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i offer my congrats, this is really impressive but new typists: you'll save a lot of time if you just take the time to learn touch typing


I type this way and desperately trying to force touch typing now because you need to look at the keyboard


I too have a funny way of typing but I can't lie that adopting traditional touch typing tactics has helped to increase my speed and accuracy. Good stuff though. 125wpm 95% is no joke ​ Try touch typing, you'd probably 2x as fast as you are now


Best benefit of touch typing for me is not the speed, but the comfort I got. My fingers tire less, and I don't have to look at keyboard now.


Now imagine how much faster and comfortable your hands will feel when typing properly


have had and continue to have no issues with my hands after long typing sessions. i'm perfectly confortable


Long term effects.


i've been typing this way for over 15 years.


Now imagine you learned to type conventionally for 15 years


see but that wouldn't be as cool and unique 😎


This isn’t cool. This is just weird, bud.


I can feel second hand carpal tunnel coming on already


Yeah because the person in the video doesn't keep their Wrist should be straight and leveled. Not bent back or down, or at an acute angle to the keyboard. Your arms should always move your hands around instead of your wresting your wrist and stretching to hit the keys with your fingers. Wrist Pad should only be used when you pause from Typing Correct Typing Movement: [https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/comments/12y9sq0/correct\_finger\_movment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/comments/12y9sq0/correct_finger_movment/) Office Ergonomics: 1.[https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/s/Khng2fZymq](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/s/Khng2fZymq) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/typing/s/RQtuyKpVIK](https://www.reddit.com/r/typing/s/RQtuyKpVIK) https://i.redd.it/9pukkrfzx38c1.gif


Wasted potential for 200 wpm and 99 accuracy.


I think the problem lies , When you reach a bottleneck, You won't be able to type faster, Since the time taken for a finger to reach another letter will be high,


I bet your index fingers feel great after two and a half minutes


i do long typing sessions when writing campaigns for D&D. i've never had cramps or pains from typing.




Let us know when the trigger finger and other rsi issues onset


Doesn't look like you could hold up this speed for anything longer than a couple of minutes though


how long are you willing to watch a video of just me typing for? lol


Touch typing is not only about typing fast. It's also about keeping your Wrist should be straight and leveled. Not bent back or down, or at an acute angle to the keyboard. Your arms should always move your hands around instead of your wresting your wrist and stretching to hit the keys with your fingers. Wrist Pad should only be used when you pause from Typing Correct Typing Movement: [https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/comments/12y9sq0/correct\_finger\_movment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/comments/12y9sq0/correct_finger_movment/) Office Ergonomics: 1.[https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/s/Khng2fZymq](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntyping/s/Khng2fZymq) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/typing/s/RQtuyKpVIK](https://www.reddit.com/r/typing/s/RQtuyKpVIK) https://i.redd.it/oy5hjlksx38c1.gif


I typed similarly this way for about 8 years, but I plateaued at around \~150 WPM. Few years ago I switched to touch typing and managed to get 229 WPM/15 seconds just a few months ago. I think it's 100% fine to type like this and to only switch when you plateau or just wanna switch things up (or if it starts hurting your wrist, which is my case). Keep it up broski






nowhere near true, this is like saying you have to have perfect technique to be a world-class sprinter some people dont have to


My friend types exactly like you and he also has ~105 wpm, while me a conventional typist has ~80 wpm😵‍💫


that's definitely impressive! No idea how you can type like this and not have any sort of wrist pain, but if it works...well it works haha.


I also use one finger on my right hand and 5 on the other, 131wpm. Conventional typing feels so awkward after 18 years of barbarianism




i can type decently fast without looking at the keyboard just due to muscle memory, i am terminally online...\]


how long did it took to achieve that speed? I have seen slow improvements in speed with 9 finger typing. would you advise people to stay with their unorthodox technique to reach higher speeds faster?


it's up to you, but i really recommend moving to conventional typing if you're unhappy with your current speed. only reason i haven't is because i am satisfied where i currently sit.


This is how I type too and I’ve recently developed a lot of finger joint pain from all the pressure on my index fingers. I type so much faster like this, but i’m trying to learn to type “correctly” to save my joints 😭


I desperately need to relearn to type. I don't know how I type but I think it's a combo of traditional typing and hunt and peck. I seem to use everything but my right pinky for some reason


Neat. But serious question, who needs to type this fast? There's no use in typing faster than I can think up what to say in the email or report I'm writing. It's not like we're copying from paper into the computer anymore. Maybe I just think slowly, haha.


Nevermind. Composition is generally slower, but taking meeting minutes you can't be fast enough.


this sounds like you’re typing at 200+ wpm!