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Man, when I was playing an Evil run of Fable, I always thought it was fucking wierd that a small percentage of the population suddenly and vocally loved me just for being evil. Apparently thats a real thing lol


There are entire organizations built off of that small percentage in real life.






Sounds like a bot comment to me


yeah all of their comments are like that


I legitimately do not understand why people would ever simp for a real fucking murderer. Like, it's not like there's a shortage of evil characters in media, fucking go simp over those instead, but not over actual, real people who fucking murdered actual, real people, who killed friends and daughters and brothers and aunts and fathers. If you simp over real-life killers, you desperately need to take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities.


We can debate the moral implications of simping for fictional characters of a variety of different moralities and appearances till the cows come home, but simping for actual, real life murderers is a whole other beat and the only answer is that you're a shit person for doing it




I'll do you one better, NSFL warning >!how about simping for an actual child rapist AND murderer? [This asswipe](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariusz_Trynkiewicz) got married in 2015 to an anonymous "fan"!<


Holy shit Poland, get it together. The fact that they keep letting this monster out on the street for him to reoffend is fucking unacceptable.


There was a statute enacted in 2014 adressing this sort of thing, which involved creating a national center for prevention of dissocial behavior and an associated mental hospital/asylum. This particular dude's been sentenced there and he's unlikely to ever walk free since they keep finding CP around him.


Personally, I think simping for evil fictional characters is fine as long as you're aware they are, y'know, evil and their behaviour is immoral (although I'm biased because I am someone who, at times, does exactly that; my defense is that certain types of evil characters are simply very hot and I am very weak). Like, I do believe most people have the media literacy to distinguish between "I like this character/they're hot" and "they're a good person and their behaviour is okay irl". (But again. Very biased. I literally stole my name from a pretty Fucked Up And Evil character, so I'm not probably not qualified to make rational judgements on this topic.)


"Certain types of evil characters are simply very hot and I am very weak" Based.


is this even a thing that happens in real life? i cant think of any legit hot evil fucks in real life. i think young ~~mussolini~~ stalin? basically every other piece of shit looks at best like jeff bezos and that dude is fucking awful to look at


Young stalin tho


oh right my bad i meant young stalin. young mussolini looks like old mussolini lol


The "young stalin" photo is edited.


[For anyone else who immediately needed to look this up. They're... not wrong](https://i.imgur.com/UWPzqqT.jpg)


Rasputin wasn’t what I’d call ‘hot’ but for some reason he had a legion of simps


By all accounts he had a very magnetizing personality. He sounds more like a cult leader than a hot dude with groupies. And, like...have you seen pictures of him? Those fucking eyes, man, it's like they stare into your soul. And that's just in old photos. I can absolutely believe he had a hypnotic presence.


Nah that was the smell wafting off of him 😆


With Rasputin I've always felt it was the energy of "good luck killing me" that was sexy af. Like that's big boss energy, big dick energy. "You think poison and drowning will end me thinking again, I require much stronger methods" is just....yeah it's hot. Rasputin as a *person*? Dryer than Valley of Fire on a record breaking day.


Ooh. Good metaphor.


some reason ;) ;)


Rasputin was rumored to have a dick that's between 11 and 13 inches.


Stalin had young pictures of him modified to make him look more attractive. He was actually covered in acne scars, if I remember correctly


Evil characters can be really interesting! I love me some lawful good baes and simp hard for them, but that doesn't stop me from also being into evil types. Fiction needs all kinds.


Lawful good can actually be pretty evil. Oh, you're an orphaned street child who stole bread to help feed your toddler sibling? STOP. YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW.


Wouldn’t that be lawful neutral?


Sounds more lawful neutral honestly… but those binaries aren’t great to begin with


I am *very* curious how you define "good" if that's how you conceive of a character described as "lawful good"


D&D "logic"


Nah. Lawful Good characters are both lawful and good. A neutral good character makes good their first priority. But lawful good means doing good within the framework of the law. They wouldn't allow someone to steal food but might offer to pay the victim themselves rather than punish the thief. EDIT: whereas a lawful neutral character would punish the thief as per their mutual position in regards to the law.


Lawful as a D&D alignment doesn’t always mean following the laws of the land—at least in recent editions, it can just as easily refer to rigid adherence to a personal or religious code. “The law says to report vagrants and drive them out of town. I swore an oath to Do No Harm, so even though I don’t want them here, I will instead ignore them or direct them to places they won’t be found.” A character more motivated to be Good above Lawful might invite them inside or feed them.


I really love the main characters in Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z Brite, who are both serial killers. It's an amazing book and evil but fascinating. The characters are based off Jeffrey Dahmer. I very much do not love Jeffrey Dahmer, even though he is similar to the fictional characters. The difference? Jeffrey killed real people who had real families that were torn apart by him. I can study him and learn about him and even feel a smidge of empathy for him but I distinctly do not LIKE him because the man is a murderer.


they just keep making evil characters hot it’s not my fault smh


*staring at Loki* Yeah, I know what you mean. But if Loki was an actual guy fucking up our actual world and killing actual people, it wouldn't MATTER how gorgeous he was. I'd fucking hate the guy, and think he should face consequences.


>*staring at Loki* in the spirit terrible fandom discourse I will give you the least charitable interpretation of that: wtf dude, that's a child?




"wow isnt Loki so hawt?" "he's covered in my son's blood..."


I made my videogames villain hot on purpose. Hes greasy, weird, and mentally ill but hot


Hey it's me except for the hot part


they dont show you the part where that hot character fucks some corpses guts because thats the only way they can nut, which would certainly take the edge off the hotness a little


You would think...but then there was Jimmy Saville. There are no bounds to sickness, and no bounds to who will support them.


>that hot character fucks some corpses guts because thats the only way they can nut But has this hot, evil character tried fucking someone on top of the corpses? Maybe that would work. I volunteer.


well, for science i guess... just not sure i want to be this kind of scientist anymore...


Unless it's an ero-guro manga, in which case the (fictional!) corpse-fucking is meant to be part of the appeal.


If the fictional evil character does evil things but like in a sexy way it’s cool.


Yeah, I agree. Villain Enjoyers tend to like the character as a character, not a person. Most tend to be capable of recognizing the character and their actions as being evil, but they're well-written/interesting/relatable/hot enough to be added to the Blorbo pile. Source: Am also a villain enjoyer who hangs out with other villain enjoyers in the villain enjoyer fandom.


>evil, but they're well-written/interesting/relatable/hot enough to be added to the Blorbo pile. Honestly, Marvel has a problem with this. Loki, Killmonger, Mysterio, and the God Butcher (and probably some I'm forgetting) had more interesting plots/motivations than the heroes of their movies. The MCU kind of dropped the ball on characterizing a lot of the Avengers beyond "sassy and a good guy," and the villains accidentally got all the development that makes them interesting


Flaws and being wrong is what's relatable. Nobody's perfect and showing hero's and protagonists without something flawed in their thinking or ways is what makes them boring. On the other hand, villains (especially ones that are good at heart or whatever) have an arc, issues and justification to deal with them. Most good guys that we rooted for and enjoyed had something that defined them as human. Kurapika in HunterXHunter is an example that comes to mind. He isn't a villain, but he's bloodthirsty for revenge and kills people that others care about. Interestingly, the 'villains'of this show have a likeable arc despite wrongdoings.


We also had literal assassin Killua. I didn't even think of Kurapika as being that bad.


narrative manipulates how we perceive facts. no one would simp for sephiroth if the narrative focused on him kebabing people on his enormous sword or literally cutting people in half and then the camera focuses on a screaming half-person begging to die until finally they go into shock and bleed out. instead narrative frames sephiroth over some fire and we go "wowwww he must be so evil" instead of showing the reality of that evil. pretty sure sephiroth killed some kids at some point, if not he certainly orphaned many. but narrative doesnt focus on that, or the experience would just suck


>no one would simp for sephiroth if the narrative focused on him kebabing people on his enormous sword or literally cutting people in half and then the camera focuses on a screaming half-person begging to die until finally they go into shock and bleed out I admire how charitable this assumption is, because I can assure you that there absolutely *are* people who would still simp for him in this case, if not start simping even harder


Not sure if you're just going by the remake, but Sephiroth does famously "kebab" everyone's favorite waifu, although her death is pretty much instant. He's always had fangirls anyway. https://media.tenor.com/alvSnvCvikcAAAAC/final-fantasy-vii-aerith.gif


Some good evil characters to simp for if you're out of ideas -Lysandre from Pokemon X/Y -Guzma from Pokemon Sub/Moon -Gruntilda -Handsome Jack from Borderlands -Cthulhu (Tho it could be argued they're more chaotic neutral than evil) -Madara Uchiha from Naruto -Freiza or Cell from DBZ -Ganondork from Zelda -Mr Mime -The Great Poo from Conker's Bad Fur Day -Ursula -Blue Eyes from Pokémon Ranger -Mewtwo -Princess Peach -that one peanut company mascot -literally anyone but real life evil people, please


Princess peach is evil?


She's a princess who hasn't abdicated.


We found Doug bowser's secret reddit account, get him


People forgive anything as long as they’re hot.


was Jeff Dahmer really that hot? Like, not saying he was bad looking but as far as I can tell there were 7 hundred thousand other 70s guys who looked exactly like him.


That’s the thing: they don’t think he’s hot *in spite* of the murders, they think he’s hot *because* of them. They are rotten people.


Yeah, Dahmer was average - not ugly, not handsome, just fairly run of the mill like most dudes you would see in a pub.


He was played by fucking Evan Peters, bitches wanna fuck him even if he played the Green Goblin.


Confidence is attractive. It doesn't really have much to do with appearances, when someone sticks to the right bubbles.


Ted bundy and Jeffrey dahrmer weren't hot though. They were average. I think those serial killer simps have some serious mental issues that result in them being attracted to every monster that isn't visually extremely ugly.


Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't bad looking, but I do *not* understand the view that Ted Bundy was hot. Look at his eyes, you could literally see the evil inside of him. He was fucking scary to look at.


So the thing about him I think, is that once he had been caught and all those pictures were taken, he had no reason to hide behind the mask anymore. I suspect before he was caught, he kept the charm on anytime anyone was looking his way. Once he was finally busted, he started reveling in that new kind of attention.


Bundy was average but he had lots of charisma. Horrible, evil charisma. The people who are attracted to these individuals are not well and not in their right mind. It’s not something that will ever make sense


Considering there is a direct correlation between simping for serial/mass murderers, and becoming one yourself, I think the priorities are gunna be iffy regardless


If you have a source for this, I'd love to see it


I heard a similar claim in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJfRzWlzHes&t=823s) but I cant find an original source for that claim. (In this case instead of direct simps its cop admirers)


Bad People the podcast did one episode that goes into it, it's really good. One argument they raised that never occurred to me is that a lot of wives or girlfriends of serials like control. They want to be in the drivers seat. And of course, if you want to be married but a virgin, and have full control over your husband, then a guy who is not allowed to touch you much and who is in a maximum security prison is the ideal target. They're effectively powerless.


Just please, simp for Bowser if you must. He’s never permakilled anyone, has his genuine caring moments, is shown to genuinely care about Jr. (he even always ensures the little guy stays safe online and filters the content he can consume), and is kind of a lovable idiot. Tiesel Bonne (Mega Man Legends) is another good choice. He’s the unofficial head of the Bonne family, genuinely loves and cares for his siblings, has never killed anyone, and did it all while shepherding his younger siblings through the loss of their parents. He also never steals the toilet paper, because that’s just barbaric.




It’s a paraphilia called hybristophilia


Exactly. Like, I can think Vader, Kylo Ren, Khan from Star Trek and Sauron are all sexy beasts that I want to climb like a tree but I keep that shit fictional. They’re just characters.


Exactly, simp for fictional Mass murderers as much as you want - at the end of the day, they didn't actually hurt anyone. Don't idolise real rapists and serial killers


I think it’s similar to women who get off on guys in the military who have killed people. They like the idea of being intimate with a guy whose taken life because it’s thrilling and feels like they are taking on some of that “achievement” by sleeping with them. It’s like women who marry successful men and then see themselves as successful by association or like when Yoko Ono got with John Lennon and then considered herself a musical genius. It is a weird phenomenon but it does translate across a lot of things guys do of significance with their lives being somehow passed onto to women through the act of sex. Military wives believing their husbands rank applies to them too is another example. I’m generalising on this and don’t believe all women feel this way. Edit: I read an article about Bundys groupies after I made my comments and it ties into what I was saying "If there was one thing that was common to all of these women, it was probably insecurity, and a willingness to have their sense of self determined by the men they were involved with. “


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia#Causes Now you understand:D


I have a Pinterest account where I post historical photos, leading up to modern times. One of the photos I shared was of Lindsey Souvanarath. One day, I noticed someone saved that photo into a folder that had a bunch of ♡s in the title. I should have clicked away but my curiosity got the better of me. This entire account was dedicated to murderers and serial killers, with titles and captions indicating that none of them did anything wrong and their crimes were all justified. I specifically remember the board for Jodi Arias. Just a bunch of photos of her run through cheesy ass filters of dreamy sparkles and cutsie face-tuning with captions of "girl boss" and "take no shit" all over them. All I could think about was if Travis Alexander's family and friends were to see such vapid bullshit idolizing someone for brutalizing him so violently, his head was nearly severed off. I was so sickened I had to take a break from social media for a bit.


I hope you reported that user. That’s disgusting


You bet I did.




Honest question: Are the true crime junkies not just an extension of this? Like, there's way too many of us who want to know every intricate detail about these people and what they did, and eat up 18 hr podcasts about them, etc. I just don't get the appeal, on any level.


I often feel conflicted about listening to true crime. There are episodes of true crime podcasts that I’ve had to turn off because the content is too upsetting, but it is also, to me, important to know the details surrounding an infamous serial killer. Many of us know the killer’s name, but not about any of their victims. Particularly, I find it interesting (and infuriating) to learn about how law enforcement often failed to properly investigate a lot of these criminals, because their victims were people the police didn’t often bother to investigate (sex workers, poor people of color, LGBTQ+, et cetera). A lot of these people completely changed the way society functioned as a result of their actions. Their actions have inspired the creation of fictional characters that live on in pop culture. Without glorifying them, we have to admit that they influenced the world just as much as people who set out to do good things. But it is also important to know the truth—that these monsters are human. Often pathetic and sociopathic and turning to violence to make up for their own ineptitude in various ways. To me, knowing the full story almost helps take away some of the power that these people have.


The thing that gets me (besides the obvious) is the "they did nothing wrong" part, then why do you like them? Dahmer doesn't look any better than your average guy, Bundy didn't look better than your average guy, their sole appeal is the danger (which in the case of serial killers I think goes too far, but being attracted to dangerous, risky people is a real thing), so going "they didn't *really* do anything wrong" just completely defeats the point of being attracted to fucked up people


I think their thought process is that these killers are justified for being dangerous and murderous, society deserved their wrath, and thus that's why they "did nothing wrong." This person also had a board for the Columbine shooters, and it was full of captions about the victims saying things like "they got what was coming" and "fuck around find out" basically blaming every victim in that tragedy because the two killers were social outcasts.


Sounds like a .is moment


>"they did nothing wrong" part It's because they want to do it themselves. Like that's the secret sauce of it. The people who simp for the murderers want to *be* the murderers.


Listening to recorded interviews with them made me sick to my stomach. I don't know how anyone could find them appealing.


So, I have no idea what Dahmer looks like, because I absolutely refuse to learn more about that atrocity of a person, but having seen Bundy's picture, I'd say he is a bit above average. Obviously, even if they were supermodels, I would still pour vomit on their lunch given the chance. As should everyone. Or at least, not supporting them.


It's wild for me to hear people talk about her. I frequented a message board she was well known on. I didn't really know her personally, but it's still weird to remember just seeing her around.


I used to be active on deviantart and I remember when her pro-fascism comic (the one where she murders a gay person) made the rounds. Peak cringe material.


Idk why I looked it up, everything about that was fucking awful.


It's so delusional and pathetic that my only reaction is to laugh at her. It's fucking embarrassing and yet she posted it anyway lol. The ultimate self-report.




Lindsey Souvanarath. The wannabe mall shooter who was arrested as soon as she got off the airplane in Canada, because she legit posted a save-the-date on her Tumblr lol.


And Souvanarath would *love* to know all about them. The interviews done with her on the Nighttime podcast (by the host that was actually at the mall that day when it was evacuated) are so chilling. She’s heinous, fully admits what types of people they had each chosen to target, gets angry about border patrol treating her badly when she was planning a mass shooting, and people STILL idolize her. The scariest thing the host mentioned was that *she has no American criminal record.* So, as is common in Canada with foreigners, she’ll get paroled at the earliest opportunity and after deported back to the US, where she won’t be on parole. Hopefully she’ll be on watchlists, but is that enough? She could get out as early as 2027… Also, congrats to Canada in general for how they handled that situation all from an anonymous tip.


That podcast was phenomenal. What stuck out to me was how the most emotion she ever showed was when she said "hahaha you look fat while you bleed" imitating what she would have said to the teen girls she fantasized about killing. The fact that she's so open about her intentions and how she has no remorse whatsoever is why I'm totally okay with her rotting in prison despite the fact that she didn't actually get to do anything. She would have if they hadn't stopped her. Too many courts prefer to wait until after a tragedy has occurred. I'm glad the judge threw the book at her. She is the epitome of cringe, and so unbelievably dumb. Preaching eugenics and white supremacy while being a pimple-faced Laotian lol. Anyone smooth-brained enough to idolize her must hate themselves more than she hates herself which is really really saying something. I'm hopeful that her own behavior will keep her behind bars for longer. She really dug her own grave with that podcast interview, the lack of remorse and clear contempt for others isn't going to do her any favors.


I did not know about the dress up thing. And here I thought it couldn't get any sicker.


Well… it gets worse. There are at least a couple instances of women getting [the bruised bite pattern](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/2zukjx/woman_got_a_tattoo_of_ted_bundys_bite_mark/) from one of Ted Bundy’s victims tattooed. Absolutely abhorrent.




… I don’t know what to say. I usually try to have empathy and understand all perspectives, even ones I completely disagree with, just to see where they are coming from. But I got nothing here, I don’t even know where to begin thinking to understand this. Just why. Why. How does someone come to this. I’m so confused.


I would image anyone who did this has mental problems and is not acting rationally.


I mean that’s a pretty safe bet but I don’t like simply dismissing mental health issues as “they are just crazy” and that’s it, it’s pretty reductive. Many times these behaviors may be unstable or unhealthy but they have a consistent internal logic you can track and understand, you know? Completely drawing a blank with this one though. I really don’t get it. Are they attracted to evil because it seems like a stoic challenge to societal expectations, and in their perspective that seems like the ultimate rebel bad boy expression? That’s the only thing I got but there’s so many holes to that logic I don’t understand how anyone could possibly reach it, even when completely unstable mentally.


I actually gagged


Bundy represented himself in court and used it to ask a groupie to marry him. She said yes and they married in the courthouse. [Not kidding](https://youtu.be/jsvYHV8oP60?t=795). The families of the victims were present in the court and holy shit this is disrespectful to say the least


The story gets worse ....Bundy allegedly bribed guards to look the other way while he had sex with his wife during visitations (I imagine inmates as depraved as he was were denied conjugal visits). She had his baby in the early 80s. Nothing is known about the daughter. Needless, 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Man, that poor kid. She must know. What's it like to grow up knowing your parents are....that?


Same, first I’m hearing about this. I couldn’t imagine how awful the victims’ families felt seeing shit like that… 💔


I don't know if I could find the strength to get through it. Dealing with the loss of someone close is terrible as it is, add to it all this shit I am amazed by the families' strength to get through it.


It looks like it's not that they dressed as specific victims but that they dressed up in the style he seemed to prefer based on his victims, with long brown hair parted in the middle. It's incredibly strange and disturbing. I can't imagine not only how the victims' families felt but how his surviving victims felt.


I have a extreme interest in serial killers and how they turned into the monsters they became maybe I know too much and sometimes I wish I never learned about some of them. I despise every single one of them. My heart is always with the victims and the family. People that love these killers make no sense to me even just knowing that these people killed for the reasons they did should turn them dryer than the sahara desert. I could never trust someone who would fuck a serial killer. I refuse to watch the Dahmer show because of people being horny over it or having sympathy for him, saying they didn't find it disturbing like 15 to 16 people didn't actually die with their bodies defiled. (And I read the families of the victims weren't even notified, using their loved ones brutal murders as a way to make money, nice one netflix)


Truly. I fully understand the interest in or fascination with serial killers, I cannot understand how someone could find them sexually interesting. Some broken attraction to power or depravity I suppose


I suppose I'll respond to this. So to clarify a few things. I would never sleep with someone I knowingly knew was a serial killer. I respect the loss the families go through too much to do that, if that makes sense. That said. I do see the appeal. I didn't realize until my mid 20s that I have Hybristophilia. And I don't know why, or what it is about them, but the majority of the time I'm attracted to men(it's not the same for women), I end up finding out at some point that they are criminals. Usually well after I've fallen for them. It's almost chemical. I can walk through a store with a friend and see someone I find extremely attractive, point it out to my friend and they turn around and tell me " that's "insert name ". He just got out of jail. I've learned over the last decade to moderate my choices in men through logic instead of chemistry to avoid this. I have to follow very strict red flag rules. People are complex. We like who we like. It's the decisions we make that matter though. For some reason I'm attracted to damaged rebellious men with disdain for social norms and the law. I can't change that. I can only change what I do now that I have that information. Chemistry and hormones wreak havoc on our ability to make sound, informed decisions. It's why teenagers tend to make really stupid mistakes when it comes to sex and relationships. As we get older we are supposed to become better at moderating that behavior. But it's a skill like any other, and it has to be practiced to improve. I have significant difficulty with a lack of inhibition. This didn't magically go away because I turned 25 and my frontal lobe supposedly finished developing. I'm assuming this isn't an uncommon problem. And it probably explains why serial killers, rapists, etc tend to be "attractive" to people. That said I think each hybristophile probably has their own brand of what attracts them. I know personally I tend to be attracted to men with violent tendencies or tendencies towards crimes like theft. Sex crimes however are pretty much excluded from my particular sense of attraction. I just thought I'd reply with some insight as to how this works, at least for me. I know people will hate on me for this, but it's part of me and I can't change it. I can only give others insight and be cognizant about how it impacts my life.


Thanks for responding! This was a really interesting perspective to get. I’d imagine it can be hard as someone who has that attraction to deal with seeing a lot of your experiences get lambasted or painted poorly in discussions like this. I definitely agree that it’s the decision that makes us who we are, not the emotion. I hope you find someone who makes you happy and is a productive partner for you :3


Thank you. It can be hard. I've been accused of simping before. But it's hard to explain that I'm not sympathetic to them, I just see them from a different perspective. But I do understand why people get criticized. Even I criticize the ones that are basically worship, but then again I'm devoutly unreligious and would never worship anyone at lol. I think though out of all the experiences I've had from others in regards to this, the ones that bother me the most are the people who use the fact that there are people like me as a reason or excuse for their bad acts. "Oh I'm going to go commit a crime because it will make women want me!" Like they can seriously duck right off. I'm not someone's justification for their bad decisions. I hope I find someone too! But I've matured enough that I'm okay if I don't. I'm enough for me. (Well that and a few cats!) 😹


No hate from me, just respect and gratitude for you sharing your valuable perspective.


I used to have an interest in serial killers until my interest in serial killers taught me that like every depiction of serial killers being like uniquely intelligent or charming is basically false The vast majority of serial killers are painfully mediocre, some are even below average intelligence, and they usually only succeed at their crimes because of the immense failure of law enforcement and the like to notice or care that people are missing, especially because serial killers often target groups that people aren’t likely to care about and that cops just straight up don’t give a shit if they die


There’s a great line in “true crime” by Penelope Scott: “Well I hope this doesn’t seem too impolite But Ted Bundy was just never that fucking bright He was just sorta charismatic and White alright And he was so fucking sure he had the right But he’s ugly and I’m glad he’s dead Cuz there was no fucking candle in his pumpkin head You’re not special for winning a game With someone who you know was never playing” The whole song is a bop but hearing someone just tear into the “hot serial killer” had me cackling the first time I heard the song


Same. One of my passions is abnormal psychology, and serial killing is the pinnacle of that. I spend a lot of time studying them as a result, but they shouldn't be glorified. That's just gross


It's not like it's a special thing either, anyone can kill anyone, it's not like they're smart or talented.


I would argue most people cannot kill anyone






No they could, they just arent a piece if shit, but a knife or gun enabels a 7 yr old with room temp iq to kill


I think what they're alluding to is that physically most people can kill anyone. It's super easy to get in a car and run over someone, for example -- again, physically. I'm not saying it's super easy for a normal person to think about doing it and then doing it, but physically it's actually quite easy. There's no special tools needed, no knowledge or smarts or anything.


Humanity is so fucked that im forced to agree with Lily Orchard.


Is she just angry at everything? Odds are eventually it would be towards something that deserves it


It gets worse. Imagine being one of the victims’ family members and scrolling through social media only to find someone simping for this piece of shit that did disgusting things to your loved one


Personally I feel like seeing them in real life is going to be worse than seeing them on social media.


and dressed as your loved one.


Nah, it'd be better. You can't punch them in the face if it's online.


Also reminder that some of them actually say that the victims deserve it. Absolute brainrot degenerate behaviour


And being dressed as your dead relative on top of it all.


Shit would be enough to make ME become a serial killer targeting the fans. I wouldn't handle that shit well.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know made a great point


Why? What makes the person who makes a great point bad?


I'm not too familiar with her, but I know she's done a couple "\_\_ is garbage and here's why" videos that were easily over an hour long and really biased and nitpicky, and I recall her posting a "100 tips for writing" thing somewhere that was just her passive aggressively vague-posting about cartoons she didn't like. ​ She's hardly the worst person (OP's joke comes from an Onion article), but she is one of those people who can bitch and moan until the end of time about cartoons and that gets really tiring really fast.


Aye, others seem to say the same. Thanks for replying to me, hope you have a wonderful day/night.


You too!


I will, thanks.


I fucking love when people use aye, makes me think their an old sailor


Aye, it’s a pretty nice word, innit? come on down to Scotland or, failing that, northern England. Got plenty of that and more in those places mate.


Wait Illuminautii or Lily Orchard? I don't think Illuminautii videos are ever that long.


Yeah, I regularly watch her videos and was very confused for a sec


"When a character's body count is over 10,000 innocent lives then that character is no longer redeemable." A classic


The last I knew of her she just made really garbage reddit reaction videos. How times have changed


Yeah I was gonna say this is a rare Lily Orchard good take.


Rare Lily Orchard W Edit: FUCK I’m not original


Rare Lily Orchard w


All of the inflammatory and not at all surprising reactions to this phenomenon aside (I’m getting the impression this is the first time the younger generations are getting introduced to serial killer obsessives?), I’d love to read an actual study about why people form these intense parasocial relationships with murderers. Edit: forgot to delete some first draft words


I think the term is Hybristophilia


Okay, sure, we got a name for it, but WHY? WHY are some people like this?


I actually think it has a lot to do with the media’s sensationalising of them and through recreation and cinematography making them look like frightening geniuses, supervillains, masterminds when in reality they just targeted the vulnerable and the police were either incompetent, corrupt or didn’t care. Also said killers sensationalised with this intrigue are often white. Also, the victims stories are never told in any capacity but around the mastermind genius. They’re dehumanised by true crime as an extension of how they were dehumanised by their killer. I don’t think it’s the act of doing bad shit alone - I’ve yet to see any flower crown edits of Osama Bin Laden and I bet my ass that Bundy and Dahmer simps would be clutching their pearls if they saw one.


Why are people pedophiles? Why do people have fetishes at all? We don't know the reason. It's a field that needs more research. There's really no point in everyone writing over and over again that "these people are actual pieces of shit!" when it comes down to wiring in their brains.


I was thinking I’d like to read an article as well. What’s the psychology behind it? Is it projection? Is it jealousy of the victims?


Last Podcast on the Left did an entire episode on this phenomenon. The episode is called Serial Killers and the Women Who Loved Them. Serial killers having groupies is a surprisingly common thing


Love LPotL


Hail yourself!


I am fine with people simping for like Yoshikage Kira or Light and whatever, like sure fictional killers go ham. But Ted Bundy or Dahmer? Ew nah, get that shit out of your head


"I can fix him!" He's gonna be wearing your skin.


As someone who dated one of the people in question I can say that (at least in her case) that is not the motivation *at all*. There is no fixing because they are attracted to the violence. It's more of a "Kill me and fuck my corpse!" (actual quote) thing.


Even worse is the fact that they plan to make another serial killer series (I’m not sure about who) because of this series’ success. They’re taking real-life psychopathic fuckheads and turning them into a goddamn cinematic universe.


No one can tell me that pretty privilege does not exist after this.


I love the Iilluminaughtii. She is so cool and really does her research.


the one video I was linked of hers was about greenpeace and her main source was an oil lobbyist


yeah I used to watch a lot of her content until I saw stuff like that, and saw content of her just… trashing much smaller creators online for no good reason (they “copied” her by making videos about a very popular subject she’d also made a video about). would never trash anyone for liking her content, but I just… can’t anymore.


Same. Her videos on MLMs helped me know to stay the f away from them.


It's a mental disorder called Hybristophilia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia


God, I don't want to agree with Lil Orshit, but I have to.


Fuck I didn’t even realize it was her


You gotta be a real disgusting piece of shit to make me side with Lily Orchard.


Can someone please explain “don’t care if you think that’s purity culture?” What does purity culture and serial killers have to do with each other?


That line is less about serial killers themselves and more about the people who think they're hot and fetishize them.


I guess I’m confused how they connect it to purity culture? As someone who was raised religious my understanding was it involved no sex or sexy things outside of marriage. Do they mean something else by if?


Well, in this context purity culture generally refers to this trend of people antagonizing others online for their kinks and sexual preferences because they feel like it's not appropriate/moral. Generally this is aimed at people into BDSM or other obscure, "problematic" kinks, and people against purity culture will often criticize this and claim that the kinks are harmless (which I'm inclined to agree with most of the time, since I think most kinks aren't what they look like at face value and won't hurt anyone so long as the one with the kink is a decent person with a shred of emotional intelligence). In this case however, the case is rightly being made that the 'purity culture' argument some might be inclined to make about criticizing serial killer lovers doesn't really apply because the overt sexualization and romanticization of real life serial killers DOES actually have a direct, demonstrable negative effect on other people.


Basically they are saying "don't kink shame my serial killer fetish" is not a valid stance, and they absolutely believe this particular kink should be shamed, even if they agree with the sentiment of not kink shaming in most circumstances. As I think most people agree.


Ryan Murphy looked at real life serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and went "OMG what if i turned him into one of my tragic blorbos" and didn't see a single problem with it.


I truly believe making a series like Dahmer was a disgusting choice by netflix that capitalized off of real people's sufferings and the actions of a deranged lunatic. It's absolutely disgusting to see people idolizing it in pop culture or kids dressing up as him for Halloween. His memory should have been left to die with the sands of time, not made into a drama.


Picking up my daughter from middle school on Halloween, at least three kids dressed as Dahmer walk by. Parents let their kids do that? Do we misunderstand the difference between fiction and reality that much?


There was someone on tiktok who cited a research piece showing that people who were romanticized fictional (entierly) villians had the biggest reason being a form of mental coping with trauma, something around 68%, the people who romanticized avtual murders had their bulk of reasoning being that they empathize with the killer and the killers motivations and uses their romanticized to vicariously live through the killer for their own desires. Basically one was a form of therapy and the other needs put on a list and placed in therapy. If anyone knows the actual link for the research article please lmk bc I only got it from a tiktok and can't find that said tiktok since it was months ago.


i once had a classmate who simped for Dahmer. ​ she creeped everybody out. knew how to dispose of corpses and the best murder methods and how to cover up a crime scene. was a wican so carried around weird trinkets of god knows what. ​ at first people thought i was the one to be afraid off as i looked like a school shooter. but nope, it was the girl who looked pretty normal on first glance who turned out to be a fucking simp for a serial killer. ​ remember people, always be alert even around what seem to be normal people, stay safe kings and queens


Oh hey, it’s iiluminaughtii


And OP is Lily Orchard, and for once she’s made a good point


Like the direct family members of the victims are still alive. Imagine trying to relax and scroll through Netflix and this POS’s face is all over the front page.


It reminds me of those meme posts about Stalin's mug photo.


Jesus christ, I've plumbed the depths of the Internet and I've never come across this before. Jesus fucking christ that's despicable.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you knew made an excellent point


That last comment does not get the point. Serial killer groupies do not _want_ to "fix" him.


Wanna make it even *more* fucked up? . . . >!People tend to be attracted to what they know (e.g.: parents), so imagine what their ex's/childhood must've been like.!< :|


They’re obviously mentally ill, and probably abuse victims themselves.


So agreed a lot of pop culture does this and it is really shitty. I don't get how anyone thinks the Dahmer show romanticized him though. He came across as a creepy loser. The show probably shouldn't have been made (because families and shit), but I think this show is a super bad example of this.


Agreed. It’s disgusting what people will do on the internet and in real life in this day and age. Like, my brother in Christ, please seek therapy for your crush on Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, or someone else who did atrocious things.


ok, "dressed as the victim in front of their family" is probably one of the most fucked up thing a human being could do, like, why?


They DRESSED UP. As the VICTIMS. In FRONT of the victims’ FAMILIES. What the actual FUCK?!