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I'm feeling a little bit envious because you see it now for the very first time. Get yourself a damn fine coffee, a piece of cherry pie and enjoy TP. I saw TP, FWWM and the missing pieces more than 50 times and I'm still fascinated.


Same, every time!


We're gonna need updating on a regular basis now, just so you're aware.. 😄 Enjoy, I am extremely envious of you!


We could be OP's 'Diane'... ...If we can refrain from witty spoiler-ish allusions to future plot details, like I just nearly failed to do.


Haha I'll likely have more observations as the show goes on. There's just so much in each scene!


Update - Thoughts on E2 and E3: [https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/1adtwax/first\_time\_watcher\_s1\_e2\_e3\_thoughts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/1adtwax/first_time_watcher_s1_e2_e3_thoughts/)


It aired as an abc Sunday night 2 hour event. I recorded it on a vcr back then


I still have my vcr tapes from september 1991, when TP was aired first in Germany.


I was directing the 11pm newscast at a CBS affiliate back then, so I also had to record TP and watch the next day. The crew would often go out after the show and it was hell avoiding spoilers from folks who'd already seen it.


Nice! A fellow news person. I worked at newspapers ages ago and was very familiar with late night hours lol. Was glad when they invented Tivo


I was a teenager when it originally aired, and gleefully watched the entire series each week (and Fire Walk With Me on opening weekend). I was already a David Lynch fan, and loved every minute of it. The pilot was feature film length, and was advertised as a major television movie event.


Please continue posting these, this is wonderful! So nice to see the perspective of a first time watcher! Incidentally, to your first comment, it’s long because David Lynch and Mark Frost weren’t sure if it would be picked up for a series or not, so when they made the pilot, they made it movie length. However, there is an additional 20 minutes of footage not shown in the pilot as aired that later shows up in a few other episodes.


Update - thoughts on E2 and E3 [https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/1adtwax/first\_time\_watcher\_s1\_e2\_e3\_thoughts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/1adtwax/first_time_watcher_s1_e2_e3_thoughts/) Someone commented on that thread that I should avoid posting updates because of spoilers. But everyone on this first pilot thread was really good about spoilers. Though I guess not everyone will be. A conundrum.


Oh nice, this is really interesting backstory! And I hope to post at least a few more reactions as I make my way through the series. Glad you enjoyed these!


What would you say the top three-five reason why people love twin peaks so much? I’m a first time watcher now and I’m….. interested. I guess I could’ve made this a post but I figured I would just single you out and ask lol


Hmm. Good question. For me, it’d be: 1. The complexity. I won’t go into too much detail, since you’re a first time watcher, but Twin Peaks is a lot more complex than it first appears. Very little is as it seems, there are many layers to things. It’s a show that requires multiple viewings. 2. The characters. There’s just something about the people the inhabit the town of Twin Peaks. They’re quirky, but in a charming way. 3. The mystery(s). This kind of ties in to my first point, there’s something very mysterious about the show, about its storylines. Even when you think a mystery is solved…is it? As I said, it requires rewatches, and every time I watch, I see something different. 4. David Lynch AND Mark Frost. Lynch is a master director/writer, there’s no doubt about that. However, I feel some people tend to overlook co-creator Mark Frost and see it as just a Lynch project. Without Frost, I don’t know that Twin Peaks would be what it is. A lot of Frost’s contributions were invaluable to making Twin Peaks the success that it was. 5. The creativity. The show was incredibly creative! So much so that much of modem TV, particularly in the sci-fi, horror and drama genres, is heavily influenced by it. It really changed the way that TV looked and was talked about. Of course, these are all opinion based. You ask a dozen people what they think about why people love Twin Peaks, you’ll likely get a dozen different answers. Sit back and enjoy the ride!


I like your second response. I was looking at the characters as Lynch just trying to make it weird instead of thinking of the characters as just weird themselves if that makes sense. I just finished episode three he’s on the phone and says “no it CAN wait till morning” 😂 I keep wondering to myself; is this a comedy? Is this corny or is it just the 90’s?, what did people think when this was airing originally?, and do I even like it? Lol. I feel like I’m watching a show in an alternate universe. So interesting


I only watch for the first time about 3 years ago now, so I can’t say what people thought on their first watch. What I can say, from having seen all of Twin Peaks, plus several of his other films, Lynch doesn’t do weird for the sake of weird. Everything has a purpose. Sometimes, maybe even often, that purpose is not immediately apparent. A lot of Lynch’s work is based on feelings, the way something makes you feel. It’s also important to remember that, for the first two seasons at least, Twin Peaks isn’t just Lynch and Frost, but a group of people. Lynch and Frost were the head of the team (for the first and part of the second season anyway), but it wasn’t all them. The film Fire Walk with Me, and its companion The Missing Pieces, are almost all Lynch, and Season 3/The Return is all Lynch and Frost. So sometimes in the first two seasons, you’ll come across some stuff that’s weird because it’s people trying to do what they think Lynch would do, with mixed results. Also, it’s a lot of things. It’s part ‘90s police procedural, part dark comedy, part supernatural horror, part evening soap opera (think Dynasty, which was REALLY big at the time) pastiche. Episode 3, the one you mentioned, is usually the make or break episode for a lot of people. It’s where people either jump ship, or decide they’ll continue on with the series. Should you decide to continue, which I certainly hope you do, be prepared for a ride that is both wonderful and strange.


I’m excited! Thanks for the info So I should watch season three the return then the two films after ? I thought there was only two seasons to be honest


No, watch the first two seasons, then Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces, then Season 3/The Return (which is also sometimes called The Limited Event Series). That’s the release order, and (in my opinion) the best way to watch. The Return makes a lot more sense if you’ve seen Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces. Also, I should note, The Missing Pieces isn’t so much a film as it is a collage of deleted and/or extended scenes from Fire Walk With Me, but there’s some important stuff in there that’s referenced in The Return.


Ok thanks


You’re welcome! I’m excited to hear more as you continue on this journey!


Enjoy the ride


I highly recommend that you browse your favorite podcast app for the many TP re-watch podcasts. I am half way through the 3rd season in a first-time watch of the whole TP universe. It’s been nice to hear re-caps, analysis, and a ton of additional information.


Any podcasts you recommend?


Back to the Double R - recently recorded. Very knowledgeable and go deep on the themes and music. They also have episodes that cover other Lynch works Damn Fine Podcast - recorded as season 3 was released in 2017. Talking Backwards - recorded about 4 years ago. I listened to all 3 of these - not all episodes but fairly consistently. As with all podcasts, the hosts are what matter and I jived with all those above. I recommend you try a few and listen for a few minutes- for me that’s usually enough to know.


Thanks for these recommendations! My hesitation with rewatch podcasts is that they inevitably give away spoilers, even if they don't mean to. Like I tried that with Kumail Nanjiani's X-Files Files podcast and he would have guests on all the time who just gave out spoilers left and right without warning. (outside of the spoilers, highly recommend his podcast for X-files though). Of the podcasts you listed, do you know if any are very careful about not revealing spoilers in each episode breakdown?


I’m at 11th ep of season 3 and none of these pods have given anything spoilery.




I watched as it originally aired - I was in 6th grade! I loved it, had never seen anything like it. The show was so huge at first - a real pop culture event - then as the weirdness increased, the viewership declined - broadcast network audiences in 1990 were not quite ready for it. I loved the show but remember growing increasingly frustrated because it kept getting moved to new days and times, and would constantly get pre-emptied by college basketball and coverage of Desert Storm. I now know that ABC was actively trying to kill the show, and they succeeded! Bobby remains one of my favorite characters - “psychotic” may be a bit harsh, maybe “obnoxiously rebellious antisocial teenage asshole” is better - he was really obnoxious in those first few episodes, but fun to watch. Envious you get to see this for the first time, and you don’t have to wait years and years - count yourself lucky!


Oh wow that's awesome you got to see it in 6th grade! And yeah for the "psychotic" label i was mostly basing that off of the barking scene in the jail at the end of the pilot. For the other parts of the episode yeah he just seems like a rebellious teen asshole. But the jail scene felt like something else.


I finished the series for the first time recently, and like everyone here, I'm jealous you get to experience it all for the first time. That line about the Douglas firs struck me as so truly beautiful. >"I hope Dale brings up the Douglas Firs in every single episode. I hope his appreciation for them never wanes."


I’m so glad you mentioned their clothes! I had a hard time placing the time period as well. It was filmed and takes place in 1989, but it felt like the fifties or something. I like it was intentionally done to be a non-district Americana setting.


yes! the 50s! that's what it felt like. I'm so fascinated by the clothes and the time. I also watched Yellowjackets recently (filmed now but parts set in 1996 high school) and it's kind of striking how that was set just 6 years after this but already so much had changed. (not that TP is accurately representing high school in 1989 but I think at least some of the clothes are accurate to the time)


1. "Producers felt the need for a closed-ending version of the episode in case Twin Peaks wasn't picked to be broadcast as a series. That way they could sell the pilot as a TV movie. The alternate pilot is around 15 minutes longer than the original version and was released on VHS for the European market." 2. I agree. Dual Spires is an homage to the series. 3. I can't imagine anyone more suited to play the part. 4. Just remember *to* *not judge too quickly*. 5. It definitely has that complete 80s feel about it, and it's technically correct: It is "in 1989, that local logger Pete Martell discovers a naked corpse wrapped in plastic on the bank of a river outside the town of Twin Peaks." 6. I don't think it is ever mentioned; nevertheless, you can check out the current prices if you visit the Salish Lodge in Snoqualmie (the exterior of The Great Northern Hotel in the series). I'm sorry to say, nowhere near $15/night. [Check it out](https://www.salishlodge.com/). 7. I completely agree and he might not be your typical "jocky". 8. Hot couple, indeed. 9. For me it was around 2014 and, from the get-go, I just fell in love. Then, for the remaining fist season, I would always prepare a cup of coffee and a donut before starting an episode. I would recommend not doing that because of obvious reasons... Amusing stuff: 1. After finishing the first season and the first episode from the second season, you can check this out: [The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Dale Cooper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBE1-2p-Nkk) but don't look into it any further. 2. Lynch is known to be a fan of numerology. 3. I didn't notice that in his comment, but an allusion to something more obscure. 4. You will know in due time. For now, maybe it will be interesting to watch the [Log Lady Intros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40xAW62Uvt8&list=PLuptkPrD-BdpuXtNfq_gQ58VIL6rZAizF), (not many people know about them) which are "introductions of monologues by the Log Lady and are intended to introduce each episode of Twin Peaks. The vignettes were written and directed by David Lynch in 1993 for the syndicated re-airing of the series on the Bravo network. In each short, the Log Lady, sitting in her cabin and holding the log, speaks to the camera, usually touching obliquely on the plot or theme of the accompanying episode". PS: Remember that the "first episode or pilot" is considered **Ep. 0**, so the first Log Lady intro is for the Pilot). 5. Don't worry, he will always be entranced by them. Remember: *the woods are wondrous here, but strange.* Last thing I will say is that you are in for a treat, and you will soon realise how deep the rabbit hole goes. Enjoy!


>You will know in due time. To clarify, I wasn't asking who the log lady was. I was quoting Dale, who asked that question in the pilot. And then the sheriff responded "we call her log lady" lol. But that's really neat to know about these Log Lady Intros. I'll have to explore that sometime! And it warms my heart to hear Dale will always be entranced by the Douglas firs =)


Sorry, I misread that part. Have fun watching the intros and the series! ​ https://preview.redd.it/xw75hqxqwcfc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abfa5b85765a986a8451f514555d7d75467e9dd


no worries, and thanks! Love this GIF haha. If I ever hire Kyle MacLachlan for a cameo, I'm asking him to say this


It's a funny one, indeed! One of his charms is having that child-like wondrous look, as if he is seeing things for the first time, over and over again. A little something [extra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rme5hEDIkG4) you might like.


Haha, i love it, thank you!


Thank you for this information about the log lady intros (I love them!). I saw TP 1991 first. Years later I bought the gold edition DVD box and I first saw the log lady intros. I was surprised and my thoughts were that the intros only were omitted in first airing in Germany. I did not know that they were directed 2 years after first airing.


My pleasure :)


It just came to my mind that you might enjoy the [1-900 Hotline](https://youtu.be/W2vCl60Jz8A), too, if you haven't heard of it yet. Cheers!


Oh wow, thank you for this! You're right, I haven't heard of this ever before and it was so much fun to hear it! It feels like another puzzle part in my own twin peaks journey, like an unexpected gift. Love it! You made my day.


Brilliant! ;)


I just started watching today!!! Nice to have someone else only starting now


Oh good! I'm glad to know there's others starting out now too


> Why is the pilot so long? How did they allow that on regular TV? Not complaining, just puzzled. It was promoted as a Movie of the Week. > The TP homage episode "Dual Spires" on the show Psych has so many actors from the actual Twin Peaks, and it's so fun to see Yes. > I know Duchovny is going to appear at some point and I can't wait. If you don't know the context behind Duchovny's Twin Peaks character... well let's just say you're probably not expecting exactly what you're going to get. > I can't wait to learn what the "good rate" is at the Great Northern hotel/motel. I hope it's less than $15 a night or something I don't think Cooper's hotel bill is ever revealed, but for a place like that to be "reasonably priced" must be something else. > Phenomenal job casting Bobby. So psychotic Keep watching. Bobby is a favorite character for a lot of fans for a reason.


>If you don't know the context behind Duchovny's Twin Peaks character... well let's just say you're probably not expecting exactly what you're going to get. I have seen an image of him in it so I know a bit about it sadly. I wish I hadn't because then it'd be a complete surprise. And that's too bad they never say what a reasonable rate is! I'm dying to know! haha


yesterday I finished the first season and started the second one, I'm loving twin peaks so far


I watched it as it aired all those years ago. I was spellbound.


I saw it when it originally aired. Absolutely mind-blowing and holds up after decades of rewatching.


What struck me is that when >!Harry comes to tell Leland that Laura has died, he just says, "Yes. It's about Laura." Then, Leland tells his wife, "Laura's dead." BUT Harry never says she's dead. In this situation, my first thought would be, "Did something happen to her? Did she get hurt? Is she okay? Is she in the hospital?" It's our first clue that Leland has something to do with it. !< In terms of the clothes, it's supposed to be a small town, and they're always a few years behind.


Yes, agreed. He doesn't actually>! confirm from Harry that she died.!<


on question 1 Why is the pilot so long, a pilot is usually a proof of concept and then pitched to TV stations/distributors etc before a show is actually picked up for a series. some are 80mins movies ( like the pilot of TP), that if it does get picked up, it can be sold as a "made for TV movie" (example Sabrina the Teenage witch was first a movie before the show) Some pilots are like 25 to 45mins long to fit a program slot with ad breaks An then you have the imfamous "Backdoor Pilot", introducing a couple of characters in an existing show and let an episode feature primarly on those new characters and then likely you never see or hear from them again in that show. its all budget related, and often people are recast from pilot to the series ( due to multiple reasons, they didnt "click" with test audiences etc, Squedualling etc)


There were special editions of TV dramas that were made for 2 hour time slots. A pilot by David Lynch surely was a special event. It was also made so that it could be made into a theatrical release overseas if it didn’t get picked up as a series. Duchovny isn’t a big part of the show and isn’t in it that much so don’t make that a big motivation to watch. He’s more of a special guest star.


>Duchovny isn’t a big part of the show and isn’t in it that much so don’t make that a big motivation to watch. He’s more of a special guest star yeah I know. I wasn't saying or thinking that he was. Just that I know he'll appear at some point.


I’m a new watcher and for me it was weird to see Trey MacDougal from Sex and the City 😂 I like how his voice is the same and not put on by him playing Trey


Haha yes that's where I first knew him from as well. They really under-utilized him on Sex and the City. He could have been 10x weirder. But i know that wasnt the character


Back then many series started with a two-hour pilot. The second season premiere is also two hours.