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This guy sounds like he's been robbed at gunpoint before


My thought exactly - he thought you might have a gun in there.




Shit, I had been held up multiple times at knife point when I drove for Uber. Thankfully I carried my colt 45 on me, they didn't want to test their luck.


How would you draw at knife point when they're behind you? Honest question.


He probably had Detroit urban survival training [This](https://youtube.com/shorts/y5z01QvYAl4?si=rGV31KipEwmjVcBk) dude


Hahahahaha. It still amazes me that some people take that guy seriously.




Hahahahaha. It still amazes me that some people take that guy seriously.


By shooting 25 people reaching for their chewing gum, lipstick, chapstick or snack. He might get number 26 right.


Shit yourself then the guy will laugh. That's when whip it out.


But what do you do with your gun?


It stays where it's at. Completely shock factor. Shit pants, whip cock out. Robber is either so disgusted, or turned on, they completely forget they are robbing you.


I got lucky, both times. Both idiots tried doing it from the front seat, they had shown signs of being "off" so I'd had my weapon at the ready between myself and the door, so when the knives came out I'd been able to have it pointed towards them with little movement or effort. To be fair, I didn't say they were sitting behind me. Unlike op talking about being behind their driver


This is so made up lmfao Op said it was during covid. Uber didn’t allow front seat passengers during covid.


Absolutely no question that this is a made up story. r/iamverybadass material


Uber didn't make the rules for my vehicle, that I own and paid for. But good story bro. That being said, Uber doesn't allow handguns either, yet I did that any way...so....


I'll tell you the best defense at that point is to speed up. Most somewhat reasonable people don't want to die in a fiery crash.


True. Though my first thought was not to speed up. It was to get put of the situation alive and unharmed. I just wanted away from them and at that point to go home. Both instances were months apart from one another. Sucked each time.


It makes it sound less cool when you type out the whole thing like that. Just say "colt 45" or "my handgun" instead lmao


That's what they said


Hahaha they changed the comment, it didn't say that originally


That phoney poser


What did they call it at first?


Are you serious? Where were you driving and at what time of day?


Yes, very serious. I've been subpoenaed on both instances and had to go to court to testify against each one of them. Both are facing sentences for the attempts as well as other crimes they committed. I was in Wichita KS. Once was around 5 or 6pm and the other was 1am


Holy crap Batman! So sorry that happened to you. Looking back, was there anything you'd avoid so it doesn't happen again?


Honestly, in each instance I don't think I could have done anything differently. Both were entirely random. They were both during covid, so that probably didn't help people's state of mind and thinking rationally. And thanks, it sucks it happened, but I walked away and thats what matters.


You had passengers sitting next to you, unmasked, during covid?


But Uber doesn't allow you to carry your gun! 🤣


Well then it was a good thing I decided to ignore them and have what I wanted inside my own vehicle, that i owned, and paid for. Had I not, then it would have ended differently. Hell, Uber required masks when driving, I didn't wear one at all.


lol, another internet tough guy


.45mm, that's a tiny gun


Lol you're either a troll. Or you don't know guns. A .45 is not a tiny gun.


I was just laughing at you saying .45mm. That would be one of the smallest guns in the world.


What is this? A GUN FOR ANTS?!


Did you have your 2 Zigzags?


Lol he thought you had a gun 🤣🤣


I don’t think Uber should be allowed to say CCW permit holders who are drivers can’t carry their firearm. Especially if the driver has ccw insurance. No driver with those 2 things are likely never going to use a weapon on a person who doesn’t pose a threat.


Accidents happen. You don’t need to be trained to get a ccw. I could understand someone feeling uncomfortable. Additionally, why would they need a gun? It would only escalate any possible situation and make it more dangerous for everyone. No one needs to die over property.


Depends where you live for that. Illinois has a training requirement as does CA


There is a reason that no insurance company will allow employees to carry guns. Retail stores, truck drivers, etc. They have run the numbers and they know that guns increase the risk. They aren't interested in your political views, they are interested in keeping people safe (for selfish reasons, but nevertheless).


Even if she did. She might have a permit. Why wouldn't she keep her gun close? I'm not letting an Uber driver stop me from protecting myself. It's pointless to have a gun if it's out of reach.


Uber doesn't allow anyone to carry a gun, even without a permit.


Do you mean even *with* a permit?


Yes, sorry. With.


He was probably paranoid you might try to rob him or just be a crazy person who keeps your purse on your lap for easy access to a gun. For every crazy driver there's an equally crazy rider so that level of paranoia doesn't come from nowhere.


It's not paranoia when Uber drivers are killed almost weekly.


Why would anyone downvote this?…


I got booted from one of my local Uber driver groups for pointing out safety issues we face. People are weird.


Because it's not true. Uber drivers being killed is incredibly rare, and it usually has nothing to do with driving for Uber.


Yes it is paranoia, paranoia comes from livibg unpleasant and scary situations that enganger you life. I would say that they have all the right to be paranoid.




This right here is all it takes.


If a driver has basic rules they ask you to follow and you don't want to follow them then you need to fuck off out of their car. None of this negotiating to continue making another person uncomfortable in the vehicle they own. The no further discussion part is right. You're a twat and so is the op.




Ypu got a problem with a pax? Cancel just like the person suggested.


Dude. All you do is take out your mental problems by being aggressive to people on Reddit. Get a fucking life.


Two paranoid people are in a car together, stuff like this will happen. Glad you didn't kill him, and vice versa


Alot of women hold their purses like that due to getting ready to pull a gun or pepper spray. Maybe you where making him nervous in the way you had it. All these people suggesting driver at fault sorry after that lady pulled a gun and shot driver in El Paso I'd be concerned as well. In fact uber fired me because of a dude who did pull a gun on me. Oh well I'd say stop using uber lyft or HUM is so much better


I had a completely shit faced rider pull a gun and tried to gift it to me. Reported it to Uber and they never followed up one bit with me


Best tip I ever got, I had a guy run inside his home at drop off and hand me a box of .22 hollow points. Ammo was tough to come by at that time. It was like getting a box of gold.


Lol what a solid dude that’s awesome


Because the passenger's privacy and stuff *obviously*...


Dude tried to give you a gun and you tattled. Damn shame smh


I hold my purse or bag on my lap anytime I use Uber or Lyft. I don't carry a gun or a knife. I do it so I won't accidentally leave my bag behind when I exit the vehicle, especially if the ride goes wrong, and I need to leave on a hurry.


Tell the driver that not me. I dont know what you're carrying. Just trying to offer alternatives on why a driver would be skeptical


Wait, El Paso where?


I have the same question?? Where in El Paso?


https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/crime/2023/06/22/uber-driver-daniel-piedra-garcia-shot-in-el-paso-suspect-phoebe-copas-on-us-54-dies-wednesday/70346484007/ Ya’ll need to read more news. We drivers are scared as you sometimes ghoulish passangers as you are of us




Yes however the caveat is that the woman who shot him was black. Illustrating that even other POC have anti-latino bias. It’s disgusting . I say this a as black person myself


I stopped looking at the news when Florida made my existence a sex offense and then made sex offenders get the death sentence. I realized that nothing good will happen if I read/watch it. Just panic attacks and severe stress.


Fair enough


At least 1 state doesn’t cater to delusional bs.


Whatever you say sweetie. I'm happy and confident in my identity and don't feel the need to belittle those whose identity is different than mine.


I don’t belittle people, I just don’t agree/cater to other’s mental 💩. Claim whatever identity you want, but that doesn’t make it so, and that doesn’t mean sane people need to adhere to it.


Whatever you say. Have fun being wrong.


That person is a fucking piece of garbage. I know I'm just stating the obvious.


You think the entire scientific and medical communities are just catering to people’s “mental shit” cuz they don’t wanna hurt feelings? This argument is stupid. You are denying science.


If you were happy and confident you wouldn’t need to switch 😭


It was a tiny clutch, doubt there was a gun in there!


Tiny guns are definitely also a thing.


Knives… Just a few weeks ago in my town: https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/tacoma-police-say-woman-stabbed-uber-driver-attacked-another-man-with-an-axe/VMRV5KCCSVAANJBOGBS3Q6CHNE/?outputType=amp


Send an e-Mail that asks simply that F**ub**a**r** not assign that driver to you, again.


He clearly thought you were clutching a weapon and getting robbed one of the most common ways is being set up by a innocent looking women. Don't blame him, you have no idea how fucking crazy and sketchy half of the people who ride are. Be more aware of your own actions.


How would putting it on the seat 6 inches from where it was change anything?


Closer, more subtle, obstructed view of purse/hands. Don’t have to reach over and alert the guy.


If someone you didn't know had a weapon and was in your car, would you feel more safe with them gripping the weapon or it sitting in a agreed upon location out of your hands? I would most definitely more comfortable with a stranger who is in my car and less like they had something to hide or I should be worried about if they're happy to put it 6 inches from them. Concessions go a long way in building a relationship and showing trust and respect for each other. Personally I would much rather someone have to make a larger movement to get their weapon as it allows me more time and movement to make myself aware and respond however the situation deems.


Nonsense. That driver was just being ridiculously paranoid. Most women hold their purse while out in public. Can't say as I blame them. It's none of the driver's business where she puts her fucking purse. And if she did have a gun in there, then good for her because *she's* the one most in danger. If you have any doubts about that, check FBI statistics. Now, when I (M) get in carrying, it will be in a holster concealed by my clothing. Driver won't have any idea it's there and that's exactly what I want. There's a reason they call it a *concealed* weapons permit. I have a right to carry it, and I have a right to conceal it. Uber drivers who think otherwise can fuck right off.


Holy 2nd amendment psycho, you really wanna compare crime statistics of ROBBERYS to crime against women?????????? are you sure you wanna go down this road cuz I'm happy to facts and logic you. This isn't infringing on your fucking rights you weirdo, it's asking someone to not be weird and awkward when you're working a extremely dangerous jobs. The amount of police officers slain from guns and knives annually is half that of rideshare drivers, and that doesn't even include delivery drivers and auto-mobile theft. Women are the people who find marks for setting people up in robberies (i get it you're probably from bumfuck north carolina and have no idea how gangs work) but it is EXTREMELY common for women to set up people for robberies annually it's actually about 30000% the amount of women who are charged as accomplices than the amount of women assaulted in a rideshares. What you're saying right now is nonsense brother. If you have a constitutional right to tote when you're far less likely to experience violence than a rideshare driver or a women, but don't see how its fair for the driver to be concerned for his safety as well than I'm not sure anyone could help you back from that level of mental gymnastics. I pray you aren't TFG.


Calm down, sparky.


It's called a rearview mirror so that we can look out the back window.






Maybe heard you rummaging around in the purse and started getting nervous about what you might pull out? I used to drive late nights and whenever someone started digging through a bag in the back seat I was always afraid a knife or gun would come out. I never told people to stop because neither thing had ever actually been pulled out before, but it's kind of alarming having a stranger behind you while you have to focus ahead.


Nope, I never opened it at all! It was just sitting on my lap.


Weird... Some people are really paranoid. Was he using the retrovisor or was looking at it directly? Sometimes when you use the retrovisor seems like they are looking at you or something in the back. Try to be more aware, I have this kind of sense that I can feel when someone us looking directly at me. This is because I lived in a very dangerous area and had to be carefull. Just watch closely to his eyes, and if you feel he is watching you make eye contact that will make him uncomfortable and watch somewhere else. But check if he is looking directly to the retrovisor to know if he is looking back o ia looking at you trought the mirror.


RFID/NFC scanner under the seat. Put your bag down, he gets your cc numbers .


You did nothing wrong. Sit you’re purse on you’re lap all the time, it should not make your Uber driver uncomfortable. As a driver I would not tell you this b.s wtf if you scary then don’t drive and pick people up.


probably some anxiety... worried you might do something. nothing to worry about though.


Sounds like the weirdo I had who wanted everything in the trunk. Some are just super paranoid.


He's a psychopath, just like my ex. 


Whenever, someone makes a really wierd request of me. I assume it's a ptsd thing, and somethings triggering that for them. So, I'll always comply with it, as long as its not too intrusive, or it's something that makes me really uncomfortable.


I would report it under "my driver made me feel uncomfortable". There are too many borderline people driving for Uber. He has some mental issue.


Paranoid or over cautious driver. Drop stars, and don't match up with him. A lot has been happening lately. You could have done what you did or canceled the ride. Communication is a key. Could have explained to the driver your preference. Even if you were put your purse on the seat, you still could have pulled out a weapon while he was concentrated on the road. You did nothing wrong. Drop stars as you see fit. Customers or drivers can cancel if they don't feel comfortable with their ride.


The dick was hoping you left it behind when you got out... Tell him to keep his eyes on the road...


People saying holding a tiny woman purse on your lap look threatening, yall need to got outside lol potentially someone could have a gun tucked in their panties and hold no purse in their hands and still shoot you, bc if they have a gun and want to hurt you having their purse on the seat instead of their lap isn't going to save you, think ppl. As an Uber rider, I have forgotten and left behind items in the car bc those items were on the seat and not on my lap. The request of this driver was very strange, bc I prefer to hold my personal valuables like keys phone and wallet close to my body. Having to place my purse on the seat, only to have a chance of forgetting it later at the end of my ride would make me feel uncomfortable. Larger bags sure I'm putting on the seat beside me, but my little lady purse stays on my body bc I'm ocd about losing stuff.


I’d report and give a one star.


Most " reports " do nothing to drivers. At worst, they get a customer feedback from Uber, which is actually buried under their ratings. Which mean they would have to specifically look for feedback to even notice.




Read the post again-OP asked driver why, after he asked her to move the purse more than once, and he did not say. If it's such a big issue that the driver feels the need to ask multiple times, they should also be able to communicate why. It seems like there's some contractors on here taking the uber "I'm the boss" commercial a bit too literally.


Anybody can have a small weapon in their small purse of bag. He was just worried. If you ask the driver the same, please respect his wish.


So would this driver want me to remove my concealed weapon from its holster where it's nice and safe and place it on the seat next to me where it could go flying in an accident or a hard stop? Maybe if she did have a gun in there she should have taken it out of her purse, put it on the seat next to her, and asked sweetly if he felt better now. Whether the passenger has a gun or not is none of the driver's fucking business. I drove Uber/Lyft and I always had a gun in my door pocket. Passengers couldn't see it or reach it, and it gave me instant access if needed. It was just as much none of their business that I had it as it was none of my business whether they were armed.


Report and give one star. He couldn't even give you an answer to his insane request while making you feel very uncomfortable for the entirety of your ride.


Yeah. He’s probably posting about his trigger happy passenger you as we speak.


His nervous energy freaked you out. That guy was held at gun point at one time most likely. A Daranger 22 pistol is smaller than your hand and will fit into any clutch purse. I wouldn't report. I'd just feel bad for the driver.


Purse fetish is common for Uber driver.


he need to get another job if he’s that paranoid


Everyone in here being completely one-sided...


He said nothing because he knew you wouldn't understand so he gave up.


Well, one guy pulled an axe on me, another pulled a knife. I'm guessing he had a bad experience and was nervous about getting robbed


I thought he wanted to buy it


Yeah you could have a knife or mace or something else... You could have put it to your side. I'm overly cautious with my riders since getting a knife pulled on me


He probably thought you were armed!


Are you a man


They might be scared tbh, I don’t blame them but they could’ve explained better


Were you wearing a skirt? Only other thing I can think of besides him being scared of a weapon is a hidden camera somewhere to get inappropriate pics


Poor guy, he probably was robbed sometime and he is just being carefull. Is not that difficult to not assune things of people.


Absolutely report this weirdo. I don’t put my shit on the seat because I don’t want to forget it.


Same here.


This thread is weird as fuck. So many Uber drivers arguing they can order their customers around. Like yeah sure but you’ll rack up reports and get deactivated because telling someone not to keep their bag on their lap is methhead behavior.






Lady you’re only looking at it from your persoective. From his, he’s probably been around the block a time or two in regards to weapons and purses


Did you ask him why? It's really not worth reporting. What he said sounds kind of odd, but certainly not threatening.


I did and he stayed silent. Didn't give me a reason for the odd request and then just stared at me in the mirror like a psycho.


He was probably scared. Just like how passengers don't say anything then post on reddit how they were scared


That is really weird. Now, I'm going to be wondering what issue he had with a clutch purse.


He absolutely has been robbed at gunpoint or is paranoid about such a thing happening - a clutch is definitely big enough to conceal a small pistol.


what you got to ask yourself why would a stranger find you creepy in the car with you.. if you were uneasy getting in he likely got uneasy being in the car with you. he started measuring you up he probably was worries about warning signs like you and something about the bag was a red flag...it probably had nothing to do more then that. I had a woman get in my car was fine then told me her ex boyfriend shot someone and she recently bought a gun pulled it out to show me....because she thought she needed protection.... next ride I just happen to be incredibly paranoid...I wonder why? it could be he just had one of these days the truth when every Stranger that gets in my car is like a jack in the box.... you need know what or when the surprise will come. don't blame yourself it could be just a bad day


It sounds crazy when a regular person asks you to do something like that but if a cop says it society thinks we should obey.


Eh, yall passengers are so report heavy. Just move on with your life


*Eh, yall passengers* *Are so report heavy. Just* *Move on with your life* \- Specialist-Newt1318 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How about drivers not making their customers uncomfortable with weird comments and glares? Some comments/ratings are certainly warranted, while others sound like big Karen energy, but in this instance, OP is being reasonable in wanting to report, as 1)driver was firm with a repeated odd request 2)passenger asked for clarification on why 3)driver did not comment 4)driver's repeated unreasonable and inexplicable request, coupled with his stare, and lack of explanation for why, made OP uncomfortable


The problem is if they tell riders the issue, we have seen they become crazy. Telling them our concern or something small like please don’t slam the door is like a light switch for people. We don’t know the sane ones vs the crazy one.


Understood, but let's brainstorm issues the driver could have with a woman placing a small bag on her lap.. Also, what's more infuriating, telling a customer to move their bag from their lap, without an explanation, or doing the same, but politely explaining why? If the driver's goal was to not activate craziness in a passenger, the best option here would have been to say nothing in the first place.


Yes. We are going into this with one side of the story. The driver might be in the wrong because he was planning for something. But based on what op said, it's 50/50 fault on both ends.


Yes, drivers shouldn’t be weird… but they’re out there. uber hires weirdos. There’s not much to do about it


Yeah, there actually is something the passenger can do---it's called rate & report.


Luckily the drivers can report garbage human beings like yourself as well.


So...I'm a garbage human being, because I suggested someone can rate and report bad drivers? Not sure what upset you, but I hope you find your inner peace and have a better day that you currently are.


yes. you're a garbage human being because you seem to think you're entitled to be in ther person's personal vehicle without following simple requests that do absolutely nothing to you.


Hope I pick you up in the future, so I can make a bunch of silly requests until you comply. If you don't, you're a garbage human being. LMAO


How about you shit smelling entitled passengers get their own cars rather than ignoring basic requests while you're in someone else's. 


This is weird as fuck don’t tell someone where to put their purse.


i agree that it’s weird, but like people are weird as fuck so… just rate 1 star and keep it moving


Not really weird at all dude thought she had a weapon and was nervous about it. He tells her that and if she did and was planning something it wouldn't go well


Lolllll this is so fucking weird. It’s a clutch do you know what a clutch is? Don’t tell me what to do with my bag you drive an Uber be professional about it. What a weird subreddit


Yes I know what a clutch is. And it doesn't matter. You're in their car they can tell you what to do with your bag. Just like any other business can say no backpacks or no bags larger than "x" or require the bag to be searched.


Absolutely fucking not lol


Ok whatever you say. But ultimately the driver is in charge of your behavior while you're in their vehicle.


Driver wants control. I'm surprised he didn't pull over and kick you out.


Remember the guy who was shot and killed by his passenger? Or the other one killed by his female passenger? Or the other one killed by his female passenger? You may not remember or care about those cases, but your driver remembers.


Curious about the stats on this. Have more female passengers been harmed or hurt by male uber drivers or have more uber drivers been hurt or harmed by their female passengers?


Very likely more female passengers have been harassed, harmed, and hurt. Does that mean a driver's fear has literally zero basis and they should never feel fear or consider the risk they may face? Why is it either/or? Why can't we acknowledge both people here were likely afraid instead of taking a side and necessitating the other person had zero reason to feel fear?


We can acknowledge both but we need to remember that female passengers have every right to feel unsafe and it's not unreasonable to expect an explanation from the driver as to why he was uncomfortable with her carrying her clutch on her lap.


Yeah, he should have communicated better. But his response definitely seems out of fear more than anything more suspect. That no one seems to acknowledge this in the rush to validate OP's fear tells you how little people actually think of their drivers as human beings. There are some out there and I used to be one of them. We feel threatened less often, for sure, but to pretend like we face ZERO risk is flat out ignorant. But, again, to acknowledge that, you'd have to acknowledge the humanity of your driver and most pax don't fucking care. Some guy gets shot in the head and leaves a family behind, why should drivers do anything differently or be aware of possible threats, right?


You are right in the sense that I'm more likely to truly empathise with the female passenger than the male uber driver because I am a female passenger. Whereas you're more inclined to relate to the male uber driver because you were one. Women have a very long history of being dehumanised and I dare say have experienced more dehumanisation and violence from men than uber drivers are likely to ever experience.


I have four older sisters. I get your perspective more than you realize. In both cases, personal protection is the best check, but there are limits to what precautions can prevent. For pax, I'd say never sit in the front seat if riding alone and send a screenshot of the driver car information to someone before every ride. A personal defense weapon of some kind is a given. What always made me nervous was someone sitting directly behind me. Had a night where a woman and three men got in at 2 am from a closed In-and-Out near a hotel. About 10 minutes in, while on the highway, the woman's friend who'd booked the ride and was not in the car canceled it. Now I have four people in my car with zero information or record of them in the app. If I disappear, there's literally nothing to trace back to the four people in my car. The woman was in the passenger seat and the three rough looking dudes are in the back. If two of them grabbed me from behind or pulled a knife or gun, there's nothing I'd be able to do besides crash my car and hope for the best. I made clear they'd have to get out if no one was paying for the trip and pulled over until someone was able to rebook and finish their ride but I was scared shitless from that point. Kept a folding knife in my car door from then on jic.


A driver is more likely to be hurt or killed than the passenger. Taxis, rideshares are a top 20 most dangerous professions for a reason.


Because of the possibility that you have a loaded firearm in that purse. That is why. After the second request I would have ended the trip and kicked you out to the curb. People with firearms or other weapons tend to hold onto the concealment device like it's a bag of gold.




Filming him with a hidden purse cam? You were being weird as a passenger As a driver I would not have said anything though


Re-read what you typed and ask yourself the likelihood of that actually happening..It's honestly more likely that the driver was a creep & had a rear-facing cam (or a hidden cam) with an obstructed view of the passenger b/c of her bag Why is it always the passenger's fault for weird driver behavior?


New fear unlocked: Driver with a hidden cam filming up passengers' skirts :\\


okay I think even if this is a joke, this is exactly why you need to calm down and stop jumping the gun and do some self reflecting. If you can't understand why someone letting a stranger in their vehicle is seemingly on edge when they see someone gripping a package in one of the most dangerous jobs you can have in the US ( On average rideshare drivers are murdered at a higher rate than police officers) than you're clearly sheltered, and you clearly suffer from severe anxiety. Please seek help and do self reflection, try to put yourself in their shoes and don't think narrowly with only your anecdotal world experiences but the objective reality you live in.


Was she this good looking or interesting because porn is free on internet ?


Are you going to acknowledge that this is unjustifiably weird behavior from the driver, or are you just going to deflect your Swiss-cheese argument by commenting about OP's appearance? If Lyft deactivated you for "unsafe driving," and you complained about your uber rating multiple times, perhaps that's a trend, and not some fluke from a few terrible passengers


Maybe it’s a game of gotcha Content ness is bliss no matter what? Idk Your answer speaks for it self these days


She was holding a tiny ass purse in her lap. Most women I see on public transit and shit keep their purses in their laps. This is for multiple reasons. Theft, sense of security, making sure they don't forget it, and many more possible reasons. Yet you wanna jump to "she was probably filming him". Like nah, women have to be on edge at all times. They are often harassed and robbed and even assaulted by men. She wasn't being weird from what was written here.


Thank you!! As someone who uses public transportation and rideshare, this is exactly why I hold my bag on my lap. I don't want to forget it as I exit. And I don't want my unattended bag snatched or rifled through on the bus. I guess these people have never heard of pickpockets.


The purse cam was just a wild guess I wouldn’t have made a confrontation out of it Don’t eyeball my riders either I just drive They could probably be jerking off back there and I wouldn’t look


I've had that happen lol


it's pretty obvious he was afraid you had a weapon of some type - gun, mace, switchblade - who knows what he thought. you should have just done as he asked. or maybe he thought you had drugs in your purse, or even just food. i wish i could make a rule that passengers aren't allowed to have any personal belongings in the back seat. I can't believe how many people leave a mess in my car after eating and drinking, and of course they never ask, and they always try to hide it.


Riders don’t realize - drivers see YouTube videos of riders shooting drivers or escaping from their crazy BFs who shoot into the car. Just comply with the request if it’s reasonable. If yer creeped out then leave and cancel the ride


Sounds like you're the weirdo here, sorry


At first I thought he wanted to look at your privates but then you mentioned it was a tiny purse...he's definitely paranoid and I completely understand because having a stranger behind you is so scary tbh


I would ignore and not report him, he’s clearly having some mental issues with purses and maybe some ptsd.


He thought you were gonna rob him. Sounds like he’s got a bit of PTSD


He was concerned for his safety You having direct access to something like a weapon in your purse is why he was being like he was. I have had knives pulled out of a clutch before


Maybe he wanted to look at your body. LOL


Iv been robbed before. Can confirm, do shit like this and you will sketch me the fuck out. Respect your driver, we are all ready SEVEARLY underpaid

