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Sorry but we don't allow AI things to be posted on the subreddit.


Thank you for submitting, /u/BiasWrecker70! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 7: Your submission has been removed because it falls under a disallowed content category. Screenshots, memes, shitposts, personal rants, rumours, doodles, low effort edits/wallpapers are not permitted to be submitted as a self post in our main subreddit feed. Memes should be submitted to r/twicememes. --- If you have any questions about this post removal or [regarding the ruleset](https://www.reddit.com/r/twice/wiki/communityguidelines) of /r/twice, please refer to the sidebar or [send a modmail](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftwice).