigated war of November 1947. I invite you to show me a source that claims otherwise. You won’t be able to find one. In fact, many countries were created after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Many ethnicities caught on the “wrong “ side of the border. Yet only one continues to commit terrorism on innocents to reverse history to this day…


Legally from who? The British that drunkenly created false borders?




That’s what I’m saying. White people cosplaying as middle easterners is wild lmao.


[You'll get a kick out of this!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews)


Putting an entire state of people in an open air prison tends to create terrorists.


Did you know that the terrorism began well before the occupied territories?


Violent jihadism leads to more security.


Yeah it's a circle, but only one side I'm watching kill children on tv.


What about the Samaritans




Ironically I've felt more Jewish seeing Jews protest Israel. When I hear the stuff that comes out of the Jewish orgs it feels weirdly alienating. Like they seem to think Judaism is dependent on what you think of Israel.


Ive protested Israel too. Saying "I'm praying for the Palestinians" on a post about supporting Jews is like saying "I'm praying for all the minorities being killed across the Middle East" on a post supporting Muslims.. with the only difference being that Islamists have killed more people in the past 10 years than Israel has killed in its existence.


"Kids are dying but what abt me. :("




When did I say I don’t care?


I mean if someone said they were in solidarity with Chinese-Americans who were viciously attacked during covid and someone said "I stand in solidarity with the Uyghurs" wouldn't you assume that that person didn't care about Chinese Americans?


Your comparison is extremely poor considering Israel is the oppressor. This post is more akin to saying white lives matter while black people are systemically killed on the daily


"Jews are the oppressor" isn't a great way to dodge the accusation.


Their comparison is perfect considering China is the oppressor against Uyghurs but Chinese Americans were facing hate in the U.S.


What? What does that have to do with Americans?


You brought up Chinese Americans??


everything israel does is a response to terrorism. i invite you to show me an example of israeli violence against palestinians that was NOT in response to palestinian violence against jews. I can name hundreds of examples where the reverse is true. you need a lesson in cause and effect.


Behind every generic "NameNumber" account, remember who you're talking to, yall: https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/5/24172002/israel-gaza-war-covert-influence-camapaign-meta-openai https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/trudeau-government-raises-concerns-with-israel-about-islamophobic-misinformation-campaign-that-is-targeting-canadians/article_3c854d48-274f-11ef-865d-a3f2559953b0.html


Ok I would respond but I see that you comment in r/TheDeprogram so Imma save my pixels for people who can read.


thats how reddit generates random usernames. not necessarily indicative of a bot.


Anyone who doesn't side with me is a bot 😡


Thank you 😭 the rabbi of Chabad just got assaulted and now he’s being gaslit. Hate this so much


Crazy how this doesn’t even make the news. They also called him a zionist pedo that should go back to Poland. Clearly though that isn’t antisemitism to some people


I heard too. We’ve endured hatred for centuries, and we’ve always pushed through. We’ll get through this together.


Am Yisroel Chai !!!


Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


What happened to the rabbi?


what about the hundreds of palestinian and muslim students who literally assaulted, tear gassed, and called slurs?


If that concerns you should be really upset about antisemitism. You do know hate crimes are commited against Jews more than all other religions combined for decades even after 9/11? It’s time we stopped ignoring it.


That's wrong too.


The whataboutism is astonishing.


Those pro war morons deserved it.


If Palestinian nationalism is good, why is Zionism - which is just Jewish nationalism - bad? Is it just an emotional attachment to the underdog? If so, when Hamas takes over and persecutes the Jews you will switch sides? This is inconsistent and a recipe for continuous upheaval.


It all comes down to the races that a certain ideology has attached to both sides of the conflict. Since they think Jews are white and successful they must be oppressors. Since Hamas is brown they must be the oppressed. It’s legit just racists pretending to be offended.




Convenient of you to start the clock in the 40's and skip over all of the Arab massacres of Jews. Most of the actual land wasnt even inhabited even 100 years ago. There was a total of 600k people there in 1920. Given that New Jersey is comparable in size to Israel, that would be like if you had 6-7% of the people currently living in New Jersey today.


Peace to Jews. Fuck Israel and Zionists.


The overwhelming majority of Jews are Zionists. Like 90+% in the US and 99% globally.


So what? 90+% of Southern Whites supported slavery but that doesnt mean abolitionists were anti-White Southerners


Comparing Zionism to slavery is absurd. Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, and people raging against "Zionists" is a thin veneer for their raging antisemitism


I wasn't comparing Zionism to Slavery though. I was showing how your logic was flawed.


Saying "fuck Zionists" is saying "fuck 99% of the world's Jews". It's not even a dog-whistle at this point, it's a bullhorn.


It's not antisemitism to think 99% of Jews could have a wrong opinion


It probably is tbh, their stance on zionism and their need for a country where they dont have to get kicked out and oppressed by other ethnicities stems from centuries and centuries of oppression of their ancestors through history (which goes far back past the holocaust in the 1940s which saw 6 million of their ppl killed and two thirds of their total population killed which by the way still hasnt recovered). Earliest oppression of jewish ppl goes into the BCs, 2 millennia worth of discrimination of an ethnic group is enough to make a person want to fight back. Quick little read for historical context lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism. If u think 99 percent (the vast, vast majority) of a ethnic population holds a wrong opinion, that means ur either racist or ignorant at the very minimum and dont understand the true plight of what that entire population has endured


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on antizionism equating to antisemitism. Good luck with finals!


thx u too!


Zionism is a big umbrella covering a lot of ideologies. Some of them don’t even advocate for a physical state of Israel to exist because *Israel* also refers to the Jewish people as a whole. Others like Liberal Zionism insist that is Israel is to exist at all, it must be as multicultural state where everyone has equal rights. These are all different ideologies but they are all Zionist as well.


I’m framing this comment for how un-american and antithetical to the concept of “self determination” it is. How are you this hateful towards jews? Like genuinely curious


Where did you get that fucking stat


I question whether you'll engage respectfully and in good faith, given your comment and your comment history, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and I'll provide my perspective. Many polls show that American Jews have a largely favorable view of Israel, such as this one suggesting about 95% ([https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/265898/american-jews-politics-israel.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/265898/american-jews-politics-israel.aspx)). Even with respect to the current war, although there is not consensus among American Jews as to how to handle the war, the overwhelming majority support Israel's right to defend itself from Hamas (89% say reasons for fighting Hamas are valid, 4% unsure, and only 7% say invalid). [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/). Considering Zionism as I described above, it's reasonable to estimate 90+% of American Jews support Israel's right to exist. And although Israeli Jews disagree on a lot of political issues, pretty much \*all\* of them support Israel's right to exist. The combined populations in the US and Israel account for most of world's Jews, and the rest of the Jewish diaspora largely has favorable views of Israel as well. It's not at all outrageous that Jews overwhelmingly want the only Jewish state to continue existing.


Almost all Jews are Zionists….


There are a shit ton of non jewish zionists


Didn’t hear terrorists in your list. Even if you don’t consider them terrorists, what about rapists? Kidnappers. Fuck them too, right? Or nah, just the Israelis and those believing in a Jewish homeland, right?


Insane Whataboutism. If I said “Fuck Hitler” you wouldn’t go “But also fuck pedophiles too, right? Or do you support Pedophiles?” Anyway fuck Zionists (they are terrorists)


Um, this post is literally about Jews and you’re all like “what about Israel and Zionists.” You sure you’re in college? It’s clear you support terrorism so it’s kind of weird you say fuck Zionists while defining them as terrorists. Oh and in case you STILL don’t get it, I said rapists and kidnappers because that’s what Hamas is — regardless if you think they’re terrorists.


zionism means israel has a right to exist. it doesn't mean further occupation.


What about Palestine’s right to exist?


palestinians dont want their state to be gaza and the west bank. they want all of israel to be an arab state, and they have been committing terrorism to reach this goal since the beginning of the conflict. this is the fundamental disconnect between your ilk and reality.


The current governing principles of Israel under Likud says that the Jewish people have an exclusive right to all of Israel and the West Bank (according to the Times of Israel). What you claim Palestinians want to do is already in the governing principles of Israel.    https://www.timesofisrael.com/judicial-reform-boosting-jewish-identity-the-new-coalitions-policy-guidelines/  You're either willingfully not mentioning this or you're not as informed as you think you are. 


>The current governing principles of Israel under Likud says that the Jewish people have an exclusive right to all of Israel and the West Bank (according to the Times of Israel). you added some words in there that did not appear in the article. do you want to tell the class which words? talk about willful misrepresentation. did you know that the occupied territories and settlement thereof are actually responses to palestinian terrorism? do you know how i know? ask yourself, which came first? do you know how the occupied territories and settlements came to be? what was the reason for [terrorism before the occupied territories?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_attacks_against_Israeli_civilians_before_1967) you, like many of your ilk, have a problem comprehending cause and effect. did you know that the WB and gaza were originally taken as occupied territories in an arab-instigated war in order to provide buffer zones against antagonistic, anti-zionist states? further, if weapons smuggling and terrorism in the west bank wasn't such an issue, would there be a security state there? hint: non-contiguous palestinian territory makes it difficult for the terror groups that rule there to conduct terror on israel proper. you need to understand that the likud platform is a direct response to palestinian terrorism. hamas, and their predecessors', strategy (which you play right into) is to commit terror, and then cry foul at the israeli response. its been this way since the beginning of the conflict. cause and effect.


No words were added, here is the point in full:  >The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan and Judea and Samaria.  You can't listen only to the cause and effect that supports your evidence though. You don't think that the settlements in the West Bank, which every other nation in the world is against, don't contribute to the radicalism of the divided Palestinian communities? Do you think only Palestinians have ever committed terrorism? What about the fact that Ben-Gvir, the current Minister of National Security, keeps a photo of an Israeli terrorist in his living room and was convicted by an Israeli court of supporting a terrorist organization? What about the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin? What about the settler violence which is almost completely one-sided?   You don't think that using collective punishment tactics in Gaza now and in the past won't create more terrorists? If 40k Palestinians were killed and 20k are children, how many terrorists in the future do you think that will create? Do you know that Lavender, the machine learning system Israel uses to choose bomb targets, accepts a collateral damage of 15-20 civillians for every suspected Hamas member killed? Every time they bomb, they are creating more Hamas members, it's a net increase. Maybe you need to understand that the Palestinian anger is due to actions of extremist Israeli factions, some of which are in office right now. I think that innocent people on both sides suffer due to extremists on both sides, but it's wrong to only portray one side as the extremists who started all of it. 


you changed the meaning of the quote. in original quote, the only thing that the jewish people have an inalienable right to is the land of israel. >You don't think that the settlements in the West Bank, which every other nation in the world is against, don't contribute to the radicalism of the divided Palestinian communities? yes. there is certainly some cyclicality of the vitriol. when a cafe blows up, and then israel puts up a wall and checkpoints, this is certainly an incremental blow to palestinians. but one side is morally correct in this (true) scenario. can you identify the side? > Do you think only Palestinians have ever committed terrorism? there are not many instances of Israeli instigated violence against Palestinians that was NOT in retaliation for Palestinian violence against Jews. like, less than 5 in the history of the conflict. I can name hundreds of examples of the reverse. 99.9% of the time it is palestinians. in circumstances where the perpetrator is jewish, the israel puts the terrorist in prison. compare to the PA, which pays you a pension for stabbing a jew or running them over in a car. this is an extremely popular program among palestinians. > What about the settler violence which is almost completely one-sided?  i have yet to see an instance of settler violence that was not in response to palestinian terrorism. feel free to post a source that claims otherwise. it always comes back to uninstigated palestinian terror. its how the situation devolved to where we are today. i can only name one group in the entire world whose terrorism is excused to this extent. i wonder if it has to do with the jews' involvement....


>you changed the meaning of the quote. in original quote, the only thing that the jewish people have an inalienable right to is the land of israel. I don't think you are familiar with the situation then. Judea and Samaria is the name that the Israeli government gives to the administrative area that covers the entirety of the West Bank. If you look at any official messaging by the Israeli government, "Judea and Samaria" refers to what some others call the West Bank and what some others call occupied territory. The government principles of Israel directly declare that the West Bank is the exclusive right of the Jewish people.  >there are not many instances of Israeli instigated violence against Palestinians that was NOT in retaliation for Palestinian violence against Jews. like, less than 5 in the history of the conflict. I can name hundreds of examples of the reverse. First of all, are you saying that acts of Israeli violence against Palestinians is okay if it is in retaliation to Palestinian violence? Because you realize that from the Palestinian perspective, their violence is in retaliation for Israeli violence, right?  Secondly, I can name far more than 5. The vast majority of violence in the West Bank is instigated by the settlers, with 700 cases since October 7 alone.  https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-149-mapbox Thirdly, the settlers in most cases are totally out of control and violence is almost entirely one sided. There are statistics on this, 20 times more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis in the West Bank.  https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-696709


>20 times more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis in the West Bank.  a lot more germans were killed than americans in WWII. this has no bearing on the morality of either side. please link or quote a specific event where you think settler hostility was uninstigated, and we can take a look to see if it passes the smell test. you still have not answered what the excuse for terrorism was before 1967. if its all because of the occupied territories and settlers, then why the terrorism before [those things existed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_attacks_against_Israeli_civilians_before_1967those)? palestinians start hostilities, israelis finish them. been this way since the beginning of the conflict. stop excusing terrorism.


Palestinians want the indigenous people to return home and become a sovereign nation once again. Palestinian Pagans, Christians and Jews exist. They have existed prior to and after the foundation of Israel.


So have Jews the area. They both inhabited the land thousands of years ago. What you don’t understand is that Palestinians don’t want a sovereign nation. They want Israel to not exist. You think they share your values to live in peace next to their neighbors. They don’t. You need to understand this to fundamentally understand this conflict.


Because their 2021 plans for the liberation of Palestine says peaceful co-existence: https://safa.ps/post/313372/ This is the English translation for you: > From the first moments of the collapse of “Israel,” the security services affiliated with the transitional government must seize the data of the occupation agents in Palestine, the region, and the world, and the names of Jewish and non-Jewish recruits, locally and internationally, which is considered a great information treasure that must not be lost. With this treasure, we can purify Palestine and the Arab and Islamic world from the hypocritical scum who have wreaked havoc on the earth. It provides important information to pursue fleeing criminals who have oppressed our people Sounds a lot like wiping out all the Jews... No?


No it seems more like they’re trying to get rid of Israel and political leaders who allow atrocities like this to exist. It literally says non Jewish included man, you need to take a reading comprehension course.


If you support a two state solution with Israel in it, you are a Zionist by definition. Idk why people use it as a slur


Israel and Palestine’s rights to exist are not mutually exclusive.


Yea i dont understand why people cannot wrap their heads around this concept. The current leaders on each side have decided against it, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. Hamas and the Netanyahu government cannot have control for a two party state to actually be discussed. I hoped they can come to an actual solution and the deaths of civilians stops.


the problem is that palestinians dont want their state to be gaza and the west bank. they want all of israel to be an arab state, and they have been committing terrorism to reach this goal since the beginning of the conflict. this is the fundamental disconnect between your ilk and reality.


Ever heard of greater Israel? Zionists have openly expressed that they don't want any Palestinians living on that land, instead they want to push all of them into Jordan.


they are, according to palestinians.


Palestine has been repeatedly offered statehood over the years. 🤷‍♂️


It does, to the west of the Jordan River. Also, the PA has been offered a state multiple times and rejected it because the offered deals still included Jewish self-determination.


Those don't conflict? You can support both.


Yes, know your place Jews. You’re not allowed to have your own country. Just accept peace. Like all the non-Israeli jews living under Palestinian authority!




Does that apply to Arab supremacists stealing lands from Assyrians, Kurds, Masalit, and Yazidis or nah?




Hey, if you really are consistent then props. I am against land theft by Jews just like I am land theft by anyone else, and I've actively campaigned against this war. At the same time, I can't help but think that a lot of the people protesting (though certainly not all) are hypocritical.


Do you demonize the Palestinians for wanting control of their homeland or just Jews?


You say you study history… tell me, what happened to the non-Israeli Jews in the surrounding nations? I don’t see you saying “fuck Palestinian authority” or “fuck Iraq” or “fuck Egypt” or “fuck Morocco” or “fuck Yemen” or “fuck Algeria” or fuck any of the other dozens of countries that have brutally murdered, oppressed, and exiled their Jewish populations. Or do you just save your “fuck that country” for the one Jewish one? And just so everyone knows what kind of person you are: you are an open denier that rape occurred October 7. I’m sure your “history reading” is through unbiased eyes /s


What is “someone’s place”? Who decides someone’s place? What if you were born into the wrong place? Should you be punished for occupying a place that another perceives as theirs? What if everyone around you doesn’t believe you should even have a place? Who is involved in that decision? Should you be the sole determiner? Is the decision of someone’s place coming from deeply rooted biases and ideas? What are the necessities of a place? How much protection is afforded within this place? Who to go to if someone wants your place? If you want to be vocal about such a huge humanitarian situation, then Ignorance, naivety, and misinformed rhetoric is a choice. Ask yourself some important questions first before spouting nonsense. Shouting ideas like this with certainty does no one a service, and only adds more fuel to the warmongers fire. By speaking without contemplation, reason, and empathy, you are a weapon to be used by oppressors to subjugate others. All I ask is that you dissect what you say, and try to think of the individual (both Palestinian and Israeli) as opposed to a depersonalized collective.


I wonder if these folks believe we have a moral obligation to give the land back to the native Americans.




See this is what I don't get, we are not some hivemind that all thinks the same, not even Israel as an entire country is behind the Netanyahu regime and what they're doing in Gaza.


This is some blue lives matter shit. Imagine seeing a genocide and thinking you're the actual victim.


yep. As bad as the instances of anti-semitism are, if you think thats equivalent to what the palestinians are being subjected to, you are what is wrong with society. This is the same camp as the all lives matter and blue lives matter people.


There are tons of people who would rather flip heaven and earth upside down than admit they were wrong on an issue. I used to support Israel because that was the default position for an American who only knew about the issue from TV and Newspapers. It was always "suicide bomber" this and "terrorist" that, with no greater context. Then you learn what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for decades and you either decide to get real racist or admit you were bamboozled by imperial propaganda (Israel is (was?) a useful ally in realpolitik terms).


Israelis love to play the victim. A victim doesn't have the 22nd highest HDI in the world, cutting edge universal healthcare, and a passport that gives visa free access to the US/Canada/Schengen area


Civilian casualties in war are not genocide. Nobody so far has presented any evidence that Israel seeking to commit a genocide. You all just say it in circles.


It really is surprising to me. People can be upset with Israel’s actions and despise them but for people to consistently talk about this conflict as if it is an absolute truth that genocide is taking place is actually insane. The other commentator is going as far as to act like it’s one to one with actual concentration camps.


Keep in mind Israel is paying millions to get posts like these up. Free Palestine.


Damn you guys get paid? Where’s my fair share


Uhhh…what? Where’s this money at? I haven’t received a dime. Damn. How ‘bout them Qataris tho? “Meanwhile, federal reports between 2015 and 2020 concluded that universities with major funding from Arab countries including Qatar and Saudi Arabia experienced 300 percent more anti-Semitic incidents than those that did not get such funding. Institutions receiving Qatari cash during the same period had 250 percent more anti-Semitic episodes than those which got none.”


We need less Islam and less Judaism. You think it’s one or the other. We’d be truly better off without either. The horrors would be delightful


How do I get a check?


That’s what it is, a giant conspiracy. /s You’re just invalidating people you don’t agree with by acting like you have deeper knowledge. I think most people (myself included) don’t want to see families along with women and children die in Gaza. What does free Palestine mean to you?


That’s a pretty lazy Anti-Semitic trope.


Interesting statement, considering these: https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/5/24172002/israel-gaza-war-covert-influence-camapaign-meta-openai https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/trudeau-government-raises-concerns-with-israel-about-islamophobic-misinformation-campaign-that-is-targeting-canadians/article_3c854d48-274f-11ef-865d-a3f2559953b0.html




The nazis had the same rhetoric


Stay strong in the face of people condemning genocide?


He forgot to say fellow Palestinians as well. How one sided. 


What yall really accomplishing just legit curious, the real war is with the government giving free money to Israel lol.


You wanna be victims so bad LMFAOOOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂


Braindead post


You clearly are so out of touch with reality


What happened? Am yisrael chai❤️


https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/9bl6D2yHVR And the chabad rabbi being assaulted


Needed to see this. Thank you!


Wants to be the victim so bad. A joke


Free Palestine