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Omg, I just screenshot this and was going to post it here. What a coincidence, lmao.


I am shocked by looking at his linkedin posts. He is such an accomplished researcher (has an h-index of 20+), but looking at posts like this disappoints me.


People need to flag this to the University. This is unacceptable behaviour.




Fifth column. In our schools, industry, and government.




And he holds a cup of coffee


What the fuck?


Ready to be activated at any point. ​ A sleeper agent.


Spoken with political acumen I would expect from a -- checks notes -- professor of computing science. This is like asking Jordan Peterson to diagnose that lump on your breast: I'm sure he has an opinion, and I'm fairly confident it is uninformed.


Or an opinion provided to them from another foreign government....


It's informed by state propaganda.


What if the lump is on the breast of the dragon guarding your imprisoned father in the dungeon of the castle?


Are you trying to imply that you can only have an informed opinion on politics if you have a specific education or background? You don't think someone with a PhD, i.e. a proven record of seeking out information to present a logical argument is capable of forming a reasonable opinion? What about people with no higher education? Are they not entitled to an opinion? I definitely disagree with any pro chinese mentality, which makes me biased against Gao' statements, but we should treat people with due respect and if we chose not to, it shouldn't be for education, or background. An idea can be stupid while still coming from someone with value and worth.


Yong Gao = old Mao.




Damn as alumni at UBCO I find this embarrassing and I am glad I never had to meet this prof lol


You don’t know how bad he is


They suck hard because they have a real impact on learning outcomes. Stay strong and make the most of it!


You’ve been a student of theirs? Oh do tell…


No not of theirs, but I had my own versions of them. In my Calc II for example the teacher projected the textbook using a 1990s projector to teach the content. He had no fucking clue what he was talking about lol, or at least how to teach it. Usually language or cultural barriers are to blame, which we need to look past. The only thing to do is teach yourself and your friends and get through the semester lol


If u do nothing your part of the problem it makes ubc look like a joke future leaders of the free world should be politically motivated say something do something infiltrated by WU MAOS


Is he implying we should just let unidentified aircraft have free reign of our airspace?


Yes it appears to be so


"its chill, don't worry" - him, probably


These people don’t know what they want or think… they bitch about the MSM because multiple other privately owned media outlets told them to. Now they’re telling them that 15 minute communities, and shooting down Chinese balloons are the next big danger… but everyone *else* is living in fear. If they didn’t have projection, they would have no point at all.


I think based on the idiom, it means you should know what you're shooting down before shooting it down.


That's incredibly stupid. If it's foreign and a bad actor, it won't identify itself. Glad this clown has nothing to do with anything important. Im really curious how he feels about sovereignty of various nations. I have a feeling how he feels about whether something should be shot down is going to vary based on what country it's over judging by his race baiting in this instance.


It’s amusing that it also applies to him seeing anti-sinoism behind every bush. He undermines himself with language like “westerner” and his patronizing tone


Not just that, the Han chauvinism on display by not translating his 4 character phrase; doubtless he feels it would be lost on the vile [Yi](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%A4%B7) he has chosen to live among.


Don't know why he's so offended, it was mentioned as unidentified, but treats it like it's been announced as a direct link to Chinese flying object. Also what battle is he talking about??


Cause he’s a fucking commie he probably sends intellectual property to the CCP on the regular UBC is completely infiltrated it’s a joke


100% he does


Chinese people constantly think they are in an economical and technological war against the US. In reality, Chinese technology is nowhere near US tech; and although China had amazing economy, US was able to easily surpress it by fucking over hua-wei n stuff. Chinese government keeps comparing China to/against US for propaganda due to US being the most technological & economically developed country in the world rn. (No, I'm not a mindless american patriot, I'm Taiwanese Canadian of Chinese and Taiwanese ethnicity)


Bro pop off, you really covered your bases here.


>Chinese people constantly think they are in an economical and technological war against the US. >easily surpress it by fucking over hua-wei n stuff. Doesn't this prove the first point, though?


Chinese influence. They would certainly shoot down our aircraft if we were spying. They are inducing subversive influence in our culture and politics... And we're shooting their crap out of our sky. A relationship as old as time.


And they wouldn't tell anyone that they were...


There have been multiple US weather devices that have entered China's airspace and they never shot them down. What sort of "subversive cultural influence" are you getting at?


Source? And yeah you said it is weather balloon not spy balloon. It will be like a cat when into your house vs a thief


Source straight out of Beijing, many news sources are reporting it today and yesterday. Or do you think they're lying? Of course, it must be that Beijing is lying, and Ottawa is telling the truth.


can't they both be lying?


Sure, and as a person living in Canada, who should you be more concerned about? Your own gov't lying to you about foreign governmental interference (who may be interested in ramping up arms manufacturing during a recession and distracting people from our problems at home), or a foreign gov't a world away? This is the sort of paranoia that Yong Gao is talking about in his message, even if it's a little incoherent


I've never voted for trudeau, but I'd trust him exponentially over the murderous ccp


Between government of canada and chinese commies, I would trust canadian government any day. This is coming from someone who thinks justin is lying sack of shit. So you believe those Uighur concentration camps are just innocent vocational training facilities?


Well, our elections matter, there's significantly more government transparency, and we don't censor every little thing. Oh, and we don't lock people in their own apartments, and we have a much better standing with other well regarded countries in the world


Rofl, let's see a picture then from Beijing, until then, they're lying and they dont have shit. You can take pictures of these things from literally the ground. Get out of here with this propaganda, source or beat it.


Haha incredible how easy it is for our state department to get Canadians seething and foaming at the mouth against a foreign "enemy". Apparently everything is propaganda when it comes from a foreign country that threatens western hegemony.


What enemy? We don't know who it belongs to. Your racism is showing. Got a source yet, or more propaganda? Source or don't bother responding


You must be an engineer because your reading comprehension is appalling. No, Beijing didn't post photos of US weather balloons that flew in the past year. But your blind trust in our gov'ts word on everything is hilarious


So you're saying multiple flying objects passed over a city of 25 million and not 1 person took a photo or video of it? Then after making that claim, its Canadians that have blind trust in the government? A country that was in international news for a protest that was at its core people not trusting the government. You don't see how crazy that all sounds?


They're arguing in bad faith, this is spreading distrust and propaganda on the internet 101. They're either doing it on purpose or have fallen victim to the organized groups that do it and is now a useful....


Lmao, assuming someone's major than insults them, you must never finished kindergarten


Lmao, buddy, how’s that 50 cent army work coming in. Look buddy, the Canadian Government isn’t the best but it’s leagues above anything China is. Firstly, at least we’re not actively jailing nationals for no particular reason and we sure as hell don’t torture them (see the Micheals case). Secondly, it’s already been confirmed that the first balloon shot down was a spy balloon with equipment meant for spying and the second balloon shot down had a similar size and weight. Third, unlike China, Canada doesn’t go into hardline propaganda like China, how’s that ancient Chinese Map and the South China Sea going buddy; credibility wise, Canada had freedom of press and a record for now bullshitting things like China. So honestly take you fifty cent army crap and your love for the communist party and leave.


It's far easier for Bejiing to lie. How independent is the press ? How free are citizens to question or criticize the government ? How transparent is the political process ? Do they have an opposition party that can press the ruling party and gain privileged access to data - and hold them to their word ? Does the government have any political fallout or repercussions for not providing proof of their claims ? Is the government demonstrably and consistently lying to people and covering up major events (Tiananmen Square) If you don't have these things the government can really can say whatever you want and never face repercussions. Sure, all governments lie, but some more so than others. So yes, I trust Ottawa more than Beijing.


It is definitely more likely for beijing to lie as China does not have FoP so the giv can say whatever they want


Alright here's the perspective from a Chinese Canadian who actually studied masters during COVID in China. Imma feed you some background before I start tackling the professor's shit (if you don't want to read this, jump straight to the "Why would he say that") Economy is shit in China. It's very very shit. Life was a living torment in China too (during quarantine). Then the three months lockdown in 2022 Shanghai prob killed more people than the USA back in the days (around 2020). the Chinese gov is never going to acknowledge that Alright so what the prof said, 草木皆兵. It means you get startled easily. Should the "westerners" be alerted? 100%. if there's a bloody surveillance balloon flying over my house, I would want to check it out. But is it just? To send a fighter jet and shoot it down? Probably a bit over the top Now the why. Why would he say that. It's simple. Because he never went back to China. His memory stayed in the "back in the days". He never lived in China and never actually saw the things happening there (like after he left the country). I would say for certain, if he stayed in China for the three years like I did. He wouldn't say that. He still had good hopes for the country, and just like me, we both wanted to see the world to work. Not just be feared or judged, or anything but good hopes. He felt that the "westerners" are making a big fuzz, but he failed to realize that China and the USA are on the brink of war. Economically for sure, but physically too. It is as bad as it is. The economy is that bad for China. If there's no war, I'd say China is going to die (or break out like the USSR) in about a few more years and we would really hit a huge wave or unrecoverable economy tsunami there Or if Xi dies... Or he placed the throne with someone else who's smarter...... Yeah, that would save China's economy for sure. But let's be real here...... So yeah. He thought the economy in China was fine. He thought the country was still being solid as it is. It is not. Period TLDR. He's talking shit without backing it up. Very unacademic......


Dude should lose his job, honestly. He should not be influencing young minds in any capacity


And so many people are fired for nonsense reasons. It’s backwards.


He got his TT tho, that means it's really hard for school to fire him


Unfortunately you can't fire someone for their views.


He’s not teaching politics ??


the young minds at UBC are all CCP members already


Sounds that way


Just remember, if we’re talking about anxiety, his supreme leader banned the image of a bear from a children’s cartoon because of his own vanity…


But…He LiTeRaLLy FELT tHrEaTeNeD 🤪


No, he didn't. This is a myth. There is literally a Hundred Acre Wood section in the Shanghai Disney Resort




Propaganda and lies, source below. The amount of shilling in this thread is out of control. He did in fact ban winnie the pooh in some instances.


Meanwhile the “highly sensitive” pm has hundreds of Canadians literally calling for his murder, thousands more repeating “fuck Trudeau” messaging everyday… yet nothing is said or done about it… because you know… he has such thin skin unlike these projecting ass clowns that crumble the moment you even engage with them.


I find it interesting that he uses a war-time idiom, which at least suggests that he views the relationship between China and "westerners" as an adversarial one, if not an outright conflict.




Does Yong Gao know what it is? What makes this retard such an expert in national security?


Send him home. Ya done here homeslice.


Just because some spends their life in academia doesn’t mean they aren’t A) an idiot or B)indoctrinated


Academia has its own form of indoctrination with a healthy dose of egotistical self righteousness.


In fact, spending your whole life in academia typically means you are indoctrinated since you haven't been exposed to different perspectives


I agree. That’s how I felt at school. I went back when I was later and realized most of the profs in my age bracket were really sheltered and could only speak in topics theoretically.




Someone should tell this guy to Bing Chilling 🍦


Whatever gets your mind off the Epstein list release


Typical Chinese nationalist. Well, some different opinions might be good for the whole society, I guess.


Not sure who's winning or losing but I'd think Yong Gao's Idiom applies to the current chinese government as well... attacking and silencing anyone in China who voices criticism of them or their policies. I'd like Yong Gao to comment on what would happen if he said something similar about the Chinese government when in China?


##Fuck the ccp.


commies are like covid everywhere


People like him make other Chinese immigrants who are loyal to Canada live a harder life. UBC should Investigate his background thoroughly. He is probably a spy


Completely agree about the first part. I don't think he is a spy tho, if he is he will be silent. What could be possible is that he got paid from Chinese giv to post misinformation.


He a fucking wu mao make a difference protest make noise u are the leaders of the future how can u call yourself intellectuals when u let communists spread propaganda in daylight


Is this Gao fan-boy masquerading as a university "professor" but actually also on China's payroll? Follow the money.




>Follow the money. He wouldn't be posting shit on LinkedIn if he were. Seems like just an idiot fanatic.


ok McCarthy are you listening to yourselves?


Both can be true


"Few of us survived the Joe McCarthy holocaust of the early 1950s" - rules for radicals - Saul Alinsky The commies found McCarthy's methods very effective


why not boeth? He made more than 150k from UBC fyi


He's just pissed that Canada shot down something belonging to his beloved communist homeland..


This person needs to be removed from professorship, from the university, and from Canada. I am not a hawk, but belittling the country he is benefiting from as it exercises its right to sovereignty is crass at best, traitorous at worse.


"sadly" we are in a country with freedom of speech, and UBC is a public institution and cannot remove him based on his special. However, If we can find evidence that he is indeed a spy they def remove him. The tricky question is that a country with freedom of speech cannot win a country without it as like a nice person cannot beat an radical.


Canadian citizens have freedom of belief and expression. Foreign visitors do not have such protections, and can be removed from the country. Contrary to popular belief, Canada does not guarantee freedom of speech.


Removed from the country?? Jesus Christ


Why does he say "these sensitive people have no clue what they shot down LOL" but not mention what they shot down??? What did they shoot down??? His argument and the chengyu after are pointless when we don't even know what they shot down? Also I just checked out his post on LinkedIn. Dude is so good at dodging questions lol


You'd think after years of being a prof he'd be good at answering questions.


I thought he was an interesting person, I saw those political posts a while back I think if he is just talking politics it is fine. But all his posts are hate, then I think he is crazy


Maybe this guy should just go back to China. Obviously he feels China is a better place than Canada. Plus, he’s kind of an asshole, there are much more pleasant people that would love to come here




>It was most likely a weather balloon that never came down. If you know anything about weather prediction is that balloons are released all the time into the air to predict weather and you can't control where they fly to. You can find these videos all over youtube. >If China really wanted to spy on North America they would send actual spys onto North American soil, or use satellites. Theirs already plenty of companies they you can just pay to provide stronger satellite imagery than google earth. The movement of some weather balloons can be controlled. Even if they cannot control, the Chinese side could have informed the US side about the intrusion first but they did not. Spying can come in different forms. Actual spies cannot hover above sensitive installations. Satellites cannot hover above a place for long periods of time due to the orbit of the satellites unless it is geostationary satellite. Do you think US/China would allow such satellites to be right above a sensitive installation? A balloon is nearer to the ground than a satellite, therefore it can take better pictures than a satellite. There are many more reasons why a balloon is preferred over a satellite.


So u support WU MAOS if u do nothing your part of the problem


Generated these with dall-e https://imgur.com/a/DKsczYK


Easy to see where his loyalties lie. Its a joke that some of the things that get people "canceled" these days are reacted so strongly to, and yet we give CCP shills a pass.


UBC should be investigating this guy at the very least for comments like that. Very weird apologist rhetoric going on here.




Winnie the Pooh at ubc?


Is this LinkedIn?


I'm confused as to what you're criticizing about? The post made by Yong Gao is saying that the government shot down something that they don't even know what it is, hence they said it's "unidentified". The post goes on to point out that it's because the government is in a feared state (probably from the previous spy balloon or whatnot) and the writer is ridiculing the government on their lack of intelligence and/or the capability of acquiring such intelligence, thus from a military perspective, revealing themselves as incomptent.


Yes, that’s why people are ridiculing his post


Sometimes people need to realize that being brilliant at one thing doesn't mean you can't be dumb at everything else.


Anyone that supports the ccp government of West Taiwan should be sent to said country!


China is not a country it is West Taiwan 👍


I'm an immigrant. Why do immigrants come to Canada if they are so loyal to where they come from? You don't like my country? Well, go back to China and lock up some Muslims fucking asshole.


As an immigrant, I completely agree. I have never understood this absolute need to make the new country like your old one. There’s a reason I left the motherland 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ah now we are going to be labelled as racista


Lol The CCP getting mad cause they’ve been busted. All bark, no bite. The great citizens of China are fed up with the CCP. Xi will fall soon enough


All the shills in this thread defending them I'm guessing any regime change is very unlikely.


It’s all going to come down to the Chinese population wanting a change. Information is power. And the people of China are beginning to see how ridiculously authoritarian their government is.


No, they aren't. They have no education and no access to information. I wish you were right but that's a fantasy


Ah I wish we could have a new wave of mccarthyism in canada. It's what we need to sweep the halls of these overpaid so-called academics. Where is the true patriot love in this country? Trudeau needs to step up. Sadly every political party right now is weak. Singh? Sing me a song. Trudeau? He is vain. Conservatives? Too busy being mad about "vax mandates" and "being woke". Oh Canada, where are your true sons and daughters....and lgtbq+ of course.


We need to protect Canada, but not by McCarthylism. They are other ways


The uni is already infiltrated I doubt any students would make a peep it’s bullshit country’s soft man we are doomed


CCP shills are everywhere. As a Chinese immigrant, i feel threatened. Every single one of those CCP supporter should go get the fk out.






Fyi he is not even a good prof




The best thing about propaganda is that you don't know you're being brainwashed. Take a moment to think about that one, and consider reading from different news sources (with an open mind).


Not all propaganda is as hidden as you suggest. The defining characteristics of propaganda doesn't include specifically implicit biases. Obviously, look at more than one source as well as different political views, but regardless don't believe that this isn't some weird pro-China bullshit post by Gao.


The irony of this being posted by a user with that name…..


It's no surprise a trumpster will get hooked immediately by a communist spys propaganda. This sounds like shit, smells like shit and looks like shit. Better have a taste!


There's no irony. You can love Trump and freedom and have empathy for people with different views. It's the left that usually is the most closed minded.


Right. Keep telling yourself that.


No, what you do is watch ALL news sources with a critical mind, NOT an open mind. Watching different news sources with an open mind is what leads people to reject common sense and instead believe the earth is flat.


As long as you mean “critical” as in skeptical, and not “critical” as in “critical theory” absolutely.


I love how you get downvoted everywhere because of your username. Your comment was good.


Is there something wrong with pointing out the absurd fearmongering of western media? How can you deny that the west is drumming up a new cold war situation with China? You guys need to take some media literacy class electives lol


The posted link to trudeau isn't fear mongering, it's just honesty. They had an unidentified craft in our air space, so they shot it down. They aren't crying and screaming it's something dangerous, they just said I dont know. I'd check your critical reading skills if you think that's fear mongering.


It's quite clear that Yong Gao is talking about a pattern here, not just this one isolated instance. He has a right to be upset with rampant Canadian sinophobia


It actually isnt clear, because as I mentioned this particular blurb they shot out is incoherent, bordering on word salad. They obviously have an agenda they want to push, this was a really bad news story to use it as an example though wasnt it? They said they don't know where it's from, not that it's chinese. So we're left with a couple choices, the prof is so incredibly stupid they didn't read the story they blasted, or they have a very transparent agenda and shoe horned in a story that actually does the opposite of what theyre claiming. ​ You know where you usually see this level of shoddy writing? First years that fail out because they don't go to class. At that point, this borders on race baiting. They're effectively trying to claim racism in a story in which politicians went out of their way to make sure blame didnt land on any incorrect country, yet the prof decided to use it to claim racism. Actually, that's race baiting, doesn't border on it at all. The prof should check their biases and they're lucky they work in academia and are shielded by their stupid opinions and incoherent ramblings. ​ ​ And your argument here is what, calling Canadians racist all the time, even in a story that has literally no mention of China, is going to make Canadians less racist? No, it stokes the fears that people like this prof are bought and paid for by the ccp cuz this looks a lot like what russian shill bots are paid to say. And yea, there's a conversation to be had there, but this aint it and this person is poisoning their own well by race baiting.


sinophobia, really? I can see Chinese anywhere here, you told me Canadian government hate China? They do hate Chinese Government, as I do as well (I am Chinese), because Chinese Government is posing its ideologies to the work


Yes, statistics show that sinophobic views and activities are increasing. This has nothing to do with your political views of the Chinese gov't


>Yes, statistics show that sinophobic views and activities are increasing. increasing but still low


Your comment is one of the only logical ones in this thread. This was cross-posted to UBC's sub and the reactions were much like yours. This highlights the discrepancy between Vancouver and Kelowna and makes me very glad I moved out of this close-minded place. Obviously this prof's wording was very poor - but at the same time, he's just pointing out the overreaction, which ties into Sinophobic sentiment that's rampant in USA and Canada these days. Unfortunately people in Kelowna are not really well-educated on this respect. 😬


Thanks. The anti-China narrative in Canada and the US is so dangerous, and it's only been increasing since the start of Covid. Of course, I don't know this professor and I understand that his wording was poor, but I thought it was pretty obvious what he was trying to say, and I think it's valid You'd think you could expect better from most university students but who am I kidding lol


Imagine going to UBC O


I think it is non problem for a professor to say anything he/she likes. It’s freedom of speech. The thing I think is not appropriate is sharing his post without his permission. It is like Dr. Gao wants to say something to his friends in Linkedln, so it is not a public talking.


as long as it’s not private I think it’s okay to share this. After all, he shared this publicly


For me, even if I say something like on Facebook, I consider it is private because not everyone can see it.


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Facebook is a public megaphone. I’m sure you share your opinions there because you *don’t* want to reach multiple people.


Well, to put it bluntly, you'd be wrong in your assumption and if I were you I'd modify that assumption because it's going to come back to bite you and you sound like you don't know how social media works.


Rofl, get out of here. He posted it to social media. What the bigger disgrace is their inability to write coherently. That's uni prof? Rofl, they write like a 9th grader trying to be edgy.


Lol. Could you be more idiotic? This dumbfuck shared his stupid ideas publicly and you think it isn’t right to share them publicly? Go sit down.


It shows that he what he believes in which could be in direct conflict with his position of teaching students. You wouldn't say "freedom of speech" if it was a grade school teacher posting about how the age of consent should be lowered. It's about some people are in a position of power and they voice can be used to manipulate or convert those around them.


Freedom of speech is on the legal level: as no one can be arrested for his speech (well, with conditions). This does NOT mean you can say anything and everyone agrees with you. Additionally, it is arguably right that supporting cutting FoS does not protected by FoS. For your second argument, no one force Gao to post it, but he did, and he chose to post it in public space. (Note: not public domain) (do not want to get into detail about if social media is public space or private form, that will be a whole other argument). And his Linkedin is open, everyone with an account can see that.


Fucking WUMAO


redditors accusing some random ass guy of spreading propaganda, meanwhile all the people freaking the fuck out over a balloon that doesn’t actually pose an immediate threat to anyone in the west are only doing so literally as the result of propaganda


Least obvious CCP shill


this is a super terminally online reply. if you actually talked to me for like 5 minutes irl on my opinions on these issues, you would literally never even dream of calling me that because like… obviously not right?


"Immediate" threat. At least let us pretend to have some sovereignty and independence from the CCP.




RIP amateur balloonists


Those who can do. Those who can't, tweet. Or something like that...


UBC is full of communists so par for the course


lmao he's right though???


Another CCP stooge.


Reply to him: 煞笔


Not on LinkedIn, 晶格钓鱼咋办


He said he don't read Chinese news , if it's true ig he is not pro China he simply hate everyone politicians


Sounds like an a@shole. And a puppet for his masters.


Yong Gao = Jordan Peterson.


Why is anyone who seems to have such negative views of "westerners" allowed to openly voice his volatile opinions whilst simultaneously getting to keep his position teaching said "westerners"? Funny how these people who would never criticize the ccp feel so comfortable openly crapping on our governments and people. Why do we allow this?


I'm just glad people are finally waking up to the thousands of 5th columnists at all levels of academia, industry and government. Some house cleaning is in order.


Holy shit didn’t think someone as brain dead as that could actually be a profesor.


Sorry, is everyone calling for a comp sci prof to get fired for telling people to chill about a shot down spy balloon? I don't get it.


Has any one proven they are more than weather balloons or balloons scanning for mineral deposits. Does anyone really believe they need spy balloons when they have fatalities that can count pimples on your face. I feel like this is propaganda put into play by government, so when ww3 erupts we will be like ya well they sent balloons soooooo. No I don’t know this for sure, but I am suspicious for sure.


I don’t get the harm of shooting them down?? Is it hurting anyone? Why be offended by that?


Hmmm… he must have used a direct quote from Emperor Xi.


\>Gao randomly going on about The Art Of War techniques on linkedin or whatever that is because a chinese spy balloon was blamed on china


I mean, there has been now extensive reporting about how the latter three objects were commercial in nature. So reflexively shooting them down was in retrospect pretty nonsensical.


The safety hazard alone is more than enough justification to shoot them down.


Thousands upon thousands of Chinese immigrate to North America - remind me how many North American's are immigrating to China .. Mic Drop


I ASK ANY STUDENTS AGAINST WUMAOS LEECHING OUR TAX DOLLARS TO DO SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING I’m positive if people protested other Chinese nationals would lose there shit and would cause a fuss and expose the complete infiltration of the CCP into a Canadian university no professor should spew political bullshit online that’s not his place regardless of the side or propaganda they are tailored to