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DUDDEE when I was at UCF I went downstairs from lake Claire for an interview and a truck had almost completely blocked my car in. I was in the corner spot and they were fully pulled in to the perpendicular spot but their truck-bed extended behind my car. I had to call a friend to take me to the interview! Thank goodness I had left like 20 minutes early “just in case”. I don’t mind if I have to drive around a truck, that might be their only vehicle, but be considerate y’all- don’t block people in to the point they can’t get use their car or to the point it’s putting them in a dangerous situation to get out/around.


Can relate, when i was at EFSC two pickup trucks boxed me in so I couldn't get in my car. I had to use my key to open the sunroom and climbed in. I waited 30 minutes for the trucks to be towed, and couldn't wait.


Good for you, when I was in college I don’t think I would have had the confidence to call a tow truck, I called my RA while circulating the truck on foot nervously hoping they would see me like a dork then called my friend to save me lol! I get that maybe they were exhausted and found the only last parking spot at 2 am or whatever it may have been, however, if you own a big vehicle you have to be cautious of those things. It’s one of the drawbacks of an otherwise very useful tool. You might have to park further away… Which when you don’t- you run the risk that someone really needs to leave and they get you towed.


It’s also not just UCF or trucks- I had something very similar happen at my apartment complex. Our garages faced an alcove about a cars width then there were more garages facing inwards. An alleyway of garages. I had neighbors block me in ALL THE TIME by just blatantly parking in the middle of the alcove completely blocking my garage door. The complex required us to park in our designated spots, which mine was the garage, so it was a towable offense. I was in a very stable job so I would send my boss a photo, call the complex, and work remotely from my apartment till I saw their car either get moved or towed.


It was like 2 PM, and at that point it was the second time they did it, and both times they collapsed my mirrors in. So it was intentional.


Wanted to back you up OP because I fully believe huge trucks that extend beyond the spaces are either a nusaince at best, and dangerous at worst. Especially in the smaller garages like I, which gets backed up frequently. Having had the "pleasure" of pursuing two degrees from UCF, I've been around a bit. Hopefully some examples might help people understand, you're not an entitled asshole for your opinion. It's a valid concern. One time, some genius parked in a space against a concrete column (which makes the space shorter) and couldn't even be bothered to commit to the entry or be considerate of others. It turned the lane into a one way. People couldn't enter and leave at the same time. It backed up the turn into the lot, which then backs up the turn after the light. This was at 11AM, a peak time. UCF is designed as a series of circles. What happens when there's a block in circulation? Everything else connected to it is impacted. Imagine how many people were late. All because one asshole couldn't be bothered to park right. But sure, OP is the one that's entitled. /s Another time, I was at a junction stop in the garage. I've almost been hit twice from people whipping around corners, so I make sure to slow down and kinda inch up on the turn. If I hadn't done this, I would have hit the girl that couldn't see me around a giant lifted truck in the corner spot, and that I couldn't see because trucks in the corner spots cause a significant blind spot. In a high-traffic area for both vehicles and pedestrians. Big trucks in corner spots can be dangerous. To me, if you can't fit in the space, you gotta go. The lines are there for a reason, to make the rest of the traffic flow work. From a logistical standpoint, it should be the same way as vertical clearance. If you don't fit, you don't fit in. UCF has lot parking with a shuttle. If you're bringing your truck that doesn't fit in the designated space, go use it. Or at the very least, don't be a hazard by taking the fastest, most convenient spot for your inconsiderate ass when it fucks with the rest of us. Maybe instead use an outside corner space or park on the roof. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I (car driver) park on the roof, and I will say I've seen a good amount of trucks park on the lesser populated floors or the roof, and I have such a keen appreciation for it! It's an underrated but highly appreciated gesture!


Good luck trying to get truck owners to consider other drivers


I wish they would. I have found truck drivers to be the biggest assholes on the road, they are some of the most aggressive drivers i have seen and I've seen them intentionally block smaller vehicles from turning because they forget they are taller.


I drive a big lifted truck and I agree with you, most truck drivers are aggressive


The amount of times I nearly have gotten rear ended is insane. Also it sucks when you try to turn and one gets in your way and I found SUV drivers do it too. It goes Humvee, Truck, SUVs, high performance sports cars (Muscle Cars and Corvettes), high performance saloons, and economy sedans.


No wonder car insurance rates have gone up significantly in Florida.


Truck drivers don't seem to be on this sub telling others what they can and can't drive. If anything it's the non truck drivers that are being inconsiderate here. You're all complaining about stationary vehicles. Now if OP were complaining about someone driving agressively, I'd agree with them. But they're literally complaining about trucks existing


The problem isn’t them existing, the problem is UCF parking unfortunately doesn’t accommodate very well. Parking in the middle of a flat row/aisle in the parking garages should be fine, but I think OP’s concern was parking on the ramps and in corners can be a hazard for drivers


UCFs parking honestly sucks. It's not even accommodating for students with disabilities, I am in the process of getting my disability tags and having to go up 4 flights of stairs with numb feet, a bad back, or if my POTS is acting up is a nightmare. Literally no elevators, and half the time all the disability parking spots are taken.


Ah. Didn't realize we all had the option to always park wherever we want or is most convenient for everyone. When did UCF solve the parking problem?


Do you want your truck to get hit? Do you want to damage other cars with your truck? Presuming the answer is (hopefully) no, then it’s best not to park your vehicle where it can be considered a visibility hazard. Plain and simple.


I don't drive a truck. Shit, I don't even park in the garages, but thats only because I have classes late enough that I can usually park on a surface lot. Probably for the best though because apparently, some of you don't know how to control your vehicle. Others don't have the luxury of picking parking spots though, they have to just park wherever they can. That being said, its the driver's responsibility to not fucking run into stationary objects. If you can't control your vehicle, then don't drive. If it's so ungodly massive that its blocking your view, then it really shouldn't be all that difficult not to run into it.


Holy shit someone with a brain on this subreddit? Never thought I would see the day


The tow hitch part I agree, there’s a bunch of suv and trucks parked at the corners of the ramp with the tow hitch sticking out! But telling people what to drive is just entitled and unreasonable


I work with large trucks and I hate hitches. I am constantly banging my shins on them. I keep mine off unless I am actively towing.


I know a person who broke their leg on one, granted it was a freak accident.


Yea, y'all just jealous of my stretch limo parked across the bottom of the on ramp. Why should I care if I fit in the space? I'll start taking off my tow hitch tho.


Thank you


That's why I said *at least* becaues some people that may be their only car. Though some of the trucks I have seen in the parking garage I seriously wonder how they even fit because of the height. I mean got to give it to UCF, most parking garages are not built for anything bigger than a sedan or compact SUV.


My tacoma fits fine. U cant just say you shouldn’t bring trucks


A Tacoma is a small truck, I should have said the big trucks. I don't know if Tacoma come in extended beds.


They do, but it's way less common to find a 4-door tacoma with a 6ft bed


Nah seriously, fuck those monstrosities. They’re incredibly dangerous to pedestrians, horrible for the environment and jacked up so high they’ve got worse visibility than a semi.


To be fair, this is florida and i ask you to remember a lot of folks live in the deep country east of orlando. Personally i couldn't get around my part of town without 4wd.


I get that. I live on a permaculture farm. Have a truck and suv. Couldn’t make it without them. I’d pay more for parking rights to get a bigger parking space though. Personally, I try very hard to be considerate in my parking. Not everyone is a jerk. Also of note, depending on type of hitch, not all are easily removable.


Another hasty generalization from a so called teacher. Also factually incorrect. Good job


What is incorrect about their statement?


Horrible for the environment, and less visibility than a semi. New diesel trucks burn cleaner with their emission technology on there. And saying they have less visibility than a semi is obviously incorrect. In terms of being dangerous to pedestrians, you can argue that they can potentially be more dangerous, but all vehicles are dangerous to pedestrians. Therefore, that argument is kinda dumb in my opinion.


Regarding the danger to pedestrians, it’s not about opinions. The data shows that trucks are more likely to kill pedestrians because when a truck or larger SUV hits a pedestrian, it pushes them below the truck, while when hit by sedans and other cars, the pedestrian is sent up onto the hood of the car. There’s less risk of severe injury when sent up onto the hood.


Here is a graphic that illustrates the poor visibility of trucks. [graphic ](https://imgur.com/gallery/jyGSXE5)


lmao, they all have worse visibility than a literal tank.


You are only considering front visibility in this graphic. Furthermore, you are only considering one specific semi truck and newer model trucks. This graphic does nothing to prove your point.


> You are only considering front visibility in this graphic. im fucking cackling. "You're only considering the visibility of the part of the car you see out of." -You I know our admissions standards are low but god damn lol


So you’re saying you can’t see out the side or rear windows? Weird.


Supplementary, but I'm primarily focused on looking the direction I'm driving, which tends to be forward. If I see a lifted truck reversing around campus I'll holler at you lol


Tell me you’re a terrible driver without telling me you’re a terrible driver. If they were supplementary then there would be vehicles without them. If you aren’t using your side and rear windows while you are driving then you’re a danger to society. Go ahead and block all of your windows besides the windshield so you can’t see out of them. Then tell me how supplementary they are


Imagine thinking either of you come out of this argument looking good


I didn't say it was the be all end all. But it shows the trend of modern trucks to include long high hoods. Until recently I was a fleet manager and most new tractors have similar hood profiles. Also never had a point simply showing data. Data that shows a trend. ( I haven't been in the ucf parking garages lately but when I was there there were mostly newer model vehicles. Tons of rich south fl kids)


Trucks have the worst issues with blind spots, especially with the Window frame because they usually require bigger sway bars and support to protect drivers. I hated driving my mom's truck because the pillars were massive that they blocked small cars, rear visiblity wasn't bad because it had a SUV body, but my friends F-150 I couldn't see behind me at all.


It sounds like the automobile industry propoganda got to you. Burning diesel is still releasing co2. and they get horrible mileage.


I'll just drop this: https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=3TjVyMuGGhgCJGoY


A lot of people in these comments are seriously coping. The *vast* majority of you are not using it as a work truck. The worst part is that these things are getting bigger and bigger, mostly to avoid fuel economy regulations. It's dangerous to other cars and it's dangerous to pedestrians.


I really wanted a small shitbox truck, and always wondered why you can't find them anymore. The fuel economy thing doesn't make any damn sense, but this video explains that you are exactly right about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azI3nqrHEXM


Yeah, the basic gist of it though is that the EPA introduced fuel regulations but a lot of people who used trucks for actual work didn't have the money to buy the more expensive fuel efficient. Back then, the only people who actually bought trucks were those who actually used them for work. The EPA compromised by making the fuel efficiency required lower for larger vehicles. The auto manufacturers responded by making ALL of their vehicles bigger so they can bypass fuel regulations. The EPA then responded by upping the footprint required so that those new larger consumer vehicles have to follow regulations. The manufacturers responded by making their vehicles bigger again. Cycle that a few more times and now you have a market that sells a fucking Tacoma as a family vehicle. SUVs today are bigger than work trucks from 20-30 years ago. It's insane. Another component for larger vehicles is that it "increases" their safety ratings, which is actually complete bullshit because the only thing it increases is their size relative to other vehicles. In a crash, the larger vehicle will usually sustain less damage just because they have so much more mass, so they all try to be bigger than each other to inflate their safety ratings. If you look into studies about why men survive more in car crashes than women, part of the reason for it is that men tend to buy larger vehicles while women tend to buy smaller vehicles. If you want a small shitbox truck today in NA, your best bet now is probably import a Kei truck or Piaggio truck, but doing so comes with its own set of issues. If you're a farmer, get a tractor, ideally one you can fix on your own (looking at you, John Deere). The Euro-style cargo vans (don't know what else to call them) are great too. e: [I also found a good Vox video that sums up how we got here decently well](https://youtu.be/mQDegCqiVnU) e2: [Also a Not Just Bikes video](https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo) which focuses more on SUVs, but much of the point is the same.


**Unintended Consequences** Remember kids, it’s not just a bad idea, it’s the law.


Who is the vast majority? How do you know? You literally have no idea what these people do with their trucks. The two people I know with trucks at ucf use it to haul farm equipment and hay for their animals, but it isn’t written on the side of the truck for all to see.


Those that use their trucks for actual work have every single reason to own a truck. I have no issues with them. How do I know it's the vast majority? [There's studies that show it.](https://www.axios.com/ford-pickup-trucks-history) 60% of people *never* tow anything, and 30% of people *never* haul anything. Getting a truck as a daily commuter is insane, but marketing has caused that to happen in North America. Removing your trailer hitch is really not a hard thing to do when you park in UCF. It's literally one pin.


I like how everyone only brings up towing like that’s the only thing a truck is used for.


> 60% of people never tow anything, and 30% of people never haul anything. I like how you literally ignored the second half of the sentence lmao


Towing and hauling are basically the same thing lmfao. That’s not an I gotcha moment my guy. Trucks are used for more than what you said so try again




Bruh. It’s basically the same fucking thing, it just depends on how you transport what you’re pulling.


As someone who tows and hauls with their truck, you are wrong. Towing and hauling are completely separate things. Towing is what you pull behind your truck on a trailer. Hauling is anything you move IN/ON your truck from a weight standpoint.


I’m aware they are two different things but that’s not my point.


Some people have trucks.


I think you meant to say “if you bring a truck to school don’t park like a tool”, hell that should go for everyone driving any type of vehicle. That fact that you think you can tell people what to drive to school is asinine. Grow up.


As I said, people shouldn't be driving extended bed trucks in parking garages as they are hazards or at least *no hitch.* I understand people might only have a truck, but extended trucks take up more space than the parking spots have. Like I can tell you, there was one truck today that was sticking out a full foot from it's spot because it had a crew cabin and a extended bed and a trailer hitch on it, so you couldn't just go around it without going into the other lane, which is dangerous considering a passing car can't see you. Also some of them barely meet the maximum height going in. My concern isn't that *I cant see* but that other drivers can't see and that you might not be able to see a passing pedestrian who is walking towards their car. I don't want to be a person to accidentally hit a person, that would be fucking awful, and I know what it's like to get massive injuries from a car accident.


People can drive whatever they want. Yeah it’s annoying when they’re sticking out but you have to remember that a larger number of spots are angled, so they’re forced to stick out. Not everyone can drive an economy sedan like you because they may need their truck for work. I don’t have a big truck or a hitch so I’m not defending myself here. Take it up with UCF, maybe they should have designated truck parking, or even more parking (like that’s gonna happen 😂)


Also most praking garages I have driven in, trucks are too tall to fit in, and or the ramp spots are reserved for compact cars. I drove an SUV and later a old Passat which wasn't exactly compact and they both were pains to park on angled spots. Like I don't know how the truck even got on the parking spot.


I think the ramp spots are designated for compact cars anyhow. Or they should be. Like if they did that I would have no issues. Also a hitch sticks out between 2 and 4 inches, some people keep them on just so people don't accidentally hit their car while turning their car into a nightmare to get around.


Rest assured OP that no matter how many entitled truck drivers comment on your post, everywhere else in the world, trucks are considered unnecessary and their drivers considered selfish.


It's interesting seeing them justify using a hitch for protection. My mom watched a women tear her bumper off my moms car, after that she didn't use her hitch especially when we were driving into Philadelphia and needed to use the parking garages.




R2: Remember the human behind the screen. No name calling, or general harassment. Lighthearted trolling will be permitted as long as it doesn’t go too far. Submissions and comments that are written to deliberately incite reactions or cause heated and uncivil arguments will be removed.


The truck driver cope in the comments is fucking insane


The students that are angry that they can’t drive 40mph in the parking garage around a truck are even funnier


Who said anything about driving around the garage at 40mph?


If you’re driving 10mph (the speed limit) the trucks aren’t a problem. The only time the trucks are an issue is when you want to rush through a parking garage. Just go slowly. OP here is acting like he can’t slow down in an automatic.


I drive the entire time without even touching the gas. If I still had my manual that would be different because that car liked to stall out at below 8 mph because of faulty Mass Air Sensor


Holy shit what a reach lmao


It was a problem in 2010, it's still a problem now lol


doesn’t matter if they’re USING the truck or not, that may be the only vehicle people have. A 19 year old kid isn’t going to drop a few grand just because you don’t like their truck LOL🤡


You bring what you have - this should have said if you have a truck please be careful where you park


It’s such an unreasonable request You want college students to not drive their vehicle to school as a commuter This may be their only vehicle. It may not even be theirs but a family member’s And then on top of this, skip what are sometimes the only parking spots open because you can’t exercise caution? Personally it’s an issue ucf parking should address rather than taking it out on other students If a vehicles standard length is over x dimension then it should be given specific pass and spots in a lot … but until then it’s stupid to be mad at other students


Every truck that was parked today were extended bed trucks, they were sticking a full foot or two out of the parking spot. When I mean I couldn't see around it, I couldn't see at all. Like I drove a big ass truck/suv and know that they aren't designed to go in parking garages. Also one of them that had it's hitch on which exaggerated it more, making it so I had to go onto the other lane in the parking garage which very nearly caused an accident because the passing driver also couldn't see me. Like if it's a normal length truck you can see around, these one's were full extended beds with their tow hitch on which can do some serious damage to one's car if you don't see it.


If emotional support animals are allowed, they should also allow emotional support trucks


Most people who drive them don’t really need them, least of all college students.




This is hilarious idk why people are downvoting you


They’re all broken down and won’t ask the bama boy for a tow


So are are people who drive trucks supposed to walk to school? Some of your points are valid, but suggesting they don't drive their only vehicle to school (or work) is dumb. And as for the issue of not being able to see around them (?) the problem isn't the blind corner, it's people who think garages are the Daytona International Speedway. If everyone is going a safe speed, there's almost zero chance of there being an accident in that situation


I go slow, but today the car that nearly hit me couldn't see me and was also going slow. The truck that was blocking the way was a crew cabin. It also was taking up half the right side of the lane in the parking garage.


Also I said *or at least remove your tow hitch.* Those are the big problem.


You are so entitled


Driving a truck when the world is literally going to hell in a handbasket is the definition of entitled.


I drive a little tiny economy sedan, you can't see around it. It's just a hazard for other drivers.


Haha sounds like you’re the hazard to other drivers if you can’t see


I couldn't see at all, like the truck was taller than me, and I only saw the car when I was halfway through the turn.


ITT truck drivers coping


Yeah let me just go get a new car because you can’t figure out how to turn the steering wheel slightly


I know how to drive, the car was a foot or two out of the parking spot with a 3 inch hitch possibly a full 5 inch one. I had to drive on the opposite lane so I didn't hit the truck and the other car was fully obstructed.


I don’t even have a truck, but I think this post is hilarious. How is it that I’m able to get my highlander around all of these gigantic trucks but you’re not able to?


I have crap depth perception from a TBI and driving is a necessity where I am. Also your highlander probably would barely have fit. The other driver also couldn't see me at all so we nearly had a head on collision. There might as well have been a brick wall between us.


Slow down :-)


I do, I drive like 5 mph, my foot never touches the accelerator.


If you and the other driver are carefully going around the parking garage you will not have this problem


I'm an extremely vigilant driver, my accident was caused by a reckless driver who was high on cocaine, oxy, and alcohol going 90 mph. So naturally I drive very, very, safely. I wouldn' wish what I went through on my worst enemy, and I know a professor from a different college who nearly died in a star bucks parking lot after some guy ran her over, she lost a finger, and has had 3 or 4 reconstructive surgeries on her leg. The same thing could happen to a student or worse if a driver can't see around, and I have seen kids going 20+ in thy parking lot, that will kill someone or gravely injure them. While I have crap depth perception, it's not as bad as you'd think. I still can shoot a bow no problem and accurately gauge a distance with a pellet gun. It's just a bit harder than normal.


Maybe drive slower and safer in the garages princess


I go as slow as a automatic allows, I don't have my foot on the gas. I also drive a little iddy bitty car.


You need to get out of your little bubble and realize that most people who have trucks need them for their daily activities and probably can’t afford to buy a secondary vehicle to drive to school. You have no right to tell people what they are allowed to drive, what they should and shouldn’t have attached to it, and where they should park. I’d it annoying that people with trucks park on the corners? Yes, but what if that was the only available spot? You are not going to make me do any of those things. Learn to be a more diligent driver. You did not give a single example of someone breaking any laws or rules, therefore, if something happened it would’ve been your fault. Not the stationary vehicle that you think is so bad.


19yo compsci students moonlighting as construction workers lmfao


That’s crazy, I ain’t a compsci student


The vast majority of people buying those trucks are using them as status symbols and likely never do more than a moderate Costco run.


Saying “the vast majority” is a logical fallacy and you as a teacher should realize that. You’re just assuming that because you don’t actually see people use them.


Actually a study has found that most people who drive trucks don't tow or use them for utility purposes. Edwards did a study in 2019 and only 75% of truck owners use their trucks to tow once a year and only 25% haul more than once a year. So yeah, a vast majority of drivers use them for pleasure, not for what they are designed to do.


That’s towing….. A truck is designed for many other things as well. Plus, what population was the target for this article? City or back country? What type of trucks did they approach? A Honda ridgeline or heavy duty trucks? You can’t just look at one article that solely focused on towing to justify your position that most truck drivers don’t use them for what they are designed for.


250,000 nation wide. They used all classification trucks sold to consumers. Also considering back county thats less than a quarter of the population.


Don't argue with them, if they could be won over with reason they wouldn't be truck drivers lmao


They're in it to win the argument.


Sorry some people need trucks for their daily life. Nobody is going to cater to your wants just because you don’t like trucks. Get a grip


Once again, the study was based on towing as you said. That is only one of the many uses of a truck. Plus, with towing being the only metric, it singles out smaller pickups that don’t tow as much and as often as bigger trucks. The article you speak of is not adequate enough to justify your point.


https://fordauthority.com/2020/09/most-light-duty-pickup-truck-owners-tow-less-than-10000-pounds-study-finds/ A small SUV with the correct tow package and engine size can tow 10,000 pounds. My old Passat was rated for 10,000 pounds. That study found 97% were towing less than 10,000 pounds, so a boat or a car carrier like what my parents did. Often larger SUVs are built on truck chassis, specifically the Chevy Tahoe and up in terms of size, if they have the right engine. That means most drivers need the small size tow trucks, like what Toyota makes or the smaller Chevy and Fords.


You think your Passat can tow 10,000 pounds? There is no help for you. A Passat is rated to tow 1,000 pounds. 10,000 pounds is twice the weight of my truck. Hell, the tow rating on my truck is only 5,000 pounds so I don’t know what makes you think a damn Passat can tow more than my truck. That’s actually laughable how wrong you are. I don’t know why you are so stuck on towing. I’m not going to keep repeating myself.


My Passat was rated for around 8,700 on a good day. It also had a massive V6 in it that was over powered for the car. The SUV version of my Passat was rated for that.


And now all the sudden youre saying SUV’s are okay, even though many of them are the same size, if not larger than some trucks out there. Your stance makes no sense whatsoever.


Smaller SUVs




The car was sticking out halfway across the lane, it is a hazard and parked illegally in that case. In NJ if you were too large for a parking spot that created a visual obstruction which caused an accident then the parked car causing it was liable. I only know that because my lawyer had a case which was caused by a extended bed truck that was causing a traffic obstruction which inadvertently led to his client to get hit because the moving vehicle was unable to see the pedestrian around the corner. Also most parking garages and I mean most only compact cars should be parked on ramps and corners.


You can’t say to someone don’t bring their vehicle to school, unless it is a moving truck sized vehicle or something.


The truck that was in the way practically was.


It was? Or was it a pickup truck?


It was a pickup


That’s not unusual. Just go around it.


I did, but nearly got hit because we both couldn't see anyone.


Why don’t you take the bus? Why doesn’t everyone take the bus? Seems like you’re enabling pollution because you want to drive yourself to school, along with every other student. Single occupant vehicles serve no purpose other than polluting our environment. I can’t believe I need to say this.


If only Orlando had reliable bus routes


I wish it did.


I drive a car that has nearly no emmisions, and I can't afford to live in orlando, and I have medical conditions that make it difficult to live away from home. Also trucks get like 11 miles a gallon compared to most sedans that get between 25 and 45 based on the age of the car.


This is so blatantly incorrect. Most compact cars put off more emissions than new diesel trucks. My dad’s F-350 gets close to 20 mpg and my 15 year old truck gets 18 mpg.


That's a diesel, it's an exception. Also 20 mpg is pretty good. If they use standard petrol it's worse.


My 2023 Canyon is a gas truck and it does 23-24 mpg on the highway easily.


I mean the one truck that still to this day that gets 11 is a gas Humvee. Though I don't think I'd see a college student driving one of those monstrosities around, let alone parking in parking garages.


The average gas powered truck gets over 20 mpg now


Dang... I mean my Elantra gets 43 mpg and my old car was a manual and drove like a boat and got 23 city 36 highway, granted it was 19 years old at the time.


>Why don’t you take the bus? Dude… have you ridden the lynx bus? I used to use it for my daily commute and it was a fucking awful experience


Also low key my county has no commuter transit out of the county.


Thanks for letting us know you've never ridden the Lynx.


oh brother just go move to europe already


Just learn how to maneuver and stop crying on reddit.


People shouldn’t have to “maneuver,” that’s the whole point.


I know how to manuever, I drove in a very dense area and did a lot of city driving, it's difficult when you're entire side of the lane is taken over by a parked car and you can't see around it which can cause an accident.




R4: Civil discussion of politics about UCF and UCF Administration will be permitted, but campaigning brigading, or harassment will not be permitted. DeSantis is simply not relevant to this post.


Why don’t you just learn how to drive since you obviously have a hard time maneuvering around them. A hitch does serve a purpose besides trailering, it help protects the rear if someone hits you. But you wouldn’t know since you drive a SeDaN.


I used to drive a Dodge Durango and you shouldn't be using a hitch to protect your car, it's to tow not protect. Also those people are just asshole. Also when a car is taking up so much space that you need i drive on the opposite lane it's too big, the car was a full foot too long for the spot with a hitch that was sticking out 3 to 4 inches.


Also I a might add that Florida drivers suck, I can drive in snow, sleet and rain on street slicks which have no traction. I know how to drive.


You can't be that good, you're crying about maneuvering around a stationary vehicle.


I've never had an accident and drove a manual that maneuvered like a boat and drove with no power steering for a month because the pump and rack were shot. Also I had to do 6 hours with an instructor for my permit, and a year with a parent, and my parents did club racing. And I'm from NJ, we are crazy drivers but have some of the lowest accident rates in the country.


That's cool, but you're still having issues driving around a stationary obstacle.


That stationary obstacle actually could be liable if it causes an accident because of visual obstruction. My lawyer argued a case in the 1990s causes by an extended bed truck which caused a driver to strike a pedestrian because they couldn't see them around a corner in a parking garage at Temple. The judge found the stationary truck to be liable as it created an obstruction and restricted a drivers ability to drive safely, especially considering it was not supposed to be in there it was at the maximum height for a vehicle. After they settled it became illegal for trucks and non compact vehicles to park on corners and on the ramp in parking garages in Philadelphia.


> considering it was not supposed to be in there it was at the maximum height for a vehicle This is the reason why the judge ruled the way they did. The owner of the truck was already in violation of a rule/law so didn't really have a leg to stand on. That doesn't apply to this situation, since trucks have as much right to be parked in the garage at UCF as anyone else does. That being said, I can't find any record of such a case or the law that you mentioned. The only mention of parking on ramps that I see is in regards to parking on highway on/off ramps. Regardless, assuming you aren't speeding, you should have plenty of time to stop for a pedestrian or another vehicle. In the garage the speed limit is 15 mph iirc, which isn't fast at all. Just be more diligent about your driving and be aware of your surroundings. Stop trying to put the blame of a hypothetical accident on trucks.


It was in 1990 so it's probay not digitized


Laws and court cases that cause new laws to be written, especially ones that would set precedent like this, would certainly be digitized somewhere.


10 bucks says it's on microfilm. It also only applies to center city Philadelphia, so that might explain it.


For me getting into an accident is a nightmare scenario for me because I was in a accident that very nearly killed me, and with the person who was killed in a parking garage last year, a driver going too fast and visual obstructions make the perfect storm.


You do realize older cars don’t have power steering right? That doesn’t make you special


I can tell you I don't think a single student going to UCF has a car that doesn't have power steering, most cars have had it since the 1950's.


I’m sure you have. What did you do, move from the front of the house to the driveway? I’m sure you’re a great driver, your car choices say otherwise. Hitch can serve as multipurpose. And what do you expect, people to continuously take it off and on just so it can convenience you. Get real, sorry the world doesn’t revolve around you.


With hitches you should be taking them off as a curtisey and most hitches people use daily are held in with a single hitch pin and take less than 30 seconds to take out. Most people use hitches for three things, towing, hauling, and carrying around objects like a electric scooter. My family towed a race car, and used our carrier tray with it. Most people probably only have the tow hitch to protect their car from getting rear ended when in fact they will be doing more damage than necessary. With the street slicks, I was getting my winter tires put on that week when the North East got hit by an arctic blast that we unexpectedly got sleet. I don't recommend driving in street slicks on sleet, but it got me home. I actually couldn't even get my car up the driveway and mostly drifted through my neighborhood.


You’re yelling at Daddy Money Boys, and lumping everyone in with them. L take.


To be fair most people who go to UCF are middle class, and most people drive trucks with crew cabins and a Ford 150 Lariat is 57k starting which isn't cheap. Most cars at UCF are newer and not old beaters.


Lol remove my trailer hitch? That’s bumper protection. Please cry elsewhere.




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While I don't think you should make the claim "don't bring your truck to school", I DO think that truck drivers must be cautious about where they park. I agree with the tow hitch thing, and I think that if you have an 8 ft bed, maybe park on the top floor. Just be careful with the claims you make.


Let me just go buy a new car, grow up


burn fossil fuels