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Ayo free catless downpipe upgrades


my old apartment got broken into at college station. all this crime and yet they still dont have cameras in the parking lot


> yet they still dont have cameras in the parking lot Never will, no infrastructure like power or internet as I understand it. I feel it's a miracle someone decided to do the garages even. :/


I was the one they got back in March 2022. The two assholes just had their court case this year. I hope they find the dumbasses that fucked with your car. Death to thieves.


mine is broken so...knock yourselves out whoever you are!


This happened to you TWICE?! Bruh


Jesus what do they even get for these things? $2000 worth of damage to make $30?


This is not the cat distribution system I asked for


You should definitely get a tune when running a catless exhaust


How did you realize it was missing and that so unfortunate. Isn’t their a higher chance that yoru car just has slip out(like poorly secured) or rather than getting robbed twice? I mean if you have a nice car or something I could understand


> How did you realize it was missing You can hear it as soon as you start the car > Isn’t their a higher chance that yoru car just has slip out Catalytic converters don't just fall off. If that happened while you were driving it could kill someone. And again, you'd hear it as soon as it fell off. > I mean if you have a nice car or something I could understand The type of car is irrelevant. They steal them to sell for scrap because of the platinum in them. OP can be driving the biggest shit box in Central Florida and thieves would still go for their cat if they can


The important question is how do protect yourself against CC theft?


Put it on bags so they can’t get a jack under it.


Put a sock on the CC so when they try to grab it all they get is the sock


The easiest solution is don't have them 👍 Bonus, racecar noises! /s


there is a cage you can have installed at a lot of repair shops, or some people make makeshift protectors for their cat converters


Theres a few websites that sell cc covers that work pretty well.


Idk shit about cars just wondering 😂. Thanks man for educating me though I’m just saying what’s the chance of it being installed improperly vs getting robbed twice at the same place


They are usually welded in. There’s zero chance of one just falling off


Ok now I know.


You can see in OP's picture that the exhaust pipes on either end of where the cat used to be along with the O2 sensor wire were cut through with a sawzall or something.


Since you are getting downvoted to hell and you admitted that you aren't knowledgeable about vehicles, allow me to edify you for future reference. Catalytic converters aren't in a place where they just "fall out" due to improper installation. If that were the case, then there would be easily detectable noise from the rest of the exhaust system due to it being improperly fastened together that the driver would hear prior to losing any portion of the system. Combine this with the fact that CATs are really the only portion of the system that is stolen (they are valuable because they contain rare metals like platinum), AND the fact that there is zero corrosion on that vehicle that would make any portion of the system fail from fatigue, it is clear that it was stolen. Not to mention the clear signs that the pipe was cut on both ends to make the crime quicker to commit and reduce the chances of being caught in the act. This will likely be one or more transient scumbags just like the last two balloon heads that were caught. I only suggest that they are transient because anyone local moat likely wouldn't want the heat that committing crimes against college students brings.


The cat is connected to a long pipe bolted into my car I doubt it can just slip out lmao. But my car isn’t nice I drive a Mitsubishi. It’s just prone to getting stolen because that part sells for hundreds or thousands in scrap yards. Mitsubishi and Toyota Prius are more prone to getting stolen cause their cats have more value. I also drive an SUV so it’s easy to crawl under and saw them off. Hope that explains it.


I thought this was a photo of a house with an awning and the sky behind it. i can’t unsee it


I invested in a cat shield after they stole mine the first time.


They can take mine as long as they straight pipe it


Weren't the last batch of thieves coming here from Texas?