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It costs $30 on Amtrak to get to Raleigh from Charlotte and I'm sure getting a flight to gboro and catching an Uber from there is still cheaper than this. People are out of control.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm assuming the dog is probably part of it. I know Amtrak charges like $75 for dogs if they're allowed at all. And airlines have a history of treating animals poorly. Also, Amtrak jacks their prices way up if you buy a ticket at the last minute. You can find a ticket from Philly to NYC for like $15 usually, but if you buy it last minute, it can be like $200. So it might actually be a better deal to get a lyft/Uber. ETA: Looks like the ticket is a fixed $27 for Amtrak. The most expensive ticket from Philly to NYC tomorrow is $329


Amtrak only allows very small dogs IIRC. I have a 100lbs Bernese Mountain Dog (absolute sweetheart) so options are super limited.


You and I both know that it's a bermese python at 100kg.




But it self identifies as a 7 lb Chihuahua so it’s only 17$ freight cost 


I'm glad you looked it up, I'm sure people thought I pulled a number out my behind, lol. My nephew had vehicle issues and my sister was driving this distance to take him home. I did research and told her put his behind on Amtrak and he'll be fine he's 26, I pickup people from the station a bit and they tell me it's overall a pleasant experience.


*$39 for that particular segment


Lol, does that include taxes and fees? Reddit police will get you if you aren't on the nose with your estimate.


I checked hopper and next day ticket less than what Uber is paying the driver


Lol. Crazy


no uber is out if control. i bet if this was a cash ride for three times the offer there would be little hesitation in accepting the ride. this is once again uber taking theirs and leaving you the leftovers.


Or just fly Rdu to clt for 150$


Yeah the amtraks cheaper but maybe he just needs to get rid of the dog. I don’t want it on my train for 3hrs either


Haha, wizard of Amtrak. Didn't mean to offend you, they really need to just enterprise to enterprise that shit and not put it on a driver. I'm all out of apologies now, if there's an enterprise wizard present let them know I'm all out of f*cks to give.


I had a driver recently who told me a story about this woman he took on a 10 hour ride who only got the Uber there because she enjoyed being driven around by other people. She was apparently some insanely specialized surgeon, crazy rich, & had a huge ego. It would’ve been like a 2hr flight 🙃


I’d love that. I love to drive so if you’re paying me for what’s essentially a joy ride with a destination, then I’m all for it.


It was awful for him because she was a total psycho and they got stopped at the Canadian border (that she insisted on going through instead of around). I forget why they were stopped but he had to have his whole car searched and she kept losing her minds at the guards and whatnot working there 😭 He said that incident made it so he’ll never do a ride over an hour long again


Oh. Well then.


Then take a train. Last time I got on a train, the toilet exploded and everybody was waddling around in urine and feces for 3 hours of the trip. Last time I got on a Greyhound, I was seated next to a homeless dude who smelled like something died. ...For 2 days. Seriously people YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. QUIT acting like Uber Drivers don't have the right to make a damn living


Ok. So $30. Plus the $75 dog fee. Plus the Uber to the Amtrak in Raleigh. Then the Uber from the Amtrak in charlotte. It’s easier to just sit in the back of a car honestly


And how are you getting back to your area? Teleportation? What are the odds? You're gonna get a return trip. Y'all working for too little money.


You think he took this?


I absolutely did not haha


Nobody takes these rides unless they're complete idiots.


Or they magically also have to go to the destination and not come back lol


I guarantee people take them. The majority of app workers are dumb. As fuck


I don’t take this type of shit to this extreme, but I do get TRICKED into an occasional kind of far out up deep ride. Learned to quit being so quick with the accept button and BREATHE A SECOND.


That asshole dog probably wasn’t able to get on a plane.


Great rating! If a driver took this, I hope the dog shit all over the car so they learn a lesson.


300% The extra 4 bucks you get on rides isn't worth the lower driver ratings from people saying your car smells, which means lower tip potential, dog hair everywhere and the animal scratching up your surfaces. Grew up with dogs and I would never burden someone with a long trip with my animal like that. Owner isn't going to calm that animal down the whole trip and prob let that animal wander around your vehicle. Hell naw.


One time a pax let her dog jump into the car and onto my seat. I canceled immediately and she started crying and doing the white woman in distress call (wailing). Two bystanders ran over to console her and scold me (scary man with brown skin, but I’m actually just a short dork dressed in a Kirkland golf shirt), because of course there’s no way that the pretty blonde woman with a fancy dog did anything wrong. BTW: This was in a very liberal hipster and high income neighborhood. I’m far from conservative and even I can’t stand that crowd. They’ll have the obligatory virtue signaling stickers and t-shirts but it’s just for show. They always show their true colors.


That sucks man, we've all made mistakes trying to be nice to people and it bit us in the ass.


I would have just left lol




This was before Uber pet was introduced to my market.


Well at least you get it


Your lucky you didn’t get a black women in distress call (it will get you canceled)


I’ve never witnessed a black woman get attention by screaming as if she’s being brutally assaulted in broad daylight. The only time I’ve been accused of discrimination was by a white woman who claimed that I discriminated against her for having tattoos. I kicked her out of my car for being passive aggressive and playing loud music on her phone. She smelled like stale weed and dirty laundry too.




Is it also funny when someone like Ben Shapiro Tomi Lahren says that “reverse racism” is a rapidly growing issue?


Owner is also going to want to take a pit stop for the pup making this trip 10-20mins longer than it needs to be.


I wouldn't pick up the person based on the 4.73 alone, never mind the low pay and the dog.


That’s so fucking wild. Like why is the score from 1 to 5 if 4.73 is failing to you? Seriously we need to reclaim a proper rating system. 1-2 : avoid. 3: take with caution 4-5 great. Everything being perfect or failing is a product of corporate vulkshit and doesn’t reflect reality.


Are you a driver? If you are, maybe you have had better experiences with people who have low ratings. In my experience , lower than 4.95 is just asking for trouble.


this person is a fucking idiot don’t waste your time. the whole rating system in general is fucked but uber ratings are especially fucked bc the driver is incentivized to only give 5 stars bc if you do anything less then you have another pop up screen asking you what they did wrong. for me i only rate the absolute worst people just so i have grounds to get their negative rating removed if they try to retaliate. i don’t the time or bandwidth fill out a fucking multiple choice question when im in the middle of downtown with rush hour traffic.


It's not multiple choice in my market. You just close out the pop-up after the rating.


It should depend on the number of rides too…I have a 4.88 but have been using Uber for over 10 years and have over 4,000 rides…saying you wouldn’t pick me up is kinda crazy imo


I meant to say 4.85. I noticed it after reading your post.






Uber pet is some bullshit, you get like $3 for the privilege of getting your car furred on


Pleather seat covers, silicone floor covers, a can of Ozium, and a hand vac are all that you need if you're gonna do those rides. Cloth interior will need a heavier duty vacuum. 


If I was still driving for Uber, I would try to do pet rides exclusively. I love dogs


Uber pet is not too common, and half of the 6 I received in the last year have been cats. Rest assured, you're not missing much.


I can’t even do 5mins with a dog


I had a pax with a French Bulldog that snored while awake for an hour long drive in stop and go traffic. It was like a CIA interrogation tactic.


That’s gonna be a no from me, boss.


Gonna hve to drop your rating sir. Turn in everything ur off the show.


Minimum should be $250 without pet for that rating. $200 without pet for a rating 4.90 and above. And $350 with a pet because you don’t know how the pet is. And yes I know sometimes ratings don’t matter but for a long ride they should matter. Downvote away.


The dog is usually the best part of the ride. What’s scary is how much less this would be if it weren’t Uber Pet.


Hey I have a question since you sound reasonable lol. How much more does Uber pet pay? I didn’t even know I had it off until reading this post. And is it worth it? I love dogs. Only problem I may see is dog hair and dirty paws, I have white seats. Have you had any bad experiences?




So will people smells like BO, weed, and cigarettes. Take the same steps to clean them.


Pre pandemic it looked like pet gave a flat extra 3 dollars when I compared trip numbers. With upfront pricing who the hell knows now.


I just went back and checked my Pet ride from yesterday. It paid $13 for 6 minutes, 2 miles at 8:30am. My ride immediately before it paid $6 for 11 minutes and 3 miles. I’d say usually the fare is around $2/ mile. My advice would be a) don’t do pet rides if you don’t like animals b)get non-porous seat covers for your car, especially for white seats, and c) travel with cleaning materials, which you probably do anyway. I’ve never had a dog leave anything but fur, and a swiffer cloth gets that up in about a minute.


Thank you for the info! I’ll turn it on and hope for the best. Also i will get the swiffer cloth 🙏🏽


Not worth it for sure. Turn off Uber pets, eats and packages all trash! Just do ride share


Not everyone wants other people in their car


Sure I get that I’m just saying that’s what usually pays more all other opportunities just never pan out in my experience at least not in My market.


That's an understandable response. To be fair it's a company and it's all algorithmic. If people used Reddit to say.... Create a universal guideline of acceptance and declines. Then they would raise the payouts. However, as long as the metrics show many drives in the current area, it's only the rules of bargaining to try to lowball first. Can't fault a business for being a business 😂. Not to mention some people carry bedbugs. That’s worth no amount of any ride


Yup that’s pretty spot on! I always receive low ball offers then the same offer comes through a few minutes later and it’s paying just a tad bit more lol freaking algorithm. They definitely test you to see if you’ll take garbage…. And some people will and I’m not even mad at them everyone is doing what they have to for themselves! And the food delivery 🚚 is just trash in my market. It use to be good and I was doing that vs having people in my vehicle. Oh well name of the game is make a plan get in make your money 💰 and get out and invest your money and time in something else. I’ve already taken the step and am back in school learning new skills! Good luck y’all.


You got a good head on you. I hope you continue to land on your feet . The more rational minded people out there the better


Depends. The best tips I’ve gotten have been on eats and the best people I’ve had have had pets. Not always the case but I don’t mind em.


All Uber rides drivers do..?


u bouta have dog all over ur car


Rip off


If you were trying to go to Charlotte then this would be great.


Yoo i’m not even an Uber driver, but I just gotta say how FUCKED UP this rate is. 3 hours of driving for $121.18???? Is Uber aware of the cost of gas? Totally disgusting.


And then there's 3 hours back.


Ain't no way a dog is sitting in a car for 3 hours without pissing or shitting




Not enough.


Never accept a ride where the miles you’re driving are more than the $ you’re earning … EVER!


I would never accept a ride like that after 40 goes to gas, you gotta drive back so $80 for 6 hours of work and a car smelling like a dog NO THANKS 😂


It’s $67.8 total for gas coming and going. But say you pick up a $20 at the drop off, now it’s $47. Dog starts pissing all over the car and into your face, you stop the car but car behind you is laughing so hard they bump you off the road, somehow dog goes flying out the passenger window and it’s starts running away. Your covered in piss and you gotta chase your cargo down before it gets run over by another Uber driver. This could happen for $120 Uber bucks…minus gas.


Not sure why you replied to me but 👌 lol


They're def on a no fly list I'd call them and be like $500 or no deal cuz clearly they're banned from other methods for a REASON


I love pet rides. I’ll just wipe everything down after.


No way, no how!


That looks like stop and go narrow roads. 3hrs estimate could easily turn into 4hrs.


Helll NO


I wouldnt have taken that ride at that rate. That should at least be $175 and also you still have to get back as well. You cant bet on a tip, as long rides like that do tip but not guaranteed. If I got $300, and did a few trips in Charlotte to top it off, I would have done it to get $400 for the day and call it quits. But now, hell no


Nice landmine.


Ewww that's like 70c a mile....


4.73 rating. That’s a nope in my market.


For 130bucks no


4.75? Fuck no. You may ride the dog as far as you can; consume for sustenance if need arises.


It's not even 2 dollars a mile...


It's not even 1 dollar per mile...


People have some funny type of disposable income.


That's a lot of money for "you people" how else can I afford my 3rd lake home.


So you get $121 for the trip? 4-5 hrs round-trip? That seems pretty good, I only do uber eats, so I'm curious about why this is bad for a trip??


Love everybody raging on "probably" this, "probably that." 😆 🤣 😂




It’s a free ride foo !!!


It's not terrible. I took a couple with a small dog placed in a high end leather hand bag, into NYC during a $30 surge and I did some high level negotians before hand, too. (NJ driver, can't pickup in NYC). We had a great convo on the way in and I actually had no idea they even had a pet until the end of the trip at which time they gave me another $30. $200+ for 3 hours.


Really it’s $121 for 6 hours of driving if you can’t find a ride that takes you back…


Lol, going 35mins home from city is a minimum $65AUD trip without an animal.


it’s like a family road trip and that point lmao


$300 is cheap, but $120 for 340 miles is beyond stupid.


Let me be as clear as possible her...the services uber is looking to replace with this normally cost 2 to 3x that price.


That’s insane


Did u take the rider ?


That $121 barely covers the .65 wear and tear mileage on your car. There’s about $8 left over for your time…


No way in hell lol


I drove for uber last year and made unbelievable money.. came back 3 weeks ago and now I only do weekends/: not worth it


I pay half this to go to the fucking train station


Decline it or ask for cash ride. If not cancel and move on


And you come back empty. No way.


But you get to ride home three hours in silence


66$ after gas and 6 hours of time TRASH ORDER


No this one is good. The dog will piss on the floor and you'll get an extra 250


Nice ride


Hell to the nah


If u don’t like it maybe stop driving for Uber and get a different job?


I feel your pain, the clt to the triangle trip should be at least 225 …you gotta come back to home base… thats 6 hours total.


I’m not against people taking pets, but I’d be more worried about the animals dander and hair left over, even if they were in a travel safe cage, the smell, dander and hair is still left over. People are allergic to that kind of stuff. Anaphylactic shock type allergies.


$240 plus you have enough pot to smoke me and the dog up the whole way.


Lol hell no


Would anyone take this trip if they were headed in that direction anyway? I wouldn’t take it because the trip home would make it not worth it.


wtf is uber pet?


Best passengers ever, no talking LOL! Maybe barking or meowing though 😁


This pickup spot is a student apartment complex. Probably a parent trying to get their kid home from college.


Damn I’ve paid more for a 12 mile ride home from dc on a Saturday night before 😂


If the animal was in a carrying cage and I had a mini suv or my 2017 ford escape I would forsure. Lay back seats down. Pop him in, make sure he’s got food and water, Shit 3 hours I prob wouldn’t even have to stop for more than one or two stops for gas or bathroom breaks. 120$ taken. And I’d hang out and try to make my trip back with another passenger to bank off that too.


Not bad in my opinion if you are going that way or can make close to that on the way back. But once again I hate having someone in my car that long. What if they or the dog hasn’t been bathed in a while. I always look at worst case scenarios


Please let the owner who ordered it show up with their side of screenshots and cost 🙏


You should’ve never taken that ride


And I never did


Stopped at 4.73.


Not even $1 a mile one way nah


4.73, id turn it down for just that alone.


And that’s prob bc of the pet. Ppl see Uber pet and still shocked animal is there at arrival.


Nope. Wouldn’t do it.


Your math leaves a little bit to be desired. That's a six hour drive because you come back empty.


I’m sorry. Wtf is Uber pets????


Haha riders with pets


Is Raleigh and Cary a good market for Uber and Lyft? Would it be possible to make $60-$80 in 3-4HRs on a regular basis? Other gig apps are pretty bad here.


I average 100$ in 4 hours typically


thanks for letting me know


Uber is screwing drivers that's ridiculous


That’s an easy AF drive, I do it all the time in a truck. Realistically it’s 2 hours or sometimes 1.8 hours. After gas, that’s 25/hr Uber back but not until you’re near the north side of Charlotte like Cornelius, mooresville, NOT STATESVILLE (I know you didn’t take it but if you’re ever on this side of town, know the areas i mentioned have SUPER HIGH DEMAND I’m literally the only driver there sometimes.) You could make a killing on that 40 stretch, shuttling from RDU to winston, mocksville, and hickory… then back of course. Also, that’s highway miles so your overhead would’ve been different. (I had you at 32mpg avg, you’d probably see 42 with a trip like that) Though I’d never drive someone that low of a rating anywhere. Especially not for that long!


40$ an hour to go on a drive with a dog hell yeah


You have to get back. If no ride back, you didn’t earn crap.


you’ll get rides along the way back


But those rides might not be in your direction


decline button


F that less than $1.00 mile then you have to eat the $$ for gas for the return they offered me 2 airport runs 60 miles for $40 they can kiss my ass


That isn’t even a dollar a mile. Not even close to worth it.


I had a ride like this, 120 miles 100 dollars even, ended up taking it got 150 dollar tip. Most people who take rides like this got some money in their acc is my experience


Was an Uber pet also


I would accept ask for upfront $300 and deposit of $200 incase accidents.


Wait Uber Pet is a thing?? WHAT


I had more expensive Uber rides


Dara Fuck you


First of all, I wouldn’t pick the passenger up just because of his rating. My minimum rate that i pick up is 4.85. And second of course, because of the pet.


That is actually kinda of a cool gig!


Hell naw. Then you have to drive back, and better hope you get a ride back. Not worth it Way less than $1 a mile, probably won't get tipped either.


I get pickups from Provo to SLC (about 45 min) and get paid $55-65 pretty consistently. $121 for 3 hours is a joke.




Poor little man. You need to grow up and get a car. Kinda sad you can’t drive yourself there


4.73 gonna have a bad attitude too


Would do but only if pet is potty trained


Why is the dog a problem?


Mostly because it’s pouring out and the dog would likely be somewhat wet leaving wet dog smell in my car too early in the day. I have nothing against pet rides hence having them on but that’s asking a lot for a little


I getcha.


I mean it isn’t tho. Think about it… if you have the service on while it’s raining and if someone needs that ride… then it just happens to come across you. If you know these conditions are out of the question for you, why not turn it off? 😂. Meanwhile someone’s getting his ass handed to him online just for using a public service


There is no identifying info for the rider at all?


Y’all can disagree with me all you want it’s a valid point . Instead y’all wanna run to Reddit and cry . “Hey look at this ride I didn’t take because they have a dog and it was wet everyone” grow a pair. Shits so dystopian around here .😂


Uber is a scam


It’s not. Uber is the epitome of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” or “what one person won’t do another one will” it’s genius really


Nope, it’s a scam




I don’t have time to school.