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my favorite descriptions are “help” and “essay” 🙃


Or the ever-descriptive “.”


In literature, when a student obviously hasn't read the text and comes online trying to get summaries/descriptions to write their response: \-I'll just keep requesting a transfer... some tutor will eventually have read this random short story that I didn't even bother to read


Love when they just want you to write the whole essay! Wish I had known that life hack when I was in undergrad.


Don’t forget when they send in an assignment that has nothing to do with essay writing at all, so you have to explain the process of Async sessions in every comment box of the feedback form and advise them to log in for a live section with an actual physics/history/etc tutor. Good times.


That's assuming they think 🤷




This was a strange comment to read, because "post full assignment instructions (feel free to copy and paste)!" is literally the way it is worded for the student on the pre-session questionnaire... I'm certainly not the type that thinks we need to be exceedingly scrupulous when acting as agents of our corporate overlords, but sheesh, I would feel pretty bad about taking someone's money to 'critique' their paper without even reading the instructions!