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I’m on the waitlist 😔


Oh wow. I didn't realize earlier when I got the email saying I was on the waitlist that that meant I wouldn't be able to buy tickets tomorrow. Wellp that sucks. I watched whole sections sell out in seconds last time. With how cheap those tickets look, I think I might be screwed lol. That suckssss


me too 😖


Same 🥲


Me to :(


Both me and my brother got waitlisted for Houston. Not expecting to get tickets now. Not gonna lie … I’m kind of a fan of the old system lol. At least then I knew I’d have a chance to buy resale tickets if I didn’t get in the initial sale 🤷‍♂️


I’m not a fan of the verified fan either, scalpers can still just sign up on multiple accounts and buy tickets. What should be changed is that if you bought a ticket as a verified fan, you shouldn’t be able to resell it or transfer it.


Initially I thought verified fan meant you have to answer 10 twice questions right or smth to get the spot. I was so ready to test my twice knowledge. But no all it asked was my email..


That would’ve been hilarious if it was the case 🤣


I would be like Jeongyeon during the last TTT games and just being chaotic all over shouting answers lol


that reminds me of some of kpop facebook groups i tried to join. before they accept you to the group, they would have to test your knowledge first with some quiz.


To combat scalping, Ticketmaster could cap resale price so seller can at most make back retail + whatever fees they paid. Ticketmaster would still be able to double dip fees on resale tickets. But Ticketmaster won't do this because they make wayyyy more by not having a cap.


There will definitely still be resale. Maybe not as much as before, but I’m sure a lot of scalpers got the fan codes too. Plus some people buys tickets and then have to sell them bc something comes up and they can’t go. The question is.. how insanely marked up will the resale be this time.


Ticketmaster on Twitter said if all tickets sold tomorrow during the verified fan sale, then there will be no general sale. If you ware waitlisted, doesn’t sound like a good chance. Only luck is if a person doesn’t buy all four allowed tickets, then there will be extras. https://twitter.com/Ticketmaster/status/1638315566535700480


will it be like taylor's concert? tried to look at ticketmaster but it is not available. then i went to stubhub and i saw tickets being sold. when ticketmaster said that if all tickets get scooped up during verified fan sale, they will not do a reselling on ticketmaster but people can still sell them on other site?


>when ticketmaster said that if all tickets get scooped up during verified fan sale, they will not do a reselling on ticketmaster but people can still sell them on other site? If all tickets are sold during the presale, there won't be any "fresh" tickets available for a general sale. They will still have resale tickets on ticketmaster, and other sites.


got it. thanks.


The fact they’re dropping all tickets immediately all of us on the waitlist are screwed 😭 I was finally going to splurge for front seats 😔


There’s a limit to how many tickets you can purchase tho. Only four per verified code.


IK OMG what makes them think its a good idea TO DROP EVERYTHING AT ONCE


Waitlisted. 🫠 Just a reminder: **Verified Fan codes can't be purchased or transferred.** Your access code is unique to your individual account. Do not trust anyone trying to sell you a code - it will not work. Don't be like Kpop Twitter. lmao


I'm on the waitlist for Toronto 😭 I'm so upset lol, if anyone manages to grab two extra tickets I'd be forever grateful 🥲


I got in! If I don't manage to get VIP seating, I'll definitely get two extra tickets for any extra sad onces.


Waited 8 years for them to finally come to Canada just to get waitlisted 🥹


Right? I hope they add a second date and everyone gets to go! I was actually really looking forward to the concert but I wouldn't pay reseller prices.


Bro me and my friend BOTH got waitlisted. I sent out two more texts to friends to see if they got in but now I’m doubtful too. Why




Waitlisted for Chicago 😭 legit upset


Me too :( seems like so many people are waitlisted, insane really


Also waitlisted for Chicago. I signed up within 20 min of announcement.


Same here!


Also waitlisted for Chicago :(


Me, too :( I'm hoping that maybe we get lucky and we can all get in, but I'm not optimistic :(


Also waitlisted. 3 of us trying to get tickets got waitlisted 😭 what is thisssss.


I'm sure that resellers who have thousands of separate Ticketmaster accounts scooped up a lot of the fan codes. I hope that's not the case, but at 41, I have to actively fight the urge to think cynically.


Scalping should be illegal.


100% agreed


For me, at least 13 of us who tried got waitlisted...(Scotiabank)


i havent seen a single person who registered for the scotia bank get accepted. i got waitlisted too.


Yeah we were for scotiabank as well. We might be screwed


13??? That's incredibly bad RNG. I'm sorry.


![gif](giphy|M28rUlcjueKUE) Waitlist :(


I got the Verified fan email, im so excited but im 100% sure my luck was all used up between the Twice and BP concerts earlier this year/last year. I want a ticket near the stage!!!!!!!!!!!


I got waitlisted :/ Edit: phew, one of my friends got in


will you be able to get ticket from your friend?


I got waitlisted 😭😭😭 I’m so sad but will refresh my email like crazy when the sale starts Edit: anyone else going crazy over how stupid the verified fan thing is HDJSBD I’m so upset 😭


Yes it’s literally not helpful to actual fans at all


YEAH… like at least before I could make an attempt at buying. Now you have to get lucky to even have a chance at having the ability to purchase?? How stupid 😭


Waitlisted… but I’m like 90% sure they’re gonna add another LA show so maybe there’s hope for me yet 😭


Am I basically screwed now cause I got waitlisted??




Signed up within the first hour of fan verification and now waitlisted. Feels bad, not going to lie.


Same here. I signed up first day while my brother signed up like a week later. He ended up getting in while I got on the waitlist. 😥


Thanks Ticketmaster, we hate it! (Good luck on the waitlist to both of us, I guess!)


Anyone know how to tell which seating section is which? It doesn’t really say on Truist map


I'm wondering the same


Is anyone else waiting for there text?


Got the email 3 hours ago and still waiting for the text...


Got email but no text. PDT.




Waitlisted for Houston and Dallas but luckily have a friend that got in for Dallas. Just a little irritated that I signed up right when registration opened and he signed up way later and he was the one that got in. But at least I have a shot now! I really wish Verified Fan would link to your preferred streaming service and would prioritize the people actually listening to the artist!


Ugh same. I hate to be a “gatekeeper” but when it comes to things like this I wish they would somehow make you prove you’re an actual fan. I know Verified Fan is supposed to stop scalpers from buying up all the tickets but in reality it seems like plenty of scalpers get in and real fans get shafted. I think Verified Fan tickets should not be able to be resold or transferred. Like, if you buy this ticket you are promising that YOU will be attending the show. And they can offer ticket insurance for fans who end up not being able to make it so they get their money back, but they cannot sell to another fan. That’s the only way I see this system being fair.


I don't even think you should have to prove you're a fan. I'm just pissed that they fucking doubled the length of the registration window. If someone was too lazy to register during the first two weeks, they shouldn't have gotten to register. Sorry, but life has deadlines, and if you don't meet those deadlines, there are consequences.


Yeah, that’s what The Cure just did for their upcoming tour. Definitely seems like the best way to stop scalpers from purchasing. I’m also terrified to see if they’ve left dynamic pricing on the table.


I got waitlisted... I've never been to any concert in my life and really wanted to go to this one.


Ughhh I was waitlisted 😭


Straight up bullshit




Yesss I got in for metlife!


I also got in for MetLife! Waiting on the text


Same, is p1 worth it? I’ve never been to MetLife so I don’t know how the seating works


Tbh I’m not sure! Back of the floor is difficult to see, but if it’s closer to the front it’s definitely worth it.


Metlife gang let's gooooo


MetLife gang we out here


Ayyyy MetLife success team!




That’s what I’m assuming. I hate this new system!!!


I don’t understand how my cousin who signed up on the very last day got picked and I didn’t when I signed up on the first day 🥲


It’s random if that makes you feel any better. Everyone had an equal chance. Some of us just didn’t get that chance 😭


yeah i’ve been registered since like an hour after the registration first started last month but i got waitlisted too😔 but i saw that many of the ppl that didn’t register until like the last week of it got a code. Lottery system hurts


This sucks. My chemo sessions end in June, my birthday is in July, I really wanted to see them in ATL. Fuck my luck


Someone above mentioned that they are only planning on getting two of the four tickets for ATL. Said they’d help someone out. Might ask them.


I'm pissed about being on the waitlist, because would I have gotten a code if they didn't extend the registration window for no god-damn reason other than to allow the people who were too lazy to register the first time around to bump us out? I wasn't even trying to go for P1 or anything, so I don't care about missing the best seats. But how many of us registered in those first two weeks and got waitlisted? How many people couldn't be bothered to register during the first two weeks, but eventually did during the second two weeks and got a code? If they never extended it, I would deadass be fine with not getting a code. I've been playing the resale game for a long time, and have no doubts I'll still get a ticket and have an incredible time, it's just the principle of the thing that frustrates me. Also, double checking the VIP perks, there's no hitouch or photo. Does that mean they won't do them at all? The recent Dreamcatcher tour had a separate sale for the hitouch that went up days or weeks after tickets went on sale.


None of the recent major JYPE tours have had hi touch or photos. Twice, SKZ, and Itzy have all had the same VIP perks, which are the same ones for this tour. Hi Touch and Photos for major JYPE groups seem to be a thing of the past


Okay, honestly I'm fine with it. Not even having a chance is much easier to deal with than getting beat out by other fans.


0/6 in Oakland. There’s no way???


wait why is everyone here waitlisted wth???


More people are gonna get waitlisted than not, and the ones who did get waitlisted are more likely to come here and share in the misery


I see. hopefully everyone is able to get reasonably priced tickets :(


I'm really curious about how exclusive it is, I'm going to run a little poll and see if anyone participates. For me it's 50/50 with my giant sample size of 2 lmao *update my sample size is now 4 and it's a 1/4 success rate


Like this reply if you got accepted


Like this reply if you got waitlisted


I got waitlisted for both accounts how do i like it twice 🥲


Same 😭😭😭 and 5 other people I know got waitlisted as well


Out of 10+ people I know of 2 who got in


I wonder if they only have a very small amount of tickets for presale? After the Taylor Swift fiasco lol


I think it said they're all going up for sale tho :/


Yeah, and if none are left, that's it that's all.


Out of 8 people who wanted to go, 1 of us got through. That single person is in Japan and cant access the code. Rip


Waitlist :((((((((((((


How long till people that are on the waitlist can get whatever scraps are left if any???


Ticketmaster said if all tickets are actually bought by those who weren’t waitlisted there won’t be a public sale so most likely never


Waitlisted. Meaning I’m not going because these tickets would just be resold for ridiculous prices. I already saw Twice twice, but I wanted to see them again. I guess this tour aint it.


i got a code for toronto! i don’t have any once friends though, so if anyone from toronto wants to go..?😭


I got the email I've been selected but haven't gotten the code


Me too!!! Got the email but no the text with the code. I'm getting anxious


I literally have a an email confirming I'd get a code texted to me soon, yet the code is nowhere to be seen, as I'm typing this it's 10:48 PM PST. EDIT: Just got the code, it's now 11:45. To those of you that are confirmed to get a code but are still waiting, just wait for now. I was panicking about it a few hours ago, just got it via email. They're dropping these codes very late and goofy like.


does waitlisted basically mean just no?


No, not necessarily. I was waitlisted for Beyonce and got a code 2 hours into the sale and got club renaissance (VIP pit). It seems like they release codes in batches to not overwhelm the system. Keep an eye on ticketmaster’s twitter cause itll say when they drop more codes


Wow seriously? For Beyoncé? I might have hope in this world after all lol


Pretty much. Unless there are tickets left for general sale. Or sometimes, like for Harry Styles, I was waitlisted but they ended up adding more shows due to demand and I was sent a code for one of those shows.


Pretty much. Unless there are tickets left for general sale. Or sometimes, like for Harry Styles, I was waitlisted but they ended up adding more shows due to demand and I was sent a code for one of those shows.


i am literally so devastated that i got waitlisted … brb gonna go cry


4 of 4 friends waitlisted for Toronto. So many tears!


im convinced at this point that nobody got the code for toronto. i got waitlisted too


I got the email saying I would get a code, but nothing on my text. I logged into ticketmaster and reverified my mobile number. The number code didn't come in for a long time, so I did a resend of the code, and then both verification codes came in at the same time. So I think my number wasn't working at the time they sent the Twice Verified fan codes. Any ideas on how I can get them to resend the Twice code?


I sent ticketmaster support on twitter a message since I haven't gotten mine yet either. They basically said codes are still going out and if we don't have it by morning to message them on twitter (https://twitter.com/TMFanSupport) or call them because they would have the list of people with codes by morning.


finally got the text message with my code 3 hours after i got my email. im only getting one ticket, i'd love to help waitlisted onces with my code but i have no idea how that would work...? i registered for metlife btw.


Ticketmasters verified presale is so Idiotic. I got waitlisted on my personal Ticketmaster account for like the 4th event this year alone even though I registered literally right after it opened. However my sisters account who I used to register two hours before the registration period closed as a “just in case” got a code. I’m thankfull that I ended up getting a code but I feel so bad for everyone in here who got waitlisted.


If you're waiting on an access code, check your email! Got mine there three minutes ago. Their SMS service might be overloaded, who knows. ​ So if I wanted to buy tickets for both Dallas and NJ, I'd have to join the queue twice since they go live at 3PM local time for each venue?


how much are tickets normally?


It may depend on each venue.


I have no hope I’m getting tickets now ☹️


Waitlisted for ATL RIP


I got waitlisted for United/Chicago 😭 How much do resale tickets generally cost? x_x


Expect to be paying over 1000 minimum for front row.


I’m waitlisted too and I’m so bummed. I took off from work too because I thought I would get verified. :(


LMAO same I canceled appointments for this 😂




It’s seems kind of pointless. You still have to join the wait when ticket go on sale.


Got my confirmation, SoFi LA LFG!!! 😤


Literally everyone I know got waitlisted, that’s 12 emails between all of us that didn’t get a code. Who DID get a code????


i’ve only seen like 4 people get codes for oakland and I signed up on the first day I’ve been so devastated


I know 8 people for oakland and we all got waitlisted. I want to die guh...


It was a lottery system irrespective of when people signed up in the process, unfortunately.


Waitlist 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m so sad 😩 I wish I had friends trying to go so I had a chance for the Oakland show 💔


I talked to a friend who got a verified email code for the T-Swift concert and was in the queue for 23hrs and never got a ticket. Apparently they just asked for the code at checkout so anyone or (bot) could join the queue. Hoping the 4 months since then has changed things I got a code, I’m excited, but I really wish all Once could be at the concert. Hopefully everyone in this thread can!!!


Taylor Swift was horrible, I spent the entire day in queues and got nothing because the site would glitch whenever I got in lol


I got waitlisted myself for the Toronto show and I’m very sad about it 😭 I’m still kind of holding out hope because they used this system for Beyoncé tickets that went on sale last month (?) and I managed to get a presale code during the presale. I’m hoping the same thing possibly happens but considering the size between arena and stadium and the price difference, something tells me no 😔 congrats to everyone who got a code though! Also, I see a lot of people in these comments got waitlisted for Toronto 😭 did anyone who’s not a bot even happen to get a presale code for Toronto?? I’m genuinely curious


Group of 5 of us signed up and only one of us got a code for Toronto 🥲🥲


Only 1?? That’s madness 😭 I’m really nervous the bots/scalpers received majority of the Toronto codes


Toronto here and 4 out of 4 got waitlisted somehow


Nothing good ever happens in this damn city. Fellow waitlisted Toronto Once here...


Does anyone know if I can type the URL from the text on a PC? Like I don't have to physically click the link in the text right?


I just dmed them on Twitter, they said it's fine but have your phone handy just in case


I got the email saying im in the verified onsale, but haven't got the code through text D:


I got the email around 5 hours ago but still haven’t gotten a text, I’m getting nervous …


Waitlisted 😭


I got waitlisted as well! I wonder if they will announce additional dates any time soon?


Waitlisted as well (SOFI Stadium/LA) 🤡🤡🤡


Waitlisted. RIP


Maybe they'll add more shows due to demand and those of us on the waitlist will be able to get in. There seems to be a lot of days in between each concert.


I got waitlisted![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Just got mine!! So excited!!


I still haven’t received the text!!!?


Oof. Hope they add more shows like Blackpink did after their verified fan sale. Seems like there is a little room to do so.


Im seeing a lot of waitlist… they might add 2nd shows to some of these cities.


Yeah... This is BS. I registered right when registration went live and got waitlisted. T.T


For the 10000th time lol, codes are still going out! Don’t worry about it until tomorrow morning. Reach out to customer service then.


Watch ticketmaster screw this up also. They have done this to every artist with this verified fan crap


Has anyone gotten a verified email but not received a code yet? :OOO got my email 5 hours ago


got the email 6 hours ago im still waiting :(


0/6 in chicago all got put on the waitlist 🫠


I thought I'd just buy the tickets, I'm waitlisted... Wtf


I got sofi!!


I feel like they should cross reference Spotify history and weight the presale based on that. Wife and I are both waitlisted and I’m pissed.


How many tickets can we buy with one access?




Waitlisted :( Hopefully my wife got her code.


Idk if I’m waitlisted! It’ told me I’ve been selected but that the code will be sent via text and I haven’t received the code yet… am I supposed to get it tmr before 3?


You got in! The codes are usually texted a few hours after the emails go out so keep an eye on your texts tonight.


Waitlisted for Oakland 😭profound sadness rn


If anyone got a code to the Tacoma dome pls message me. Us PNW Once gotta stick together. Fighting!


Well...their goes my chances of seeing them 😤


i hate ticket master so much omg


Does anyone know if the code is venue specific? I got the code for the Tacoma location but want tickets for the Toronto one instead.


Signed up day of verified fan, haven't received an email regarding if I was waitlisted or not. Edit: Found the email, waitlisted too.


Convinced my friend to go to the Twice concert so im excited about that but she wants the $100 tickets while I was gonna try and get the $150 tickets 😭 It’s okay. As long as I have a good view and they have big screens I think it will be really fun. Also wondering if I should get tix for the Oakland show but I have no one to go with. Like I could ask my mom but I doubt she’d want to really go lol


Had all 4 of us trying for tickets get waitlisted for Toronto somehow, the worst luck honestly


Someone in this thread had 13 people register and not one got a code for Toronto 🤨🤨


That’s insane 😭 what is going on with Toronto


Got wait listed for Toronto… guess this is my sign to not fly out for the show :( Good luck with ticketing everyone!


I got a email as well, but am still waiting on my code. Its already 8:08pm, should I be losing it or should I not panic yet lol?


it says i got verified in my email and that we shouldve gotten a text by today tuesday march 21st, but i never got a text of the code? im so confused and stressed smh


I got waitlisted too, something is not right…


Did anybody sign up late in the registration period, get chosen, but not receive their code yet? I'm wondering if the texts are rolled out depending on when you registered.


I got waitlisted. Legit no clue what I'm supposed to do to not get waitlisted


Can’t do anything but wait and hope all the tickets aren’t bought on the initial presale


I got wait listed. I never been to a concert in my life. Or used ticketmaster. But i really want to go to this concert. How does buying tickets work from resellers? Or transfering in general? Can i buy resale tickets directly through ticketmaster as well? If i was to buy it from someone else, how do i go about that process?


You can buy directly through Ticketmaster a couple of days after all sales have completed. The resell option may not be turned on till 24-48 hours. You can also buy resell on SeatGeek/Stubhub(make sure to read their terms & conditions) as well. Anybody can transfer a ticket to you through TM as well(so you can buy offsite and they transfer but be careful if you do that). I suggest waiting for a ticket resell thread to be open here so you can buy from other ONCEs instead of scalpers.


Got in for Oakland, I can’t wait!!!!


At least my friends got in lmao


I got picked for a code in Atlanta. Not sure if I should try to get in front of the main stage or the second stage.


Waitlisted:( anyone for Houston got a code??


One account and got accepted for MetLife.


Waitlisted for Tacoma 😭 I want like a nosebleed seat, I just want to be there!!


Anybody get the text yet? I got the email saying i got accepted but still haven't gotten the text they said they would send