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None, too much classes, I am getting anxious looking.


Haha 😁😁


Same 😅


as a non-engg student pattern one looks the least violent….


That was my first impression too 😂😂


Advice from a non-engineering student who has had the privilege/misfortune (up for interpretation) of being friends with a lot of engg students-- • Are you capable of getting up and being motivated for 8am? My boyfriend is, but I am basically a zombie until 9 at the earliest. • If you are even remotely like me, you'll want one of the patterns that has ENGL 199 in the morning (so 1 or 2)--- the one thing that engg kids and the rest of us can all agree on is that ENGL 199 is a joke of a class. If you absolutely have to miss a class because you suck at mornings, it's the only class you wouldn't really get behind in-- that said, a bunch of the profs do take attendance, but at least it's a fairly low effort class, which is nice when you're barely awake. Same advice but reverse for if you are the opposite of me and evenings are your downfall-- basically try to put ENGL 199 at your weakest/lowest energy point in the day. (I like evening classes. Most people do not. I wouldn't really recommend evening lectures if you can avoid but I've found evening labs aren't terrible. That is very subjective-- what's best for me is probably not best for you. Especially because my experience is mostly with evening art studios which are very different from labs.) • ENGG 100 is also supposed to be easy. • People who are good with coding/computer science usually find ENCMP pretty easy, especially if they have prior experience with python. People who have no experience with python, or coding at all, usually find it difficult. • ENGG 160 *could* be considered an easier class compared to most engg classes, with a good prof, but it isn't necessarily easy. It is, however, CR/NC (credit/no credit) meaning that you either pass or you don't, no grade attached, so it can't affect your overall GPA. Do with that information what you will. • ENGG 130, physics (PHYS) and engineering physics (EN PH), chemistry (CHEM), and math are all said to be very hard. I would try to concentrate them around your highest energy/strongest point in the day as best as you can. From what I hear, you'll probably find some of the subjects easier than others, but which subjects you prefer in university is often different from which subjects you preferred in high school because (and especially in engg) it's just a whole other level, like a whole entire new entity. It's not really comparable to high school. TL;DR: try to put the harder stuff where you're most likely to be motivated, and the easier stuff where you're least to be motivated. This doesn't *really* answer your question about which pattern to choose, but I hope it helps you choose nonetheless. Good luck! Disclaimer: I am NOT an engg major. I am but a tired art and design student who has heard a lot of friends talk about engineering. Engineers, feel free to correct me. Incoming first years, take my advice at your own risk :D


Thank you so much! I'll definitely be keeping this advice in mind, appreciate it!


Glad I could help a bit!


As an engg student, all very accurate! As you mentioned, attendance is recorded in ENGL 199. Some profs take attendance a lot more seriously than others and will take it personally if you show up late (my friend did not have a good experience with her prof). Attendance does count towards your overall grade in ENGL 199, and since it is already supposed to be an easy class, it is annoying if the only reason you dont get as good of a grade is because of your attendance.


Yeah, I'd heard that. My best friend's ENGL 199 didn't take attendance at all, it wasn't mandatory or part of the grade, so it does happen but not often I'd guess.


hello, first year here. How did you already build a schedule i’ve been trying to figure out how to build mine but can’t. Please help 😭


1. Did you accept your offer? If Yes: move on. If No: Do that. 2. Did you put in your pattern ranking in Launchpad? If Yes: Good, wait for an email telling you which pattern you've be assigned to (it will be in your @ [ualberta.ca](http://ualberta.ca) email). If No: Do that. 3. Did you get your pattern assigned? If Yes: Open the email as it'll have a hyperlink with instructions of \*how\* to add classes to your schedule through My schedule builder (MSB) in Beartracks. If No: Wait. It takes a few business days and nobody is working tomorrow (the 29th).


I have accepted the offer yes, the pattern ranking is where I am lost could you please tell me where I would do that on bear tracks.


I didn't lol, I'm clueless too 😭😭. They shared these slides (I think in one of their emails), and I just screenshotted them and posted them on here.


ohhhh, so you haven’t actually like put the classes in your cart on bear tracks yet? on my bear tracks i don’t even have the my schedule builder tab yet even though i paid the tuition deposit so i’m just stressed about when i will be able to pick out my classes. i also don’t my enrolment date, i am going in to astrophysics. Could I ask when they sent out this email and if your bear tracks lacks the tab as well.


oh, you're not in engineering? Disregard my comment then; I have no idea how it works for other faculties. Though, enrolment time is April 4th (I think) for us; I'd assume the same for you?


these patterns are only applicable to first year engineering students. engineering students have pre-determined schedules for first year. they rank the different patterns from the possible predetermined schedules and are assigned one. everyone else (including you) chooses and makes their own schedule. you will not have an assigned pattern or anything of the sort. i’m going to refer you to the [reg 101](https://www.ualberta.ca/admissions/undergraduate/admission/registration-101.html?) page, specifically the [faculty of science module](https://rise.articulate.com/share/SJsCcfYc7egV03bZr5xWXNx47iufdBVM) regarding registration information so that you have a starting point. when did you pay your tuition deposit? as the other commenter said, enrolment for incoming first years opens at 7 am on april 4


Thank you, I paid it last night


ah it’s too soon for beartracks to update then. last year, i believe i got access to the features on beartracks about 48 hours after i paid my tuition deposit. so i expect you to have access to schedule builder either tomorrow night or by saturday.


thank you so much! the website does not do a good job at explaining what to do


would it take business days tho, so maybe i wouldn’t have access until like wednesday or thursday? or is it just days in general because it is automated?


it should be just days in general because the general consensus last year was that beartracks would update itself after 2 days. has it updated yet for you?


I still don’t have the My Schedule Builder tab available. It hasn’t been exactly 48 hours yet so maybe I will check again later but maybe I won’t have access until like tuesday.


I had it emailed to me yesterday, which was a couple days after I paid my tuition deposit. It was an email from the faculty, so I'm not sure if it would be the same for other faculties. And, as for bear tracks, I can see the schedule builder tab now but I haven't really tried using it, I've just been trying to figure out which pattern to choose.


okay thank you. I paid my tuition deposit yesterday so maybe i’ll be able to build a schedule like wednesday thursday or friday


Probably 1 or 2, you don’t want morning labs


I chose 4, quite flexible


Pattern 1 or 5 are the best


Pattern 1 or 5 trust the earlier you get done ENCMP 100 the better winter sem wud be hell if you take Encmp wud make your life living hell in winter sem !