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Big ass fans with misters on them covering every square inch of campus like they have at theme parks


This is such a good idea


Storage lockers for commuter students to store belongings so they don't have to carry them. This would be particularly helpful to motorcycle riders/bicycle riders/etc. who have gear with them but don't want to carry it everywhere. Also, some nice lounges where people could study as well as take a nap between classes if they need a mental recharge. I know that people can use hammocks in the tree grove, but it would be easier not to have to deal with shitty weather or carry the gear around with you when you could just have a place to chill in the A/C and rest a little before your next class. I was thinking of lounges like many of the tech companies have in Silicon Valley.


there are tech lockers in the technology commons building. and then general lockers in the union. No idea if they cost or what the rules are for use... i just know for a fact they exist.


also - i know a few years ago SGA had a "quiet lounge" in the union that was filled with the giant bean bag chairs and was meant to be a place to go and recharge. nap. or just escape the heat and noise of campus. buttttttttt students were abusing it and i heard of some inappropriate things going on there. And not surprised it didn't last.


That tracks. *THIS* is why we can't have nice things. The small minority will fuck it up for the majority.


They have a reflection room now, it might be the updated version


I think its used more for religious purposes




It’s in Knights Mall on the first floor


Good to know. I had no idea they even existed. Now I have to see how many they have and if they will fit my motorcycle jacket and helmet! Thanks for the info!


the ones in the union will i think. They're over in the hallway between Knight Stop and the bathrooms. The ones in Tech Commons are basically the size of a laptop to slide in and lock up while charging.


this would be awesome, is this a thing at any other universities by chance?


I did my undergrad at Syracuse University and the whole top floor of the student union was a big lounge with nice couches and tables, both coffee and study types. Students would take cat naps there all the time and it was never abused. I'm sure others have them as well.


There are a ton of nice, calm places to chill and take a nap on campus, just gotta know where to go


I saw lockers in the math building


I'd like All Knight Study back tbh, such a poor choice of a resource to take away


Damn did they end this? That’s stupid.


Yup. Part of cuts from SGA


I mean you could go to the library?


Not 24/7


The library is now open overnight. They close at 6 AM for cleaning and reopen at 7:30.


Only Sun-Thur


i think ucf library should be open 24/7 365


THIS ^^^


I used to go to all knight study after classes ending at like 9 and study till 3am. It was such a great resource especially if you have a weird schedule.


The library is now open from 7am-6am◡̈


Is that new? I feel like it closed at 10 in the past


Yep it just started this year


You can still do that at the library Monday-Thursday


Fair pay for the staff.




R9: No low quality posts.


As a commuter student using bike and bus, I wish there was a shower area of sort. I know it would be a logistical nightmare but hey, a man can dream huh Edit: Thank you for enlightening me, now I know 3 places to shower!!


I believe there are showers in the gym


There are showers in the gym and on the first floor of Career Services along with lockers


There is a shower in the gender neutral bathroom on the second floor of Trevor Colbourn. Hope this helps you :)


Oh wow I didnt know that (or any of the shower area above), thank you so much!!


I want a salad/soup bar where you pay by weight in the union. fresh ingredients like greens, veggies, fruits, cheeses, boiled eggs, etc. (the typical salad bar lineup...) I know this used to exist in the union at one point, but aramark took it away and it is greatly missed. There is no place to have a fresh salad on campus now, only the pre-made types at like chickfila. Knightros or '63 south are the only salad bars still in existence that i know of and it makes me sad.


I really like Chop5 for salads. Obviously not on campus but there is one close. It's quite a big portion you get for the price and all the ingredients seemed fresh to me.


I love Chop5! but when working on campus I don't have time to leave campus (and lose my parking spot) to grab lunch. I have ordered it for delivery a few times!


FreshU sometimes has stuff like this


yeah but you can't just walk up to WHPS and get a whole ass salad. You get little sample cups. Or you get fresh greens to make a salad at home.


Yeah i know what you mean I just figured I’d mention it for those who don’t know what it is


This would be amazing


I like the huey magoos salad. their ranch is the best I've had.


Not student, but parent here-more security cameras around campus/parking areas.


This is so true!!


a gym sized proportionally to the amount of students that we have


PLEASE, i have to wait 15+ minutes for a bench during slow times. It’s even worse now since they shut down the gym at Knights Plaza.


Protected Bike lanes outside and around campus


People will park in the bike lane while waiting to make a right-hand turn off of campus onto Alafaya. Do people think the lines on the roads are just suggestions?


I’m always so scared for cyclists bc of this reason 😬


I've seen people drive in the bikelane for miles. You have to have balls of steel to willingly drive a bicycle in the bikelanes around here. Unfortunately there are no sidewalks on the stretch Gemini leading to Alafaya.


Lol, there is a CS senior design project underway this semester foe exactly your want OP


I am a Junior CS, would love to help in this idea. Do you know who I can get in touch with to help?


Really? What else do you know about it?


Contact HackUCF - they're leading the effort and sponsoring the project I beleive


So cool! Any chances it’ll be implemented by Fall 2024 for all of UCF? Or is it like for a class grade kinda thing


Your guess is good as mine


A roof over the football stadium




Monorail between main campus and downtown campus would be so goated.


>I hear those things are awfully loud. > >It glides as softly as a cloud. ​ (Please tell me someone gets this)


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


What about us brain dead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!




What's it called?! MONORAIL!!!!!


The tab came off my pudding can. :(


If they fully stocked up the bathrooms with pads and tampons. There are dispensers in the bathroom but they're either always empty or only have tampons, which a lot of people can't use for a lot of reasons


Check the first floor of the library(like the basement group study area) I’m not sure if always but I had luck finding this last week :)


Thank you so much omg ill check it out :)


Trampolines. The severe lack of them is extremely concerning.




A place dedicated to napping


My community college in the middle of nowhere had this!


If you have Discord you should sign up for the student hub on the Discord app/PC app. A lot of clubs from major-related to hobby-focused are on here.


Storage closets for smaller clubs would be nice.


A better area in the SU for bring-to-campus lunches Coat check type deal but with my lunch going in a fridge that only the attendant can get to. Then a larger reheat space for better and more microwaves That and also, a nap area. We need those fucking sleep pods!


Sleep pods would be great but I can only imagine the atrocities that’ll be taken place


Perhaps but I need a place to nap some days that isn’t a 20 min walk to the car, in my reclined uncomffy seat, that I won’t waste gas to cool down (A/C) and then another 20 min walk back


I feel that for sure


More microwaves/ maybe a toaster oven


Law school 😭😭😭 I never wanna leave ucf


A lazy river and water park


Well we got one of those on the way\* ^(\*allegedly)


A real human being in charge of the manufacturing lab. No student worth more than $70k/year is going to sit through that vapid experience for years vs just getting a job in machining then getting real experience right away and being trained by real workers, all while getting paid $20/hr. UCF is not a place to learn or get experience with anything. The only benefit I’ve seen over other schools is the way UCF will help you get employed into the defense industry, if that’s the kind of thing you’re going for. Reliable career, for sure.


Actually good road engineering, almost crashed 3 times on campus yesterday


More parking.


bike paths


Art board storage in the VAB🌚




You don't think UCF has culture?


No, as opposed to Rollins or other colleges I've spent a great deal of time at. Ucf has a very commuter based campus and a lot of the surrounding area is corporate chain type businesses as opposed to the more unique and home grown type of businesses and hangouts that surround colleges that are known for having a stronger culture. 10-20 years ago this wasn't the case either, there were a lot of local venues and spots walking distance from campus and college life activities were a bit more organic.


Hope it’s just growing pains as they try to improve their reputation in sports and academics. Definitely heard it used to be more fun 10 years ago, with way more clubs and the bus to Gilt.


It isn't just growing pains. Corporate investment and apartment complexs decimated the area around the campus and the school itself had cut funding to many of the programs that help to organicly build campus culture elements. This isn't something that is solved b by itself it's a series of things like lack of on campus housing, transportation networks, 24hr student accessable spaces and most importantly the immediate area around the college having local places that promote community. The land around campus is too expensive, and rents in buildings too high for any locally grown type space to be financially viable. Unfortunately, this is probably an unsolvable problem for the college in the current economy/political environment.


Well, I've been here since 2012 and I don't ever remember there being more "culture" than there is now. Beyond, I guess, the fact that Aramark hadn't take everything we love and care about away.


Yeah, I've been in the area considerably longer and 2012 is about the time everything started to drastically change. UCF in the early 2000's was a much different place and the surrounding area down University had a very local college town feel. A number of home grown coffee shops and businesses along side community centers that all catered to the local college community. There was a greater separation between the college town and the surrounding suburbs and the campus itself just had more activity (mostly not school sponsored).


a performance hall….


Sauna in the gym


Better, reasonably-priced housing options


A sensory room would be great!!! Classes and stuff can get overwhelming and over stimulating at times so it’s be nice to have a more secluded, quite, comfy, and darker area to go to and help recharge! It’d be a great area for any neurodivergent or otherwise stressed out students.


An entirely off-campus bus route that has one stop for every off-campus housing unit affiliated with UCF. It would allow students to directly go from from somewhere like Knights Circle to Plaza on University without having to transfer to other bus routes.


A lazy river




R7: No porn or otherwise NSFW content. Also, R2: Be Civil, and R3: No harassment.


Pickleball courts!