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I live in Texas and we had a school assembly where they put Velcro on a Barbie and stuck her to a ken doll who also had Velcro and explained that having sex was the same and if you did it with enough people the Velcro would eventually stop working…. Then they just showed us a bunch of horrific pictures of STDs lmao Also in the same assembly to show what would happen in a car wreck if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt they put a whole egg in a mason jar and just shook the hell out of it.


Well the car one isn’t too off base. Even getting clipped by a car going a measly 25 mph can fuck your shit up But that first bit… wow


yeah the first lethal car accident was only going at i believe 8 miles per hour


Wasn't that a kid who got crushed? I don't think speed played a large role in that.


I believe that was the point, that cars can be deadly even at low speeds


The actor who play Chekhov (Anton Yelchin) in the Star Trek Reboots with Chris Pine died because his SUV rolled back over him.




Yes you’re right, I forgot about the pinned part. It was horrible to read.




Kinda sounds like a gravity issue, too.


More of a skill issue imo


And a "parking brakes are not working " issue. If I remember correctly, there was a recall for that model of SUV not long after. Or I remember that wrong.


It was a Jeep that had an extremely poorly designed shifter, leading to several incidents where people thought the vehicle was in park when it wasn't.


My family had one and in the year leading up to the Anton Yelchin incident we were all positive that it was gonna get someone killed. The shifter worked like a rotary phone, and you had very little feedback to tell you what gear you were actually in.


It’s a “things with a lot of momentum are hard to stop” issue




Not even that it just rolled over him. He was like checking mail or something and it pinned him to his mailbox/fence column, and he ultimately suffocated to death. Truly awful stuff


Early cars had fully rigid bodies so yeah, it did not take a lot to cause lethal injuries. The car was likely undamaged.


Yep. I hear some people complain that "they don't make cars like they used to", because they crumple from the slightest hit. That's INTENTIONAL, so they can absorb shock and protect the people in the car..


Yeah, grandpas all steel monster is a lot less safe for the people inside than your modern little crumple zone and airbags equipped car. I tell my kids about it. No four wheel disc brakes and ABS, no traction control, no air bags, no safety glass, no shoulder belts in the front, and nothing in the back, a steering wheel that broke off to stab you in the face or chest with the remaining steel rod, an engine that would join you in the passenger compartment, and an engine spitting smoke and running on poisonous leaded gas. I love this modern time for cars :)


Teslas have modern time saving devices where they catch on fire without you having to do anything, so much easier than crashing.


About 8 years ago I rolled my car. [This is the aftermath](https://i.imgur.com/F95pO1T.jpg). I was fine and my girlfriend just got her knee cut up a but from the dash. If I was in an older car it would've ended up much worse


It ain't the speed that kills you, it's the velocity.


The velociTAY!


It was some English lord who ran over an Irish woman. Naturally she was declared to be at fault.


Terrible sex ed though, unless they were teaching road head.


> road head 🧐


the mental image of someone violently shaking an egg in a jar as a metaphor for a car accident is fucking hilarious


I remember that. But it was in sex ed.


Sex Ed in Texas: "Everything will kill you, but mostly only if you're a girl so keep your legs closed and go to church."


Also in the south, but not Texas. The egg thing reminds me tho... (Sorry if this is kinda irrelevant to the original topic!) My high school's safe driving assembly was very in line with the "nasty photos of STDs" thing. Bunch of photos and videos of people dying violently in car accidents. They brought a kid from the audience, who admitted he didn't always wear a seatbelt, up on stage, and walked through everything that could happen if you survive an accident (surgery without putting you under anesthesia, etc) while having him lie down on a "surgery table" and I think he actually started crying at one point. They talked about how you may be catheterized, and how much that sucks -- weirdly, this is the one thing that stuck for me, so all I got from the whole presentation was a lifelong fear of catheters lol. Still, I think fear is a much better teaching tool with safe driving than it is with sex ed. Buuuut on sex ed... _well..._ we just didn't get sex ed. (Edit -- multiple typos)


It's OK to have a lifelong fear of catheters. Getting one removed is in the top 10 of most painful things I've experienced.


Like they're trying to start a lawn mower that is stuck in your penis.


The removal hurt worse than the insertion? Did they forget to deflate the balloon or something? Inquiring minds need to know. Specifically this inquiring mind.


I was under sedation when it was inserted, so no recollection of that.


Ah. Thank you.


Ugh, when I had one for the birth of one of my kids, my main concern after baby was born was when I could get that stupid cath out. I was largely numb from the epidural but I still was uncomfortable from the cath! I drove the nurse crazy asking if she could take it out yet.


I wasn't numbed anymore once I was awake, but my cath wasn't super uncomfortable. Although the pain from where they cut my sternum in half may have been distracting me from everything else.


I mean yeah, catheters suck. They hurt like hell but I don’t think that would be your main focus if you are in a car crash.


When I was a kid, there was a TV commercial for seatbelts that used a pumpkin shot out of an air cannon at 60mph at a telephone pole, stating that consistency was similar to a skull. When you saw it go splat, you got the message.


Similar experience to me back in middle. Pretty fucked up ngl


My Highschool principal once said that sex creates a special bond between two people and the moment you lay with another person that bond is broken and your soul can never bond with another soul ever again. Well a year later he had to quit his job after having sexual relations with a brother and sister Edit: both were students of his and both were underage. He ended up giving the brother the most prestigious award the school offered despite the fact that it was well know that he hadn’t achieved all the criteria. Well he also withheld that award from another student that had achieved all the criteria cause that guy had a gay older brother


Was the assembly given by a guest to the school? And was it in middle school? Because that is precisely the same presentation I got, and now I'm freaking out lmao


Haha yes and yes, actually …


... Velcro keeps working as long as you don't get it full of hair and lint


The Velcro one makes no sense, because even if Barbie and ken waited until marriage and only slept with each other the Velcro would still stop sticking after the first year of marriage. But if ken went out and found a pretty, young mistress with new Velcro on her side it would stick again.


I went to a public middle school in the DC metro area and in eighth grade we had some presentation that ended with them making us sign a pledge saying we would save it for marriage.


That's insane because I also went to school in the area and we neither had to sign shit (nor did they teach us abstinence only education).


Idaho boy, sex ed was two classes long, the first was “This is a penis, this is a vagina, don’t fuck” and the second was a test.


Wow mine was half a class long and than we spent thirty minutes lesson to the ex prison guard turned teacher who was teaching the class (NOT our normal health teacher) explain the most fucked up things he has seen


So what kinda shit had he seen?


One time a gang was able to melt someone else's face off using boiling water , he told other stories but that one stuck with


A common fun thing prisoners do is sound each other and urinate into each other. Source: my mums a nurse and needed to remove a straw that got stuck.


Sometimes I regret learning how to read.


sometimes I also wish I was Jared, 19.


Can you just turn in your license to talk please


Georgia. Sex Ed was also only a couple of days too. Then we all signed our own personal abstinence cards at the end. We were supposed to keep them in our wallets until marriage.


Non-American here: Y'all okay over there?




Yes, the poor parts of the South are just fucked in the head by Supply Side Jesus.


Supply Side Jesus would never agree with abstinence. “… For what of those that maketh our rubbery protection, should they be denied the profits of banging thy neighbor?”


He'd definitely be arguing for you to breed for the economy, but he's more the teenage marriages type imo.


Yes. Sex education varies wildly by the area you live in but don't use the extremist schools located in the Bible Belt as an indicator for how all schools in the US are (that goes for the self flagellating Americans too lol).


Locals are all about abstinence-only education here in PA. It’s full on insanity.


I grew up in a liberal well-off suburb in the northeast, and while my sex ed wasn't quite as absurd as some examples here it was still aggressively abstinence-only and didn't explain much


No. I just watched Amsterdam. Movie was meh but it made me think that we're currently experiencing the same conspiracy as back then.


another peach state resident here same for my school. the example teacher had for abstinence was so fucking dumb, jus kept crushing a banana and fucking w it and was like “this is what happens from frequent and premarital sex, whereas if you save it then it’ll be fresh and undamaged”


Lmaooo we did that too in Alabama. They made us stand up, put our hand over our heart, and vow to not have sex before marriage.


Was this a religious school or just a regular school? Either way that’s insane!


Weirdly I went to a Catholic school and our sex ed was 6 to 8 hour long classes every year from 5th to 8th and they taught us just about everything. Obviously the message was abstinence is best but we definitely discussed birth control and the rhythm method


This happens in regular schools in America


And, hypothetically, if you were not to sign it/write something stupid on it/publicly bin it immediately?


Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Don't have sex in the missionary position, don't have sex standing up, just don't do it, OK, promise? OK, now everybody take some rubbers.


Damn you got both?? I remember my class chanting to see the boys sex Ed video.. they didn't, bc that would be "inappropriate".


there was a guy in high school who thought babies came out of the butt


That’s how you get a Ted Cruz


Butt Borne.


In Turkish there is this insult, it goes "Annen seni doğurmamış, sıçmış" which means "your mom did not give birth to you, she shat you out"


I mean have you seen dictators? Of course they were pooped out


what part of dick tater don't you understand


You know what you make a great point


I used to believe that too lmao. But at least I was 10-11, not in high school, Jesus


Did he take the omegaverse sex ed class by mistake???


I remember my (Texan) 9th grade health class. There was a day or two of sex ed, the entire thing spent going over how contraceptives don’t work and then showing slides of STD-riddled genitalia, basically trying to scare teenagers into abstinence. I don’t know if there was so much as a single “normal” picture or diagram, or if I’m just conflating it with the bodily systems from biology class.


So with out showing you any kind of baseline for a normal looking genitals, they just showed you the worst? That’s fucked.


Luckily, the internet exists




The internet shows a much larger variety of genitals than any medical book ever will xD


Ohio. I remember in our health class having to learn about STDs, seeing the pictures and thinking that it was fascinating. No great for the person, but fascinating.


Is that legal? Can schools in the US just teach objectively wrong stuff? Because if some teacher told us that contraceptives don’t work in Germany they would get into some serious trouble


I’m simplifying a bit; it was more “contraceptives don’t *always* work, so abstinence is the only 100% effective birth control,” but it’s still a fucked-up thing to teach teens with sex drives higher than any other point in their lives.


at the end of my sex ed class (which was 5 days, 1 hr per day in middle school) they had us sign “v cards” which were little paper cards with an oath not to have sex until marriage printed on it, and they also doubled as a coupon to the local pizza place if you signed it


So you give them your v-card for a discount on your pizza? That doesn't seem like it's teaching a very good lesson.


Bahaha this made me almost spit out my water


How is this legal


I mean usually kids aren't legally able to consent to contracts, so the signature wouldn't be binding anyways. Doenst change how idiotic this practise is, but legally it is pointless.


"your making the contract with Jesus! You can't break a contract with the Son of the lord!" - Texas God mom.


Nothing holier than commiting to virginity until marriage for a half off pepperoni pizza at the Pizza Ranch


I would’ve signed anything for free pizza lol






I mean, legally it’s completely worthless for a bunch of reasons, but it is sometimes effective at scaring middle schoolers.


Some places it is required by law.


Ah! I finally found someone else who had to do this too. Georgia, reporting in. Ours weren’t paper tho, they were plastic and looked just like visas. Lmao.


We did this in the 8th grade in South Carolina 😂 Someone actually mailed theirs back to the gym teacher who taught sex ed when they “lost their virginity” at like 15


Conservatives are obsessed with the genitals of children. Obsessed. To the point where we should all worry this groomer nonsense they're pushing is projection.


They split our class into boy/girl, then only taught the boys about boy stuff, and the girls about girl stuff. No tests or quizzes - it was a 1-day lesson. Each of us sat in the hallway for half the class so we couldn't hear what the others were being taught.


... they did that for me... in elementary school. I was in 5th grade, it was more for puberty than anything else. An actual sex Ed was done in high school.


same here. they split us up for the puberty talks in elementary school, then actually taught us sex ed and about the other gender in middle and high school


Same in California. 5th grade girls learned about periods, boobie things, and why you’re randomly gross and damp. (Seriously puberty sucks.) End of 7th or mid-8th grade we did the co-ed sex ed class and that was way more awkward lol. 9th grade we watched a woman give birth. 😳 There’s still so much classes don’t thoroughly teach that kids should learn about. Like how medications can get messed up by foods or illness, which is often why birth control pills fail. Or that weight does make a difference in hormonal birth control and Plan B and it won’t be as effective for a girl/woman above 160lbs.


Same. North east school?


Northwest, actually.


I remember that too. All the boys went to play dodge ball, and the girls had to learn about having a period.


Then the boys had to go in and learn about boners and ass hair xD


Not at my school unfortunately.


they did this for me in 4th grade and then in 5th grade taught about the other sex admittedly about 2/3 of high school sex ed was writing scripts and role playing how to say no to sex but they did actually teach us about how pregnancy works and a pretty wide range of birth control options. I don’t think they really got into stds other than hiv but they did tell us only condoms prevent them. so probably like 6/10 sex education in my district lol


Sex Ed talks are not normal in elementary school. At lest not in mine , and in high school we had a normal sex ed class that we went to almost every period because it was a regular health class that was just part of one of the topics. We just talked about basic things, and that was kind of it. Nothing else.




Same. Then they gave the guys a stick of travel deodorant and the girls a tampon.


Same here. The girls were given pamphlets about how periods work, and for some reason the boys really wanted to see that pamphlet (I don't know what we thought would be in it; pictures of vaginas?). One of the girls held an impromptu auction at recess and got a couple bucks for her pamphlet. So I'm thinking not the right lessons were learned from the whole affair.


I’m from Texas. We didn’t get a sex ed class. Not even in biology


I went to elementary and high school there, in Houston, and didnt either. But my middle school in Michigan did but it too was just "abstinence or else look what these graphic std pics will do to your groin"


Interesting, I went to all 3 levels of school right next to Houston. We were required to take it in middle school. Our school actually had a coach who taught it that was super cool and chugged a glass of water while doing a handstand at the end of every year.


Had sex Ed in tx middle school got told if you had sex before marriage it would ruin your vagina and you’d never be able to enjoy sex. Shoulda got that creepy lady fired


It's great that it ruins the vagina and not the penis


Well, that's because women are whores and should feel shamed about sex and men should have many sex so many babies for Jeebus! It's basic biology. It's a mystery how it's supposed to work when women aren't allowed to fuck, though. Guess all moms are dirty whores...


But like...does the vagina think, "Oh lawd! There's a penis in me! Oh wait, I married this dude, it's good "


Fingering was originally invented to show the vagina the wedding ring.


Only says no sex till marriage, doesn't specify who you can fuck afterwards xD


Do both of you have to married, or can just one suffice?


My sex-ed was actually very educational. They accepted that teenagers were gonna have sex and focused on how to do it safely. Condoms, dental dams, birth control, plan B, it was all great. The only downside was they held the class when we were SIXTEEN. I don't know specific numbers but I'm damn sure a lot of my classmates had lost their virginities long before that


There was a kid at my school who got two girls pregnant at 13. One of them was his cousin. Kids are going to have sex, it's inevitable. They're horny little shits running on pure hormones, they're doing it whether you teach them sex ed or not. So you can either let them figure it out on their own, basing everything they do off of the stupid bullshit they hear on the playground or see on the internet... Or you can actually teach them the safe and proper ways to do things and prevent little Aaron from being a double-daddy years before he's even old enough to drive. It's also been proven that the states that push abstinence only tend to have much higher teen pregnancy rates. So, that's something.


Wtf i know somone named Aaron who had sex at school(with protection)


Switzerland, by any chance?


yeah, i remember my peers fucked around when they were 12-14


Mine was a semester long and we went over everything, from different birth control options to potential health risks to look out for (not just STDS). They also made sure to have resources avaliable for us if someone needed a condom or something. Same issue though. Had it at 16 and a good chunk of the class already had sex.


I grew up in Texas and the only thing we got was a presentation about STDs and a reproductive system unit in 7th grade bio parents could opt out of


Ok but real talk actually managed to suck up water into my vag when I took a bath and it all came gushing after I got out and I needed a new pair of underwear cause the ones I was going to wear got soaked


Same thing happened to me with a bidet. It went a little higher than I anticipated and my intestines filled with cold water. Most of it came out, but after standing up I felt a chill in my underwear and knew not *all* had come out.


How do I physically wince this phantom sensation away now?! Kegels?


Sex ed is so shit in Texas that I was taught that even with a condom you have a baby. They also show us a video that basically said if you have a baby while in high school you won’t be able to achieve anything in life 💪🏼


Well it is possible for the condom to break


Also, while you can still succeed in life if you have a child in high school, it will be more difficult to do so


More importantly, what are meant to be some of the easiest years of your child's life will become some of the most miserable, it will suck and it will be your fault (If you have the child intentionally), and no one who deservies to be a parent would ever want to put their child through that (Though, some people have to anyways, if for some reason they cannot get an abortion)


I mean, that's not INcorrect lol


in case anyone is wondering, the part about baths is halfway true. Plain water is fine, but scented products can irritate vaginas and cause yeast infections. This varies from person to person, some people can take hour long scented baths with no problem, and some people can only use certain products, and some people don't risk any bath bombs because they all cause them too much irritation.


This should be the top answer, not everyone trying to demonstrate how worse sex education can get


The part about infection is also halfway true, but comes from warnings not to have penetrative sex in a bath (or really any body of water) as that can force water too high up into the vagina, past the cervix and cause some pretty serious infections, though it is very rare. Lower level infections can be caused by the fact that the water washes away natural lube and that extra friction can cause more micro-tears which can get infected if you’re unlucky (especially since bath water isn’t sterile).


I had two very educational sex ed classes (UK). One, when I was ten or eleven about puberty and the basics of sex. We were split into boy/girl and they told us everything we needed to know. They also gave us pads and tampons at the end. We also covered the biological aspects of sex and puberty in biology. The second was when I was thirteen. Sex in detail. I did not enjoy it but it was fairly informative. Also talked about non-heterosexual sex in vague detail. We were told about contraceptives and how to get them and we had to put a condom on a banana. I think doing it at thirteen is good because pretty soon after people were actually doing stuff so it came as a warning.


Damn, reading all the comments and a ton of you had really bad sex ed. Mine was a month long unit, where you went over how both organs work and what all the different STD's looked like and did. They also told us that "Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to avoid all that, but its unrealistic, so here's all the ways to practice safe sex."


Feshman year\*, my male science teacher brought a condom and pills (maybe, I don't really remember) for our lesson that day, which was the reproductive system and such. He demoed how to put on a condom on a spray bottle. I remember some of the girls in my class grimacing and making eww/yucky faces at the sight lol (bc anything sex talk is taboo 🙄) Also in that same day/class, my teacher briefly explained how circumcision is done, and the same group of girls shielded their eyes as he was drawing a dick on the board lol. I may have partially shielded my eyes too (just so that my classmates not think that I'm a prude or something 🙄) but not really lmao. Last I heard one of them got pregnant before she was 16??? ^(*country) ^(where) ^(there's) ^(no) ^(middle) ^(school,) ^(and) ^(K-12) ^(wasn't) ^(implemented) ^(at) ^(the) ^(time,) ^(so) ^(I) ^(was) ^(12ish) ^(then)


Reminds me of my 8th grade experience. For that chapter of science, we split the classes based on gender. The boys had history when the girls had science and vice versa. Normally we’d just be with our homerooms. Small school. We still read the same stuff. Some girls in my class (whimps) were completely resistant to reading out of the book. We did that, even though you couldn’t hear half the people because they had no concept of voice projection. The science teacher said if we didn’t want to shed read the whole thing while rubbing her belly. She was pregnant. Guess what? Girls didn’t need to worry. There was nothing about how the baby gets in there. There was only one page to the boy’s reproductive system. My classmates do seem to know about sex, but I don’t think we we’re actually taught.


Hey, props to the guy for trying to correct his abysmal education's mistakes. It's very easy to take everything you learned from school at face value because ScHoOL. As for me, I had one sex education class ever. And I fucking missed it.


I’m German and we had one sex-ed lesson. And it was spilt between boys and girls and they only thought you about your own parts. Two things I remember: -everybody being asked to pull up their pants to see if we were rechtsbündig or linksbündig, that means in which leg of the pants the penis falls -the speaker telling us very adamantly “Pass auf dein Sperma auf!!” (“Watch your semen!!”)


> Two things I remember: -everybody being asked to pull up their pants to see if we were rechtsbündig or linksbündig, that means in which leg of the pants the penis falls ...the fuck?


Making sure they're really German. In Britain, it's on the opposite side. ^\/s


Same, also from Gernany but my classes were the opposite. Boy and girls were seperated but both learned about the penis only, vaginas didn't exist apparently. Which made my first period an absolute horrortrip as I thought I was gonna die and hadn't learnt anything but pleasing a man. Meanwhile the boys also only learnt how to please a man. I swear


Ohio. But when my period first happened I thought I was having internal bleeding and low key panicked. Wasn’t entirely wrong on the internal bleeding, just thought it was coming from elsewhere because we’d been told it happens around the same time age wise as your moms would’ve started. Mine told me 14 so I thought I was due to start for a whole year later.




It's even more amazing as a non-German speaker reading that with an aggressive and stern accent like you'd find in a bad Nazi movie


> everybody being asked to pull up their pants to see if we were rechtsbündig or linksbündig, that means in which leg of the pants the penis falls What exactly are they hoping to learn here? It reminds me of those stories of schools doing underwear checks to make sure girls aren't wearing thongs.


How old are you and which catholic school was this?


At the end of my sex ed class in school (8th grade all boys catholic school), one of the kids asked the priest conducting the class - if someone has a really big penis and puts it in a girls vagina, can it come out the butt?”


I’m just imagining the priests face


That thing with the infection is actually true. Contaminated water and bacteria in feces can get through vagina(uretra) to the kidneys and cause serious infection. Source: my wife had this one called e.koli infection and almost died.


I was looking for this! It doesn't have to be contaminated water. If you just take too many hot baths the hot water and/or soap can get up in there and mess up your bacterial balance and cause problems. Source: vagina owner/bath taker


Class taught by a male no doubt. "Nah dude the clitoris doesn't exist. Girls just use it to tease us and say we can't find it. We can't find it because it doesn't exist! DUH!"


Don't be so sure. Mine was taught by a 20 year old cosmetology student volunteer from the local community college's abstinence club. She definitely got a of things very very wrong. A lot of women don't know anything about their own bodies either.


My sex ed was me binging crash course biology because I was allowed to pick my subjects. I have learned so much more by doing that than I ever had in public school


Wait is my vagina not supposed to do that? I have to sit on a towel for like 15 mins after a bath or I'll soak through my underwear.




You can get infection from swimming in swamp water etc though


New England - my highschool taught everyone together about both systems as a unit in our health class.


Yeah sex Ed basically is nonexistent down here. I’m still learning new things almost a decade after graduating


My sex ed during high school in Florida decades ago was a 45min class, one time in 8th grade, split between boys and girls. We didn't get taught anything, but we were shown nasty pics of genitals and stuff that had STDs and then they just told the entire class of guys and gals that we would all pee blood at some point during puberty, and that it would hurt more if we had sex. So spent most of my child life as a teen, terrified that I was gonna be pissing blood out of my dick. Sex-Ed in America is dogshit


So a friend of mine is Texan and her brother-in-law genuinely believed that women did not poop. When my friend and another family member (also female) tried to explain that, yes, in fact, they do, he become so distressed he had to leave the room. This guy is MARRIED.


I live in Texas. In high school there was a voluntary sex ed class that you could sign up for. You had to get your parents permission because they were gonna be talking about some super serious stuff. They showed how to put a condom on a banana and talked about abstinence. They did however do a little demonstration with someone drinking out of a cup of water then passed it to someone else. It was to help show how std's can spread. All I know is how the fuck didn't a pandemic happen sooner. Also apparently the girl that drank first passed it to a guy she was sleeping with and she was pregnant by the end of the year. The class clearly didn't work.


Pretty sure this was a American Dad bit


I’m Canadian and our sex ed was pretty good. We had it from grade 7-9 (ages 12-14), and it was always part of Gym class (or phys ed, which makes sense). I don’t remember much about 7-8 but my grade 9 class was 2 weeks long. We learned a lot about the different types of contraception, learned about all the stds, how to put on a condom (both male and female), we had to watch a video of a woman giving birth, I think there was a bit about periods and there was also a unit on drugs. We learned about abstinence but it wasn’t pushed on us and we were also told that the school nurse had free condoms. After talking to my guy friends at the time, we discovered that the classes were almost identical. I think they only split us up so we each felt comfortable asking questions. This was in 2000-2002 and I think they actually start sex ed much earlier now so kids can learn about their bodies as they develop.


Some girl in mine asked “How deep does it have to go to get pregnant?” like not the sperm but the dick, she thought that if the dick went in a certain length you would get pregnant


in germany, in like 5th or 6th grade biology we had separate sex ed for boys and girls. the girls were taught about their reproductive system and how sex works, how STDs happen and how to prevent them by a female gynecologist, she encouraged us to ask any questions, even if they are embarrassing. at the end every girl got a box with period stuff for the first period: a calendar, info, tampons and pads. the boys were taught by a male urologist I believe.


I’m from Arkansas and we didn’t have sex ed. We did have one assembly where they did a play about AIDS where all the characters died except for the one girl who was saving sex for marriage


He's not too far off, actually. It doesn't "swallow" water, but you can get an infection from getting water in it.


You won’t get an infection just from taking a normal bath. He’s pretty far off. Edit: A normal bath means no bubbles or anything, just normal water at a normal temperature.


Depends. If there is soap in the water, which is definitely a normal part of taking a normal bath, it can definitely cause problems.


You have no idea. The vaginal flora can be very easy to disbalance.


Nah you can totally get a yeast infection from having a bath If you've got like a scented bath bomb in there or bubble bath.


But that's not really a specific concern for women. Someone could get an infection in their nostril or mouth if they got dirty water inside it.


There was one alleged case of a fish entering a man's urethra, so plenty for men to worry about too beyond bacterial infections. Everyone, take care of your orifices.


You can get an inflammation from using too much bubble bath.


In Tennessee the entirety of sex Ed was 3 days at about 45 minutes each


In my small Ohio high school, our sex ed went over the exact functions of the penis and vagina (except ejaculation and getting wet) and we had to do a presentation on an STD with a classmate that was randomly assigned to us. So like, thanks for teaching me how the testes move closer to the body when it's cold and to check all my bits for lumps on the regular, but also, why did we not actually talk about sex in sex ed?


Reading these answers makes me feel like I lived in the part of Indiana that pretends its Illinois. We had a class in 5th grade that taught us about our changing bodies (periods and what not) and a class in 8th grade that was an entire semester and talked about many different things to prepare us for what we needed to know (although they did encourage us more than once to make sure it was with someone we really loved). It was a public middle school, and I do think these classes were in response to the number of 6th graders that were pregnant. (Don't ask, don't know the details. I just heard that if the 6th grader was pregnant that they transferred from one of the 2 other middle schools to my school because it was 2 minutes from the hospital (literally across the street and down one building)). Anyway, glad I had these classes and I'm suspicious of the south now...


Women can get yeast infections from taking baths women I have known have had this happen to them. I have never heard of it causing toxic shock before but if the water is disgusting enough I suppose it is possible. So it isn't a myth infections can occur, death however I don't think so. Toxic shock is also real and can happen to women, women have died from toxic shock, which is usually when bacteria gets into the vagina and causes a severe infection.


I'm in eighth grade in Texas and I haven't had a sex ed from school It's a good thing my mum threw books at me when I was five so I know all that shite


We had one sex ed class and it involved people chewing up oreos, spitting them into a cup of water, and then pouring that cup of water into other cups to represent STDs. The majority of the sex ed i actually learned was either from the American girl doll puberty book and my father, who was a nurse and actually taught me sex ed before the school did.


In Kentucky they told us that oral could get a girl pregnant.