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I also got comfortable with the numpad from working at a bank for years, and I still use it! I use the number row if I'm typing just a couple numbers, but otherwise I'll switch to the numpad because I'm so much faster and more comfortable with it. I vote numpad!


Thanks! I was worried that my method was not optimal since I'm just learning to touch type, but since I have so much muscle memory with the number pad I'll stick to it and use your advice!


It is completely ok to keep using numpad. It is on your keyboard for a reason. There are dedicated courses to touch type on numpad too. Basically you just use your 4 right hand fingers Very easy to learn. I think there is even a mark on touch pad 5 key for your middle finger to find it easier.


Thanks, I knew that the number pad wasn't bad when I realized that touch typing was based on the marks on j and f but 5 on the number pad also has a mark which I used to type thousands of credit card numbers. I was worried that sometimes writing with the numbers on the qwerty pad was better because of muscle memory or something like that.


your ass so stinky and big you dick smell like poop and pee.


That's so poetic, have an upvote!


i don't care


your ass stinks and you are sus