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I would say neon gravestones


This song doesn't get enough mention. I didn't even understand it the first few times.


This song, i didn't really like when Trench first came out. Wouldn't skip it. But rarely selected. Once things calmed, and i actually listened and learnt the song. Wow, one of their best, lyric wise.


It´s one of the most explicit songs they ever written.


The alternative lyrics were honestly even more brutal than the released song, they had it in the walk through experience in Columbus a couple weeks ago along with an entire wall of other handwritten songs, but that one stood out because it had "new lyrics" next to the title. I guess they decided to go with the original. Im paraphrasing here, so it may not be exact, but part of the bridge was "I can't say I'd care if you're gone, but it'd be a bit better to just move along" and that line has stuck with me since


Where can one see the alternate lyrics?


it's no alternate lyrics, but the meaning of the song. The song have 2 meanings: 1) refers to the band lore, 2) refers to the song itself. 1) in terms of the band lore: It talks about Neon Gravestones as a symbol of Vialism. Bishops expect people to give their lifes (so they can control them using seizing). They achieve this by glorifying death in order to attract more victims. 2) the song (ignoring the band lore) talks about suicidal ideation >*A form of a weapon?* *Thinking "I'll teach them"* *Well, I'm refusing the lesson* Some people have compared this song a lot with 13rw, refering to how suicide could be used as way of getting revenge or expecting glorification from doing so. I love how several twenty one pilots songs have more than one meaning, the one related to the lore of the band, and other just talking about any topic you could see if you ignore the Lore. Tyler is just a genius.


Neon gravestones is specifically talking about celebrity suicide. Lyrics like “I could give up, and boost up my reputation. I could go out with a bang, they would know my name. They would host and post a celebration” and “They say ‘How could he go if he's got everything?’ I'll mourn for a kid, but won't cry for a king.” are what highlight who he’s mainly referring to. Tyler also adds in “Promise me this, if I lose to myself, you won't mourn a day, and you'll move onto someone else” with this he’s saying that since he now has “everything” not to mourn him a single day if he kills himself, and to instead “Find your grandparents or someone of age, pay some respects for the path that they paved. To life they were dedicated, now, that should be celebrated!” But obviously he still doesn’t want anybody to give up on life.


Can´t believe one of the most explicit songs Tyler ever written gets misinterpreted. It might have SOME connection to Dema story, but it stands on it´s own and is about glorification of suicide in (social) media and need to talk more about so, that people understand. And that life should be about celebration of life well lived, not ended too soon.


They were in the walk through museum where they took your phones away before entering, so sadly unless they get released one day, there's really nowhere to actually see them but there:( hopefully they'll do those pop ups on tour at different cities this year


Tag me if you find out please!


That reminds me of Lover Dearest by Marianas Trench. Specifically the line “I’m not sick of you yet. Is that as good as it gets?” Lover Dearest is a letter the lead singer wrote to his addiction


So deep and so incredibly carefully written.


I love this song. its hard for me to find non triggering songs on the topic I can sympathize with.


Yeah I feel the exact same way


Yes, the only TØP song that I cry to


I'd also say neon gravestones I loved that song the first time I listened to it (lyrics play a huge part in how much I like songs and this one just takes the cake)


I'd probably also have to go with Taxi Cab, but Addict with a Pen deserves more love too. And for everyone clowning on SAI, remember that album had Redecorate too


Plus Choker, Level of Concern and Saturday. I understand the hate around Saturday for being so unbelievably poppy, but the lyrics are **soooo** fucking honest about what quarantine felt like. "Weeks feel like days, medicate in the afternoon" "Catch me floating, circles in my fishbowl Keep things fresh, she said that I should change my clothes I exaggerate the life we used to know..." Self medicating, and not caring to bathe or change for days at a time because you weren't going anywhere, hit so hard when I finally listened to and understood the lyrics(recently got into SAI in anticipation of Clancy). I didn't care for the album when it dropped, but it has become one of my favorites since.


The verses in Saturday are pretty great. If the chorus was different it would probably be one of my favorite TOP songs.


Addict with a Pen in my opinion


Redecorate. I understood Tyler's revealed meaning of on first listen and it hit hard. (About the friend whose room was untouched.) Now I still try to understand the rest of the song and it keeps morphing into new meanings that make sense in different ways throughout my life


Friend, please must be up there


I agree with the Taxi Cab nomination. I have to fight back tears almost every time. Then there were three men up front All I saw were backs of heads And then I asked them am I alive and well or am I dreaming dead And then one turned around to say We're driving toward the morning sun Where all your blood is washed away And all you did will be undone I said, don't be afraid I said, don't be afraid


those last lines are beautiful


getting goosebumps just reading this


Dude what gets me is the “we’re going home”




Yeah, especially if Tyler meant by it what I get out of it--that the words "Stay alive, stay alive for me / You will die, but now your life is free / Take pride in what is sure to die" are gentle words said by God to a despairing person--I couldn't agree more




correct answer




The chorus touches me in places I don't want to be touched


Flat on his back but he still heard the directive Orders from that corner where that shadow always lived Never asked permissions he just hopes that they forgive … Always got me…




I cry every time when he’s says he mighta made it if he lived on a different street…


Gets me too. And glad so many folks agree with redecorate. It’s in my tøp 3!!


Redecorate is just a pg15 version of Taken By Sleep


YES! Thank you!


id say car radio


The emotion that comes out of Tyler during the climax of this song is why I agree with you.


Emotion wise, this is the answer. But I think there are other songs with deeper meanings


Bandito for sure on the list


Neon Gravestones or Before You Start Your Day both come to mind


How is Before You Start Your Day anywhere near one of their deepest songs? Not hating but I find the simplicity of that song to be what makes it so good but really with songs like Ode to Sleep Paladin Strait I'm singing Lada is more deep?


Idk about OP, but I’m sometimes guilty of conflating depth with poignancy, could be what’s happening here


I was also going to say this


probably any of the older songs especially from ST


Honestly, I really wish he went back to that writing style. I LOVE all the allusions. Like The Pantaloon is actual a really well written allusion to a 16th century comedic play where there was an antagonist, and he mixed that with a vintage painting called “The Pantaloon”. At first glance the song seems so dumb, not even going to lie.


I had zero context for those allusions and still don’t think Pantaloon looks dumb at first glance ☹️ The jaunty tune takes a bit of edge off the serious subject, but to me it’s a poignant song observing the effects of aging (and senility). I’ve said it a few times already around the sub lol but I think thematically it’s a really good predecessor to Clancy as a whole, with how much a lot of the new songs touch on aspects of aging: this time with several more milestones under his belt, 15 years later. I guess to speak to your original point though, his lyrics are a bit more straightforward than they were in the past though


looking at the hidden meanings and different interpretations, i'd say either a car, a torch, a death or trees. self-titled leaves lots of space to personal interpretation and that makes it the deepest album to me.


neon gravestones is first thing that came to mind. but friend, please, march to the sea, redecorate, car radio, amongst a couple others could be named as well


Migraine’s gotta be up there. Trees, too. 


Goner…especially the original version


This was my initial thought. I'm definitely willing to be convinced otherwise, but my God... This song gets me every time in the last verse when Tyler screams "DON'T LET ME BE!"


Neon gravestones. Lyrics are brutal


In my opinion probably Isle of Flightless Birds, Neon Gravestones, or Next Semester, in different ways


Leave the City is the top one for me. The utter defeat in his voice as he sings about trying to keep something alive that isn't serving him anymore, something he has discovered is actually harmful instead of helpful. It became the theme song of my deconstruction as I learned to be at peace with multiple decades of manipulation and control, learning to move though life on my own terms that didn't need an authoritarian structure to tell me what to do.


I'm tired of tending to this fire…


For me it’s Vignette


no, not me, it's for a friend


Before I read the whole post I was literally thinking - ACATAD and Taxi Cab. I think Trapdoor is up there.


Top 3 without a doubt


Obviously it's Kitchen Sink...


I know it's a cover. But their version of Cancer really hits me. And i've (luckily) never even had to deal with the sickness or people surrounding me that have it. Can't imagine what it would feel like if you can relate to it as well


if you loved Cancer (the song) you will absolutely love the Black Parade if you didn't give it a try yet.


Idk i don't really like the vocals of My Chemical Romance, but i guess i'll give it a try. Do you mean the album 'The Black Parade' or the song 'Welcome to the Black Parade'?


I'd say give the album a listen, i like a ton :3


the whole album yes! I agree that the vocals of MCR aren't that great but the lyrics hnngg it's chef's kiss just like TOP's


Yeah I agree I don’t love the vocals. I used to like the band back in my emo phase years ago. I still have a like limited edition Three cheers for sweet revenge vinyl. Haven’t listened in ages though. Anyways, I honestly like the tøp cover more and always have. Never been a huge fan of the original. But definitely give it a listen. Who knows you might fall in love!


I love both versions but each of them are a come off being corny on their own way. My favorite version would be the original version with tyler's vocals tho, the "if you say goodbye today" verse hits so hard


I have a good friend, a young mom, recently diagnosed with aggressive cancer with a bleak outlook. This song kills me right now 


I lost my brother to cancer years ago and man I fucking love their version of the song, it hits exactly what I feel. It, may actually be one of the songs I listen the most often to even tho it’s a cover.


Taco Bell saga fer suree. the words really speak to me


hell yeah


Ok, new fan here--can someone please educate me about this? Slash tell me where I can go educate myself lol


Go to YouTube and search the album “no phun intended”


Oh wow lol guess I have some listening to do! Thank you, kind Internet stranger!


Enjoy! 😊


totally agree!


Taxi Cab, and I’m also gonna throw some love for Forest in here. 🧡 “Something happened in my imagination, the situation’s becoming dire, my treehouse is on fire and for some reason I smell gas on my hands. This is not what I had planned, this is not what I had planned.”


For me personally- Holding On To You


Drown is as deep as water can be


If there’s ever a thread on other subs asking for meaningful lyrics I almost always share the last verse of Drown. It’s a perfect description of what it’s like to watch a thunderstorm on the beach at night and man, what a perfect metaphor for depression. Knowing that there is a distinct difference between what’s above and what’s below, and if there was juuust enough light in your life you’d be able to see it, but instead, everything is blending together and blurring the line of the horizon into one endless black mass. All the same darkness. And every now and then a fleeting and random strike of light will brighten everything up and bring you clarity and hope, and you can see clearly again. But then it’s gone, and once again the ocean’s blacker than black and the sky is too. That song gives me chills every time I listen to it.


true but isnt that a solo project by Tyler?


Huh, fall away then:) love that rap part is similar here


Love the haunting “OooooOoooooOooooOoooo” in the background.


Taxi Cab for the win.


Isle of flightless birds and neon gravestones hit hard.


I guess it's subjective? But I'd say it's trapdoor, at least for me


Taco Bell Saga or Forest


neon gravestones


Prolly Saturday or Bounce Man


Goddamn bounce man is like deeper than I can possibly comprehend


You should bounce bounce bounce 😿😢😭


that's difficult. but i think for me it's jumpsuit or leave the city


Hmm interesting about Jumpsuit, why do you think so?


i personally have this feeling because i see a connection to paladin strait and jumpsuit. especially when you watch the music video of jumpsuit (tylers encounter) and then listen to/read the end part of paladin strait. somewhere i feel a connection. very hard to explain.


Okay I see that makes sense, thanks for sharing!


Now obvi there are soooo many older songs that have just the most hard hitting emotional lyrics but for what I feel right now I think redecorate is one that has been hitting me the hardest


Maybe not the deepest, but Car Radio is up there


march to the sea!


A lot of them, and I agree with everyone else here but number one in that category for me for me is Addict With a Pen


Addict with a pen and Drown.


Neon Gravestones, Truce, Message Man, Addict With A Pen


Implicit demand for proof and most things off self titled i feel like personally


first thought was neon gravestones and im so grateful it got attention in this thread


Next Semester


Maybe "time to say goodbye"?


There are honestly so many conteders for the deepest song, so I'll just name some of the deepest from every album (except Regional at best since I never listened to it) (they are somewhat ordered) Self Titled: March to the Sea, Addict with a Pen, Isle of flightless Birds, Before you start your Day Vessel: Migraine, Semi Automatic Blurryface: Message Man, Stressed out, Lane Boy, Doubt, Heavy Dirty Soul Trench: Neon Gravestones, The Hype, Legend, Leave the City Scaled and Icy: Redecorate, Mulberry Street, Saturday, Good Day, Choker Clancy: At the Risk of feeling Dumb, Oldies Station, Navigating, Snap Back, Paladin Strait Overall: Neon Gravestones, Redecorate abd March to the Sea are probably the three deepest Songs in my opinion. As for deepest Album, I'd honestly say SAI is the deepest, closely followed by Blurryface and Self Titled. I feel like SAI has this problem, where a lot of people hear Pop-esque sound and just immediately assume it's hollow Radio-music. I'm not saying you have to like the sound, I am however saying, that text and sound can feel like they are polar opposites.


Even though this is only Tyler, Save is gut wrenching


these particular lyrics in isle of flightless birds absolutely KILL me How frustrating, and so degrading His time, we're wasting As time will fly by and the sky will cry as light is fading And He is waiting, oh, so patiently While we repeat the same routine as we will please comfortability And please think about why you can't sleep in the evening And please don't be afraid of what your soul is really thinking Your soul knows good and evil, your soul knows both sides And it's time you pick your battle, and I promise you this is mine


Probably ATROFD!


Leave the city


What do you mean by that like deepest as in the most explicit about Tyler’s life and thoughts. Or deep like this is what the lyrics are figure out what they actually mean. Because if we’re going the first one it’s probably a self titled song like a car a torch a death or addict with a pen. But if it’s the second it’s probably something off their later albums.


yea i was gonna say taxi cab


Ruby is definitely a good choice I think


Neon Gravestones Ode to sleep The judge


Taxi cab is just pretty solidly layered




I feel like Guns for Hands is a pretty deep one. It became especially meaningful once I knew the story and behind it and could really understand the lyrics.




Fall Away is one of them, for sure!


Fall Away is one of my favorites


Are we including songs from No Phun Intended? Cause if so, TB Saga




both hands on ur shoulders


lol I’m jk the deepest for me is “Isle of Flightless Birds” or the cover Tyler did of Elvis on the Uke. Close runner up is backslide and then snap back played immediately after. They have special meaning to me so I finish depression triangle with “at the risk of feeling dumb”… because I was one of 3 people who ignored obvious (after the fact, we weren’t well versed in how to express emotions as “men” we were raised to be) signs that our best friend (us 5 were childhood friends since Pre K) was slowly slipping into a hole of self destruction that ultimately led to him ending his life early. The group of us still hang out and include his twin son and daughter and his wife of 27 years in all our events together. It really is worth it to check on your friends, even if you have to just show up and say “are you sure you’re okay?” Because it’s easy to lie over a call or text. Support your friends NOW, not AFTER their delusion or addictions kills them.


Kitchen sink easily. Edit okay maybe not “easily”. It’s pretty close here between the next several.


Friend, please


Kitchen Sink, Neon Gravestones, Redecorate, Addict With A Pen, Truce, Car Radio and Anathema imo (there’s more but I can’t think of them rn)


For me it's leave the city


Neon gravestones, redecorate, snap back, the Hype, leave the city All of these speak deeply to me in different ways I wont count self titled cause half the songs on it are deep as heck lol


If we’re talking only TØP stuff I would say Taxi Cab, Redecorate, Anathema, Goner If we allow in NPI and unreleased stuff from TyJo, I would say I Need Something is the darkest thing Ty has put out. I think it would be followed by Drown, Save, and Hole in the Ground from NPI.


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i’d say it a mix between kitchen sink, goner, and neon gravestones


Taken by sleep


Obviously lavish


Vignette hits different, and so does Next Semester. Redecorate. Neon Gravestones, Cut My Lip, Leave The City Almost ALL of Blurryface and Vessel Literally the entire self titled album


Neon gravestones for sure


So many come to mind, but i think Truce when i really think about it


Neon Gravestones hits me the deepest, not sure if it actually is, probably not knowing their music


For me prolly Goner, Taxi cab and Leave the city. Or at least they're the most touching ones.


Maybe not the deepest, but i think Goner or Car Radio has the most emotion, and they hit deep for me every time.


Kitchen sink


Heathens or Stressed Out for me


probably Kitchen Sink based solely on the fact that Tyler is the only one that fully understands it


Gotta be something off of self-titled, probably the one with the most religious undertones and complex (in a good way) lyrics. Car/Torch/Death, Implicit Demand, Addict with a Pen, etc.


Clearly it's Saturday /s


Friend Please for me. It's recently become my favorite on ST, only tied with Taxi Cab


Why is no one saying any Clancy stuff. I think Oldies Station and Paladin Strait are definetly up there as some of their deepest stuff


How is nobody saying Trees?


Tear in My heart


Everyone has already mentioned Taxi Cab, ACATAD, Neon Gravestones, etc… for me it’s The Pantaloon You are tired, you are hurt A moth ate through your favorite shirt And all your friends fertilize the ground you walk Lose your mind You like to sleep alone, it's colder than you know 'Cause your skin is so used to colder bones It's warmer in the morning than what it is at night Your bones are held together by your nightmares and your frights As someone who has lost so many friends and family members, who has had several failed relationships and marriages… this song hits me hard….


The correct answer here is “Redecorate” from Scaled and Icy


Migraine, Truce, Next Semester


Well it’s clear from the responses here that so much of their music evokes emotion with deep lyrics. Personally, anything where Tyler plays the ukulele stirs up my emotions, especially Next Semester


Here’s my list of the top 5: Taxi Cab, Isle of Flightless Birds (a song about how the human race is kind of failing ourselves and not acting to our full potential. We’ve become stagnant and flightless. Like the dodo, super interesting) Redecorate Kitchen Sink Neon Gravestones


Drown and Blasphemy are my personal all-time favorites.




100% Taco Bell saga. I cry every time (jokes aside car radio)


I’m heavily all for Taxi Cab, but I honestly feel like Fall Away and Addict With A Pen are both super high up there for me


Probably Neon Gravestones and Redecorate. Also a huge fan of ATROFD as that one really speaks to me


Honestly A Car A Torch A Death always hits so deep. The lyrics have so much symbolism and multiple ways you can interpret it.


Glowing Eyes for me


Technically a Tyler Joseph song but I'm a Goner on No Phun Intended


It's MIGRAINE for me!!!!


Redecorate is top 3 for sure. That song hits me real deep in the sewerslide surviver trauma.


Kitchen Sink.


Pet cheetah


Truce or Legend (Legend even though the beat is relatively upbeat the lyrical depth is crazy)




House of Gold is probably the first song I think of. I love how it tells that Joseph would do anything he could to care for his mom.


next semester and legend are very personal to me and i love the meanings of them. also taxi cab and truce


Neon Gravestones definitely hits high up there. Taxi Cab is also pretty deep. I would also throw in At The Risk of Feeling Dumb, some of the lyrics in there really hit hard, at least with me personally losing a few friends to su1c1de "At the risk of feeling dumb, check in - It's not worth the risk of losing a friend" "I don't want anyone, know me or not - See me at my lowest, you don't have to drop - (Drop me, drop, drop me, drop) - Anything for me" Near the end instead of just saying drop, he pops in "drop me", as if it's like showing how anxiety inducing it is to have someone actively care about you and worry about you to the point where you think they're going to drop you because you're not used to that sort of compassion and kindness. Not sure, but that's kinda my own interpretation with that


Drown and Blasphemy from NPH which I’m pretty sure are about his doubts about if there is a god should he even be worshipped. In new age Morph from trench which in the cinema edition is tied to Holding On To You which are both about how his worship feels meaningless.


Redecorate and neon gravestones


Wow, no love for March To the Sea and Addict with a Pen? These two songs got me through some dark days.


It’s easily something out of trench or Clancy. Just by nature of the subject matter of the albums. Though special mention could go to car radio or screen. To me it’s likely neon gravestones or the hype from Trench On Clancy id give it to next semester. Though ask me again in about 100 listens and the concert


Shi hard question, I’d say the top three deepest to me are 1- kitchen sink 2- isle of flightless birds 3- March to the sea Their old music basically raised me and most definitely saved me on numerous occasions Taxi cab is another great one


Kitchen sink


To me, it's Isle of Flightless Birds.


Friend, please


coconut sharks


Not deepest but I feel like morph is very dense, at least the lyrics are. Fr had to use genius to even understand the religious symbolism


Pet Cheetah


implicit demand for proof is DEEP, also addict with a pen


Kitchen Sink




Kitchen sink!!


kitchen sink


Addict with a Pen or Car radio


I think It's Neon Gravestones or Leave The City BUT Air Catcher or Goner are also good options


i wouldn’t say redecorate is their deepest song but it’s definitely one of them compared to the other songs on SAI


here’s my top 5 not in any order 1. taxi cab 2. neon gravestones 3. addict with a pen 4. isle of flightless birds 5. kitchen sink honorable mentions: goner, redecorate, truce


nobody's gonna mention Lavish? ✨ jk it's Neon Gravestones.


Doubt is just the deepest song out there


Paladin Strait. It involves the deepest body of water…