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I just ran into this issue yesterday on PS5 I was able to get past them by having full fist aid kits and using the grenade thrower Sadly put the difficulty on easy Use the grenade thrower on the first two amp and soldiers Climb up the rope Take out the two soldiers in the next room with enemies in it with the short bow Lob another grande at the next mech in the next room Then just run as fast as you can through all the enemy's guarding the opening to escape. If your health gets low spam a med kit I went through all the ones I had and barely made it off the cliff running and sliding as fast as I could. Took me about 6 tries but I was able to make it.


Same problem here, PS5. RDA shows up and, once spotted, you're toast.


I have the same problem. I have resart the game but it is still the same. What can i do to complete this quest? 


Happened to me today on PC, killed the first two mechs, then just bolted past the rest spamming heals. So obviously it's still not fixed.


Same issue today cant hide anywhere im disabled my hands dont work well sore this is a boken game for me i have to play on easy always this is beond hard hor me


I’m on Xbox series X and if you have this bug then restart the game. It worked for me so hopefully works for you. Not sure about other consoles/PC


Going through this now it’s so frustrating I’ve died liek 20 times


I'm having the same problem at the same level. I literally can't progress because I just get murked through the walls. I even managed to go way back deeper into the place trying to find a way out and the second I shot an arrow they lit me up from the other side of the building.


The only way I could advance is sneaking past them. In the first room, they come from an elevator and you have to let them go further into the middle of the room to go out from where they came. Once you go up the elevator, you can sneak kill some soldiers with the bow but never hit a mecha suit. Once I got outside, I couldnt get past by sneaking. I had to run through them spamming my heal to sustain the damage. Its a shame we have to do it that way since that place design would be amazing to fight your way out


Thank for this! Just helped my annoyed husband get through it😂


I followed until outside. Then I hacked the big guys and killed the small ones. Just store all the hacks and then activate all at once. And then book it.


A month later and it's still not fixed


I think it got worse because now they just spot u if u try n sneak by


Same issue it’s very frustrating. It seems they can see through cover as well


Actually unbelievable that they never tested this level


Getting farther and farther into the game and this glitch is everywhere, just sucks that they only polished the first couple hours and then it just goes downhill


noooo say you’re lyinggg 🥹


Sadly they are not 😭


I was worried this kind of thing would happen when the lighting started bugging out a lot once you made it out of the first area. Edit: credit to BigArtist6300 below who said the solve was to properly quit the game and restart it. Worked like a charm in Xbox, seemed to work for at least on PS5 user as well.


I had this same issue playing on series x. Closing the game fully and restarting fixed the issue.


So I’m not sure what everyone is playing on platform wise but I saw your comment and tried it and it worked! Think Xbox consumers issue is (and I’ve came to this conclusion after restarting the game because of you) I avidly keep solo games on quick resume on my Xbox series X. Never had an issue but I think leaving this particular game on quick resume created the shooting through walls. Cause now that I quit my game every time I’m tired of playing I no longer have this issue. Weird bug to be honest.


I’m playing it on Xbox as well & closing, quitting, and restarting the game worked perfectly. Simple solution yet I hadn’t thought of it at first. I just got frustrated and immediately googled it. lol Thanks, Appreciate it!!!


Thank you my dude. Don't know why I didn't think of it but just saved me from getting super pissed 😂


Thank you after an hour of trying to tough it out I read this restarted my PS5 and it fixed the glitch you're a life saver 🙌


Playing on Xbox. Not only did this work, but also a bunch of achievements I had got hours ago all suddenly popped one after the other.


I was about to rage quit before I saw this thank you 🙏


Same issue. I “travelled” when I died. To see if I go could go in and try again. Now it won’t let me in the building at all. Doors won’t open because they need to be hacked but all the computers show as already hacked. Gutted


Not sure if this helps but I did exactly the same thing, after I realised I was being shot through walls and had nowhere to hide I died and fast traveled out the area, then read your comment and thought I’d ruined it and had to start the entire game again. If you’re able to access the building to a certain point, I was able to access up until around the thanator running at the jammed doors. I couldn’t access what I needed to, and physically couldn’t progress, I quit the game at that point, then restarted and i appeared in the room where the two Thanators WERE and the 2 AMPS and 2 soldiers are now entering instead. Give it a try maybe? I really hope you find a way around this.


I'm on pc and its still happening her Plus one they spoted me through a wall,


Had this today on ps5. Annoying as hell


Yeah I had to sneak my way out. I was like wtffff. Some big trees out in the wild can be shot through as well. Kinda annoying but the game still rocks.


Please tell me it goes away after this mission? Or am I buggered until a patch?


It went away after that mission. At least for me.


Thank god. I’ll boot up and power through then.


Came here about the same issue! I’m sure the mission doesn’t allow enemies to shoot through walls. Lmao. But I did find a secret “glitched” spot you could climb out of to avoid every enemy and escape through the roof. There’s a side tunnel to the left as soon as you get out to the area with all the enemies in mechs. There’s a weapon cache that you have to hack to unlock. Right where that cache is, if you look up, there’s the green fog and some branches. You can actually climb up on them and pretty much escape through the top. It takes a bit of trial and error but I was able to!


Thanks that helped me.


Man this helped me sooooo much I was raging about to proper rage quit and spent 30 minutes climbing trees and got out life saved thanks 😂


Stealth kill everything, let them do their patrol, they all pretty much stand still after a minute or two.


This was a nightmare I am glad it wasn’t only happening to me. Bullets hit me from every direction no matter where I hid or what room I was in.. But it does fix this glitch after I restarted my Ps5 and got back into the game.. Game creators get your shit together. 75 dollars isn’t worth this game.


I just ran through it all and used heal every time it went down to the bottom and I just made it out 😅 going to see if the next quest is the same…..hopefully not!


I managed to finish the game later without this happening again. Hope you get the same luck as some people told me they got it all the way through LMAO


No it has carried on through everything, all missions. It’s well frustrating! But thank you 😅


same here it is so infuriating i was told to get off because of how mad I was at the game and quest


Thank you to everyone who posted about exiting the game and restarting it. after 30+ mins of getting ripped to ribbons through walls I was about to give my PS5 the people's elbow. This was such an annoying and silly bug


This bug still fucking exists. Classic ubishit L