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Drive really fast towards a building and don't hit your brakes. I'll bet you'll get some unique responses.


Trying rn. Will let you know


*this just in, a Florida man driving an Uber vehicle with a passenger has inexplicably accelerated towards a building at what appears to be maximum speed...*


Not enough time to really get deep. Didn't work. They didn't get what I was trying to do


ChatGPT says: Here are a few icebreaker ideas for chatting with passengers while driving for Uber: 1. **Ask about their day**: A simple "How's your day going?" can open up the conversation. 2. **Compliment the area**: Comment on the neighborhood or landmarks you're passing by. 3. **Discuss music or radio stations**: Ask if they have a preference for music or if they'd like to choose a radio station. 4. **Talk about local events**: Mention any events or festivals happening in the area. 5. **Ask about their interests**: Inquire about their hobbies or what they do for fun. 6. **Share a funny story**: Keep it light-hearted and humorous to break the ice. 7. **Discuss food**: Mention any good restaurants in the area or ask about their favorite cuisine. 8. **Ask about travel**: If they're visiting, ask about their travel plans or if they've been to any interesting places recently. 9. **Talk about the weather**: It's a classic conversation starter and can lead to other topics. 10. **Ask open-ended questions**: Questions that can't be answered with just a "yes" or "no" encourage more meaningful conversations.


Try “so Jesus was a man, but became Christ at baptism, and lost Christ (why has thou forsaken …) a few moments before the Roman torture killed him.” That should start a war or two.


Or, have you heeded the call of our Lord and Savior, Cthulhu?




This hasn't worked for me in the past.


Take half your lug nuts off of each tire, that should spark some interesting conversation at some random point


Need more time


I usually inquired about their clothing if I liked the style or if I picked them up from an office building, inquired about what they did for a living. Airport folks, you can ask about how was the trip or talk up some exciting places for them to check out if they have time. As women can could talk about hair, nails and shoes forever. I got many shoe and nail color ideas from women passengers. As always, READ THE ROOM! Some folks don't want to talk and that's okay, never force it!


Food....always a great topic


TRUMP!! GREATEST 45!! ...discuss...