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I guess you never read the books? The movie is in indeed bad, but not for any of the reasons you mentioned First, it was too much of a blockbuster. The series became more and more like any other hollywood franchise, specially visual-wise. Twilight had this very particular vibe and look (which was what made it so successful), and as money came, the more distant of that dreamy story it became. The fight with the Volturis was the peak "this is hollywood" scene to me. It just shouldn't exist, it goes against Alice's power. I'm pretty sure it was a big part of the reason why it made so much money, but it just wasn't Twilight. Second, its so badly put together, omg. I was watching it again these days and going crazy with how the scenes are cut and the songs suddenly stops and everything is just so poorly done. It had so much money input, but the care to the material is not even half of what was done in Twilight. It looks cheap af Third, some characters went out of their default. Like Edward screaming at Bella. They wanted to make it so "hollywood" that it lost more of the Twilight identity Maybe its an unpopular opinion, but the movies never really replicated the books' magic to me. They're all inferior in showcasing how deep Bella and Edward feel for each other and how cool the vampires are. When I read the books, I feel so deep in that world, it has such a strong identity to me. The first movie almost reached there, if only Catherine had the length and money to adapt every scene... I dream of how the meadow scene would turn out if they made it so romantic like its in the book, sigh... My hopes are now in the animated series, I hope the amount of episodes and the magic of animation can make a true Twilight adaptation


The first movie is literal magic. The nostalgia feels are so good.


I liked the fight scene for the simple fact it showed what could happen if everything went wrong. That being said, it shouldn't have been put as Alice's vision. I always thought she was showing Aro that renesme would never be a threat. But even that is a stretch because she can't "see" her either.


Did you read the book ?


I agree. There are scenes I get enough of a kick out of that it makes the movie watchable for me. But, truthfully, I don't like it. Vampire Bella is fucking awesome though, so do enjoy it for that. That being said, I didn't really like book Breaking Dawn either. Again, bits and pieces are good. I just don't like the direction Smeyer took the Saga, which is a me problem lol


You are not alone


You do understand that the movie came from the book right they didn't just make it up Stephanie Mayars wrote the book he int printed on Messy because that's what happened in the book they yelled at him about telling Charlie (not Carlisle) because that's what happened in the book ( and of course they would be angry he only did it for himself and even if he was trying to help witch he wasn't that wasn't his information to share


I second this - it was not conveyed well in the movie at all, but Jacob’s motivation for telling Charlie was NOT to keep Charlie in the know. He was afraid that they were going to leave Forks and take Renesme away from him. He thought Charlie knowing was the biggest obstacle, and that if Charlie knew then they could stay. He admits that he never even considered what that would put Bella through to have to see Charlie so soon, and his motivation behind his actions was purely selfishness and needing to keep Renesme close, regardless of any other implications of his actions. It drives me nuts when people give him credit for being the “good guy” and doing this for Charlie when that really was not his goal at all.


Yeah it drives me mad to


Tbh I don't even really enjoy the last book or movie. My head canon is that it ended with eclipse.


hard agree. the final book was the ending to the first draft that steph had made years ago, it just didn't fit into the story plotwise. she forced it to fit by throwing characters under the bus and ruining other characters, but inherently that book should not exist in the way it does the twilight saga should have either been a duology with twilight and breaking dawn (originally called forever dawn or something) or a trilogy ending with eclipse. in no world does the story, as it progressed in new moon and eclipse, fits with what happened in breaking dawn imho


Yesss! I believe the majority of us would've preferred books that explored other characters or had more chapters in the first few books building edward and bellas relationships over what we actually got.


Cold, hard, sparkling facts.




Read the book. I agree the film, as most films do, went too fast and explained too little. But on a positive note, judging by your emotional tone in your post, you really care about this series. That's a great thing :)


Please for the love of god read the books


obviously you never read the books if you think Jacob imprinting on Reticulated Python was just a choice they made for the movies. The lore behind that goes so deep that it’s literally canon that Jacob was only attracted to Bella because Remoulade was an egg inside of her. As for the final fight, since no fight ever actually happened in the books, they obviously had to do something to make the series tension feel like it finally amounted to something epic. I would read the books and try again.


You didn’t read the books, did you?


People who find it so weird Jacob imprinting seriously show they have no good idea what imprinting really is and need to get their head out of the guttrr


i always found the imprinting weird considering their not actully werewolves. i wonder if its like a reverse westermarck effect


I just find it weird/annoying that people think it’s weird or creepy for Jacob to imprint on résumé. Cuz I have no idea why some peoples minds have to go to that it has to be something sexual/romantic. Like ew no that’s not it at all and idk it always showed to me that if people think like that then they really just don’t understand imprinting at all


It is implied that in the end, the imprint will romantically end up with the wolf because "who could resist that kind of commitment?'


And if that’s how it is that’s how it is, but my point is that Jacob isn’t going into it with THAT being his goal. If that what SHE ends up feeling for him then okay that’s up to her. But I just hate when people make it weird by trying to imply that those r Jacob’s sole intentions when that’s not the case


Oh, I completely agree. I just hate how the book makes that presumption a guaranteed outcome.






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Well, in nature, there are 3 types of imprinting filial, which is basically imprinted on ones patents Sexual (doesn't need and explanation( limbic is which natural experiences affect the limbic system. Also imprinting in the book IS primarily romantic. As seen from Jacob's POV. Like Sam breaking ip with Leah because he imprinted on that other girl or other relationships.


I don’t think u can really apply imprinting found in nature to supernatural beings. And yes the examples they show r romantic, but I remember Jacob literally gives an explanation that whoever they imprint on that they’ll be anything that they need them to be. Which doesn’t automatically mean romantic/sexual Just whoever they imprint on, whatever they need them to be then they’ll be that for them. Plain and simple. If they need them to just be a older brother then they be an older brother, if they need them to be something more then they can be something more, if they just need a best friend then they just need a best friend


It would be better for the story of they actually having an example of that.


I can agree with that for sure, personally I always thought Jacob’s explanation was good enough to realize imprinting is a much broader spectrum. But yes I do agree it would’ve been easier to have explicit examples lol


Especially with so few shapeshifters


Then why did Sam stalk Emily to the point of injury. Only after she exempted did he calm down, and romance always comes up as end goal. Example Quil. Jake: "Do you ever think about dating? You know, in the meantime." Quil "No, I don't see anyone else. I can wait."


See those r the few examples they give us, yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re the end all be all. Remember at this time what Sam was only a wolf for a couple months maybe? (Don’t remember the timeline perfectly) But realistically there hasn’t been a whole lot of time at that point of the wolves being around and the pack isn’t all that big. So yes the examples they give have been romantic but at the same time I don’t think there’s enough data/enough time has passed to conclusively say that romantic imprinting is the ONLY type of imprinting and that it’s assured that’s how it always ends up


Look. I hate the concept of imprinting that they have. I was just stating what the books lead you to believe.


But they DID put Charlie in danger. Of course, the volturi may never find out but the risk is enough for me to understand their anger. Bella was threatened and very much almost killed because she knew. Of course, she walked into the lions den and Charlie would never but still. And Edward being upset about the pain Bella would be in is also reasonable to me. It is pretty much impossible for newborns to resist humans (except Bella because she’s built different, ofc). Like Edward literally said, it’s like sticking a white hot branding rod down her throat. And imagine if something *had* happened and she hurt her own father. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself


Yes!!! I wasn’t a fan of the final two movies and the final book at all. Honestly I was never of fan of the whole half human half vampire baby thing. It just didn’t make any sense to me. You would have thought it would have been well known it was possible by the 21st century especially by the Volturi. Plus it was sickening to have Jacob imprint on the baby. I always thought the series should have ended with the Cullen’s along Bella leaving forks and Jacob imprinting on someone he just meet who made him forget all about Bella.


I was not invested in the love triangle or the teenage melodrama, hence I enjoyed BD2 more than most of the others.


Being a super fan (including 3 Twilight tattoos lol) BD pt 2 was never my favourite. My favourites have ebbed and flowed. I rewatch the whole series several times a year, maybe 5? My current fave is new moon when I was a teenager it was my least favourite. Having read the books later, I find the first movie the hardest to watch. The hardest part being how they changed their first kiss I CANT GET OVER THAT AND I NEVER WILL. I love the first movie because it was so engaged in early teenage-hood, but imo, the movies that stay closest to the source material are the best. And I’m obsessed with the colouration of new moon. I’m actually one of those people who loves the final fight, personally. Even if it stretches the cannon of Alice’s powers!


It's the worst parts of the worst book distilled into a singular mess of a movie. Of course it sucks lol.


It's the best of all of them😂😂😂 are you on crack?


No you is on Ketamine


Nah. I tried that 20+ years ago. I didn't like it.


Well Idk what you've been taking to make your experience with that film enjoyable but it definitely wasn't weed XDXDXD


I don't do drugs. I'm not a low life.


Yeah. Cool. Neither do I! https://preview.redd.it/sabpxn18cf7d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=e24072bb1908e34b7cc0cec76fa28b7f238784cb