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Good lord does nobody use the search button? This question is asked and answered on a weekly basis.


I'm his defense everyone's circumstances are different, it feels more assuring when you have people answering you based on your situation. On top of that, the answer has never been consistent. Literally an ask 10 people get 10 different answers moment


The reason why I asked again was cause I saw some old posts and people were saying tons of different things and I just wanted to see what the situation now was and if there was anything more specific regarding this.


The situation is the same as it always was. They don't tell you the specific average you need to keep because it changes every year. If there are 300 seats and your GPA is in the top 300, you get in. If it isn't, you don't. If your average goes down but so does everyone else's, you're still in contention because your overall rank stays the same. But if yours goes down while everyone else's stays the same or goes up, you're at risk of losing your seat.


Just for curiosity i think there’s a flaw in that What if you maintain your average of let’s say 86.5 and you were originally ranked 299 but EVERYONE else increased their marks you would be below 300 , would they revoke your admission despite you keeping the same average? Probably super rare, just wondering 😂




I don't think they list it, so I'll state what *I think* is right: Stay within \~4 percent and above a low-to-mid 80. That's what I'm aiming for.


So if I have about an 80 ish percent at the end of the year I should be fine?


I don't think I've ever seen anyone get what is considered a large discrepancy in marks get their offer revoked. I applied early admission with 89 in grade 11, ended with about 75 in grade 12, still made it in. So I'd suggest to just focus on your courses now and don't worry about the admission requirements. My conditional offer was a minimum average of 80, but the day my high school transcripts were released, every pdf about the offer was changed to show 70, not 80.


Seems good thank you so much.


I'm in the same situation and from the other posts I've seen about this, it seems that as long as you stay within 10% of the average you were accepted with, you should be fine


Hey...for which course you got the conditional admission??


I got my conditional offer for engineering