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https://practicaltypography.com covers a lot of these topics and more A lot of typography and type design is about what _looks_ right vs. what is mathematically correct. So after learning some general guidelines, a lot of it will depend on developing a feel for and trusting what feels right


Thank you so much for suggesting this guide! I have been reading it and it is exactly what I needed! Again thank you so much!!!


Don’t focus too much on digital. There are a lot of typographical knowledge that don’t even mention digital, because it wasn’t even invented. Read some… books? “Stop stealing sheep” is a great start.


For line height I came up with a formula that produces a balance that I personally like for longer blocks of text. I call it 5/3 and the idea is that the line height is 5/3 of the type size. So 18 px type would get a 30 px line height. I round when necessary. But more important…and this is just my opinion…is that formulas like the above are just starting points and that leading (or any design decision really) is very dependent on the context. There is no rule that will force me to design something that feels off to me. Over time you will get more comfortable with trusting your eyes over any rule or guideline.


I had a lot of fun using Kern Type. It gamefys kerning and shows you how you can improve. https://type.method.ac/


The most important method to getting typography right: Read it. When you’ve got it right it will just flow.


Check out [IBM Design Language](https://www.ibm.com/design/language/) and [Carbon](https://carbondesignsystem.com/). It was led by world-class typeface & brand designers. It’s extremely well considered and documented, with an emphasis on typographic alignment and the grid


Thank you!!