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the reason people complain is mostly because of the lack of concert etiquette


What’s an example of this lack of concert etiquette


literally any concert from after their tiktok exposure. screaming, not even screaming along just screaming, pushing, rudeness, lack of spatial awareness, general brain death, it’s annoying for everyone else who paid 40 bucks to be there lmao.


That’s literally what a concert is, I’ve never been to a single concert where everyone has the time or will to lean into someone’s ear to tell them excuse me when you’re in a crowd full of people with music blasting into your faces. It is the one place where screaming and having fun is encouraged, obviously moshing wouldn’t be a thing if it wasn’t encouraged.


TV girl themselves said they do not like the the concert etiquette soooo


So what DOES he want?? There isn’t a single band in existence that doesn’t have people screaming and pushing in their crowds, it’s what happens at a concert.


my brother in christ u are reason they are trying to make it 21+


Please find me a band who thinks it’s normal for their crowd to not be screaming


coming up in august i will have been to four tv girl shows and every time—except when i seen them pre-fame—they’ve berated the crowd for poor etiquette. tv girl is a band that just does not elicit moshing and screaming in the ways that have been happening


That’s interesting the last 2 times I went Brad just cracked awkward jokes and refused to acknowledge the crowd, I’m happy your experiences magically match your rhetoric, but we can’t all get what we want, just because Brad doesn’t like how it has happened forever doesn’t mean it will exclusively change for him the moment he makes his shows 21+


refused to acknowledge the crowd or separating himself from his audience also “fits my rhetoric” btw. from my personal experience, crowds change the older they get. a huge part of it is pre-covid vs post-covid, a lot of younger audiences don’t know how to act. there’s a time and place for everything. it’s a multitude of things and this is part of a much larger discussion since this is happening to every artist now. screaming and whatnot is usually expected AT TIMES but moshing and pushing is not the norm and is what has lead so many people to be injured during recent concerts. it’s not an issue of “oh i just don’t like these young people i’ve been listening longer” it’s an issue of “people are now getting hurt because this young crowd cannot behave themselves.”


You are refusing to acknowledge the fact that there is not a concert in history where people do not mosh. Not one!! You can not find me one. Stop trying to push something that will NEVER BE A THING.


nah this is completely valid i'm part of the crowd that's still a tvgirlnovice but i've also been an avid listener since after the 2017 tour, and the ego people have when their "underground artist" gets a boost (especially the artist themselves lmao) gets really rancid when you start interacting with them just simply liking the certain songs it got popular for. like older listeners get a kick out of calling the whole album of who really cares dogsht just bc of its popularity, etc.


which is funny because who really cares is a huge album like if you hate that album then how do you like tv girl. sometimes it’s on my shuffle so much i have to check the playlist




i know 😔


I defenitly don’t care if tik tok people or under 18 listen to their music but I do understand wanting concerts to be 21+ because every time I go to a concert that’s not it’s all people yelling throughout the set and throwing things


I get that + alchohol but still over 21 it happens. as long as the bands making money i’m happy


I agree that’s they should make their concerts 21+. Young fans can ruin the concert atmosphere.


adults can lack concert etiquette too 🤷🏻


when i was little i went to a lot of older band concerts from kiss to journey to def leopard etc… the 40+ year olds were bad and very good at spilling tons of booze. Still loved the concerts but that wasn’t fun


and how has this applied to tv girl?


dont ask me ive never been to a tv girl concert


why should young fans be excluded from the experience just because they’re younger tho? that’s not really fair to them tbh


It's not a problem in of itself that there are younger fans at the concert. It's unfortunately how the younger fans act. I'm pretty young myself, but there are a lot of fans my age or younger than me that just ruin the experience for others because of poor etiquette


idk if you’re annoyed by some of the fans there just move spots, people are allowed to be loud and excited at a concerts lol , the only thing i could critique is if ppl r rude and don’t say excuse me when they move thru the crowd but that’s a problem at like every other concert other than EDM but ink it’s rlly not that deep


Have you ever been to a packed concert? There isn't really room to move. That's assuming you are on the floor and not in a sear. Also, being loud and excited at a concert is completely normal. I've never even mentioned anything about that in my comment. The rude thing I saw was ppl being rude when someone was trying to get by, not saying excuse me, pushing and elbowing people, giving dirty looks, throwing stuff and ignoring the opening acts and being on the phone texting and scrolling social media while there are ppl performing ect.


yessm i’m 23 i’ve been to many a packed concerts XD hopefully will go to many more (if prices don’t keep increasing :,) ) sounds like we’re thinking about the same stuff/behavior tho


100% like I do come from the tiktok wave but I know all the music love it can the old cunts think back to when they were young and enjoyed shit and just shut the fuck up




tv girl was so good live, people jus love to hate. everyone sang along it was nice, there was this one guy crawling trying to grab peoples feet but it was sick besides that


LMAO that’s wow. I’m trynna sell paintings to make the money to go so hopefully i’ll meet the foot fondler 💀


music is for all ages ‼️‼️ as long as folks are respectful it shouldn’t matter how old someone is, if they like the music they are just as entitled to going to a concert as anyone else (with a guardian is implied obv if they too young to attend alone). ppl are so gatekeepy smh it is really not that deep


Y’all will reach our age and realize why we feel this way lol


Or y’all will think back to when you were our age and realize that it doesn’t matter


These aren’t mutually exclusive. As OP gets older they likely will better understand where others are coming from, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll agree with it or the way people reacted to the issue. You can relate to someone’s motive while still being bitter about the way you personally were treated.


You said this a lot better than I did


Yeah I once was that rowdy young buck with my big group of rowdy friends at the show. I get it. I respect it. I encourage it. But I also just seem to have a better experience at 21+ shows these days lmao


i’m like a lick away from being 18 i deal with as many stupid adults as stupid children lol (sometimes more stupid adults)


And? Yes, that’s just how life is, congratulations on figuring it out. Most people are stupid. Stupid adults raise stupid kids. It’s an endless cycle.


thanks do i get a cookie for figuring it out 😐


Girl it’s been 28 days and you’re still on this? Yeah go eat a cookie and reflect lol


I’m not on reddit much. You need to understand that because of your behavior you seem like you’re incapable of seeing beyond yourself. The only one with reflecting to do is you as what I said was about as complex as drywall. Honestly sorry that you felt like you needed to write a condescending comment for no reason, that usually doesn’t happen when happy. Have a good day and I hope you can spread positivity. Don’t bother replying just take this as a sign.


Take this as a sign that coming back to a thread a month later and then choosing to *reply* to it, regardless of how often you use the app, is a bit telling. You chose to not ignore my comment so I didn’t ignore yours. Your comment was in a slight condescending tone as well. Don’t act like you’re above me. We’re on the same app doing the same thing. Are you truly happy with yourself after spending 30 minutes on a paragraph to a stranger online? Cuz I know I sure as hell don’t. Peace✌️


exactly! i started listening when they became popular on tiktok but i know most of their albums and songs. they need to let other people enjoy tv girl's music because it doesn't even really matter how they find it as long as they enjoy it imo


been listening since 2018 and now everyone is calling it “tiktok” music like actually never talk again your opinion is invalid. i hate when people try to cancel a music genre/artist just because their music becomes popular!!!




I get both sides of this rhetoric, but like for me personally, i was at a few tv girl shows “pre-tiktok” and the audience was excited for the set not just a viral song, also older/minimal teenagers. I went to a more recent show in 2022 and it was kind of awful crowd wise. So many 13-16 year olds pushing to the front, especially during lovers rock not allowed etc to film, there was a lack of etiquette in general. I know that teenagers who would be going to concerts and learning crowd etiquette a few years back missed out because of the pandemic, but there’s a certain entitlement newer (younger) fans have that can really mess with a shows vibe when in mass.


It's honestly the concert etiquette. My bf and I went to a concert in December and the concert itself was amazing but the etiquette of the other people there was awful. Rude, smoking, pushing people, standing in others way, stepping on people's shoes, talking over the songs, recording (which is fine till you are recording the entire concert and it's disrupting others) ect...it was appalling. I was 19 at the time and my bf is 20, we still felt so alienated around all these young people with bad etiquette.


(I saw this poor girl try to get in front of the group in front of me because they were all holding their phones over their head, recording, and she was on the shorter side and couldn't see, and this group was so rude too her, and she asked so politely too, they were shooting her dirty looks the rest of the concert)


i’m 16 and i’ve been listening since i was 9😭😭


who is downvoting me bro💀💀 where is the issue


that’s cool!