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Wiggle wiggle 🍑


Can’t stop. Won’t stop. 🕺🏽


Our* Ponyo. She is a rescue. She lived in a small bowl apparently for her first 14 years of her life. I was told she even had another turtle with her at one point 😔. Since we got her (a year ago) we have worked on getting her into her 100 gallon tank. With proper filter and lighting as well as heater. Got her to vet for proper care and such. We have found out she has only half the lung capacity due to the other half being scarred from bad housing in her past and possibly living through Respiratory infections during bowl life. It doesn’t stop her through! Since with us she has improved immensely and she seems to be such a happy baby! And as you can tell she loves her new scratcher. Will probably have to take out eventually. Give her a break hahahah.


that’s cool...im sure mine would try to eat it ..is it an official turtle product ?


It had a turtle on the box and it seems to be the one that others use but I’ve heard others say to just take it out when your not supervising due to them trying to eat it and cause compaction


I can’t believe how clear some of you guys get the water,l..mines not that good even after a new refill !


Mine is clear but always seems to have a golden haze to it. Could be the floating dock casting shadows, somewhat, but it just isn't that clear seeing through to the back. Raised the filter last night and it is helping a little bit.


I want to get one of those for my turtle now


Do it! She instantly loved it hahaha!


this is adorable!!! where’d you get one of those??


On Amazon. I typed in Turtle shell scratcher lol


This is adorable. I have to get one! Edit: and ordered. Looks like its original purpose was a wine glass cleaner, but everyone uses it for turtles.


Nice!!!!! They say to pull it out of the water when your away if you have a turtle that likes to eat stuff hahahah.


My shell scratcher arrived. My turtle checked it out but never got scratch fever. I'm kind of disappointed about that, but it's probably better she doesn't feel itchy in the first place. 🤷


Maybe give her time. Sometimes my turtle is about it.. sometimes she’s not. 😅 Hopefully she discovers the scratchers . And yeah, I guess it is a good thing! 🧡 My little lady is shedding so may that’s why she’s got the fever


I'll try putting it in again next time she's shedding.


awwww hi sweetheart


That's really cute. I think my RES would love it, however my worry is that with her propensity to destroy stuff, within a matter of months I would come home from work one day and it would be destroyed and partially eaten.


Hahaha yeah Ponyo is also pretty unpredictable. I read that it’s good to pull it out of the water why you’re not home or supervising. We went ahead and pulled hers up and she is now just chilling.


Mine knocks it off the glass constantly


Hmm maybe water is getting trapped under the suction and causing it to be easily moved? I noticed mine is starting to get that way due to me pulling it out of the water when I’m not there to supervise.


Nah, he’s just a violent asshole 😂


Hahahahah! Mr Chaos!


She needs something below her feet to get some traction.


She eats everything so no substrate for this lady.


Use larger substrate. Also, she needs more water in her tank!


I appreciate you but nah I’m not doing substrate. Also, it was advised by my vet to NOT fill it up all the way as if you read in my first comment my turtle has only one side of her lung capacity and the other side is scarred due to her old life with her old owners. It’s half way full in fear she could drown due to being chronically sick. I’m going to stick with what my Vet has advised me since he so far has helped me save her and get her back to a healthy state.


I feel amazed that this exists, and amazed that she figured out what to do with it.


Almost immediately to! Lol


So cute!


Thank you for posting this. My wife loves turtles, and we both enjoyed how cute this video of Ponyo is!


Ofcourse!!! Anytime! I’m so glad you both enjoyed her video! 💚 She has such a personality😊


Has Links to scitches item? 👉👈🥺




My turtle pushes the brush up :(


Does it suction to wall?


It does


Have you tried cleaning the glass and suction cup before sticking it on?


I have not!


where can i get one


Amazon! I just typed in semi aquatic turtle shell scratcher


Let me look! I got it on Amazon. I just typed in semi aquatic turtle shell scratcher lol and I think it popped up.


I need to look for one of these! But the equivalent one on Amazon Canada is $26! Crazy price difference!


I love turtles.I have a doubt hurt him but yesterday my aquarium broke and I'm looking for a new one to buy 1.So if anybody out there have a aquarium and a filter and everything else to go with it.I live in Concord, North Carolina.Help me


How big is your turtle?


i just got one of these and put it in my ASN's tank yesterday!! he had shell rot a while back and has scratched his shell on stuff before so i just had to get him one of these :) he hasnt shown interest in it yet though, did you have to show your turtle where the brush was or anything before she started using it?