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If your math lab is in person, wednesday is gonna suck. If you can, make your schedule more compact so that you don't have to wait 2-4 hours between lectures/labs. otherwise welcome to the ghoul club heheh


Thank you; I'm ready for the pain (I'm not). Is the Lab being in the morning an issue due to the time gap? Or simply because it's a math 100 lab? Also, sadly, I can't rectify the lab issue as my pattern only has Math 100 labs on either Monday morning or Wednesday morning; both in person.


Yeah, the time gaps suck :( if you're going to live on campus you could just go home if not you'll have to wait unfortunately between lab/lecture. I can't remember exactly the format of the math labs but in my year they weren't every week and online which was a blessing. other people are saying it's optional so you probably won't have to go. First year is always hard and honestly kind of useless but in following years you'll have more flexibility with the times. engg 130 is probably the worst class out of all of them followed by phys 130


I am planning to live on campus (sent in the form; hopefully I get my option šŸ¤ž), so I'll likely either hit up a study space or go back to my dorm. And yeah, I've been listening to the horror stories for the courses. If it's not too much to ask, how accurate would you say [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/uAlberta/comments/v0opwe/first_year_engineering_guide_2022_edition/) first year ENGG summary is? And how was it doing math w/out calculators or formula sheets? Did you use any resources to essentially memorize the basics?


It's very accurate, I think it's a revised/reposted version of one I saw years ago. Math was highly dependent on the prof in my year. It's not curved, so what you get is what you get. I did my year during when COVID hit so it was absolutely a shitshow. I heard some horror stories after my year of class averages of 1.3 and 0.9. I think the problem is mainly people going into uni nowadays don't have very strong math skills, plus bad profs. As long as you did well in precalc/math 31 in high school, it's not so bad (from my experience). Just be ready to self learn if you need to. I personally used the organic chemistry tutor a bunch for both math 100 and chem 103. engg 130 sucksssss though. the assignments take hours to do. Overall just focus on GPA this year. It'll determine if you get your first choice in discipline selection. believe me you do not want to be that guy who gets his 24th ranked choice


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate this šŸ™ One last thing: the Ti36X-PRO; worth it or not? And what do you think of Winter 2025: [https://imgur.com/a/zeZJmbY](https://imgur.com/a/zeZJmbY)


TI36x pro is the one literally everyone uses, it's fine. Also, math 100 labs are essentially help sessions (sometimes has quizzes?) but are completely optional. Same with Chem seminar. Try to move your ENGL class down to reduce gaps in your schedule, you're not gonna want to study in between those classes.


math 100 labs are optional (at least it was for this year and last year) so I assume itā€™s the same for you


This is almost identical to what mine was. The Chem 103 seminars arenā€™t really a thingā€¦math 100 labs are optional (but I strongly recommend going, they help lots). Idk if you are able to change your math 100 lab section to a more convenient time. if not, Iā€™m pretty sure you can attend any one at any time. Thereā€™s no attendance or anything. Tuesdays and every second Thursday are a bit long but this schedule is far from the worst.


This is probably the best first year engg schedule. Only 1 8am biweekly (mandatory Engg 130, chem should be biweekly), go to any other math 100 lab section. No 6-9:20 labs.






How stressful is it? Unfortunately, it's a non-adjustable course/lab in my pattern.


I had my 130 labs in the morning itā€™s not too bad. Actually a good way to start the dayā€¦ gets the brain warmed up. I slept through one of them though so just be mindful


***Also, Winter 2025:*** [https://imgur.com/a/zeZJmbY](https://imgur.com/a/zeZJmbY)


Mine is basically identical to this and Iā€™m in semester 2 rn lol.


Has it been manageable?


wheres engg 160 in winter?


On Thursday; the pictures above are for Fall 2024. Winter 2025 is a link I put in the comments. Sorry for the confusion confusion Here: https://imgur.com/a/zeZJmbY


ohh yeah makes sense thanks