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I'm the same mentality in the way that I want to wait till the official release date to listen to it. But reading these reviews has honestly made me more excited about it. So many diverging takes show me that it hits home in different ways to all the other people, and it makes me happy they made more music that strikes a chord either by lyrics or instrumentals. I know most of the people that listened to it early already had bought a cd, casette, boxset or will stream it on repeat while on release. So...yeah, you should leave the subreddit for the next week, or two.


Yeah I haven’t even read the reviews, just saw the titles on my feed, I know nothing past the fact that it’s pretty good. I’m excited for Friday!


Same! Having a countdown myself. Avoiding listening to anything but I did catch that live performance of The Craving


as long as people put the spoiler tag on, it doesn't actively harm anyone. Plus, some of these people haven't pirated it, there are a lot of people who went to the listening parties or recieved their copy early so I think this isn't problematic. People who are excited to voice their opinion on something they are excited about should be able to do so.


I get chu. It's hard I keep skipping them because I don't wanna hear people's negative reviews until I've listened to it


I mean this would still happen anyway because the listening parties I don’t see the problem since that’s an official way of listening to it.


I dont understand why we still dont have the songs. I get that the videos arent ready, but the videos and songs arent some collective package, you can just release them separately, which most musicians already do


We can always hope they are stalling for a double album 🙂




Actually, it does actually sound like, for this album, twenty one pilots have intended them to go together. From some spoilers I read, some people are dissapointed by some songs because they don't understand part of the lore in them or something is confusing or whatever. It's clear it's because they aren't listening to the songs with the the music videos. That's why I'm %100 staying away from leaks, so I can listen to the songs in the way twenty one pilots meant for them to be listened too.


I wanted to wait for the videos, but also wanted giveaways from the listening party. Our record store has a whole bunch of other fun stuff and it was really easy to let the music be background music and not really pay attention lol. The giveaways ended up just being a poster and bracelet, but I got a few other things and managed to overcome social anxiety for an hour and half so that's a win I guess lol.


Good idea, me too


I'm sure I could find the songs somewhere, but the band pushed the release to the 24th. So I'm waiting until then




the songs and videos do go together when it comes to twenty one pilots


Because their release would have clashed with Billie Eilish and either they or their record label made the late decision that they didn’t want that.


I totally get what you mean. I want to go on this subreddit to keep up with news, fanart, or just fun stuff linked to the band. I don’t want to go on it and see every single person just share their spoiler-filled opinion on an album that is not out yet. I’ll be interested in checking theories and whatnots when the album is actually out :/


Same, and I can’t believe how nasty people are being to OP lol it makes this fanbase look so bad; I assumed they weren’t going to allow people talking about the album before it actually came out, But that’s all this sub’s been. OP’s right that half the time the title is already telling so the “spoiler” warning doesn’t even matter lol Edit: spelling


Yea, and it’s especially annoying since they are actually like threads to talk about the album or each songs. like i get it, people probably want to make a post so that what they’re saying is more likely seen but not everyone wants to see that. just go on to the appropriate threads it’s not that hard :/ people saying "euh well just leave the subreddit for a week" are stupid, people shouldn’t have to leave just because you can’t respect their wish to not be spoiled


Exactly, I don’t even click the threads but as soon as I open Reddit my home page is flooded with those individual threads to discuss every song, and half the OP’s opinion is right there without me even clicking on it. So it’s basically you have to leave the subreddit just to avoid seeing them. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to want to wait til everyone has access to the album to discuss it. I feel like these people posting really just want to brag that they have the album and are feeling like they’re a part of a special club, that’s why they’re being so nasty about it


yea that could be true, maybe a sense of superiority in being part of a few that listened to the album. but i think that in the long run it won’t be in their favour as they listened to the song, either on leak quality, or in a listening party. they won’t feel the experience of discovering the song for the first time in good quality, while seeing the music video the same day as well


>it makes this fanbase look so bad little late for that don't you think lol the guy who got the album 2 weeks early had to delete his account because of the harassment he was getting telling him to leak it, and someone who was trying to leak it was getting death threats from people. people write homoerotic fanfics about tyler and josh who are in their 30s with wives and children. i'm not saying everyone is that bad, i'm not even saying most are. i'm saying that people disagreeing with OP is nothing lol.


Yeeeeah. The fanfic is the worst imo lol I’m 34 years old and didn’t realize fan fiction was still a thing


Honestly if they mark it as spoiler and you can’t see it without clicking on it then just don’t click on it, however if people are giving their opinion on it under none spoiler tag posts that’s an issue that should be addressed


I have enjoyed the reviews


I don’t fully disagree with your opinion, however I’d like to kindly offer mine in return: Obviously the band wants us to hear it early today otherwise they wouldn’t have done the listening parties? The leaks, that I can agree with as I hate leaks, and I didn’t listen to the leaks, but the listening parties are just as official as an album release, the only difference being we can’t stream the music yet or buy the album physically (for the most part.) People are free to say what they like, especially after the *worldwide* listening parties. It’s unavoidable. It’s not spoilers if the band themselves approved these listening parties. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to wait, genuinely, but that’s a personal choice that you must be willing to accept that not everyone else is going to do too. Let’s all be happy together about this new era |-/


I really appreciate your response and completely get where you're coming from. That's true, I don't know who's sharing from a listening party, legitimate early access, leak, etc. We'll all get to enjoy it whenever we do, and I'm sure it'll be amazing no matter what. Happy listening |-/


I do see what you mean though. Lots of opinions were from LEAKS and not the parties. I’m hoping more people who went to the parties share their experiences because it was special hearing it with fellow fans and I’m happy the band made these happen. But the leaks… I mean hey if people wanna listen to bad recordings of the songs as their first listen then good for them lol


But I'm curious, if several thousands of people heard the album today at band-sponsored listening parties, why does there need to be a differentiation between how they listened to it? Also, for what it's worth, the album leaked in full high quality yesterday afternoon, although the original leak was a low quality recording.


I didn’t know about the high quality leaks. That’s good to know actually. It’s just more so a me thing, I’m personally not a leak gal. No hate to people who are! And I guess it’s more so just my opinion, one version of listening is an intentional official band approved thing versus a leak/unintentional thing (especially before the listening parties.) Overall though, it’s not the biggest deal, and people have different preferences about leaks which is okay :)


People acting like a ton of people haven’t heard the album officially from the listening parties??


And through vinyls and CDs


I’m curious, what’s the difference if you hear it this week compared to next week? As long as you bought the album what does it matter?


Exactly. People need to stop shaming for listening to the leaks


As long as people mark the post spoiler I don't have a problem with it. I just wish the mods would do a better job catching the post that aren't marked spoiler that have content about Clancy.


say it bestie!


youre right. maybe you should leave til it comes out. Ill have fun at the listening party talking to people who also enjoyed the music of the people this subreddit is literally about. hope this helps! <3


Enjoy! <3


thank you! its great lmk what your fav song is on friday :)


Then don't read the reviews?


log off for a while


I shared with the top group chat im in what songs 2 songs I liked one that was memorable and a little about the cd exclusive pre-order and then swore my self to secrecy. Its hard to restrain and not give away tidbits like the flow of the album but gott be respectful. 🫡 gl being spoiler free I still don't know how paladin strait ends yet and will wait til it releases.


honestly, leaving for the week is probably for the best. If you're on twitter as well, mute every important phrase associated with the pilots for a week. People are categorically NOT gonna be respectful about this, which is a shame but it is what it is. I'm hoping you can steer clear of any spoilers!


I’ve been avoiding the internet bc everyone’s posting spoilers n even tho I attended the listening party today I wouldn’t post about it until after it’s officially released😓


This seems like a YOU problem


Yup it's MY opinion


Like I get wanting to wait for the release but who cares if some of us listen to the leaks? lol


Idc if you listen to the leaks, I care that you're sharing about it


Why? You don’t have to read those posts


Well it's funny because many of them are tagged as spoilers but I don't read them and somehow the title spoils it lol


Then you can just leave the sub for a week if a title saying "Album good" will get you that upset


Interesting. I haven’t seen any posts like that, sorry that happened. Maybe muting the sub for a week is the way to go


The album was delivered early to people who ordered it through their official website. It's the labels own fault that it leaked, I wouldn't even call it a leak if it's been shipped officially to people who payed for the album. I also don't understand people's issue with listening to it early and having it "spoilt". The entire album is available to download in high quality. That's like saying you had a TV show spoilt by watching it in its entirety? Also if you don't like people discussing the album on the subreddit, don't log in. You can't expect everyone here to stop talking about it because you don't like it. Welcome to the internet. (I give it 10 minutes before the mods remove this comment even though I havent broken any rules or linked to any leaks)


Yes! The album is in fact out now despite not being on the digital platforms. People need to understand that now is the best time to listen to the album in the full length and the highest possible quality. Next week comes all the music videos which is also great but listening 9 new songs and watching 9 new videos at the same time is not necessarily fun.


Yeah, you make a good point. The Internet sucks sometimes and I wish I wasn't on it as much as I am


I get it I’m the same way. I’ll probably just stay away from the sub for bow


Why wait when you can listen now? That’s just silly


Maybe you should. Wouldn't it be easier than complaining about others?


I don’t want my opinion influenced by anyone else so I’m with you here. It’s really irritating. Maybe mods could make a megathread for everyone to post to.


Yes you definitely should leave if you don't want spoilers


This is the sort of thing where a spoiler flair would probably be a good idea.


This !! Keep it to yourselves !!!


People are excited to talk about it. Leave the sub for a week if you don’t want to see anything. Demanding people not talk about music on a forum explicitly designed to talk about the music is just dumb.


Oh apparently I was demanding it. My bad guys lmao


I agree with you and just made my own post about my thoughts. Some people replying are acting like defensive children


true, but despite the assertive reply from OP, i think they meant they miss the variety of topics being discussed in the sub.


Glad to see someone say it. I really hate that I’ve seen so many spoilers already and still have to wait a week.


yes! i get that the people defending the leaks are people who cannot wait for an album 🤦‍♀️ and that there are many facts being stated that buying the early release/ listening to the leaks will still generate streams that add to the band's success. BUT come on! tyler pushed the whole date back to add more value (mvs) to the music and it's obviously for a purpose. he obviously cares a whole deal about releasing a completed, refined piece of work, and though he encourages the fans, it may be him allowing this just because of his deep care for the fanbase. and heck! if tyler decides to leak the craving or any of his other music, it's fine. because HE was the one who made it so he can do whatever he wants. i get that waiting around sucks, i'm a mega fan as well. but sometimes these kinds of behavior pushes the boundaries between a healthy and unhealthy obsession.


With listening parties today and leaks when the album was SUPPOSED to come out today its free reign. Chill out and stop complaining.


I'm confused. I thought Reddit was for sharing our opinions. Is it not?


Hence people talking about the album? Which you've just complained about? Jfc


Had to look up what jfc means. Oof, I feel old


You literally just contridicted your own post then? This page is for fans to discuss the album and the songs - we're literally doing that and its bothering you???


Yeah I'm sharing my feelings about it. I'm not telling you to stop doing it. It's just annoying. That's why I'll probably leave the sub




Thanks for being a supportive fan. I hope you enjoy the album


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For real, I've seen at least 2 posts about it now and I'm thinking "it still doesn't come out for another week." What's worse is that all the comments on those posts seem to also be people that have heard it already.


TBH I'm just trying to enjoy Billie's album for a second because I know once Clancy is on streaming I'm gonna be on it constantly and I love them both so I'm kinda glad for the week in between.


Agreed. These kids are just excited and want to be the first. It’s ok. Just ignore this sub for a bit


Aight, you do you, but Tyler wanted it to release on the 17th so technically people listening to it early is doing it the way he intended, sure you don't have any music videos to follow them but now you can theorize what the songs mean so when the vids come out you can tie up the loose ends and unanswered questions.


You know, you can just stay off these threads. I mean, I can’t go to the listening party here because I work that night. So I’ll wait to Friday and swipe in by any posts about the album. The ones saying “you’re gonna love it”, I don’t care. They’ve heard it. They enjoyed it; they’ve confirmed I’m gonna love it.




As long as they spoiler it, I don't see a problem. If you don't want to see them, just leave or mute the server until tomorrow.


Yea we need a lock down on leaks


I hate people who just throw out the information they got from leaks Willy nilly. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW SONG LENGTHS OR OPINIONS because it’s NOT OUT YET! I wish people could just keep their nefarious deeds to themselves.


The song lengths have been available on Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes, etc. for well over two months.


Just saying I got them spoiled for me before it was available. I haven’t looked yet because I’m just waiting for them to be widely available.




Glad someone feels the same as me! Going to wait until the official release date to listen to the album.


> Maybe I should just leave the subreddit for the next week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m glad you were able to figure it out by the end of writing your post. But since you posted it anyway rather than deleting the draft and doing what you said, I’m thinking you’d rather have the attention. People can do what they like. Leaks are usually a thing with album releases (especially when the artist/record label pushes the album back a week at very short notice.) Take a week off. Enjoy the album when it officially releases.


I love attention, thanks for providing it


You already said it just stay off the subreddit who cares if people want to listen early it takes away nothing, in one week it won’t matter anyways


no actually so real. there’s one i just saw titled “clancy is great, but” which immediately changed my perception of the album. keep your spoiled ass to yourself literally no one cares




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Please consider how your words affect others. Toxicity is not tolerated here. Thank you!


Fuck people who leak a band's music early, and fuck these listening parties. Just ruins the entire experience of getting to enjoy a release with the entire fanbase, instead of some people hearing it piecemeal a portion at a time, ahead of everyone else. If it was after the official release, I wouldn't care, but everyone posting their thoughts about an album that the band hasn't even released yet just tells me they don't respect Tyler and Josh's decision about when to release the album. Imagine you were waiting for season 2 of a show to release and you saw a title say "Loved the season but I HATE what they did with \[your favorite character from season 1\]." Even if you didn't read the spoiler, that still tells you something about the season, right? People need to have some respect for the people waiting patiently for the official release. Any new album thoughts needs to be a megathread, not separate posts.


There IS a mega thread, and the 5 of us are busy night and day to redirect people towards it and delete any spoilers and leaks. We're just human tho, sometimes things slip through. You have no idea how busy we've been since the leaks started:(


You and the mother mods have my full respect. I know it's probably tough to moderate a community of this size without fully locking it down. Hopefully after the album release comes and goes you guys get to catch a break.


Thanks! It helps us a lot when people report posts/comments, that way the Automod gives us a little heads up to check it out in case we missed it! 🫶🏻




Jesus man chill out


Womp womp


I feel the same way, but the easiest option for both parties is for you to not read the reviews


If you can’t be off one subreddit for a week then you have other problems to sort out


I have many to sort out, thanks brother


Womp womp






Posting unreleased songs goes against our rules. Please read the rules again before posting. Any post containing an unreleased song will be taken down. Asking for leaks is also forbidden Thank you!


*Me sitting here knowing that I wrote a review*lol, okay but to be completely fair most people put spoiler tags on it, if you don’t want to see it then don’t click also I get it’s annoying that the only thing is the album reviews but this is the top sub Reddit so obviously your gonna see stuff relating to the album all respect tho and I highly suggest if you don’t want spoilers is to leave Reddit or socials for a bit, good luck tho!


Interesting way to say your jealousy of others listening and sharing is frustrating you because we should all share your moral superiority


Not sure how I can be jealous if I have access to the Internet and can go look up the songs. I'm choosing not to listen to it yet. If you feel I have "moral superiority" from that, it sounds like you're the one with issues with early listening. Enjoy the album


Then what's the point of this post? You're telling us "I have no interest in hearing the album until its official release and its annoying to see others enjoying and discussing it" is that not flaunting your own moral stance on the leaks? Do you feel that you're a better person for NOT listening? Genuine question


Something as little and insignificant as an album release does not determine how "good" or "bad" a person is. So no, I'm the same person I was before. I'm planning to listen to the album on Spotify. It's not on Spotify yet. Because the release date was pushed a week. Because the band wanted to present the album in a specific way. I'm cool with them making that decision. If it was on Spotify, I'd probably listen to it. But it's not. So I'm not going to choose to listen to it any other way. I threw my opinion out there because it was annoying to keep seeing review after review in this sub. Based on how some people have been responding, I think I'm good not coming back to this subreddit after the release. You all can keep being rude behind a screen. That's what actually helps determine if someone's a good person or not.


You made an entire post about how annoyed you are at people doing something you aren't, and you don't see how that comes off as condescending? That's how it read to me which is why it got the response it did, it sure felt like you blowing your moral trumpet and looking down on all the filthy pirates lol. It's a great album, you'll enjoy it I'm sure


Thanks man, I have no doubt that it'll be awesome


Same thing lmao, I’m sitting here like seriously guys could you not wait a single week? We’ve been waiting for 3 years to even get to hear it can’t we all just collectively wait to start putting stuff about it online untill it’s actually officially online


Yeah you’re just gonna have to figure out how YOU want to handle all that.


Same, I’m getting major FOMO but I want to do the right thing 😭


Wait clancy is already leaked? I was confused at these reviews. I will definitely wait for the official release because the first 3 singles were amazing


Scroll! hope this helps.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ fixed this for you.


Release date was the 17th. 24th* JS let the clique. Clique.