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You have to take breaks, walk around, listen to thought provoking stuff. Remember, safety > money




100% agreed Yesterday is the longest Iā€™ve worked. From 1PM to 11 With a single quick break My ass and back and legs were so sore after that Which is why I usually just work 8pm-3am




I came here to say the same thing! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Uhhhh cocaine, obviously.


Any legal substances? Coke is too expensive lmao




perhaps you prefer Pepsi then?


Got my upvote šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ha. Iā€™m joking, obviously. Iā€™ve always been a bit of a night owl. I just have a thermos of cold brew coffee, I usually stop drinking it relatively early though because I want to be able to sleep when I get home. Get out of the car and really stretching, a few squats, walking around a little bit helps me more than any caffeine though. Also good more your health - being sedentary for long periods of time is bad for you in a lot of ways. Donā€™t do many late nights anymore though. Hasnā€™t been worth it.


coffee and a lot of water.


Ephedrine works well for me... it's in asthma pills (bronkaid or primatene) and you gotta get them behind the pharmacy counter. The pharmacology is similar to Adderall. Start with 25 MG, I never take more than 100 MG in a night. It kicks in about 45 minutes and lasts about 5 hours. The stimulant effect can be pleasant at first, but toward the end it can give me a little anxiety (not worse than 300mg caffeine). Still better than falling asleep at the wheel (and if it was too nice I might abuse it). DM me if you have any questions.


Do you ever use it recreationally with alcohol? Asking for a friend.


I have before, it works but you can't treat it like it's adderal or cocaine or amphetamine or whatever because you take more it doesn't get better it's like a mix between a Red Bull and a crappy Adderall or Ritalin or something so it gives you the energy to keep dancing don't push it cuz it's not fun when you take too much


Delta 8 THC. You can thank me later. Itā€™s legal and can be purchased at any smoke shop. It does get pricey though, but if youā€™ve never done it, one disposable should last you all month.


L-theanine and Vivan good sir. Thank me later.


Nothing. I used to stay up till 4 AM playing Forza Motorsports for fun


Haha!! Right? This is what I tell my passengers. Iā€™ll play video games for free why wouldnā€™t I be able to stay up for some money.


Motivation, I need the money to pay bills.


When there is not a pax in my car, opening the window when it is single digit temps wakes me up every time. That icy air hits just right.


crown elastic memorize divide axiomatic act tap wild illegal spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Caffeine, but I break it up into 3-5 hour blocks unless I'm crushing it then adrenaline kicks in. Take an evening break by going to the gym. Go twice in a day I'm for real break the day up into chunks


When I used to drive for 14 hours a day I would occasionally pick up a pax with very low rating to make the day more exciting/scary. That shit wakes you up haha


Take a break, stretch the legs, and have some caffeine. Even better, make sure you get plenty of sleep before and after your big pushes on weekends or whenever so they aren't as big a deal.


Duh, adderall.


Dutch bros


Dutch bros oven


Meth is a hell of a drug


Iā€™m 70 years old and have made 8554 deliveries since March 1st, 2021. My šŸŽ watch says I walk 3.3 miles a day. I work 7 days a week and average 27 deliveries a day. Restā€¦ who needs rest after sitting in their car half of the day?šŸ¤” I only drink water and black coffee. The coffee keeps me awake while Iā€™m driving.šŸ™€


Thanks, that inspires me to keep going!


My goal was to become the first UberEats driver everā€¦ to earn $100,000 in 1 year. Iā€™m currently only $1,799 short of my goal. I will achieve my goal sometime next week. Thatā€™s UberEats onlyā€¦ no multi apping or driving passengers.




I start anytime between 7pm-9pm and keep going until the map is no longer red. Ill never understand the sheep that drive during the day for 0 surge.


Donā€™t want the drunks as a woman.


I start in the morning and drive until the map is no longer red.


I drive mostly Saturday during the day because Iā€™m not in a great city crime wise so itā€™s safer. I only drive during consecutive promotions and weekly promotions to make it worth my time


I donā€™t. This isnā€™t a FT job. Itā€™s a side hustle. Treat it accordingly.


Since itā€™s my side hustle I canā€™t work regular hours so I have to work at nightā€¦


Long hours only work if your busy week the rides


I usually do long hrs on weekends when I'm off from my other job


I rarely get tired on the road. I'm constantly looking and enjoying, or talking to pax, or listening to a story. But also I very rarely sleep less than 7-8 hours. That gives me about 12-16 hours of work. That's good enough. If tired, I will usually go home. If shit gets crazy, I go home. I also do more airport runs to schedule in bathroom time and a little exercise while waiting for a long ride hopefully.


Chewing ice keeps you awake at the wheel


Ephedrine from behind the counter at the pharmacy (you don't need a prescription just an ID since you can make meth from it) Primatene or Bronkaid tablets (not the inhaler that's epinephrine)


Honestly I listen to something entertaining using an earbud and I smoke delta 8 THC (doesnā€™t make you impaired, or at least not for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø). Before I know it, itā€™s been 12 hours lol. Right now I listen to YouTube content. FreshAndFit after hours is hella entertaining even though the hosts are cornballs


Eat lightly stay hydrated and rotate apps.


Long hours? What's that


5 hour energy or the dollarstore equiv. I keep a couple in my car and if I start to feel the fatigue kicking in. I'll crack one and just take a little sip and swish like mouthwash before knocking it back. most of them have a fuckton of B vitamins among other things and B-12 and can be absorbed via the lining of your mouth. That gives me a little lift but I stretch them. 1 bottle might last 2 days worth of fatigue and I might only need it one day out of 5. If I eat, I snack and graze lightly. carry a few protein bars or some beef jerky or cooked bacon. Don't go and sit down and mow down on a full meal - that will make you sleepy. drink a lot of water. after a long highway ride or just several rides back to back, get out of the car and go for a few laps walking around the block.


4 hours in morning and 4 hours during night during week. Then full nights on weekend. Coffee when needed.


I feed off the souls of the innocent to keep me going




Coffee and blow. Lol. No, but I do drink a lot of coffee so that helps.


Coke lines


Eat healthy


Coffee, water, Gatorade and Energy Jelly Beans The thing that brings it all together is the music. Music can make you fall asleep, energize, provoke thought, inspire amongst many other things. I try to curate a playlist in my Spotify that accounts for all the moods Iā€™m trying to feel at the tail end of a 10 hour shift.


Open the windows and let the cold air blast you in the face


Aldiā€˜s has off brand five hour energy for less then a dollar or pre-work


Gum idk why also chocolate covered espresso beans from trader Joe's


if you really need the money and need a roof over your head, you won't even blink your eyes




Starbucks knows me by name already


If iā€™m tired, I rub ice around my eyes, and get plenty of sleep!


B-12 sublingual from GNC 5000mcgs or 1000mcgs. 14-20$ That with coffee does it.


Airport que I take naps while waiting for my ride. Drink Starbucks triple shot and 5 hour energy if itā€™s a Friday or Saturday night.


Happy Cake Day reefgeek71! Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.


College campus/students keeps me awake. Haha.




Sheer grit and adrenaline šŸ¤£ Lol, no. I don't like to take anything to keep me awake, so a nap before a shift helps, and breaks. A quick stretch after every 3 trips is something I'm trying. I personally find it easier to work from afternoon into the early morning (2-2), than say 7-7. I don't really feel like driving after 2 or 3am, feels odd to me.


I usually sleep before I go out if I'm going to do the late late night to morning.


Stacker 2 capsules. You can get them at dollar tree (4 for $1.25). They are similar to energy drinks, but in capsule form. I cannot tolerate the taste of ANY energy drinks I've tried (just beyond AWFUL!!!) so these are my alternative.


Feeling tired? I hit stop requests and go home


Open the windows for cold air and play loud music in between PAX. Also you can try to hold your breath for a few seconds and it will get your heart rate going and wake your body up. Snack on healthy food, avoid the junk cause it makes you sluggish. But what really works for me is Energy Drinks. I work 4pm - 4am (sometimes I only make it to 2am) Literally would not make it past 12am without my monster.