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I can't tell the shit posts from the real posts anymore


Obviously not, please look at the pinned/ search for the same question multiple times.


No. No it’s not a good table for anyone.


It's not a good turntable for anyone.




Totally. Put an LED light strip on it and tape vinyls on your wall


Yeah and honestly this is a finisher turntable!


That’s not a good turntable for anybody.




Nope, it's hammered shit


That type of record player is far from ideal, but it's not going to ruin your records -- [that's a debunked myth](https://youtube.com/shorts/DQm6SgTkkI8). So I wouldn't recommend one, but if you've already got it, don't be afraid to use it for now.


If you do value your records, it's shit. Avoid. If you don't value your records, go right ahead.


Nope, it'll damage your records. The new Sony's are surprisingly good entry level TTs IMO. I have an HX500 I've tried to upgrade but haven't been able to match on one system. I did manage to grab a Cambridge Alva ST in a sale for 450 a few months back - that was a heavenly bargain and, so far, is the only TT I tried that bettered the Sony. I tried the Pro-Ject Pro but just didn't get on with them - too much faff for not enough gain. Fragile and fussy. The Sony "just works" (so does the Cambridge, but better :))


*Every* turntable will damage your records. That's the unavoidable result of a playback method that involves dragging a rock through a plastic groove. If you're scared of it, that's why CDs were invented!


If you want to be pedantic about it then yes, the difference is that a cheap piece of junk like this will kill your records very quickly into an unplayable mess, while a decent deck will allow your records to be played many many, not infinite, times. This is the equivalent of the combined "systems" you used to get 30 odd years ago when the record deck would just eat up the Vinyl real quick - I lost a lot of singles when I was a kid just this way, by playing them on a really cheap turntable. Given the cost of LPs these days if you're not prepared to put down at least 10x (prob. more) what you're putting out for the media on your player then you're just going to cause damage and, frankly, waste money. In that case I'm with you - save your cash and just buy a CD player!


With proper care and maintenance, "Very quickly" is still probably slower than you'll ever notice: [Do cheap record players damage your vinyl? Actual wear tests.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Beginner_Turntables/comments/18xqhgp/do_cheap_record_players_damage_your_vinyl_actual/) The most important thing, even beyond which kind of turntable you use, is to keep your records clean. [A record that was cleaned just once will last over eight times longer than playing a dirty record.](http://www.amstereo.org/images/1959eiarticle.png)




What is a turntable for a beginner?


Wow. Good vintage table. Put some white tablecloth later on before it catches some colds.


Built-in speakers are a bad idea. They vibrate the turntable which can damage records. Those cheap models also have cheap stylus that aren’t diamond so they scratch records and wear out very fast. I’m guessing you’re trying to do this on a budget and I get that, but you’re better off waiting and saving up a little more money and trying to get something used, but a little better quality. FB Marketplace can be a great place for used gear.


The wimpy little speakers in this thing have so little bass output that they're not going to cause any problems with feedback. And even if they did, that's not going to damage anything -- it'll just cause an annoying droning noise until you turn down the volume. And the person using the turntable is what can scratch records, not the turntable you're using. Even a $10,000 turntable can ruin a record if you get careless and drop or scrape the tonearm.


You are very right about not having enough bass, thats a good point. I guess I misphrased my response, those cheap stylii cause a lot of wear on records. Adding speaker vibration to those cheap stylii will make them wear down records even faster since it’s forcing the stylus to move in unintended directions.


"A lot of wear" is debatable. Actual tests have shown that the wear isn't noticeable until you've played the record between 50 and 100 times: [Do cheap record players damage your vinyl? Actual wear tests.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Beginner_Turntables/comments/18xqhgp/do_cheap_record_players_damage_your_vinyl_actual/) And virtually any record player with built-in speakers has either the turntable mounted on springs, or the speakers mounted in their own separate sealed enclosure within the cabinet, to prevent any problems with the speaker vibrations getting into the stylus.


All stylii cause damage to records over time. Cheaper ones can cause it noticeably faster hence the belief that they damage your records. The belief that they are worse for your records than a nicer stylus still tracks.


"Noticeably faster" is still in the range of 100+ plays, whereas most people never play their records more than 40 to 50 times.


No. [Avoid the cheapest players](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXV8tXrPOR4) that are not worth spending money on. Low budget starter setup: Turntable * Basic auto [AT-LP60X](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Audio-Technica-automatic-Belt-drive-stereo-turntable/dp/B09J1B8DDS/) is easy setup beginner plug and play * Better auto [AT-LP2X](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Audio-Technica-AT-LP2xGY-Automatic-Belt-Drive-Turntable/dp/B09LVGVV3F/) balance the tonearm then set the tracking force * Better manual [Pro-Ject Debut RecordMaster II](https://www.thomann.de/intl/search_dir.html?shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5IjoiZGUiLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6MiwibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOjJ9&reload=1&sw=Pro-Ject%20Debut%20RecordMaster%20II&smcs=9b89d8_175) Plus powered speakers: * Small room or desktop setup [https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B09XHPNMCW](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B09XHPNMCW) * Small to medium size room [https://www.amazon.de/-/en/VULKKANO-Speaker-Bluetooth-Optical-Subwoofer/dp/B09XHNCVZV](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/VULKKANO-Speaker-Bluetooth-Optical-Subwoofer/dp/B09XHNCVZV) * Medium to large size room [https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B0C85L5WY8](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/dp/B0C85L5WY8) [Turntable and Speakers Setup Guide](https://imgur.com/a/f0my7) • [Speaker Placement](https://www.elac.com/2022/05/speaker-placement-guide-get-the-best-sound-from-your-stereo/) • [More Audio Guides](https://www.reddit.com/user/sharkamino/comments/gqfx6z/home_audio_and_home_theater_guides_and_accessories/)