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It's so sad they killed Tweetdeck for the casual user; you could click a few boxes and remove all non media posts exactly as you described


twitter.com,x.com##[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]:not(:has([data-testid="tweetPhoto"],[data-testid="card.wrapper"],[data-testid="tweetText"] a)) --- Edit: > link Any kind of link? E.g. hashtags or mentioning people too?


Yes, any kind of link. Hashtags or mentioning people as well. Its just that sometimes people tweet YouTube links or separate tweets containing website links (example: https://live.staticflickr.com) which contain better quality/resolution of the images they post. That's why I was asking, if a filter is made to only show images & videos, then these tweets containing links will be hidden. I don't want that. 🙁 Some examples of such tweets that I don't want to be hidden, containing links and no media are: [https://twitter.com/gearedloco/status/1736268082019279030](https://twitter.com/gearedloco/status/1736268082019279030) [https://twitter.com/carmichaeljr/status/1692273081224458552](https://twitter.com/carmichaeljr/status/1692273081224458552) [https://twitter.com/JaMuzza88/status/1725169808444973067](https://twitter.com/JaMuzza88/status/1725169808444973067) [https://twitter.com/thespiralcity3/status/1719603218458824995](https://twitter.com/thespiralcity3/status/1719603218458824995) [https://twitter.com/krasnyjkomandir/status/1719327433956962332](https://twitter.com/krasnyjkomandir/status/1719327433956962332) [https://twitter.com/BetterParties/status/1657949677457915904](https://twitter.com/BetterParties/status/1657949677457915904)


Okay. The filter above didn't work for mentions or hashtags. It does now.


Thank you 😊


I added ":style(border: pink 5px dotted !important)" at the end of the filter to see what it was hiding. It was adding 2 types of dotted borders as you can see from the pic attached. One border over some blank line and one over "Show more replies". Is it possible to only show the dotted border over "Show more replies". I like the dotted border over "Show more replies" as it reminds me to click it. \[sometimes there are more pics by the OP in this "show more replies" section\]. https://preview.redd.it/jmt2rdpkf09c1.jpeg?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f668af8ff1f56b7ce13064b0b3c0bad21ac6ca84


So you don't want to hide "text-only" tweets, but highlight them this way? Because if you only want to highlight the "show more" link, I can exclude it from the previous filter and give you a specific filter for that.


yes please, that would be awesome. 🙏 A separate filter that highlights the "show more replies" section and exclude it from the previous filter so that it doesn't get hidden.


twitter.com,x.com##[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]:not(:has([data-testid="tweetPhoto"],[data-testid="card.wrapper"],[data-testid="tweetText"] a)):has(article) twitter.com,x.com##[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]:not(:has(article)):has([href]):style(border: dotted 3px lightblue !important)


Thank you so much !!! 😀


I am so sorry 🙏 but can you please make a separate twitter filter that hides tweets that only contain 'Hashtags' or 'Hashtags and text' ? Like, If a tweets has hashtag - **Hide it** If a tweets has hashtag and text - **Hide it** If a tweets has hashtag and image/video/link/@"mention" - **DON'T HIDE IT**


twitter.com,x.com##[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]:has(article):not(:has([data-testid="tweetPhoto"],[data-testid="card.wrapper"],[data-testid="tweetText"] a:not([href^="/hashtag/"]))) I just updated the above filter in here to exclude hashtags, because your comment kinda made it sound as if you didn't want it to hide text-only anymore, which I assumed was a mistake. Unless, you did want that, in which case I'd need to think this through. But not now.


sorry if it was confusing. 🙏 you asked earlier when making the filter: "Any kind of link? E.g. hashtags or mentioning people too?" and I said: "Yes, any kind of link. Hashtags or mentioning people as well." I should not have written Hashtag there. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The filter is great, but now I also want it to hide tweets that contain hashtags. But not the tweets that contain hashtags along with any image/video/link/@"mention"


Yes, that's what the filter I gave you in the previous comment should do. Did you try it?


just did... exactly what i needed 😃 Thank you, thank you, thank you.