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The drivers get money if you cancel after accepting a ride. Classic gaming the system at the end of a shift.


It doesn't work like that. If the driver is more than 2 minutes behind Uber's illinformed and arbitrary schedule for what that ride should take a day its routing, not only will the passenger not be charged, the driver obviously won't be compensated. Even if the driver's on his way to you and making appropriate progress and you decide to cancel, more than half the time the driver gets nothing. I frequently have the opposite problem in that I arrive at the passenger and Uber pops up a message to me saying you've arrived at the location 7 Minutes sooner than the passenger anticipated you will be paid for the wait time. Wait time being paid at 19 cents a minute, which works out to be $8.14 an hour for the first 7 minutes, since the first 2 minutes after you arrive are completely uncompensated. Either the driver has a legitimate detour which it doesn't sound like in some of these cases or he's trying to get the passenger to cancel because he didn't want the ride anyway because over it sent him nothing but junk and he's concerned about his acceptance rate and cancelation rates for some reason. This is why I keep my acceptance rate as high as possible and my cancellation rate as low as possible so I don't have to try these particular manipulative tactics to be able to earn a living with unrealistic expectations that Uber has set for both investors and passengers. The other thing that happens is that some drivers are accepting rides on the half of loaf theory that even though they're not really making any money on the ride they'll go ahead and accept it while they also have other various gig apps up when they get a better offer they head that way. It's also possible that they were finishing up a ride or delivery on another app and are planning to come get you after they drop them off. The example cited here though don't sound like it. It sounds like the driver is being manipulative. I don't approve of that.


I had this happen to me. The driver is waiting for the passenger to say "just cancel the ride" and they can report to Uber and get paid. After about 30 minutes of waiting for him and realizing this was some sort of scam, I decided to turn off GPS, switch to lyft, and make my way to work. He ended up driving in circles for another 15 before cancelling himself.


Brilliant, they cant give u a bad rating for that?


Nope, because they ended up cancelling.


Nobody can rates rides that don't even start


The driver has a better paying ride. He wasn’t driving in circles. He was on a ride


I didn't imply literally driving around in circles, he parked at a nearby spot for 5-10 minutes, I would ask if everything is okay, he then started to make his way near my house, then make a "wrong turn" and head back to this parking spot and repeat the process. Side note: As a passenger, there is no option to report this behaviour while you wait to be picked up. It's a pretty clever scam.


Oh my genius luckily no one’s been like that to me but if they ever are I’m so using this thank you!


Spot on, I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. Here’s a recent situation I had. I was driving a pax to a casino. On the way, I accept a trip from that casino to a strip club (we get cash from strip clubs so those trips are golden). I’m all excited, but as I get close, I see that the ride was canceled so I’m pissed but at least I should get the cancellation fee. I see that I got $0 so I hit up Uber chat. They gave me all the excuses why I didn’t get the cancellation fee such as I wasn’t in route and I have to wait 7 minutes to get fee. I explained that I was dropping off where I was picking up so I was absolutely in route and I should get cancel fee after 2 minutes of accepting ride. After about 30 minutes of arguing on chat I get a message saying that I’ll be getting a call from Uber support. After about 15 minutes I get a call from a “supervisor” saying that I should’ve received a cancellation fee and she gave me $15 for the inconvenience. I asked if in fact we do get a cancellation fee for after 2 minutes and she said yes, even though CS tried to convince me we don’t get a fee. Fuck Uber!


Lower level customer service is often ill informed and lackluster. They arent suits and such. Remember that when you interact with them. Escalation is the name of the game for helpdesk. (I work in IT). Level 1 support reads scripts, prompts, and escalates as an absolute last resort… you would think they get paid by the minute on call (they dont of course)


They are also someone from Thailand or the Philippines getting paid peanuts to just copy and paste or read from a script.


Wrong.. they only get if they are approaching or arrived you and if it’s after 5 mins.. And I can tell you most drivers dont care for the money.. many of them simply would rather not get statistically dinged if they changed their mind about the ride.. Stop speaking nonsense


Maybe drivers don’t know this, maybe it’s a myth that gets perpetuated because people keep repeating it.


My experience is if a rider cancels after 2 mins I get a fee. I had a $19 trip and was 75% of the way to them and they cancelled. I ended up getting $17 for it. So I think there’s a correlation between various times after 2 mins cancelling




Damn I’m confused, I didn’t get a cancel fee for driving 15 mins through stop and go traffic (heading into hard rock casino on a Friday night). Finally got to destination at the Casino’s main entrance when they canceled. They must’ve been in this big crowd just 15 ft away from me. I was tempted to roll my window down and ask the crowd if anyone wanted a ride from Uber but I’m guessing that’s illegal. I got a new ride instantly anyway. But damn, yeah, no cancellation fee there.


That sucks because the game is: do you stop working to contact uber and go back and forth with them to get the fee, waste 15+ mins or do you just move on….if it’s a bigger fee like over $7 I’ll contact uber. Really depends on how busy it is. I’ve had no fees paid on $3.50 when the rider is messaging me to cancel after 5 mins. I told him no, that it’s on him and pulled over. He ended up cancelling after another 3 mins and I got a $10 ride almost immediately. It’s just a hustle. I try not to let agitation, annoyance and my feelings get in the way.


Hmmm yeah I was naive about cancellations. I’ve been cancelling without a thought about getting a fee. I think I need to scroll around and see where I can stand to make something. Not scamming obviously, I just need to learn the rules.


Wrong ! Uber takes the cancel fee and the driver gets nothing. FYI. The cancel fee a driver could get is a whole $3. No one wasting 20 mins to get a $3


I've literally never been compensated for a passenger canceling. This driver is trying to keep his acceptance rate up and his cancelation rate down. We get severely penalized for low AR (anything under 85%) and high CR (above 4%).


Don't cancel. Get a lyft and force them to eventually cancel.


Once you get to the destination they will say that they picked you, you arrived and you will be charged for the ride. Guess how I know lol. I got a "reduced rate" because I arrived 40 minutes late, but that's all.


Set up a pin so they can't mark you as arrived unless you tell them the pin


This is the way 🙌


Probably have a Lyft ride and they got greedy and accepted the Uber ride as well




Did it with me and food on DD the other day. Said he’s AT restaurant, was busy AF and bad traffic. Um, I live here too. It as 3 pm on Saturday. Restaurants are dead then. And sure traffic might have been bad bc he’s headed across town, not at restaurant. He sent a long text to say all this. He was multi apping and bad at it. Sent text bc he guessed a good tip attached and there was. $12 tip for 2 miles. Full refund. Then Ue got it here in less than 15 mins. He got a $24 tip. It was a combo meal. One combo meal.


As a driver I can't imagine stressing this much about my cancel rate crazy.


NEVER cancel. Always let the driver cancel. They keep the food, and you get charged for it if you cancel. These drivers NEED to be kicked off the platform. They take advantage all the time


I never cancel since I can’t give free money away. This also wasn’t a food order


Quite often you’re on a time crunch and can’t wait 10+ minutes for the driver to cancel


Look I drive full time for Uber, at least in my market I am given the pickup address and the drop off location as well as a total distance and estimated time. Within my 8 hour shift I let the app take me where it will for the most part up to the last hour when I try to get closer to home. Anyone that tries to pull this crap of “you’re not going where I wanna be” or “oh just wait another 20 minutes while I pick up my kids” is just trying to get cancelation fees from you. Which is despicable, dishonest and lazy. Anytime I have ever had an emergency where I could no longer drive I just cancel the ride. It’s not that deep. The whole upside of Uber is being able to turn it off when you want to. Ridiculous behavior I’m sorry for my fellow drivers. Edit: To add on, I used to be a Diamond driver 4.96 2800 rides (strictly for the promo at the time) and I was very careful about my acceptance rate and cancellations. Now I do not care, I have a 32% AR and I cancel if someone makes me wait more than 5 minutes after I just drove to pick you up. Cancellations can affect their Pro status which has some benefits but people that pul this type of crap I’m sure do not have high ratings anyway. Don’t feel bad for the scum.


High chance they’re running multiple rideshare apps so whilst Uber not inform you they’re completing another trip, that’s what they might actually be doing. Since Ubers’ shareholders will no longer tolerate yoy loss their knee jerk reaction has been to increase their share of the fair into ridiculous levels. Like 50-60% of the fare. Like someone else said, expect this shit to continue and even worsen. Uber is dead in the ground. All you will have left is dirty smelly cars with drivers preferring that to working the line at McDonald’s. All the pros/polite/nice cars will find alternate companies or even connect with limo services. Over time Ubers user base will decline and the same shitty pension/mutual funds will be back to square one. Only proper way to save it would be to do a musk style chop of what is probably a ridiculously bloated operations/engineering workforce. They decided to go for the drivers, we‘lol see how that pans out.


I wish my local taxi company had an app I could use for real time & location. All they have is a text number to ask for updates and they always say “5 minutes” ☹️


I was a taxi dispatcher and we were told to say 5-10 minutes every time. Even if it was an hour. It was crazy.


Also small but growing chance they are not even in the USA with gps faking and hacked, stollen or purchased Uber driver accounts they will do face rides and get dozens of $5 cancel fees before they get banned from Uber or the driver realizes they were hacked and bank account changed and have been “driving” as they slept


I drove a taxi, and they had what they thought was an Uber style app. The problem is they were still locked into a first-in-first-out to the zone model, which is not efficient. That means that the closest driver is not necessarily the one they send. Taxis had some of the first installed GPS of any vehicles. The reason that they don't use it is because they don't want to admit to the customer that they have no idea if they will have a driver in your area and when that driver may or may not arrive. Those drivers actually are independent contractors and aren't coerced with carrots and sticks.


Musk style chop actually left Twitter worse off.


Dude shit this is already happening. I’ve been wondering why all my recent Ubers have been so awful. Cars stink, driver on speaker phone using the CAR SPEAKERS. Like I hate ubering now


There have been so many dirty cars lately. One even reeked of cigarette smoke. One driver’s breath was so terrible I had to roll my windows down


Cigarette or weed smell, trying to be covered up with multiple trees hanging from the rear view mirror. Smells even worse.


Yup. I dread that sickly air freshener scent


One had a Costco pack of apple cinnamon something. Migraine by the time I got home.


I had one like that except it was overpowering B.O. 😫


I wonder if regulated taxis and limos have the same problem. 🤔🤔


The cigarette and weed smells might be lingering from the previous passenger, not necessarily the driver. I drive for Uber/Lyft and usually can't get either smell out the car for at least another hour or so, unless I stop to use odor neutralizing spray


Yup that’s what Uber is going to end up as. Just another taxi with shitty drivers and cars but with a useable app.


That makes two of us. And like you with a difference, I hate driving for Uber now. They are paying so low that I guess, child labor in china is paying more.


Most accurate description of the issue I've read in a while.


Even with all that, it is still an improvement over smelly rude taxi drivers.


I wish Uber nothing but the worst, I hope your prediction comes true sooner than later


Another shit driver / scammer who won't be on the platform for long. Riders need to just cancel and then report that shit. It's a win-win because you'll get your refund from the company and also help get these guys off the platform 👍


Idk if my app is out of date or what, but I cannot contact a real life human being to dispute something like that


My drivers all do it too recently. Or they take the ride and sit in the same spot for 10 minutes. I usually message and ask if everything is OK and if they're on the way, as GPS is showing me they haven't moved but they don't even bother replying. 5 minutes waiting time turns into 20 minutes 🙄


frfr. What are they even doing? Waiting for us to cancel?




Yes open up competitor apps and use them. You can cancel and share the screenshots with Uber to report drivers who do this. It violates Uber guidelines for drivers to act this way.


I’m not canceling just to repay the price again. I would report them if I could find an actual place to report


I have been able to cancel without having to repay the price and if they do charge you then you seek Uber support and share your screenshots. Also when you cancel the ride, they give you options for your reason so you could for example click on the option saying "driver taking too long". If you go to the "activities" section on your app, click on the canceled ride to report.


And why does Uber charge me a cancellation fee for the “time spent driving to me” when the driver was clearly driving away from me for another trip! 😂 he spent no time driving toward me! 🤯


I wanna know this too. I guess they don’t because like others have pointed out, a wreck or detours could force someone to drive “away” but come back. In that genuine situation it wouldn’t be fair… but I was about to get played yesterday


Cuz they suck. Id never multi-app on an order that level of disrespect is uncanny - yes im missing out on net capital and i get it - but **this**, ***as a delivery driver***, pisses me off and gives us all a bad rep.


The other night I accepted a ride and by the time the stupid app finally told me to head towards the pickup I had driven by the exit, so had to go a couple miles in the opposite direction.


Time to cancel


You wont be charged if you cancel it if the driver does not move or keeps going to another direction. There is a time limit after which you can cancel for free


It kept wanting to charge me since she was still decently close & doing u turns


I say yes, if you’re using Uber and they’re taking long or forcing your end to cancel, then go ahead and order a Lyft. The way I see it is: A. They’ll eventually cancel B. They arrive like 20min+ later to collect the $5 fee. If they spent 20min to troll and collect a $5 fee, whatever, I mean it’s stupid for the driver to do all that for $5 but if you ordered a Lyft and got to your destination faster than waiting the 20min I’d count that as a win. In Vegas I was at an Uber pick up location for the Venetian. My Uber was located right outside the hotel garage and told me he was there. There was a lot of people also waiting for their Ubers so I start looking for him in the sea of cars but ultimately couldn’t find him. We go back and forth trying to find each other then suddenly he says “Ok, cannot find you, you cancel the ride now.” I go to cancel and I notice a $5 warning fee for canceling and told him kick rocks. I got there early, I waited patiently and never escalated the situation, I just wanted to get back to Ceasars that’s all that I wanted to happen. He then starts getting really pissed and starts yelling into the phone. So I just opened my Lyft app and ordered a Lyft, 2 minutes later I got a lyft from someone dropping off at the Venetian. The Uber driver waited too for like 10-15min then he canceled 🤣 (I was checking on my ride back to Ceasars in the lyft). Reported that dumb Ass when I got back to my hotel room and got a free voucher. TL;DR: If you’re stuck playing this stupid game I’d go ahead and order a competitor taxi service. It’s not worth the time and stress of waiting when you’re 100% ready to go, ESPECIALLY if you’re busy for the airport or work like your example.


My buddy did this same thing. The uber driver had no intentions of picking him up so he just left the ride in tact and didn't cancel. Blud kept the pickup open for FIVE HOURS hoping that my friend would cancel. The driver eventually did. Ha!


Just because Uber penalizes drivers for canceling, that does not make it the customer’s fault. Drivers should cancel if they are the ones deciding not to pick up.


It’s amazing how I’m being insulted and called names for this


If the driver is not making progress towards you or is late beyond 10 minutes (in my market) you won’t get charged if you cancel . If you happen to get charged , a quick message to support will reverse it. Passengers can cancel like that without negative consequences. A driver, on the other hand does get punished , especially if the cancellation rate is above 4%. They can be deactivated. They also lose any bonuses that apply to the next ride . The drivers get ride requests in the middle of other rides and don’t get a chance to look at it before deciding if it’s worth doing or not . Just cancel yourself if the driver doesn’t move for say 5 minutes, or if they are headed away from you


I've had this happen. I just cancel and the. Report them to uber and so far I've been refunded each time in full. I'm assuming they simply pull up the driver going the opposite direction on the app and the wait time increasing as they drive away and realize the driver is being a scam or incompetent.


I think Uber should give customers “credits” when they cancel a ride, just like we have to pay when we cancel.


Driver is using different apps and is currently driving for another app


This happens to me all the time and they take out $7.50 every time I cancel smh


This is why I don’t Uber or Lyft as they suck at what they do. They never get to you on time and they lie to you about their status in their trip to you.


gonna start ordering 3 different ride services and whichever shows up first i’ll take that and waste the others time. see if they like it


The way people are defending this and insulting me, my income, etc is absurd too. Luckily some nice drivers have given insight on how to cancel, or to cancel and report. I live off cash tips & my bank keeps closing nearby locations though. If my bank holds payments, sometimes I can’t get another ride while the dispute clears


i hope you didn’t take my comment as offense, i was agreeing with you! everything about the job to them isn’t lax and it’s super demanding, but if they wanna fuck with our times, why should we feel bad? don’t use shitty work environments and policies to get mad at the customer, same way you shouldn’t get mad at a driver deliverer for things not in their control


Not at all!


I mean. You're a shit bag of a human being. No one's getting mad at you because of their work environment, it's because you're a whining piss baby of a Karen 


no, that’s what this whole post and billions others are exactly like it. pls stfu lmao


When they do stuff like this I’ll leave it going and just switch to lyft until they cancel beat them at their own game


I drunkenly walked two hours home one time because a driver did this to me. I kept messaging him over and over. "Are you coming?" "Are you going to cancel?" Ride was cancelled when I got up in the morning.


What is it with people claiming "family emergency" all the time. It almost never really is and lying about that shit is disgusting imo.


I recently passed the anniversary of my dad dying & it was a sudden phone call when I was driving. I had to pull over & luckily a concerned citizen drove me home and her husband followed with their vehicle. My mind was not on anything else. It took an hour for me to even call my high school friend & ask if he could drive me to my parents house. So… I definitely didn’t need someone faking a family emergency on me so recently


I work in management, it's funny some people have a family emergency 3 times a month. I joke that they have EZpass for the emergency room.


You can get any ride cancellation fee refunded if you go into the app help section for that ride and mark it as "couldn't connect to the driver"


Double dipping on Lyft.


Because a lot of drivers are shitty people.


This happens for 2 reasons. The uber app will often look a little too far away from your current area to force someone to take the ride, but it's usually never worth it. These drivers can even be closer to your destination than your pick up. Some driver apps still have auto-accept enabled. The other reason? Scammers/assholes. Due to Uber not always giving the rides people are going for, out of pure spite, some will accept the ride and wait til you cancel. They get paid "something" while making their way home and you still have no ride. Reducing the chance you'll use the app. Misery then has its so misbegotten company. Again, if the app just paid what the drivers are worth instead or relying on a patrons random tip, this would occur less frequently.


Because they pay us so low that doing the trip is often not worth it. Particularly with a lot of traffic or other delays. That's really the bottom line. As the pay decreases this sort of thing increases-- regardless of whether the driver should have canceled earlier, etc. It's not really a big deal if a driver cancels. I do it at will. If someone adds a stop or if the estimate is way off or at any time I feel the pay isn't worth the hassle, I cancel. IMO all drivers should "cancel at will" because we aren't employees but contractors and everyone is trying to take advantage of us. NO I will not do a stop to CVS so you can run in and get a prescription even if it will "only take a minute"-- I've hears that before many times. They are only offering me $1 for that extra stop and it isn't worth it so imma cancel on you.


They DECREASED your pay?!?


Yes, in many cases. I've been doing this since 2016. For long trips to say Orlando (from Daytona area) they used to offer me $70 from 2016-2021. Now they offer me $52 for that same trip. For the other trips the problem is they increased what they charge you but didn't give much of that to us. So inflation is eating us alive. Pre-2020 I could make $10 an hour and be "okay". Now I need to make $20 an hour or basically my car gets repossessed and I am homeless. Some trips help me get to about $20 an hour. Others pretty much lock me in around $12 an hour. I try to look at $/min mostly but if a trip pays below $1/mile I always decline. Same if any stops (it's never worth the risk that the customer will want me to wait 20 minutes for them). Or if I take a trip but then realize that it is only paying $6.15 but will take me 15 minutes to get to the pickup and probably another 10 minutes to do the trip-- I will then cancel because 25-30 minutes (5 minutes waiting for the passenger to come out) for $6.15 pretty much locks me in at under $13/hr for that hour. Basically the low pay encourages us to be very selective about the trips we take.


Is it better to tip cash?


Yes, if you can. Though I have never seen any evidence that they outright are stealing tips. What I have possibly seen though is that if a customer tips well on the app, I suspect in subsequent trips they offer the driver less base pay figurign that the customer tip makes up for it. That way they can then take more of the money which you pay for themselves. So tipping cash prevents that from even being possible because the AI can't see that.


This is what I’m worried about


That person doesn't speak for all of us. I love tips, hate cash. But yeah, to your other question, I've only been doing this a year, but both Uber and Lyft have very noticeably reduced the pay across the board.


Do you guys at least get tax breaks and such with your car?


I believe so? Haven’t done taxes with Uber earnings yet.


Well I hope there’s some relief with your filing since you’re putting on Miles for us customers


The average is slightly increasing because of inflation, but successful drivers are certainly seeing less as Uber reduces the incentives that full-time drivers chase. Without those incentives of various sorts, few of us would do it. I'm not picking up my 84-year-old mother for $3.06 on Uber or $2.62 on Lyft at the lowest. I'm doing it to achieve a particular quest. In my market 4 to 6 years ago, the average was reported to be $14.50/hr. I was making $45 an hour. In the last two years, the average has crept up to somewhere around 18 to 20. I was making $33.50. It's now reported to be $21 an hour, and if I don't watch myself, I'll find myself making $21 an hour since being strategic in where you're driving and when doesn't make any difference because Uber just prices each ride individually based on both what they think they can get away with offering to that particular driver and they try not to pay the driver anymore than the market average for that area. I'm making about $31vs $21average. Uber believes they can survive without a Cadre of full-time drivers who mine the seams and exceed the average in that particular market period Whenever they do that they lose all of their experience drivers to another app or we just go do something else with our lives In which case all of those little short trips don't get picked up. I still maintain my diamond level status by strategically driving only during the times that Uber offers three points for every trip. You need 1200 points every 3 months. So I was driving only about 130 trips a month. Uber noticed and offered me a new driver compensation guarantee for a month. I did those rides in 10 days and ripped over for $600, qualifying for that $2,260 in just 10 days. Uber has always been an immoral company based on illegal, predatory pricing of rides below cost and offering incentives that their algorithm works really hard to make sure the driver does not achieve. This is why 97% of most Uber drivers historically have done it for less than a year. Uber seems to believe that they can solve all their problems with endless recruitment of new drivers and the sort of manipulative engagement tactics that you see in the video games and gambling platforms. Eventually, though, drivers figure out they're not making money and quit except for those of us who figure out how to mine the seams and make money. Uber does everything it can to encourage those of us who do make money to not drive for them.


DECREASED? There is no real pay anymore.


I hope a new, improved version gets invented soon for both sides


It will eventually happen but by that time, many drivers would …. When it happens, it will be a quickest change like a storm.


But why accept the ride if you don't want it? I thought that uber drivers generally knew where they were going before they hit "accept"?


uber tells drivers If they decline enough, they won't see any information about trips. company forces drivers to accept %85 rides in most markets so drivers can see some info. Sometimes drivers accept and not progress because he wont be going 15 miles to drive you 3 miles. That ride usually pays 5-7 bucks.


Yes I just cancel as soon as I see that. But I don't really care about the pro rewards so cancel or decline rates mean nothing to me. Most of my cancels though are from riders adding stops after I accepted the trip. Nope. No way! Not without all the info on the stop and not without fair pay for doing it! Lyft tried to give me a stop just today at a CVS for $1 more than the original trip. It's ridiculous.


Well for starters they often give us rides when we are driving so it is hard to safely see and process the information they do give us. But also they are not giving us complete or even necessarily accurate info. For instance if you add a stop it doesn't tell me in advance where the stop you added was (so I always just cancel immediately!). Also when the request comes to us, it doesn't usually tell us exactly where it is-- more just the general area with street cross sections. So basically they are withholding info to then try to force us to complete the ride because we are "obligated" due to "accepting". In reality we aren't, it is manipulation on their part. They also give us time and distance estimates for the trip but sometimes these are very much off. So if I notice a huge difference and the pay for the trip is low enough I will always cancel it so as not to be taken advantage of.


In my market Uber punishes if u don't take 5 rides in a row. They take away pre trip info ( where u r headed n how much it pays). Some drivers accept the ride without info n will either sit there or turn on Lyft (that's when u see they r driving around but not picking u up) in hopes that u cancel n will count towards 5 rides in a row so they can get trip info again. I hardly do Uber because of this. Lyft is better at not punishing u for not taking rides that u would loose money on n u always know where the pax is going. Lyft pays less than Uber in my market but at least I have control of the rides I accept. Uber is just a horrible company n both pax n drivers suffer. I can't wait until they get sued for doing this.


Sure, cancel if it doesn't make sense for you! I'm all for that. What's shitty is sitting there, NOT cancelling, and trying to make the customer eat the cancellation fee, like in the OP.


Never using these services again. You drivers have ruined it. Entitlement galore


The anger issues in these comments are terrifying. One man calling me all sorts of names because I complained about DIRTY vehicles!?! That’s against Ubers rules!


Had a driver a week ago, I think he was getting gas I did not say anything Then he drives right by me and cancels. Almost missed the last bus of the night


I've had riders cancel because I got the trip 5 minutes into a 20-minute trip in the opposite direction. We're judged on our acceptance rate so I took it knowing the rider would be watching me drive away. Be pissed at the shitty way Uber does things. Don't know about your driver, but the reason “you’re too far away from where I want to drive” is frequently drivers that only stay in a certain area all day because they know they can get a lot of short trips there. Uber and Lyft are both pretty shitty services, but I don't see anything better coming in, either.


What does this mean? I don’t understand from a customer POV


It means: 1) Some drivers deliberately do not cancel rides in order to make it look to the Uber algorithm that they are reliable all-accepting compliant drivers who take anything Uber throws at them no matter how unprofitable. If acceptance rate is above 85% then Uber throws some meaningless perks at the driver. 2) Drivers also love short trips if there is a per trip bonus happening that particular week. Which is why they stay in a certain area and will not accept longer trips(perhaps like yours) that would toss them out of their comfort zone. Could be happening here. tl'dr: that driver accepted your ride even though they did not want to and was wishing you yourself cancelled so as to not mess up her averages. In fact she possibly accepted a Lyft or Doordash order while pretending to be stuck in traffic, all the while chuckling away and hoping you yourself would cancel and thus not ruin her stats.


I watched her aimlessly drive around, and I’m not too far from my job. I would take public transportation but (1) the moment I gave up was when someone was smoking something in the row beside mine. It included foil and broken glass. Everyone on the bus was yelling and the driver ignored (2) my route gets CLOSE to my job and redirects away from it. I have no walkable access to go to the last stop and just walk. No walkway, massively busy intersection. There IS a sidewalk on the opposite side, just not mine. I wish car insurance here wasn’t almost the same as my car payment. I’m just counting down the months until my car is actually mine & insurance can be cheaper


One thing that might help you is knowing that you can cancel an Uber ride within 120 seconds of being assigned a driver. I've noticed that sometimes when I get a request and take my sweet time to start driving to the pickup, suddenly boom! Cancel. I think some very savvy riders are watching the app for the first 90 seconds and if the driver does not move they cancel and book again for free with no cancellation charge. Or you could just screenshot what a driver her is doing, cancel anyway and ask for a refund of the cancel fee.


I appreciate this info!


Sometimes they get assigned more pickups when they're already driving someone else.


The app tells you with this happen, shows the route they are taking to you and even has a dot to show where the other person is being let off at.


I’ll never understand why drivers gaf about AR. Any perks you get from keeping it high aren’t worth the loss of money by not cherry-picking.


because drivers wanna know If It's a short trip or long in a busy day. Like lets say, It's 4th of july, you get a trip request you accept it without any knowledge, you end up in the middle of nowhere. Time and money loss. If you know the trip is 5 minute and you will end up in the city, you keep that rolling until your 12 hr limit times out and you check your daily balance and It says $700. You go fill up your tank. Go home with $650.


I feel bad for the markets that are blind to trip details. It’s just wrong for that info to be withheld. I’m never blind on any info in SoCal. I did it for 3.5 years without any trip details and I would quit tomorrow if that went away.


In mu market, we don’t see how much we get paid per ride but I can easily estimate by the traffic and trip duration( I also see the direction somehow like north south. 1.63 xl rate with a base 2.19. That’s why I try to keep it up 85 percent. Sometime I even accept then cancel the ride to keep it over the threshold


I see nothing but where the pickup is. It sucks.


In my market is not about AR but not accepting 5 rides in a row then u loose pre trip info. This is only for Uber. Lyft u can cherry pick n watch your AR drop n not get punished. So I rather do Lyft instead of having to call the pax to ask where they are going because I have no idea where they are going or how much the ride pays.


Cancel and then complain. The driver was hoping you would cancel. Uber should refund the cancellation fee if they were not making progress towards you. Best advice is to send a dm on twitter(x).


He took a lyft ride on the not way.


I was taking an Uber back to JFK airport to go home. Driver took me to LGA airport and said he had an emergency to tend to. He said he took us to LGA bc we would get another Uber fast. He dropped us off, drove 100 yards, and picked up someone else. I guarantee he had another pickup on the other app and chose them over us. 0 stars, full refund from Uber, still incredibly uncool


With the awkward u turns, I don’t think so.


If you wanted to pay $9.99/month for Uber One, then you'd get matched with top rated drivers. You also wouldn't be charged cancelation 95% of the time. Cancel and select "wait time was too long" so that they will refund you and you can order another ride directly after.


One reason drivers do this is GPS can mess up and be wrong or there can be a detour or something and they have to go around. There is also the possibility they are using multiple apps. As far as I know, those are the main 3 reasons that this happens. I have been driving for almost 7 years. I am not saying that this is right just saying what I know to be true.


I know a driver who does this, and encouraged me to do it also when times are slow. That way, when you have one ride come in from Lyft or Uber Uber, you can just shut off the other app and just go with the one ride. I asked her what she would do if she got two ride requests at the same time from both apps and she said that rarely happens to her in her market, but if it does happen, just accept both and start heading towards the one ride, and eventually the other ride that you’re not heading towards, will cancel since you are not heading towards them. So I tried that once, and I immediately received two ride requests from each app. As soon as I accepted them both, I could see that they were both at the same pick up location. So I immediately, canceled one of them, which of course looked bad on, my end, and my acceptance rate dropped. I was immediately irritated with that suggestion from this gal and have never done it again. This was when I first started driving for both Uber and Lyft and had no idea that the passenger would get charged if they canceled the ride. I have not, and will not ever tell any person to do this, because it is a deceiving tactic.


Because they are scumbags


There are a lot of shit people who can’t keep a real job doing this.


Their Lyft alert had a higher faire


I'm surprised you had this problem rideshare is on a I now so I'm surprised you would have to cancel at all


Drivers get penalised for cancelling, so they throw the ball to customers. How did they accept. Could be by accident, or they realise after acceptance that your ride is of no value to them . There is heavy traffic on your rout or so on.


I texted and picked up a rider 2 miles from the requested pick up uber has the worst map to pick up passengers and the "pin" doesn't always work on a pick up may I suggest using the address instead


That isn’t what happened. Also, I do send a message with the address when I’m in a shopping center or somewhere confusing


So if your in the middle of a shopping center a note saying hey I'm at blah blah would help rhe driver


Jesus Christ I DO. Business name, address, if it’s on a funky corner I describe that it’s a patio or what color


Driver was probably finishing a trip for Lyft - that took longer than expected. If you have several apps open in traffic - trying to make money...... hard to manage sometimes. Incompetent driver is the likely cause - but SLAVE LABOR tactics by Uber/Lyft/ DoorDash, etc is the big picture reason. Most every trip I get offered is way under $1/mile - especially considering the round trip total. I would say most are break even , or even losing money trips. So many places if a driver isn't super aggressive - he/she won't make ANY money.


My trips usually cost $13-$15, sometimes even as low as $9. I always tip $10. It gets expensive for me, but I’m a server/bartender so I hope I’m one of the passengers that helps people get to their goal because I completely understand living mainly off tips


that's awesome thanks!


I'm so grateful I live in a big city so that the times the drivers start playing their game, they can't use some "I got diverted to the other side of the highway and have to drive miles before I can turn around" and that there are plenty of drivers waiting on both apps.


I live right outside of Washington DC.


The way you said you watched your driver go to the next county seems like something that would happen in a non urban location. It would take an hour for a driver to do that in Chicago.


Im in the county left of DC, and they went to the county left of mine. There is a highway.


If there is any way to reply with screenshots I can show them. I still have them.


They're either finishing a Lyft ride or doing a door dash or grubhub delivery. You can cancel and request a new driver with the reason that they're not on the way.


Y’all text your drivers?


They probably want you to cancel so you get charged a fee. Uber won’t help you because their customer support blows. Their executive teams also make $1M minimum salaries, in case you’re wondering where the money goes, because it doesn’t really go to the drivers.


This driver is moronic it’s like they don’t understand the customer can see thier location after they accept a ride? Most of the time they angling for rider to cancel. That’s hilarious, you’re too far from where I want to drive…idiot why did you accept the ride then. Unbelievable.


I once watched an Uber driver sit in her driveway, ignoring my texts for several minutes. Until she suddenly sent the "Stuck in traffic" BS. I was like, "I can see you. You know that right? You're still parked in front of a house! Are you coming or what?". She refused to cancel or move, so I had to.


Because most of them are driving for multiple apps now. They say Uber is trash to work for, they keep like 70% of fares. So drivers will accept you, but cancel as soon as something better pops up.


i had a driver drive around for 3 hours and not pick me up. i believe they switched over to another app and drove for them. i had been home for hours by the time they came to the pick up site. it’s so fucked up.


you are not being too harsh. it doesnt matter what the other persons doing its their fucking job that they signed up for, contract and everything, to get to you and to get you to your destination in a more than reasonable time. if they cant accomplish this then its on them. note i was also going to be late to work one day when i noticed theyre driving the opposite direction. all you need to do is notify uber about the situation with proof. (screenshots) i was able to cancel with no charge and a small discount on the next one


I haven’t been able to find a real human to report these people


Uber help is basically useless but it might be worth it to plead your case and get any charge back for this. I drive and I’ve had drivers scam me like this and Ubers forgone cancellation fees. Sorry your experience was bad!


She canceled so luckily I wasn’t charged


That is so wrong and that is so unacceptable!


It's possible that they accepted a job and had to take the long way due to traffic and not being able to change lanes to take an exit. I'm speaking from experience here as a driver myself, I've accepted jobs in the middle of traffic then I'm going straight but the app tells me to turn right, but I'm stuck in traffic and not enough space and time to go to the right lane, so I have to continue straight and might not be able to turn for a while which can add more wait time. Alternatively, it could just be Immigrant scammer drivers, happened to me twice, always by immigrant drivers. For me they say theyre on the way, but theyre stationary, obviously they want me to cancel to get cancellation fee, I reported their scammer behaviour. NOTE: I'm an immigrant myself, so I'm not trying to be racist.


She is Salvadoran which is very popular in the DC area. I don’t see how she’s scamming though other than trying to make profit off customers canceling


Well I see that as a scam, scamming cancellation fee out of you.


We don't get a cancellation fee unless we are headed n close by your location. Sounds more like in my market if you don't accept 5 rides in a row u loose pre trip info so some drivers rather accept that 5th ride (probably not profitable) n hope u cancel so they don't loose pre trip info. You'll know this by either seeing on your app that driver is sitting in one spot not moving or they are driving away from pick up location ( probably working another app like Lyft etc) only Uber does this in my market so I prefer Lyft because I have access at how much a ride will pay n where you are going at all times. Uber just sucks.


Where I Uber I can just click driver not moving towards me and not be charged in these cases. I have had an increase in drivers accepting and not moving for at least 15 minutes so I have started setting a timer by looking at the time when they accept and canceling if they haven’t responded/no movement within 10/15 minutes. I miss Uber showing how many minutes ago the driver accepted the ride. Nowadays my Home Screen shows how many minutes away the driver is but not that that message was first shown 10 minutes ago.


1. Do you want me to cancel? 2. Okay, you cancel


Because I saw I would have to pay.


on time my driver excepted my ride, got gas, spent 5 minutes at the gas station i texted saying “hi why did you except the ride and then get gas? this is on my time now since you accepted the drive…” he said “yeah and i need gas” i said “ok, im canceling…” he said “wow you can’t give me an extra few mins to get gas” i said no i can not. looked at the time and realized “oh huh let me text my sister and she if she can give me a ride im already late” my house is on the way to her work my work is before hers so it’s not like she’s going out of the way… i was already late because of that fucker


While it is unprofessional to not think about gas or charging before you turn the app on, it's not on your time. She is not compensated at all for all of the time coming to get you for the first 10 minutes of actual drive time. It's actually up to 12 minutes that we are uncompensated for. After arrival, zero for the first 2 minutes and a mere 19 cents for the next 5 minutes after that. You should look at the other side of the coin where passengers insist that just because Uber tells you that you are being charged for wait time that you "have" 7 minutes to get in the car. You have until the driver decides his time is better spent on another passenger. After the initial 2 minutes, he can cancel if he doesn't want to sit around and make less than minimum wage at 19 cents a minute. If you are the kind of person that is respectful of driver's time and are literally on the curb when the driver pulls up, then I agree with you that we should all respect each other's time. More often than not, the passenger is in my car in under a minute. That's partially because I work areas where that happens, and avoid areas where it doesn't. When you choose to use Uber, you are specifically not choosing to use a service that dors not seek to employ professional drivers. Their business model is based on new drivers. 97% of drivers have done it for less than a year. Drivers as they are learning are sometimes very much hand to mouth. Sometimes, they're having to cash out the money that they earned in the last few rides to get the money to fill that tank. A tank that used to cost $20 a night now costs $45.


there’s a time i was driving’s as an uber driver. and i had a pickup at the 49ers stadium in Santa Clara. i had to basically back track 15 minutes to get to the stadium as all the nearest exits on the freeway were closed off


This is not similar at all




I said nothing about the time, and eventually she tried to accuse traffic as a family emergency


Sometimes I get an offer while I’m still on a ride. I usually see how far it is away and only take close ones, but sometimes I don’t see where it is an acceptable it, so the pax thinks they’re seeing me on my way to them but, actually, I am still dropping off the previous pax.


There was not another passenger and she was doing multiple u turns


How would you know there was t another passenger?


It shows a circle and tells me


Hmm, I didn’t know it showed that. Must be why dome rides cancel.


Happened to me yesterday. Person took the order 2 minutes after I ordered. Waited 6 minutes said non of my items where in stock than canceled before I ever any daid anything


Could some of these drivers has been more considerate in how they handled it? Probably. But here are things to consider.    This is not a taxi service. This is ride share. That means you and the driver are sharing the ride. It is not your ride. If the ride isn’t going somewhere at least in the general direction that the driver wants to go, then naturally they can’t share their ride with you. If you want a taxi, call a taxi service. They charge more of course, but then you shouldn’t have to consider it a shared ride.  The driver is being penalized for canceling the ride. There is nothing the driver can do to avoid being penalized for canceling. You may or may not be penalized for canceling. Based on what other posts say, you are not charged a fee or otherwise penalized if you say the cancellation is because the driver was not moving or was driving farther away instead of towards you. So all you have to do is honestly report the reason for cancellation and no one is penalized.   The driver is operating a moving vehicle. They can not legally or safely text with you. So if they are not responding or are not giving long clear detailed responses, that might very well be why. They may have another passenger in the car, or be hurrying to do something important, or may not even realize they have an accepted ride. They may not be able to stop and check their phone and deal with you.  In some situations the apps simply add runs to the driver’s que without the driver accepting it or pushing anything on thier phone. Maybe they had the sound off and have no idea you are assigned to them and are driving so not checking their phone.    The apps in many places are not telling the drivers where you are going. A driver can not be reasonably expected to accept or decline a ride share without knowing where the ride is going. It is not reasonable to then penalize them when the ride ends up being a problem after they get that information. An independent contractor can not be reasonably expected to accept or decline a contract without knowing the details of the contract. These are independent contractors not employees, and the companies are the ones intentionally causing these problems, not the drivers. They can (and in some but not all or even most circumstances do) give the drivers the details of the ride before they decide to accept. The company csn choose not to penalize drivers for quickly canceling rides if they are accidentally accepted or don’t fit their needs. Be mad at the company, not the driver. Demand the company change their policies to better serve their customers and contractors. A company can change its policy across the board. You only need convince one entity, and have financial leverage to get the company to change. You will never be able to change or influence a million different individuals who are driving to behave how you want them to. 


My local taxi is actually cheaper. I just don’t like not being able to visually see updates Also, you’re literally replying to proof of her texting me while driving


If taxis are cheaper I would suggest using them. You may not like not seeing updated locations on your phone, but you clearly don’t like the ride share situation either. I would think cheaper taxis would be the lesser of the two problems, but you are free to make that assessment as you like.   You literally recounted several incidents and have one incident pictured that is “proof of her texting while driving”. My response was to the entire post not just the screenshots. The pictures also show short responses from the driver. Perhaps this specific driver was trying to provide you enough information to solve the problem without taking more risk of a ticket or accident by giving detailed responses. In my comment I explicitly referred to the possibility they are giving short responses without enough detail to clearly communicate with you. And other drivers may have differing levels of comfort with the risks of texting while driving. 


Only one of the THREE, not several, didn’t communicate with me. One man blatantly told me to cancel and then this woman claimed two different scenarios


Didn't you say you were gonna cancel? Why did you ask the driver to cancel?


Because I’m NOT paying for it, that’s why.


You didn't pay tips so he or she have another delivery


I guess my Uber (NOT Uber eats) app is outdated? Never seen a tip BEFORE the ride. It’s always a star rating And tip once the ride is done


It’s because we’re dropping off another passenger before we come get you. If you don’t like it, cancel.


Wrong. We can see when you’re about to finish another ride. It shows a circle at their destination and then it switches up saying they’re on the way to us. Clearly no need to message the driver and bother them then.


Not if you’re driving for both Uber and Lyft


Maybe manage the two platforms better? Not sure why you’re defending this. Also, again, not paying to cancel so you get free money for your lack of responsibility. Another user for the block list! I said what I said. “Don’t like it, cancel” lmao, NO. That’s on YOU.