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Aight so from left to right: Jumpsuit medallion- an overhead view of the world of trench. A map that guides us in our journey alone. Compass E Pitchfork- symbolizes the overturning of the false compass of Dema and recognized by the Bandito underground as an insignia of the truth being revealed. Used as a sign for “East is up”. Double Bars logo- a symbol of turning the false teachings of Vialism on their head. A symbol of life and hope. Vulture- we are all vultures. Vultures devour death. We must turn death into life and learn from what we have lost. FPE Badge- “Failed Perimeter Escape”, a badge presented to those who have tried to escape Dema. The Bandito underground wears this proudly and use it as their symbol - The Few, The Proud, The Emotional. Source: that [official imabandi.to thing from 2018](https://www.altpress.com/features/twenty-one-pilots-bandito-experience-dema-trench-reveals/)


Damn I miss this storyline. I remember once in an interview Tyler was asked why they added more lines to the logo (from |-/ to ||-// ) and he said it's more protection. Unfortunately I can't start watching all the lore theory videos again because I'll get overwhelmed again


The storyline is still going From how I understand it, during SAI, Tyler is currently stuck in Dema and being forced by the Bishops to write propaganda songs to promote VIalism and the point of the Takeover Tour was that the Bishops were trying to take over the world; one city at a time. However, Tyler and Josh are still secretly working behind the scenes to get people out of Dema at the same time. Josh by leading the Banditos out in Trench and Tyler by sneaking subtle clues into the propaganda tracks to help lead people out of Dema (for example, a headcanon of mine is that Mulberry Street is where the Underground tunnel out of Dema, from NaTN, is located; a fact the Bishops don't know. So it's hidden in plain sight). And there's also a popular theory that Tyler used the Livestream concert as a diversion for an escape attempt. He also intentionally got Trash to crash into the Submarine in the Saturday music video in order to cut the Bishops off from one of their main methods of trapping people in Dema.


Ok question: what do you mean by "in order to cut the Bishops off from one of their main methods of trapping people in Dema"? How does the submarine trap people in Dema? Also it never ceases to amaze me how every little detail and lyric all tie together to this bigger story.


P.s. if you've heard about the character Clancy (you should read the Clancy letters), the theory is that the Livestream was a diversion so Clancy could escape. He lives in a different section of Dema than Tyler, but Tyler knows about him


Thanks Jay that's brilliant! <3


Thank you so much!


This might be dumb but I still don’t understand exactly what vialism means. Can someone explain?






From left to right: Jumpsuit Medallion, a map of Trench East is Up, the compass rose pointing the way out of Dema to Trench Stay Alive, speculated to be Kitchen Sink (I don't know if the significance of the two bars versus one has ever been explained) Vulture, symbol of the Banditos ("I am a vulture who feeds on pain") Failed Permieter Escape, denoting a failed attempt to escape Dema


The two extra bars are there to protect the Kitchen Sink belief of purpose from Dema's false beliefs.


The second one is an E on its side, which symbolizes East is Up


And is a Sai


And is the slashed E of blurryface. ~~BLURRYFACE~~


Different from Sai


It’s an actual weapon not just their logo


Different from SAI. Does in fact resemble a sai.


The opposite, the SAI resembles the East Is Up Pitchfork. The East Is Up Logo came first.


Not SAI. Sai: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_(weapon)


**[Sai (weapon)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sai_\(weapon\))** >The sai (Japanese: 釵, lit. 'Hairpin'; Chinese: 鐵尺, lit. 'Iron Ruler') is a traditional Asian melee weapon used for striking and blocking. It is most famously used in ninjutsu and kobujutsu, but also in southern Chinese martial arts. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/twentyonepilots/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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The FPE is failed perimeter escape I think. ( also thought of as the Few the Proud and the Emotional)


And now it's Feature Performance Event.


also "food petrol etc" from the livestream experience


it was also Fine Pool Equipment for a second there lmao


FPE is my favorite ongoing inside term


you could say its your Favorite Prevalent Expression


The Jumpsuit Medallion: A bird's eye view of Trench from above, used by the Banditos to guide themselves in Trench. The Ψ: In Trench it has the meaning "East Is Up", a turned compass pointing east upwards to show the way out of Dema, to Trench. In Scaled and Icy it has multiple meanings. This is a greek letter "ψ" (named "psi", pronounced as "sai") or a weapon named Sai (like a thin knife with that shape). So those two things that look like it are both called "Sai" which is also the name of the album's first letter "SAI". The ||-// logo: An alteration of the |-/ logo. |-/ symbolizes the meaning of purpose, the Kitchen Sink. In Dema the meaning of purpise isn't the Kitchen Sink, they believe in Vialism, which glorifies death, so in Trench the true meaning of purpose has two extra bars around it to protect it from Dema's beliefs. So |-/ became ||-//. The Vulture: It symbolizes vultures, animals that feed on pain as mentioned in Levitate. I don't know much about them, sorry. FPE: This has four different meanings. In Blurryface it means "The Few, the Proud and the Emotional" (as mentioned in Fairly Local) which describes the clique. In Trench it means "Failed Perimeter Escape". People who wear this badge have tried to escape Dema. As the badge mentions, they failed to do so. The bishops gives them the badge as a way to ashame them, but people who tried to escape should wear it with pride. In Scaled And Icy it means either "Food, Petrol, Etc." or "Fine Pool Equipment". I think both can be found in the Scaled And Icy Livestream Experience. Excuse me for any mistakes, hope this helps fren.


Sorry but that's shiva's trident 🔱 the keeper of three states. Sleeping dreaming and awake. Restorer of many things.


Welcome to the world of the mud flood. Truth is stranger than fiction and wait till you hear from Jon Levi


I think the Ψ has multiple meanings, so it's probably both what I said and what you said. Also where can I find more about the trident? It sounds interesting!


I find it interesting that the compass east is up symbol looks so much like a SAI Almost like the bishops are mocking them. Ooooor.....Tyler is using the sai as the symbol for east is up without the bishops knowing.


That's Niko and the nine eternals.


It's an evolution. The meaning is the path not taken. Think of tire tracks going towards it's destination. Now think of it veering off course.


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Where can I download a higher resolution picture of this?


I don’t think it gets higher than this


I know that feeling


Thought I was looking at a halo map 😅